Yes I did, And I also stated that he seemed to have gone on a rampage,And thats just what I meant,I never stated that He had one affair,I stated that he went on what appeared to be a rampage,Like something inside snapped,This person that behaved that way,I had no idea who the H-LL he was,
It was like I was living with a complete stranger,
I stayed because I valued our marriage,And I love him.I had no solid proof of how many,But I knew that it had happened.I only know that when I found the things I did it ripped my heart to pieces,This was not the man That I knew and loved,I figured something was wrong with him,inside,,Whether mentally or emotionally,But i stood by him,
Now,,I am glad I did,Because all those wonderful yrs. together were not worth throwing away,For that time frame he,acted like an A--.
He begged my forgiveness,And I accepted his apoligies to me,But it still hurts like He--, So I saw the post and replied,yessome people do stay,so immediatly leave,I chose to stay,And whatever was going on with him,Is not there now,I have the man back that I loved,He is no longer acting as though he is from another planet,I chose to believe he went through some midlife crisis,,And after we talked,and he told me the things he was feeling at that time,I understood.one year of hell isn't enough for me to throw away 25 yrs.
I had faith in us.However if it happens again,,He won't have anything to have an affair with.My name sickocrap is because I had been on other sights where the women had every excuse in the book,to think what they were doing was alright.It's never alright to be with another persons spouse.
Never !!