Donald Drumpf’s popularity is collapsing, and the republicans may get stuck with him anyway
Just how badly did this weekend go for republican frontrunner Donald Trump? Not only did he unexpectedly lose two states in blowouts, he won two other states by just a few points that he was supposed to win by blowouts. The trend is now clear that even in states where Trump has a twenty digit lead in the final round of polling, there is a realistic chance that he’ll end up losing that state. He’s now limping through this primary, as republican backlash against him continues to grow. His popularity could be on its last legs by this summer – and yet the republicans could get stuck with him as their nominee anyway.
In what might be the strangest twist in the Donald Trump saga yet, his primary-long invincible momentum is now finally beginning to collapse at a time when he’s coming closer to getting mathematically locked in as the nominee. What causes a frontrunner candidate to suddenly start coming in consistently below his poll numbers? Are his supporters becoming nervous as his antics grow more severe, or are they simply the type of political outsiders who were never going to show up to vote anyway? That’s not clear. But it is clear that Trump is in freefall, just as he’s in danger of getting locked into the nomination.
If Trump can survive his sudden freefall and hang on to win Florida and Ohio by even the smallest of margins on March 15th, he’ll receive all of the delegates from both of those winner-take-all states. That’ll subsequently make it difficult for the other republicans to take enough delegates away from him to push him below fifty percent. That would mean no contested contention, but rather simply Donald Trump moving forward as the republican nominee – at a time when the republican base is finally turning against him.