Critical thinking and political matters.

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 06:28 pm
kenneth, I knew you wouldn't "get it." We're talking about building a mosque in the US. This is supposed to be the country of freedom - including religious freedom. If you want talk about foreign countries, that's another subject entirely!
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 06:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

kenneth, I knew you wouldn't "get it." We're talking about building a mosque in the US. This is supposed to be the country of freedom - including religious freedom. If you want talk about foreign countries, that's another subject entirely!

You are right, I don't understand what it is you are attempting to argue. Maybe you had better try to make it clearer by actually arguing it, so that even I can understand. You don't mean, I hope, that because this is America people can do any damn thing they please, do you? Since that is certainly not true. And you don't mean, I hope that just because a person has the right to do something, but that I think that in the particular circumstances, even if he has the right to do something, he ought not to do it, what I should not do whatever I think I should to stop him from exercising that right, like speak out against his doing so. For that, of course, would conflict with my right of freedom of expression. If a person (say) has the right to build so that it blocks my view of the ocean, then I have a right to go to the town council to ask them to prevent him from exercising that right because it interferes with me. Or can't you understand that? Let me make it easy for you: there are many times conflicting rights which have to be settled. The builders of the building have the right to build. On the other hand, the people who are offended by the building have a right not to be offended. So, this conflict of rights needs to be settled. And in America this is often settled by controversy, and by competing pressures. And, of course, if that cannot settle the conflict, then if the two parties feel strongly enough, they may have to go to the courts. I hope you can get that.
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 06:52 pm
So, you are saying what is good for the goose is good for the gander?

Just because something may not be allowed in another country, the U.S. should do a tit for tat and a nah, nah, nah nah nah? Is that the way the civilized world should be setting a standard?

It matters not what other countries do. We are talking about critical thinking and political matters.

What you wrote was political, I will give you that. As for critical thinking. Well.....
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 06:57 pm
Intrepid wrote:

So, you are saying what is good for the goose is good for the gander?

What you wrote was political, I will give you that. As for critical thinking. Well.....

No, I did not say that. I pointed out the contrast.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 07:04 pm
wait a minute

some moslems want to build a mosque at ground zero, is this what i'm reading

is it

okay, i just wondered if i was reading things correctly

carry on
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 07:30 pm
kennethamy wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

kenneth, I knew you wouldn't "get it." We're talking about building a mosque in the US. This is supposed to be the country of freedom - including religious freedom. If you want talk about foreign countries, that's another subject entirely!

You are right, I don't understand what it is you are attempting to argue. Maybe you had better try to make it clearer by actually arguing it, so that even I can understand. You don't mean, I hope, that because this is America people can do any damn thing they please, do you? Since that is certainly not true. And you don't mean, I hope that just because a person has the right to do something, but that I think that in the particular circumstances, even if he has the right to do something, he ought not to do it, what I should not do whatever I think I should to stop him from exercising that right, like speak out against his doing so. For that, of course, would conflict with my right of freedom of expression. If a person (say) has the right to build so that it blocks my view of the ocean, then I have a right to go to the town council to ask them to prevent him from exercising that right because it interferes with me. Or can't you understand that? Let me make it easy for you: there are many times conflicting rights which have to be settled. The builders of the building have the right to build. On the other hand, the people who are offended by the building have a right not to be offended. So, this conflict of rights needs to be settled. And in America this is often settled by controversy, and by competing pressures. And, of course, if that cannot settle the conflict, then if the two parties feel strongly enough, they may have to go to the courts. I hope you can get that.

No one is questioning your right to complain about Muslims builing a mosque 2 blocks from Ground Zero. What is being questioned is the merit of your claim.

Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 07:32 pm
djjd62 wrote:

wait a minute

some moslems want to build a mosque at ground zero, is this what i'm reading

is it

okay, i just wondered if i was reading things correctly

carry on

Not at ground zero - two blocks away from it. And they are building a community center that also includes a mosque.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 07:41 pm
"Offended by the building?" Your use of emotion (offended) to determine its rightness or wrongness is where you miss the total issue as it concerns this particular topic. That some people are offended that Muslims wish to build a mosque two blocks away from ground zero is based in bigotry; there's no other explanation. Nobody would have complained if they were planning to build a catholic church on that same site.
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 09:17 pm
Isn't a church a symbol of Christianity, and a synagogue a symbol of Judaism? So that is one reason (but not the only reason) neither churches or synagogues are allowed in Saudi Arabia or in most other Arab countries; not at all, and not only near a site where Christians or Jews did something horrendous

I thought you argued it had nothing to do with the religion of the people building the mosque. Now you want to make a comparison where you clearly are using the religion of the people that would build such a thing.

Which is it kennie?
Are you arguing against the mosque because the builders are muslim or are you introducing something that is the opposite of your argument in support of your argument?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 09:18 pm
And, of course, if that cannot settle the conflict, then if the two parties feel strongly enough, they may have to go to the courts. I hope you can get that.

But if they go to court, it will be a Constitutional issue. You argued that it had nothing to do with the Constitution and now you introduce it as the final solution.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 09:39 pm
oooh, that "final solution" got my skin crawling.
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 12:52 am
@cicerone imposter,
Sorry Thomas already called me a Nazi, too late to pull that card.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 02:12 am
kennethamy wrote:

A "red herring" is, of course, an attempt (intentional or not) to divert discussion from the real issue to an issue that appears to be the issue at hand, but is not. A shining example of that is President Obama's recent speech which supported building a mosque by a group of Muslims very near the site of the 9/11 attack which murdered so many people. President Obama argued that just as any members of a religion have the right to build a religious structure at the site, so do Muslims.

But that argument is a red herring, for no one is disputing the legal or constitutional right of Muslim (or any other group) to build whatever they please to build at that, or any other site. What is being disputed is whether it is right for them to do so. Whether they ought to build such a structure so near that particular site. And whether or not they have the legal or constitutional right to do so is clearly irrelevant. There is an important distinction between having the right to do something and its being right to do that something which President Obama's speech ignores, and it is just that distinction that lies at the heart of the dispute.

Now, for another illustration of critical thinking consider the following argument:

Either President Obama realizes that his argument is irrelevant and so, is a red herring, or he does not. If he does, President Obama is being disingenuous. If he doesn't, the President is confused. So, either the President is disingenuous, or he is confused.

The above is an illustration of what logicians call "constructive dilemma".

In a conversation with Wittgenstein reported by Norman Malcolm in a memoir, Malcolm tells of how he made some political remark to Wittgenstein that infuriated him. Wittgenstein thought that the remark was stupid and it showed a lack of critical thought. And he asked Malcolm (rhetorically) what was the good of Malcolm knowing philosophy with all of its subtleties, but when it came to thinking about real life matters, Malcolm failed miserably?

Something to think about.

I'm a bit confused. After reading the past few pages of posts of the thread you started about President Obama's logical fallacies, I felt like I was reading a thread about the ethical value of building a mosque near the destroyed Twin Towers. How odd. Do your recent posts imply that your original post was written to make a different point than that explicitly made? Were you making a pointed attack on our current president only to make a different political point about the morality of American Muslims, all the while simultaneously casting unwarranted moral aspersions on the Chief Executive? My earlier accusation of hypocrisy was obviously a mistake on my part. Let me make it up to you by making this slightly more explicit argument:

kennethamy wrote:

You don't mean, I hope, that because this is America people can do any damn thing they please, do you? Since that is certainly not true. And you don't mean, I hope that just because a person has the right to do something, but that I think that in the particular circumstances, even if he has the right to do something, he ought not to do it, what I should not do whatever I think I should to stop him from exercising that right, like speak out against his doing so. For that, of course, would conflict with my right of freedom of expression. If a person (say) has the right to build so that it blocks my view of the ocean, then I have a right to go to the town council to ask them to prevent him from exercising that right because it interferes with me. Or can't you understand that? Let me make it easy for you: there are many times conflicting rights which have to be settled. The builders of the building have the right to build. On the other hand, the people who are offended by the building have a right not to be offended. So, this conflict of rights needs to be settled. And in America this is often settled by controversy, and by competing pressures. And, of course, if that cannot settle the conflict, then if the two parties feel strongly enough, they may have to go to the courts. I hope you can get that.

Well, i suppose i feel compelled to ask, in what way does the building of the mosque interfere with the lives of the people living in the area? i don't expect that that you will insist that it interferes with their view of the ocean? Also, there is no such thing, legally speaking, as the "right not to be offended" (if anything, that is precisely the sort of thing that the First Amendment is meant to prevent. Incidentally, the 1st Amendment also proscribes prohibiting the exercise of religion or interfering with peaceful assembly). In other words, the courts would have very little to say regarding the rights of the offended parties.

A logician you may pretend to be, Ken, but you will never be much of a constitutional lawyer. i am way too drunk, and i totally lack the patience at the moment, to respond to all of the absurdities that you have enunciated in the course of this thread. But I will say this, although you obviously have the right to express your disapproval of this build, you have no right to prevent it. Your moral reservations are ultimately irrelevant, unless you are willing to violate the rights of the individuals that are so intent on offending you, which is obviously their purpose.

Something to think about.
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 07:37 am
Razzleg wrote:

kennethamy wrote:

A "red herring" is, of course, an attempt (intentional or not) to divert discussion from the real issue to an issue that appears to be the issue at hand, but is not. A shining example of that is President Obama's recent speech which supported building a mosque by a group of Muslims very near the site of the 9/11 attack which murdered so many people. President Obama argued that just as any members of a religion have the right to build a religious structure at the site, so do Muslims.

But that argument is a red herring, for no one is disputing the legal or constitutional right of Muslim (or any other group) to build whatever they please to build at that, or any other site. What is being disputed is whether it is right for them to do so. Whether they ought to build such a structure so near that particular site. And whether or not they have the legal or constitutional right to do so is clearly irrelevant. There is an important distinction between having the right to do something and its being right to do that something which President Obama's speech ignores, and it is just that distinction that lies at the heart of the dispute.

Now, for another illustration of critical thinking consider the following argument:

Either President Obama realizes that his argument is irrelevant and so, is a red herring, or he does not. If he does, President Obama is being disingenuous. If he doesn't, the President is confused. So, either the President is disingenuous, or he is confused.

The above is an illustration of what logicians call "constructive dilemma".

In a conversation with Wittgenstein reported by Norman Malcolm in a memoir, Malcolm tells of how he made some political remark to Wittgenstein that infuriated him. Wittgenstein thought that the remark was stupid and it showed a lack of critical thought. And he asked Malcolm (rhetorically) what was the good of Malcolm knowing philosophy with all of its subtleties, but when it came to thinking about real life matters, Malcolm failed miserably?

Something to think about.

I'm a bit confused. After reading the past few pages of posts of the thread you started about President Obama's logical fallacies, I felt like I was reading a thread about the ethical value of building a mosque near the destroyed Twin Towers. How odd. Do your recent posts imply that your original post was written to make a different point than that explicitly made? Were you making a pointed attack on our current president only to make a different political point about the morality of American Muslims, all the while simultaneously casting unwarranted moral aspersions on the Chief Executive? My earlier accusation of hypocrisy was obviously a mistake on my part. Let me make it up to you by making this slightly more explicit argument:

kennethamy wrote:

You don't mean, I hope, that because this is America people can do any damn thing they please, do you? Since that is certainly not true. And you don't mean, I hope that just because a person has the right to do something, but that I think that in the particular circumstances, even if he has the right to do something, he ought not to do it, what I should not do whatever I think I should to stop him from exercising that right, like speak out against his doing so. For that, of course, would conflict with my right of freedom of expression. If a person (say) has the right to build so that it blocks my view of the ocean, then I have a right to go to the town council to ask them to prevent him from exercising that right because it interferes with me. Or can't you understand that? Let me make it easy for you: there are many times conflicting rights which have to be settled. The builders of the building have the right to build. On the other hand, the people who are offended by the building have a right not to be offended. So, this conflict of rights needs to be settled. And in America this is often settled by controversy, and by competing pressures. And, of course, if that cannot settle the conflict, then if the two parties feel strongly enough, they may have to go to the courts. I hope you can get that.

Well, i suppose i feel compelled to ask, in what way does the building of the mosque interfere with the lives of the people living in the area? i don't expect that that you will insist that it interferes with their view of the ocean? Also, there is no such thing, legally speaking, as the "right not to be offended" (if anything, that is precisely the sort of thing that the First Amendment is meant to prevent. Incidentally, the 1st Amendment also proscribes prohibiting the exercise of religion or interfering with peaceful assembly). In other words, the courts would have very little to say regarding the rights of the offended parties.

A logician you may pretend to be, Ken, but you will never be much of a constitutional lawyer. i am way too drunk, and i totally lack the patience at the moment, to respond to all of the absurdities that you have enunciated in the course of this thread. But I will say this, although you obviously have the right to express your disapproval of this build, you have no right to prevent it. Your moral reservations are ultimately irrelevant, unless you are willing to violate the rights of the individuals that are so intent on offending you, which is obviously their purpose.

Something to think about.

But I will say this, although you obviously have the right to express your disapproval of this build, you have no right to prevent it.

Since, as you have just said, I (and others) have the right to express our disapproval of the mosque, and since that disapproval, along with other legal measures, may prevent the building of the mosque on that site, it follows that I (and others) do have the right to prevent the building of the mosque. And of course, we do. Just as the builders have the right to build it. I think that you, like many, are still confused by the distinction between having a right, and whether it is right to exercise that right. I think that what you wanted to say is that although I have the right to express my disapproval, I was not right to express my disapproval. Now, isn't that what you really want to say?
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 07:40 am
Does the content of what a politician says matter more than the manner of speaking?
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 07:44 am
plainoldme wrote:

Does the content of what a politician says matter more than the manner of speaking?

Depends on the politician. For example, in the case of Barack Obama, no. In the case of George W. Bush, yes.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 08:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

"Offended by the building?" Your use of emotion (offended) to determine its rightness or wrongness is where you miss the total issue as it concerns this particular topic. That some people are offended that Muslims wish to build a mosque two blocks away from ground zero is based in bigotry; there's no other explanation. Nobody would have complained if they were planning to build a catholic church on that same site.

Were you addressing this to kennethamy?
I agree with you that nobody woud would have complained if Caotholics or Protestants or Jews were building at the same site. That is why kennethamy's claim that the constitutional right to practice one's religion is a red herrring in this dispute is false. This is a clear case of religious discrimination.
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 08:25 am
Ahab wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

"Offended by the building?" Your use of emotion (offended) to determine its rightness or wrongness is where you miss the total issue as it concerns this particular topic. That some people are offended that Muslims wish to build a mosque two blocks away from ground zero is based in bigotry; there's no other explanation. Nobody would have complained if they were planning to build a catholic church on that same site.

Were you addressing this to kennethamy?
I agree with you that nobody woud would have complained if Caotholics or Protestants or Jews were building at the same site. That is why kennethamy's claim that the constitutional right to practice one's religion is a red herrring in this dispute is false. This is a clear case of religious discrimination.

If Jews or Catholics had been the ones who committed the 9/11 atrocity, then there certainly would have been complaints about their building on that site. Therefore, you have no reason (on that ground) to think that this present case is one of religious discrimination. It has nothing to do with the religious issue, but with what group of people (or any religion) who do dastardly things, and the symbolism of that site as associated with those dastardly people.
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 08:39 am
Do you see how you just contradicted yourself?
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 08:40 am
kennethamy wrote:

Ahab wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

"Offended by the building?" Your use of emotion (offended) to determine its rightness or wrongness is where you miss the total issue as it concerns this particular topic. That some people are offended that Muslims wish to build a mosque two blocks away from ground zero is based in bigotry; there's no other explanation. Nobody would have complained if they were planning to build a catholic church on that same site.

Were you addressing this to kennethamy?
I agree with you that nobody woud would have complained if Caotholics or Protestants or Jews were building at the same site. That is why kennethamy's claim that the constitutional right to practice one's religion is a red herrring in this dispute is false. This is a clear case of religious discrimination.

If Jews or Catholics had been the ones who committed the 9/11 atrocity, then there certainly would have been complaints about their building on that site. Therefore, you have no reason (on that ground) to think that this present case is one of religious discrimination.

The Muslims that are building on this site did not commit those atrocities. You are restricting their right to practice their religion becasue other Muslims committed those atrocities. Clear case of religious discrimination.

Using your logic we shold restrict all Catholic buildings from being constructed near schools because of the all the child molestations committed by Catholic priests.

It has nothing to do with the religious issue, but with what group of people (or any religion) who do dastardly things, and the symbolism of that site as associated with those dastardly people.

Perhaps you could clarify this? Why are you associating the construction of some religious buildings with dastardly people? Looks like you are discriminating against them on the basis of their religion to me.


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