The only thing I understand is that once again our Limey has hijacked a fun thread full of camaraderie and friendly banter and turned it into a soapbox for his hysterical and obscure rantings.
In all the years I have been associated with this thread; first running it and then enjoying jrb's expert guidance, I have never seen such a sore loser and what's worse, sore winner.
And it's not like we haven't sent kudos his way. I know I have congratulated him many times for his win last year. But that's not enough. In the last few pages he has suggested edgar give up his 2 wins because the Texans had a man using steroids and he has started his campaign to belittle Cyclo and Tico and anyone else who might give him a run for his money.
This is bad form. Certainly not the fair play taught on the fields of Eton. The gracious winner, the gracious loser; all are missing in post after post.
I had a belly full of it last year and lost interest, and it's only the second week and I've had a belly full already.
This is a public forum and no one can be or should be excluded from its threads, within reason. But I'll be damned if I'm going to sit through another football season with a megalomaniac shoving his diatribes down my throat in order to prove his "cleverness".
Get your **** together pal.