farmerman wrote:
Quote:So I don't eat GE soybeans from Monsanto crops.
Thats impossible. You arent given the choice. If you eat any kind of tofutti or such, the raw material is hardly grown by the makers of tofu.
I'll concede this point. I still believe that people eating animal products are more likely to eat MORE soy over the long run, so what the point?
It's not just the tofutti or tofu. Go examine your cupboards. Like I said, I'm not a soytarian. The vegan diet does not rely on soy.
farmerman wrote:
I think this discussion had earlier turned on to a demonization of meat.
I think that is an oversensitivity on your behalf. I think more effort has been put into morally equivocating soy with animal farming in this thread. I think the opposite is more likely. Given where the thread started and where we are now, how could you argue otherwise. We aren't in a thread defending eating meat, and I've not asked you to do any such thing. Quite contrary, we are in a thread and the consumption of soy is being demonized.
This is often why I avoid the topic all together, because people get way defensive. I don't care. Eat meat. Be happy. I'm happy you grass feed your cows. I still see that as a positive contribution in the grander picture.
farmerman wrote:
1Grass fed beef , lamb, is easily procured.
I'm happy that this is becoming the case. I hope for those who choose to eat meat that accessibility is increased and the market changes for them.
farmerman wrote:
2Tell me how you avoid GM soy products
Well, this wasn't as hard as I thought. I went into my kitchen and grabbed the block of tofu I had in there. I tracked the brand backwards through the distributer, and they don't use Monsanto crops. The tofu is legit.
Did i go searching super hard for this block of tofu? No. It just happens to be the brand I like.
farmerman wrote:
3Feed lots and livestock diest are driven by choice and market. If the consumer would demand only grass fed beef and only corn fed pork, itd happen. I command a premium for grass fed beef and its a nutritious tasty product.
Why is organic tofu any different than grass fed beef in terms of what people want and get? Looks like I offered you my concession too soon. It is not only possible, it's not even difficult.
farmerman wrote:
4Soy is an indutrial rop, to call it ag is almost a joke.It ranks up there with sugar and tobacco in my mind. Only a bit more than 25% of soy goes for animal and human food use, most is used for veggie oil and chemical /plastics.
So what you're saying is that 75% of the crop is not even being consumed and some portion of that could even be cut if not being fed to animals. So in the end, how big is the soy crop for just human dietary consumption, and what is the pollution from that portion?