Men report, women seek the emotion – the poster posts report style (ie. Like a guy)
Quote:As English is not my native language
Quote:I also chatted and talked **** online
Very good grasp of colloquial language, and masculine in tone. You'll see further very advanced grasp of colloquialisms throughout his post, followed by simple errors in grammar that appear quite deliberate.
Quote:I was pissed and amused at the same time after I read how he discribed himself in his profile
Usually how a guy would describe such things
Quote:I installed "spyware" in the computer
Usually only those who are concerned with computer security know that a commercial ‘computer monitor / keylogger’ is, (only when installed without consent) called ‘spyware’...usually called this by people who visit sites like ‘adultfriendfinder’ and the likes.
Quote:It's possible that he found chatting online helped him release his nasty needs or for any dumb reasons,
Male talk and attempt at self justification
Quote:that allowed him to bull **** his "glory profile" to attract dumb female attention and fool around with them.
Again, incredibly good use of colloquialisms for english being a second language.
Most women wouldn’t describe women who actively seek married men as ‘dumb females’ – they usually call them much uglier names...but a male posting this would certainly view the women who replied like this.
If you look at all of his post, the self justification never really takes on a personal tone like : 'yes, I get upset and him and someone scream at him, and so I guess I can understand if he seeks comfort elsewhere'...this doesn't happen, it's all 2nd party talk...there's no 1st person self justification of the posters own behaviour (which is very, very common, even when excusing others)...but wouldn't exist if the poster wasn't the wife, but rather, the aggrieved husband (unless the husband had a great command of the enlgish languaged and realised this)
This is only 1/3 of the way through his post, but I've got no doubt at all that this poster was a guy, and not what he presented to be.