Police consider charging Trump with inciting a riot over violence at North Carolina rally
Source: Raw Story, Fayetteville Observer, NBC
The Cumberland County Sheriff’s office is considering filing charges of inciting a riot against GOP frontrunner Donald Trump for the Fayetteville, North Carolina rally according to an NBC reporter and local media sources. The rally was the site where Trump supporter John Franklin McGraw was arrested for sucker-punching a black protester and threatening to kill him.
“We are looking at the totality of these circumstances, including any additional charges against Mr. McGraw, including the potential of whether there was conduct on the part of Mr. Trump or the Trump campaign which rose to the level of inciting a riot,” Sheriff’s Office lawyer Ronnie Mitchell told The Fayetteville Observer.
At the rally, Trump asked the audience “Can’t we have a little more action than this?” when protesters were causing a disturbance. “See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough,” he said. “We’ve become very weak.”
Monday, Trump insisted that his rallies are a “love fest” and that there is no violence, yet a militia has been formed to “protect” rally attendees from what it calls “far-left agitators.”
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Typical right-wing authoritarian behavior (both followers and leaders) is to compartmentalize thinking and ignore evidence that conflicts with positions that they have an emotional stake in.
Hair DrumpFührer knows very little about most things, including the consequences of his words and actions, foreign policy, domestic economy, running a government and how it differs from running a business.
But he is an entertainer and knows how to make a lot of empty statements with highly loaded emotional content to fire up his RWA followers.