OmSigDAVID wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:I guess the idea is that if u have emotions qua the Moslems,
u must keep them secret; NPR opposes free speech.
Fido wrote:
Hate speech... Reason based upon emotion has no place in politics... Politics should be the place were people bring reason and intelligence to foresee and plan for the future... When we let emotions elect candidates, and let them then use emotions to justify doing the irrational we are not demonstrating democracy, but mobocracy...
Ya think its
a shame that the Founders of the Bill of Rights
failed to inject your reasoning into Free Speech ?????????
People have the
absolute RIGHT
to have
ANY EMOTIONS that thay choose to entertain,
and thay r 100% free to choose how to vote,
based on
ANY criteria of their preference.
Fido wrote:I hold a lot of opinions that would be injurious to the wealthy
who rule this land if reducing their income and making them pay taxes for what they get is injury...
WE will
fight back
against criminals like u, the same as robbers in the street.
Your reasoning is lost in confusion.
Fido wrote:The common quality of all true rights is that they are essential to life...
NONSENSE; by your reasoning,
if someone catches a horse out on the American plains,
and takes him home, he has thereby
KILLED the horse.
Fido wrote:Liberty is a right because it is essential to life and only to the extent that it supports life and does not endanger life...
According to your reasoning, if I pay u in compliance with a contract, I thereby have
NO contractual rights
against u (no counter-consideration), unless their violation woud result in
DEATH; that 's foolishness.
Fido wrote:So, there are no absolute rights,
Fido wrote:and what is more, we have many privilages, such as private property that is treated as a right when it is not...
U r hopelessly confused; are u
delusional ???
Fido wrote:And I will agree that you may think as you wish
Thanx for your
permission; that 's
JUST what I needed.