Man Bashing, and what Men should do about it

Arella Mae
Thu 23 Sep, 2010 03:21 pm
firefly wrote:

the way I put it is that men should stop taking **** from women

I asked these questions before, but I never got an answer, so I will ask them again...

Tell us, just what **** do the women in your life dump on you? And what do you do about it?

Discussing civil rights issues is fine, but how do you actually deal with "man- bashing" in your everyday life, with the women you actually interact with and live with?

You don't seriously believe he'd dare say any of this stuff to a woman face to face, do you?
Thu 23 Sep, 2010 03:23 pm
That was a 3-handkerchief post Drunk
0 Replies
Thu 23 Sep, 2010 11:42 pm
@Arella Mae,
You don't seriously believe he'd dare say any of this stuff to a woman face to face, do you?
Why should this come as any surprise to you? Do you have any idea how many times in the last 30 years I have listened to women's libbers talk about how they are not treated right by men? Are you under the impression that this only works in one direction, women talk and men listen? No. Real women respect a man who is confident enough to speak his mind even when he knows before he opens his mouth that what he has to say is not going to go down well. Perhaps I am lucky to hang around a better class of women than you are used to.

as to all this about how men don't complain, sure, that is how we have been raised. But I have been Zen for over 25 years, we learn the importance of being in touch with our feminine side, about the importance of balance. I dont feel any compulsion to remain silent because my gender training says that I should be silent. This male archetype of the stoic noncommutative male was always BS anyways, it was always a malignant version of masculinity.
failures art
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 03:36 am
I doth think you protest too much.

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 07:49 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

You don't seriously believe he'd dare say any of this stuff to a woman face to face, do you?
Why should this come as any surprise to you? Do you have any idea how many times in the last 30 years I have listened to women's libbers talk about how they are not treated right by men? Are you under the impression that this only works in one direction, women talk and men listen? No. Real women respect a man who is confident enough to speak his mind even when he knows before he opens his mouth that what he has to say is not going to go down well. Perhaps I am lucky to hang around a better class of women than you are used to.

as to all this about how men don't complain, sure, that is how we have been raised. But I have been Zen for over 25 years, we learn the importance of being in touch with our feminine side, about the importance of balance. I dont feel any compulsion to remain silent because my gender training says that I should be silent. This male archetype of the stoic noncommutative male was always BS anyways, it was always a malignant version of masculinity.
Trust me on this, if you even have a feminine side, you are not in touch with it. A better class of women than I am used to? Well, let's see. I hang around with women that have self-respect, love their husbands and their families and work very hard at maintaining their households.

The women I hang around with wouldn't have a thing to do with your sort because of your mysogony. It's okay to have opinions about things Hawk, but the problem is, with you as I see it, YOU THINK YOURS IS THE ONLY ONE THAT COUNTS! Time and time again you are telling us "wimmins" we don't really feel like we say we do or we are liars, etc.

You probably have experienced some of the types of women you complain about. I don't doubt that. The problem is you lump us all together and that is not right. What woman really wants a man that when she tells him something, he immediately says or does something to let her know he doesn't believe her and it's probably only your version that is true? Um, not the kind of woman I'd hang with. So as far as I'm concerned, if a woman would hang around with you, I'd want nothing to do with her.

There are a few men posters I really don't get a long with on A2K for various reasons and that's just life. I can tell you this, every one of them has more respect for women than you do.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 08:09 am
Do you channel Zen while hitting women during your BDSM sessions?
0 Replies
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:22 am
What had always had amused me is the very characteristics that the feminists love to complain about in men are the very ones that gotten the human race out of the caves and raised the average life span from the early twenties to the 70s-80s.

If we had needed to depend on the feminine side of the specie drive to explore the unknown we would now be sitting around a camp fire chipping arrowheads and the total population would be numbers in the tens of thousands.

No cell phones girls or internet to whine on either, hell no high tech child birth medical aids or-----------------------------------------------------

Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:26 am
Actually, it's the thoughtful, genius people who've raised us up out of that state.

Penicillin wasn't discovered by some dude going out and hunting tigers.
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:28 am
BillRM wrote:

If we had needed to depend on the feminine side of the specie drive to explore the unknown we would now be sitting around a camp fire chipping arrowheads and the total population would be numbers in the tens of thousands.

No cell phones girls or internet to whine on either, hell no high tech child birth medical aids or-----------------------------------------------------

The link displays the list in a formatted chart if the unformatted list below is difficult to read.


Inventions By Women

The following is a partial list of the many ingenious inventions by women.

Alphabet blocks Adeline D. T. Whitney 1882
Apgar tests, which evaluate a baby’s health upon birth Virginia Apgar 1952
Chocolate-chip cookies Ruth Wakefield 1930
Circular saw Tabitha Babbitt 1812
Dishwasher Josephine Cochran 1872
Disposable diaper Marion Donovan 1950
Electric hot water heater Ida Forbes 1917
Elevated railway Mary Walton 1881
Engine muffler El Dorado Jones 1917
Fire escape Anna Connelly 1887
Globes Ellen Fitz 1875
Ironing board Sarah Boone 1892
Kevlar, a steel-like fiber used in radial tires, crash helmets, and bulletproof vests Stephanie Kwolek 1966
Life raft Maria Beaseley 1882
Liquid Paper®, a quick-drying liquid used to correct mistakes printed on paper Bessie Nesmith 1951
Locomotive chimney Mary Walton 1879
Medical syringe Letitia Geer 1899
Paper-bag-making machine Margaret Knight 1871
Rolling pin Catherine Deiner 1891
Rotary engine Margaret Knight 1904
Scotchgard™ fabric protector Patsy O. Sherman 1956
Snugli® baby carrier Ann Moore 1965
Street-cleaning machine Florence Parpart 1900
Submarine lamp and telescope Sarah Mather 1845
Windshield wiper Mary Anderson 1903
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:33 am
Sorry dear I did give women credit for having fire and the technology for arrow heads /spear heads after all.

More then likely that is overrating them as non-hunting females are unlikely to come up with arrow/spear head technology.

Better technology for gathering plants perhaps................
0 Replies
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:38 am
If we had needed to depend on the feminine side of the specie drive to explore the unknown we would now be sitting around a camp fire chipping arrowheads and the total population would be numbers in the tens of thousands
It is very true that masculine is better for some things and feminine is better for others, that is why a team made up of one of each works best...if they can work together. But are you claiming that Feminists are feminine?? Not much. Wanting to be the victim is not a feminine trait, it is a sign of weakness that can show up in any person. Wanting to power over the opposition is a masculine trait, feminine is more subtle and subversive. Wanting to boss non family members around is a masculine trait.

When I look at a feminist I think that I am looking at a weak woman who wants to compensate by acting like a man, who she assumes is better than a woman. But only because she does not know what a good strong woman looks like, or maybe is not capable of being one. You hear this same view in a lot of the Conservative women's criticism of feminism.
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:50 am
The same drive that got men to hunt large animals in some cases many tons animals with throwing spears is the same drive that cause MEN to explored both the unknown physical world and the unknown world of knowledge.

No known group of women had in the known history of the world had headed into the complete unknown to find out what exist over the next hill or across the oceans leaving the men behind in safety.

There had been a very few great women warriors but no great women explorers.

Can you picture a woman walking across Europe all the way to China for the hell of it?
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:54 am
What a wonderful pair . . . i wish the two of them would get a room . . .
0 Replies
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 10:58 am
I sneered at the Rapist Boy's BS, and he replied as follows:

hawkeye10 wrote:
Let's whine about it!
No. Let's identify the problems, and then fix them.

To which i replied:

Setanta wrote:
I'll be interested if you manage to do that--identify them and propose practicable solutions.

I'm still waiting for him to identiy concrete examples of "the problem," and to propose practicable solutions. If i know our boy here, i'll be waiting for a long time.
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:00 am
Can you picture a woman walking across Europe all the way to China for the hell of it?
Having the superior force of will as well as willingness to endure deprivation is what lead both women and men to conclude that men are the stronger gender. The male supremacy myth was not made up out of whole cloth. Women are as strong as men, but the differences in how women and men are strong is important to remember.

Modern men have of course lost the force of will, which is a big part of why our civilization is currently in a tail spin. We will find it again, and a good start will be once again being willing to stand up to our women.
Arella Mae
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:01 am
BillRM wrote:

The same drive that got men to hunt large animals in some cases many tons animals with throwing spears is the same drive that cause MEN to explored both the unknown physical world and the unknown world of knowledge.

No known group of women had in the known history of the world had headed into the complete unknown to find out what exist over the next hill or across the oceans leaving the men behind in safety.

There had been a very few great women warriors but no great women explorers.

Can you picture a woman walking across Europe all the way to China for the hell of it?

Ya know, with the internet, STUPID statements like "there had been very few...............................but no great women explorers" are so easily refuted. Perhaps you should check your facts before you open your mouth?



Wow, what will they think of next? Books written about REAL Women Explorers! Shocked

Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:01 am
he's too busy imagining his worst nightmare

i say, what a way to go
0 Replies
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:07 am
Hawkeye, I had taken note how my comments had sometimes been expanded way beyond what I had written.

No I am not of the opinion that the feminine side of the human race is worthless except to bear more male children.

We do in fact complement each others and a large part of the male drive come from the desire to give the women and children a better future.

Second males and females have overlapping abilities however that does not change the fact that it is the drive that exist mainly in the males that had driven mankind from small groups of unimportant animals that could had been wipe out at any time by a slight change in the local environment to being on top of the whole earth food chain.

That very characterize of males is what feminist find so distasteful not the majority of women who in fact know better.

0 Replies
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:10 am
When you two whiners get done with the BS . . . how about giving us a list of those real, undeniable problems men face, and what real, concrete solutions you have for them.
Fri 24 Sep, 2010 11:17 am
how about giving us a list of those real, undeniable problems men face
In a world where climate change and Obama's American citizenship is denied by many such an animal as an "undeniable problem" does not exist.

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