Quote:. Thanks for playing this silly game.
We all don't think it's silly Johnny. You can see from some posts just above that there are players who take it really, really seriously. As long as the dead space of midweek is being taken up with matters they approve of from which one might learn absolutely **** all. It's as if they can't imagine that there may be other viewers here who find my contributions of some interest, however slight, and that they are the ones I compose my compostitions for.
And I only made a superficial comment or two about a report another member posted so that the conversation he had initiated would not fizzle out and dribble away like piss in a dusty gutter on a hot day does but would instead develop and possibly become a subject he could be proud of having raised and from which something might be learned. The only thing you can learn from piss dribbling down a dusty gutter on a hot day is that liquids go downhill when they can and that piss is immiscible with dry dust and shoots across it like quicksilver.
My picks will arrive before the deadline assuming I don't pass mine first.
I like silly games. All blouses do.