boomerang wrote:
I'm all for "men's rights" -- especially when it comes to "women's" issues like parenting. Men have really gotten the shaft on issues like custody, visitation, alimony, child support, etc. I have some pretty serious qualms about a man's inability to have say in a woman's choice to give birth and parent, abort, or place for adoption.
But this **** is just stupid.
Once again, Boomer said it for me. I agree with all of this. Seriously, hawk, I don't hear any of my friends bashing men, so I don't know where this is happening. I think it's unfair that men have gotten the shaft, as Boomer said, on the issues she mentioned, but things ARE changing, for the better, for men.
It's the old pendulum thing. Men kept women (and some still do) down and backwards for years (their property became their husband's, they weren't allowed to vote, they had no rights, they couldn't get work or into universities for years, they were considered the 'weaker' sex, etc etc etc) and that went on for a very long time. Finally, women rallied (and some men supported them) and gradually changed all that. Now the pendulum has swung the other way but eventually it'll return to centre.