@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
It doesn't matter how many books one owns or reads; it's how much one learns from them. "Taboo" is a subjective label depending on the period and culture it applies to. All human groups and cultures are descended from "primitive peoples." Three thousand years ago, Egypt was considered one of the most advanced civilizations on this planet. During the time of Roman Egypt, it was common for brothers to take their sister as bride and raise a family with them. Laws against incest were not followed. Even during early Greek mythology, brother and sister had relations, and their gods were of the human form. Asian royals and emperors were also incestuous, which goes to show many cultures practiced it - even at high levels of royalty.
Although there are many laws against incest in many countries, its citizens break the laws and still marry close relatives.
Your reading materials have failed you.
The incest taboo is the universal law of mankind, but the head families of conquering groups often kept their power with claims of divinity, much as the Roman emperors... Such people were above culture and above the laws of mankind, but they were not above the laws of nature... With a father daughter incestuous relationship there is a 50/50 chance of an anomoly showing up, that is, a birth defect....
What humans could not punish the Gods were thought to punish, and you see this in Oedipus Tyranus where plague afflicted the whole people for the crimes of paricide and incest...And there is a line there that incest is an act even cattle do not do, perhaps because they have more natural sense; but culture is knowledge, and some people showed an absolute terror of the act, with the Iroquois being able to trace their family trees back 6 generations, minimum... What do you think the object of the totem poll is??? Sure, people wanted to honor their supernatural totems, but totems were family names, and if one had so many bears or eagles stacked one on top of the other, everyone would have seen the residence of a degenerate family...I am certain it is were we get the term, for in gentile society, no person would behave in like fashion... One has to have wealth and power to be truly degenerate...
I agree that we are inbred... The Iroquois have too since their gentile society has been broken down... One study found the whole city of Paris closely related, there being a shared lineage within six generations... The anthropologist, Claude Levi Straus covered this issue in some of his books since what is essential to the health of community, that is, marriage with strangers is also problematic for the community since strangers are viewed as animals, and a wife away from her people is likely to be a clinging wife, like the tree frog of myth visible on the back of the moon...We love the familier and hate the foreign, but it is in foreign genes that genetic health lies... Genetic illnesses are a major part of the price of health care, and for the most part, one that is avoidable... If you look at Diaspera Jews who are extremely over bred, they can fill text books with their diseases, and yet in many states it is still legal for Jews to marry their cousins because the behavior is shown clearly in Genesis, and restricted to their own kind, they had little choice in mates... There is the money issue as well, that to keep wealth intact people override culture and morality; but this has been the destruction of many...