I just figure that the powers that be have determined the optimum speed for optimum conditions and that the safest thing to do is follow them.
People my think they are saving lives by forcing traffic to move slower than the speed limit, but they are actually increasing the risk for all. There will always be one person that is late or a chronic hotrod that will take risks in passing slow moving traffic that they otherwise would not. Then there is the increased risk of a pile-up. I HATE being in a string of cars on a 2 lane, because your safety is 100% in the hands of every (bored texting) driver in front of you.
If you're so impaired or unhurried that you need 10 miles below the speed limit, pull off once in a while. If you're trying to make a point, you are actually causing additional, needless risk. Then YOU'RE the guy that drives 10 miles under the limit and puts it to the floor when I try to pass!