Donald Trump has done absolutely nothing. He is a private citizen and does not have any power at all in politics or law enforcement. Saying things on the campaign trail for president-while still being private citizen means nothing.
Would you like to hear what President Kennedy said on the campaign trail in 1960? In one appearance he looked very tired and answered about his religion that 'Catholicism was incompatible with the secular office of president-however my faith is'---compatible'. Nobody took it seriously because he was just spouting off-like Trump does. How about some of the stupid things Obama said in 2008? Or Reagan's ad- hock about chipping away California and 'let it slip away'. Mondale told NBC that 'a couple of more wars ought to improve things' and FDR's 'work them till they drop.
Obliviously you know nothing of history and all you have is google education.
The Fuhrer knew nothing of Mexicans-blacks-Asians and had a good relationship with the middle east. You people never stop bitching about 'socialism' however your lack of history-or knowledge that your only source of history is brainwashing google. National Socialism after 1933 every single German had a job, a house, birth to death health care, food the state even buried you. There was little crime, the state sent you on vacation, provided everyone with theater tickets along with extra money at Christmas. For the first 7 years it was a socialist dream. And of course Party membership was not required. Not surprisingly, there is nothing about this on google.
In his own way the Fuhrer was perhaps a great man-however his wanton militarism, purposeless attacks and driven by his own hatred brought it all down-however the Reich's destruction there was plenty of guilt to go around-mostly the general staff and his collection of brawling donkeys.
Now-for the rest of your nonsense this dopey message:"mob scenes where members of these groups are physically attacked" These rallies are on PRIVATE PROPERTY-and I can throw anyone off my land if I choose-and so could you-if you owned any land which I doubt. There are huge sighs that point this out before you enter the rally. You wouldn't know that since you have never been to a political rally.
So lets see-you were wrong in that the Fuhrer didn't even know these groups-you were also wrong because presidential elections sling the mud and everyone says stupid stuff. You know absolutely nothing about socialism-and are helpless in you understanding of the censorship, and bias of google.