Quote:The more vacuous they are, the more interest it engenders. Often, they even elect the vacuous to high office, though it would be unfair if I didn't point out that this mannerism, this affection for stupidity/vacuous seems to reside more than less with Repubs/conservatives
Make a list of the top 100 game changers in human history. Then tell me how many of them could be lauded for both intelligence and honesty. I have a very strong suspicion that it will not be as high a number as you would like it to be, or as you guess it will be.
Quote: In ten years he has gone from having nothing to being extremely wealthy
Those Koch Bros. have more money than they know what to do with.
I guess Americans are interested in Paris Hilton who is good at taking her clothes off and giving blow jobs but that does not make her successful.
I thought of glenn beck today while sitting in the audience for a superb production of Shakespeare's Richard III.
At one point, Richard, who manipulates everyone, is responding to the masses who are chanting that they want him to be king . . . he created a claque to start the chant.
Richard is closeted with two clergymen and comes out with said men of the cloth, holding a prayer book.
that is the same garbage glenn beck pulls!
The more things change, the more they remain the same!
Ones ability to observe those things are the important ingredient to arrive at the conclusions you have.
Glenn Beck does not have a chance
A liberal web site had a contest to create campaign slogans for a beck/palin ticket:
It's a No-Brainer
Restoring Horror
Don't Think. Just Vote.
Making (Up) History
Take America Back ... to the Dark Ages
According to the Mayans, the world's supposed to end anyway.
The Audacity of Dopes
And you thought Bush-Cheney was bad!
Putting the "Dumb" in Freedom
Your FOXes Guarding the Hen House
Because common sense is overrated!
We can fool some people all of the time.
A Failin' Wreck
Hate & Fear Monger Express
Never Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Tea Party
Let's Get Crazy
Lipstick and Dipstick
Rewriting the Constitution OUR WAY
Two Wrongs From the Right
God, Guns & Ignorance
Let Greedom Ring
Give Us 4 Years & Afghanistan Will Look Like Heaven
Hah! And what would a Tea Party list contain?