After reading the initial post and your response, I immediately thought of Phineas Gage, the 19th railroad worker who suffered an accident after an explosion he was setting to blast rock caused an iron tamping rod to pierce his skull.
About 20 years ago, the NYTimes presented a very long feature on Gage that carried what Wiki (can we trust Wiki when the Republican party pays people to edit articles within?)now reports are contradictory and poorly documented "facts" about Gage and his supposed personality changes.
Since the Times article, two photographs of Gage have been discovered and documented. They show a handsome man, albeit with prominent injuries, holding an iron rod.
He died 12 years after his accident and had convulsions for several months preceding his death.
The Times article made much of the injury and the behavior problems, linking the injury to his alleged profanity and inability to hold a job. It is now believed that the irresponsible and bellicose behavior was only apparent during the final year of his life.