How does beck measure up to traditional standards of American success? He has done nothing constructive. Traditional standards of American success involve inventing or making tangibles or streamlining existing processes. Henry Ford comes to mind.
A 23-year-old coworker, who is trying to arrange a proposal to his girlfriend of four years, asked me what I would major in were I of his generation, just starting out. (His girlfriend has a master's degree and is light years above him in looks and class.) I did not want to tell him that, for me, now as when I was 18, college is not about finding work to make oneself wealthy but about intellectual development.
An education is supposed to make one a better person and that is the goal I pursued through three degrees, not becoming rich.
You wrote this about me:
Obviously you dont believe in traditional America standards of success, do you also not believe in traditional American spiritual aspirations for transformation? You seem to live a very shallow and empty existence.
If you think that the sort of success beck has attained is anything other than shallow, you probably should . . . I so want to say something really nasty but won't . . . so, I will say, rethink everything you ever thought.
First of all, what is spiritual about beck? He has simply repackaged old saws in stadium sized presentations, which is exactly what Hitler did.
Secondly, his ranting is theatrical rather than intellectual. His goal was never mine. Beck was given an opportunity to educate himself but could not stay with the package presented him. If anything shows shallowness, that does. The man can not stick with an external requirement.
Third, beck rapes and robs as readily as bernie madoff did. Or, any other American huckster on Wall Street or in a corporate boardroom.
I chose the left/liberal path precisely because it is about human evolution and intellectualism and solving problems and not because it is about prostitution, the path beck chose.