Im 13 he is 20 What do I do?

Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:43 pm
Im 13 & this guy Im talking to is 20 & he is asking me questions like are you a virgin & stuff and I answer "Yes" & He is like "Can I take you virginity" Im like Hell No & He is like Your lame.. SO I talk 2 my friend about it because she was with me when I met this dude and she is like how are you lame for saying no to him Im like idk... But I wanna be friends with him but he is acting like a Pedifile and Pervert alot of times... So What should I do?
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Type: Question • Score: 13 • Views: 7,086 • Replies: 67

Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:45 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
You should quit talking to him and start talking to boys closer to your own age.
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:57 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
Tell your parents, your teachers or the police. Stay away from him and find better friends.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:58 pm
eurocelticyankee wrote:

Tell your parents, your teachers or the police. Stay away from him and find better friends.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:58 pm
I agree with Boomer. You should not be around this guy. He is not behaving in an appropriate way with you.

Find yourself a boyfriend who is in your age group. This guy is TROUBLE.
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:59 pm
Stay far away. This guy is no good for you. Better yet, tell a trusted adult.
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Green Witch
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 03:59 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
but he is acting like a Pedifile and Pervert alot of times... So What should I do?

Go with your instincts, it's your best protection. I think you should tell an adult (parent, teacher, guidance councilor) maybe this guy needs to spend some time in jail instead of bothering young girls. I also agree with Boomer, stop talking to him, no excuses necessary. Take control and just stop responding.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 04:00 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
Mickeyy 214 wrote:

But I wanna be friends with him but he is acting like a Pedifile and Pervert alot of times...

He is acting like a pervert and pedophile for a reason.

Stay away from him.

Consider for a moment what your DAD and Mom would say if they knew this guy was asking you about your virginity.

I have a feeling he wouldn't be so brave facing your father about that.

Green Witch
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 04:01 pm
FINALLY! Something all the members of A2K agree on!

(oh wait, we haven't heard from Hawkeye yet)
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 04:01 pm
@Green Witch,
oh cripes.

mickey, if you're reading this...

if someone named hawkeye posts, do NOT listen to anything he says.

He is a big CREEP!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 04:10 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
I think that this guy is a loser, and you can make better friends.
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 04:16 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
What you should do is use your common sense. Firstly, why would a guy 20 make comments like that to a 13-yr old unless he's looking for trouble. Don't be flattered about that attention at all. Why not talk to your parents or some authority..like a teacher or some trusted adult? You might be able to prevent a possible rape.
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 04:25 pm
ragman makes a good point.

don't be flattered by the fact this "grown man" is paying attention to you.

Ask yourself why he is not trying to get girls closer to his age to go out with him?

I'm sure you're a very smart young lady, for you age. But I'm sure you can also see that there is a big difference between you and an 18, 19, 20 or 21 year old woman.

Not to insult you at all Mickey, but to most 20 year old guys, you are a kid. That's ok, because compared to them, you are.

Ask yourself why this guy wants to take the virginity of someone that all of his friends, co-workers, etc would think of as a kid?

Don't worry, you'll be 17, 18, 19 before you know it. When you are, you'll realize this guy should not have been bothering you when you were 13.

I don't understand why you'd want this person as a friend. He's trying to take advantage of you in a very bad way.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 06:33 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
Mickeyy 214 wrote:

Im 13 & this guy Im talking to is 20 & he is asking me questions like are you a virgin & stuff and I answer "Yes" & He is like "Can I take you virginity" Im like Hell No & He is like Your lame.. SO I talk 2 my friend about it because she was with me when I met this dude and she is like how are you lame for saying no to him Im like idk... But I wanna be friends with him but he is acting like a Pedifile and Pervert alot of times... So What should I do?
Call a cop... If 911 don't work, call the donut shop...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 06:40 pm
I reccomend you tell as many people as possible. Friends, parents, police, priest, teacher, guidance councillor, his friends or parents if you know them ...tell anyone and everyone. You have done nothing wrong. Nothing to be ashamed of. You have already begun this process by posting here and deserve to be congratualted.

By having this out in the open any potential problem dissapears.
By telling someone any hold he may have over you will be broken.

If you cease to be friends with him and do not tell anyone it is likely he will turn his attention to someone less capable of protecting themselves.

Tell someone, tell someone else, tell a 3rd person, keep telling different people until you begin to feel comfortable again.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 06:48 pm
joshkinser14 wrote:

I think that this guy is a loser, and you can make better friends.

Absolutely! ANY 20 year old guy who hits on a 13 year old girl is a Loser!

No offense to you, Mickeyy. You may be gorgeous and look much older than you are. Still, you are 13 and he knows it. He could go to jail for doing what he's suggesting to you. Did you know that?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 06:54 pm
@Mickeyy 214,

Stay away from this guy. Any 20 year old guy asking 13 year olds these things has a problem. You do not want to be friends with him.

I agree that you should tell adults in your life about this.

And, this guy is trouble. Stay away.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 07:14 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
He could be a pimp. There are people who want virgins and very young girls. He could be catering to them. Get your parents to inform the police.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2010 10:11 pm
@Mickeyy 214,
Mickeyy 214 wrote:
But I wanna be friends with him but he is acting like a Pedifile and Pervert alot of times... So What should I do?

I don't see why you want to be friends with him when you think he acts like a pervert a lot of times. But if that's what you want, ask him. And if a platonic friendship is something he'd be willing to settle for, good for the both of you! I'm not holding my breath though.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Nov, 2010 08:13 am
I personally feel there's nothing wrong with a 20-year-old falling for a 13-year-old (or vice versa) - but since the guy mentioned in the original post has dared to ask Mickey such a personal question even despite not knowing her well enough, I'd concur with others in that he's a pervert/pedophile.

And yes, he could possibly be a "pimp", as talk72 pointed, on a look out for another virgin target.

Either way, he's dangerous. Stay away.
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