I think you display qualities of all the normal teenagers I have observed who have become so dependent on their cell phone and instant communication that they don't understand the concept of and perhaps have never experienced having to wait to talk to someone.
You were upset - so that's probably why you called thirty times instead of the usual five or ten in an hour, but I will tell you that I sit on the couch in the living room with my daughter and during a two hour movie, she is texted or called by someone at least ten times and sometimes twenty. It gets to the point that I sigh loudly, she understands her buzzing phone is driving me crazy, but instead of turning the phone off for the duration of the movie, which means she'd have to be out of touch with her friends for TWO WHOLE HOURS!!! she gets up and says, I have homework to do, but little does she know that I can hear the buzzing of her phone through the ceiling of the living room which is the floor of her bedroom.
I have a friend who lives two hours away and when we are not with each other (and he is not my boyfriend) he calls me sometimes three or four times a DAY! I just don't have enough to say to anyone to have them call and talk to me that many times a day. I just sit there and listen as he talks.
And I think it's this cell phone society. If you want to talk to someone - you WILL call them right at that moment and they BETTER answer the phone because you KNOW they hear it ringing or buzzing so if they don't - it couldn't mean that they're in the shower, or washing the dishes or God forbid taking a walk without their phone (which is what I get absolutely scolded and castigated for doing). It MUST mean they don't like you anymore and they don't want to talk to you.
Well, I'm sorry - but there's a big part of my evening in which I don't want to talk to ANYONE- I've been talking to people all day!
I used to not answer my landline when I got home from work if I was busy or tired or involved in something else. Why the heck should I have to walk around with a phone in my hand and answer it and change my mood and activity because someone else now knows I can?
What if I don't want to?
What if I want to take one day without talking to that person?
Does that mean I hate that person? No...it just means I don't have anything to say.
I couldn't live the way it seems to be these days. I like my quiet and alone time too much and I always have. I couldn't have been a cell phone user when I was a teenager either. It was fun having a phone call from a special person as something to look forward to instead of having it become something that was such an everyday occurrence that it became bothersome and annoying instead of fun.