I would not trust anyone for the truth who used the term: Muslim garb... There are many forms of traditional dress among Muslims, and such prejudicial and judgmental behavior only inflames what is a very tenuous relationship between us and them... Our taking of their resources is always going to be a problem... Our support of Israel is always going to be a problem... Our support of petty dictators over their rights is always going to be a problem... And the deliberate misunderstanding of their religion, the equating of Allah, or Mohammed, Peace be upon him, - with Saten is always going to be a terrible problem... There have always been Christians and Jews in Muslim lands excluding Saudi Arabia. and they have always had enough of nominal rights to prosper... They were not the ones that divided the world up between us and them... The Jews did that with Israel, when no one ever said they could not be there and have their own institutions... That was not enough for the Jews, who wanted all without paying for any... Our having an Army in those lands is a source of contention, even of hatred... They would not be here except for an invitation to come and improve and diversify the place... I have a dentist, and two physicians, both specialist who are Muslims... Coming from lands with virtually only one book, that in the course of a year may produce only a handful of books; they prove they can learn, and that there is nothing wrong with their heads... I trust them with my life, but I also respect them, their cultures, and their intelligence... We could have these people as friends... The great threat to the west and our way of life has always been communism, and I am a communist... But communism holds no attraction for those people... Things being what they are, family, and honor are all a part of the constitution of their religion... These are good people, and we are the problem, and when we seek peace they will give it to us, but as with all just actions, that peace will have two sides, and it will not be dictated by us.. God is Great.. Thank you...