@reasoning logic,
Quote:Maybe the devil made him do it?
One not need look further than lobotomy to see how personalities can be adjusted through brain trauma. I would guess that there is probably a good deal of evidence correlating personality to brain trauma. But how can we know how much soul, spirit, or you is associated with the physical body? I know of no scientific method for determining the quantity or quality of a person's soul. Because of this I believe science should make a clear delineation between the corporeal and non-corporeal human. Science is the study of nature as perceived by our senses, and should go no further.
So where science leaves off spiritualism picks up. From a spiritualistic perspective concerning Phineas Gage's accident and brain trauma could very well have left him vulnerable to demonic attack and possession. (This is pure conjecture at this point because I don't know enough about the case, and all I'm doing is providing another perspective on the topic.) But this belief by spiritualists is not without some type of empirical evidence. I could recite many spiritual events that I know, because the participants have described their experience to me. But even so the point can't truly be grasped until one experiences a spiritual event for themselves.
It isn't hard to find spiritual evidence, but there are some issues that have to be overcome to gain such knowledge. I'll list them here:
Suspend disbelief (skepticism will prevent the perception)
Don't have fear (if their is fear the spiritual event is very likely to be bad)
Prepare oneself with prayer (opening this part of ones being up allows for greater perception of spiritual things)
Seek peace (turmoil will cause the event to be diluted and hard to perceive)
Be open minded to new things (pretty much what it says)
The experience will be unique to each person. One odd example I know of concerns a 36 year old woman who was a hard core Hells Angels biker chick. One night while sleeping (around 2 a.m.) she heard a voice telling her to call a number. Twice she heard the voice and dismissed it as her imagination. By the third time she could not sleep and was greatly distressed. So she called the number and it was to a hotel room of a visiting evangelist that was in her country for a conference. She told him of the voice and that she was supposed to be baptized. He met with her at 3 a.m. that night and baptized her in the ocean. During the baptizing process she became violently ill and, as she told me, vomited many times as the demons left her. There is much more to the story, but my point is that for her there wasn't any conscious decision to one day be spiritual. It just came upon her unexpected and dramatically.
Just like Phineas Gage her personality changed in that event. Her husband hated her after that and repeatedly tried to kill her. He broke many of her bones over an eleven month period and sent her to the hospital multiple times. His comment to her was, "Can your savior save you from this?" In one of the last events he slit her throat and left her to die. She tells of how angels came to her and kept her alive until help came.
Since this thread I've been wondering if some people are spiritually dead and devoid of anything other than a body. I suppose it could be possible that some people are just biological robots. I don't know about that, but I know for others there is more than just biology to their lives.