My son is very suspicious of the powers that be and the so called New World Order, I'm a bit long in the tooth to be worrying about such things and am always telling my son to knuckle down, do well in college and he can then maybe do something about it or as I really wish, just get on with his life.
Then he goes and shows me this film. Now I can dismiss a lot of it but some of it is worrying, especially the food & water manipulation. Also how the banks have blatantly ruined the economy and yet it's the poor who have to pay, sure look at Ireland, it's now owned by the banks & I.M.F. The control of the media by a small handful of people is also blatantly obvious. How else could the likes of Bush & Co have so easily lied their way into the Iraq war.
Should we be worried and if so what can we even do about it.
You wouldn't know what to make of it, mind manipulation from all sides.