Quote:What I object to is the teaching that women should be in charge, that women should get without complaint from men any and all power that they demand.
Who exactly is teaching that? Who exactly is saying that? Don't just say something vague, like "feminists"--be very specific, name names. I'd like to know, because I've never heard anyone saying that sort of thing, or anything close to it. Is this another one of your fabricated claims?
Quote:What I object to is the assumption that there should not be equality between thew sexes, because women claim victim status and claim that they need to be in charge of the relationship (and sex law) for their own protection
Does your wife claim she is a victim and needs to be in charge of the relationship for her own protection? Where are you drawing your conclusions from?
Apart from when they are the victim of a crime, I don't hear women complaining about being victims in the larger society. Where do you hear this, who is saying it? Again, don't say "feminists"--be specific, name names, give quotes.
And yes, when it comes to rape, women are overwhelmingly the victims--something like 98% of the time. But I haven't heard women demanding to be in charge of the rape laws. Laws pertaining to sexual assaults, like most laws in our country, are still being written and enacted by men. I have no problem with that, nor does any other woman I know. The laws are just fine. They should just be better enforced,with police investigation of all rape complaints, and prompt testing of all rape kits. Most rapists are never prosecuted for their crimes.
The rape scare is one finger of an overall program to keep men cowards, because while almost all men know that they would never rape, in their minds they accept that the claim that so many of their fellow men do rape that the women's power grab is justified.
What are you claiming now, that women aren't being raped? The numbers aren't high enough to convince you it's a problem?
Are you saying it's not men who are committing the rapes? But they do--98% of the time--rapes of both men and women, it is not only women who are raped.
What "power grab" is going on by women regarding the rape laws? Do you see rape as only a "woman's issue"? Doesn't it occur to you that men, who have mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, sisters, aunts, and nieces, also want to see these women protected from sexual assault and have a vested interest in their safety, and for this reason they support the rape laws? And, as I said before, it's still mainly the men who write and pass those laws. And I don't hear women complaining about that.
You just don't like the fact that those rape laws give a woman the right to say, "No" to a sex act, and, without her consent, that act is an assault and legally rape. You feel that it gives the woman too much power. You don't like the fact she has the right to deny you permission to invade her body. Yoo hoo, listen up, it's
her body. She has the right to exercise control over
her body and what is done to it. Guess what? You have that same right with regard to your body. These sexual assault laws give both men and women the right to control who has access to their body. And those same laws protect those vulnerable individuals, both male and female, deemed unable to consent, or too young to consent.
So, first you complain about woman claiming to be victims, but then you shift gears and complain that men are victimized by rape laws. So it's all right for you to whine about being a victim, but it's bad when a woman does it?

Quote:Modern women are trying to parley their mothers and grandmothers being victims into power for themselves, because once they got to equality they decided that they could and should keep going, that since they had the ability to overpower men that they should take it
What is this, some vast conspiracy of women you see operating? Do you think we have secret meetings, plan strategies to overpower men? Are you out of your mind? Women wanted equality, yes. Because equality does mean opportunity--opportunity to do whatever your talent, and ability, and ambition, and hard work enables you to do. "Over powering men" has nothing to do with it. It just means women aren't being deliberately held back on the basis of their gender, and they can strive and advance as far as their abilities and determination and effort can take them. It's not a competition with men, to "overpower men". It's simply women realizing their own potential, being able to realize their own ambitions--just as men have always done, and just as men will continue to do.
You really don't want equality, Hawkeye. You are always in a battle for power. You are always in a competition. You even do it on these threads. You want to have your hot sweaty hands on the reins of control all of the time, and when you feel it slipping through your fingers, you start a thread like this one and moan and whimper about being victimized by women, and claim it's being done to all men by all women. Except the other men aren't agreeing with you, and no one is passing the tissues.
Better not watch this movie, Hawkeye, or you'll have nightmares for life