Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 03:38 pm
The Toxic Appeal of Demonization (Just ranting off after a frustrating week)

James S. Fell recently posted the article “The Toxic Appeal of the Men’s Rights Movement”. In it he wrongly depicts the movement as being driven by misogyny and resentment. He was also inline with other recent feminist driven campaigns to make the intentionally deceitful connection between lunatic Elliot Rodger and the men’s rights movement. If anyone could point to one single shred of evidence that this nutcase was an MRA or even had any association with the movement it would be a first. To date there HAS BEEN ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE, but despite this - feminist have been PROPOGATING this lie!

In the article Mr. Fell does state that the men’s rights movement has some legitimacy but suggests that the magnitude of the discrimination is too miniscule to give a darn ****. Well the first piece of advice I would give this idiot - is to start reading the same publication that cuts him a check for the garbage he writes. If Mr. Fell had been reading TIME, he would have read about how “Men Are Obsolete” in his employer’s publications January 2nd, 2014 posting. If that isn’t reason enough to join a men’s rights movement I don’t know what is? It would seem, Mr. Fell, that the issues are NOT as laughable as you purport in your article…or how he put it:

“….. But turning these issues into a movement is laughable. It is a like a multi-millionaire who whines that a tax loophole was closed and he’s losing 0.5% of his annual income.”

He asserts that men are joining the movement because we’re “whining children” who fear losing our “privileges that society bestows upon us for having pale skin and a penis”. First, Mr. Fell you would be surprised to know that there are a lot of women in the movement and not just men. These are smart, intelligent women who as a result of their gender act in an unbiased, non self-prejudicial evaluation of the legitimacy of the movement. Many of these women were feminists at one time who sincerely believed in and wanted true gender equality for all but who refused to remain in an ideology that put forth a deceptive agenda of acquiring female superiority over men.

Why Men and Women Join the Movement

What James Fell fails to understand is the true reasons why people are joining the men’s human rights movement. They are joining because they become aware there is one.

Most never had a clue there was a men’s rights movement. This point is validated from Mr. Fell’s own need to assure his reading audience:

“Wait, what? Men’s rights? That’s a thing? Yes, it’s a thing”

If the feminist did one thing well it was stifling any recognition of a men’s rights movement. Feminist smolder any attempts at dissension of their own policies. By collectively infiltrating and manipulating legal, educational and media institutions feminists were guaranteed that their agenda proceeded unhindered. Then some time ago this crazy thing called the Internet came around. It took some time. People were waking up and realizing that the news wasn’t as unbiased in their reporting as they originally thought. Small brave voices began popping up – in small groups at first. Little blogs then flourished into big sites that garnished a million hits a day.

For years men have been brainwashed into cognitively dissenting with the notion that perhaps they were not as bad as the message the media constantly bombarded them with. But they never questioned the status quo, because as a (perceived) lone-dissenter one would only expect to emerge as some misogynistic nut…when in fact they never hated women but only a system that discriminated them. These people truly believed they were alone in their own beliefs.

Some people, like Warren Farrell – attempted to open up discussions with their peers in hopes of re-evaluating the feminist game plan. So they ventured beyond their comfort zone….only to derail their careers and reputations. Speaking out against feminism was not and is not currently a healthy choice. Especially if you intended to work in any of the feminist controlled institutions. But the feminist won. They managed to keep Warren and others out of the six o'clock news. They silenced him....until the Internet emerged and now no longer faced with the prospect of silencing dissenting voices they go to Plan "B" - Demonize!

…but now there’s the Internet!

Suck it up James!

Red pills the size of Texas awaits every truth starving person….and it’s only a mouse click away. More and more of these people are finding themselves clicking on to sites (like a voiceformen.com) and emerging with a life transforming experience. Once transformed these people are endowed with a strong conviction of purpose to help spread the word on men’s issues.

And what brought us here? For some, they were forced to wake up quickly – as they verged on the cusp of losing their children or their financial health or both. Sometimes, it was because a mom worried about her son’s worsening school marks and took to Googling “Why is my son having trouble in school?” and then to find out (not from feminist sources but from MRA sources) that its a general problem affecting boys as a group. And for others, they came to realize a men's rights movement existed after having read a disturbing article which pushed them over a threshold and motivated them to search for a solution.

The lucky ones, not all but some, make it to avoiceformen.com or some other blog. For the rest it’s only a matter of time.

So suck it up James! Men’s rights activist are not misogynists and we’re certainly not cold blooded killers. The beef we have is with feminism, not women. That is why suggesting that Elliot Rodger was an MRA doesn’t hold water. He wasn’t a men’s rights activist as far as we can tell. But even if he was an MRA it would be disingenuous to believe that the men’s rights movement would be anything of a motivator for such a heinous crime. But of course feminist like you Jim, and Anne Theriault, and the myriad others will go down in the history books as the bigots who attempted to derail the men’s rights movement.

Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 03:41 pm
James S. Fell – Lying Dipshit

June 2, 2014 in Blog, News, Response by Raz

Someone who contributes to the New York Slimes wrote a hit piece on the mens rights movement. I’m not going to take much time for preamble, let’s just start taking it apart piece by piece.

“A growing movement driven by misogyny and resentment is pulling in frustrated men struggling with changing definitions of masculinity. A man’s fitness columnist on why they should walk away.”

What misogyny?! How is it misogynist to be a free and proud man? Here is an excerpt from our websites about page;

“We also do not seek special treatment or privileges for men of any kind. What we want is for everybody to be treated equally. We want equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Basically, we want society to stop lying about men, and stop blaming masculinity for all evil in the world.”

Wow. Talk about misogyny. You know, used to be if someone called you a misogynist, you really must have said or done something truly misogynistic. Today, the accusation has lost all power due to this kind of ridiculous overuse. You’re a misogynist today if you dare criticize a women. You’re a misogynist if you respect the natural rights of a developing child, or refuse to pay for somebody else’s ******* contraceptives. You’re even a misogynist if you employ logic in an argument. It really is past the point of insanity.

And what “changing definitions of masculinity” is he referring to you might ask? Please allow me to help you out with that:

“A mangina is a man who habitually attacks other men, and identifies with women as opposed to his own sex. He is a turncoat who feels honor is pointless, and honesty is a term best placed in scare quotes. He believes feminism is just about equality, while at the same time, he mindlessly defends evil feminists who are bent on male domination.”

Men adhering to this new, feminist approved definition of masculinity are unprincipled, dishonorable, manginas with absolutely zero self worth. They’re self loathing masochists who eagerly await their punishment for the imagined sins of their male ancestors. You know, like the founding fathers. I tell ya it wouldn’t shock me if this guy had “born to submit” tattooed on the small of his back. So yeah, we’re more than a little resentful of this kind of ****, and we’re sure that most other men are as well. Geez, couple paragraphs in and we’ve only addressed the headline.

Imagine a kid who got a cone with three scoops of ice cream in it. Good flavors, too. Like peanut-butter chocolate, plus a scoop of cookie dough. In a waffle cone. And then this child whines about the lack of chocolate sprinkles on top. Welcome to the men’s rights movement.

Yeah, thats what the mens rights movement is about alright. ******* ice cream. Not about reforming family courts to adopt presumed shared parenting, or eliminating affirmative action quotas which hold men back in education and in the workplace, no, forget all that. It’s about us men wanting more sprinkles on our ice cream. What a frickin moron!

Wait, what? Men’s rights? That’s a thing? Yes, it’s a thing, and while there are certain legitimate aspects to men’s rights activism, or MRA, it’s overwhelmingly a toxic slew of misogyny.

Yeah you idiot, it’s “a thing”, and it looks like it’s going to remain “a thing” for quite some time. This guy says there are legitimate issues in the mens rights movement, but did he bother to list a few of those off? No, he would never do that. He just threw that token statement out to seem even handed. In reality there is not one damn thing about the MRM that he agrees with. Nothing. But lets assume for a moment that he really did believe the MRM was tackling some legitimate issues. What exactly is he doing about those issues which he doesn’t feel are even worth mentioning, given that the MRM is after all a “toxic slew of misogyny”? Answer – **** all nothing.

This world of resentment and hate speech has been brought to light in recent days as we learned about the vitriolic forum posts and videos left behind by Elliot Rodger, the 22 year-old accused of killing six people in Santa Barbara last week. But it’s hard to comprehend from Roger’s delusional rants how potent the movement’s message can be for ordinary men.

Well here we go again with the “haaaaaate speech” bullshit, which is as expected as turkey on thanksgiving, but that next part is most interesting. Elliot Rodger, is an example of mens rights vitriol?! Since when? That’s damn funny because Elliot Rodger was a member of an anti-pick up artist community and a body building forum. Seems like just yesterday these feminist ideologues were trying to conflate pick up artists with the MRM. So which is it feminists?! Is the MRM and the pick up artists community one and the same or are we bitter enemies? Fire up that collective brain cell and make up your mind already! Elliot Rodger was a narcissistic psychopath who had nothing to do with the MRM which has always strictly advocated and practiced non violence. Rodger had a lot more in common with feminists than he did mens rights activists, especially given the fact MOST OF HIS VICTIMS WERE MEN, NOT WOMEN. Notice how this so called journalist avoided that by saying it was 6 PEOPLE who were killed by this lunatic. Remember, this guy is not here to report facts, he’s here to lie and deceive. Just another example of that “redefined masculinity” he was talking about earlier.

MRAs believe the traditionally oppressed groups have somehow seized control and taken away their white male privilege. They tap into fear and insecurity and turn it into blame and rage. Often the leaders of these groups are men who feel as though they got screwed in a divorce. They quote all sorts of statistics about child custody and unfair alimony payments, because in their minds, the single mother who has to choose between feeding the kids or paying the rent is a myth.

What traditionally oppressed groups? Women? Women were never an oppressed group of people. You’re lying again, feminist. “Oppression” is being hung from a tree for being the wrong color. It’s being systematically herded like chattel into gas chambers so that you can be exterminated by the millions. At no point in history have women as a group experienced anything even remotely close to this. And if you want to define being cat-called on the street as oppression, then congratulations you’re an idiot. If you’re looking for a more in-depth explanation of this, there’s no better video than this one:


If anybody is plagued by fear and insecurity pal, it’s you. Men today have every right to be outraged, as so many are being made to sit powerlessly and watch as their children are ripped from their lives. Their roles as fathers reduced to a monthly cheque in the mail which may or may not even be spent on those kids. And should an alienated father be too financially strapped to make these payments and support himself at the same time, the kangaroo courts feminists like this guy engineered and defend are all too happy to take away the man’s drivers license (genius move by the way, that’s sure to solve the problem), and eventually throw him in jail. Other men are forced to pay to maintain “the life their ex-wives have become accustomed to”, following a divorce. Is it any wonder divorced men are 10 times more likely to commit suicide than married men? These are all considered myths to the likes of James Fell and his ilk. Actually, no, he knows full well that these things go on. He just doesn’t give two shits about any of that, because he has no consideration for the rights of men and is too short sighted to see the devastating impact these issues are also having on the women who also get caught up in this ****. According to this level 1 thinking propagandist jackoff, it’s only about these legions of poverty stricken single mothers and their irresponsible, rich baby daddies. But you’re right douchebag, lets not look a little deeper into the problem of fatherlessness so that we might actually address the issue. Let’s just continue to throw more taxpayer money at the problem and throw innocent men in debtors prisons as we watch this crisis go off into endless perpetuity. And let’s attack anybody who speaks out against that by calling them a misogynist who’s rage and insecurities have gotten the better of them. Feminists like James do not want problems like these addressed. A dependent population is a loyal population, and they know they can increase the power of the state by buying votes with bigger entitlement programs.

They believe passionately in their own victimhood and their creed goes something like this: Women are trying to keep us down, usurp all our power, taking away what it means to be a man.

Nobody in the MRM is making the case that men are oppressed, asshole. We target specific legislation and social attitudes that are discriminatory, but we are not in the business of inciting hatred and animosity among people of different races or sexes. That’s kinda your bag. You are the ones trying to take away what it means to be a man, and you’re using the education system, the media and the government to do it. Or in your particular case – a fitness website. Do men not thrive in an environment where they can compete on a level playing field? History has shown that – yes they absolutely do. So why does the USA alone extend over 160 race and sex based affirmative action policies? How are gender quotas working in men’s best interests exactly, pinhead? Why not have a meritocracy? Equality of opportunity does not equal equality of outcome. Why not leave it up to individuals to pick and choose their path in life and let them earn and own their success or failure for themselves? No, that’s not an appealing concept to social justice warriors like James Fell. We got to punish those evil straight white men somehow! That’s equality dammit!

One popular MRA site is AVoiceForMen.com, with a mission to “expose misandry on all levels in our culture” and “denounce the institution of marriage as unsafe and unsuitable for modern men” as well as “promote an end to chivalry in any form or fashion” and “educate men and boys about the threats they face in feminist governance.” They also want an “end to rape hysteria” and promote “civil disobedience.” In their defense, AVFM does support nonviolence, but with all the inflammatory rhetoric, do readers always take heed?

First of all,while it is true AVoiceForMen often uses satire to illustrate a point, and isn’t afraid to not pull any punches when it comes to holding bigoted individuals and institutions accountable, (which is pretty much why they’ve had the growth and successes they’ve had over the past few years) but it has always maintained a strict adherence to the principle of non violence while doing so. To date there has never been a single actual mens rights activist who has lashed out violently in the name of the MRM. If anything, AVFM acts as one of the only places where many men can go to gain a level of peace and camaraderie that comes with learning they are not the only ones out there having their civil rights violated in a culture that is totally indifferent to the rights of men.

Second, since when is an internet website accountable for the actions of their supposed readership? Trust me, this hit piece has enough inflammatory rhetoric in it to fry an egg, yet not one well known and respected MRA in the MRM (myself included) is harboring thoughts of lashing out violently as a result of it. But, according to Jimmy’s logic, if an MRA did such a thing, James would be obligated to apologize and accept the full blame for that. I have a feeling he wouldn’t turn himself in though.

There are Reddit threads and other Internet forums dedicated to men’s rights, and the language and vitriol towards women and especially towards feminism is appalling. Any messages of nonviolence seem lost in the hate mongering. These groups spew logically faulty statistics about the prevalence of male rape and spousal abuse, and how there really is no glass ceiling or pay inequality”

Feminism is an ideology of bigotry and gynocentric totalitarianism, so it deserves all the vitriol it receives, but what hate mongering towards women is this guy talking about? He gives no examples. What faulty statistics about rape and domestic violence is he referring to? Again, he gives no examples. Guess we should all just take his word for all that. After all, he’s proven himself to be totally even handed up until now, hasn’t he?

As for pay inequality – there is none. Glass ceilings – there aren’t any. Period. Ask Hilary “cankles” Clinton about how she could possibly become secretary of state with virtually no qualifications or achievements aside from the fact she married a lying, cheating pervert who would eventually become the president if a so called glass ceiling existed. There’s a half black man in the whitehouse and yet we are still being told relentlessly that the USA is as racist a country as ever. I guarantee you, that even if a vagina was installed into the presidency, for no better reason than the sheer novelty of it it seems, and the oval office was officially re-named the ovary office, we would still hear about this fictional glass ceiling bullshit. There’s just never going to be an end to this crap. Nothing stands in women’s way should they wish to succeed in a career. The fact women are at present 60% of college graduates is evidence of that. Indeed there are even many unfair advantages that cheapen women’s achievements, but that’s because feminists like James Fell fought to put them there. The pay gap myth has been refuted more times than the flat earth theory. For **** sakes man, turn the page with the rest of us and live in the now! Nobody is buying this canard anymore. Even non MRA members of the public know better. You’re fooling nobody!

…and general complaints about how “that bitch got my promotion because she has a uterus.”

Are there affirmative action policies in effect or not, shithead? Yes there are, so then why don’t you shut the **** up!? So long as you have a government picking winners and losers based on genitalia, you’re going to get complaints like these and ALL of them have grounds for legitimacy. And by the way, you thick headed twat, you think you’re helping women with these quotas?! Most women want to earn their way and don’t need you nitwits telling them they aren’t good enough to do it on their own. That’s misogyny. Nobody likes seeing less qualified women pushed ahead simply because of their genitals, and you’re only ensuring honest, genuinely hard working women will have to work harder to earn the respect of their male colleagues who cannot know if these women are where they are because they deserve to be there.

Men’s Rights Canada made headlines again recently with their classless response to an anti-sexual assault campaign called “Don’t be that guy.” Posters went up across the nation implying women aren’t punished enough for infanticide, stating, “Women can stop baby dumping. “Don’t be that girl.”This was a follow up of the same campaign from last year alleging many women made false rape accusations because they felt guilty over a one-night stand.

Classless huh? Pointing out the obvious hypocrisy and double standards of a vile, sexist poster campaign is classless? Hey if it pisses off the likes of you, Jimmy boy, we’re right on track. You only take flack when you’re over your target. I am not going to speak to the original don’t be that girl poster campaign, since it has already been spoken of hundreds of time by now. You can easily find out the truth about that, (and the point behind it, if you’re as slow as Mr. Fell is) by referring to previous entries on our website. As for the more recent one concerning baby dumping, allow me to elaborate on what that was actually about. Section 237 of the criminal code of Canada states:

“Every female person who commits infanticide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.”

There you have it, a clear cut example of gender bias enshrined into Canadian laws. Feel free to look it up if you wish, it’s right there in Canada’s criminal code exactly as it is written here. An elementary school student can see that this is a clear cut example of preferential treatment for females who murder infants. If the goal is for men and women to be equal under the law, chivalry justice has got to go. We cannot continue to give female murderers of infants a pass. It’s bad for children, it’s bad for families, and it’s bad for Canadian communities. Our message is simple: If you kill a baby, regardless of whether or not you’re a man or a woman, you should do hard time. I personally appeared on a radio show following this campaign and talked to fellow Canadian men and women who agreed with this sentiment. They must not have been feminists because they believed, as we do, in equal treatment under the law, regardless of a person’s sex. Feminism wants to afford one gender the power to get away with what is quite possibly one of the most horrific and evil criminal acts known to humanity. Guess which gender that is. But remember, feminism is about equality. Yeah, right. I’m sure they’ll get around to this one eventually. Probably after they’re finished working that whole feminist-environmentalist angle.

As a white man who writes about fitness, I’m very aware of the pressures on men and the many ways that these kinds of hateful messages reach my audience, both overt like the Canada ads and the less blatant claims of male victimhood in mainstream media. It’s clear that the definition of masculinity is in flux, and for some men that’s frustrating, especially with near-pornographic ad campaigns promoting women as objects of sexual conquest. And while there are aspects of MRA that are worth bringing to light, as a movement it can suck a good man down a rabbit hole of resentment. It is backward-looking and pining for good old days that never were.

No, you’re a self loathing man who sold out his gender for the approval of bigots. You lie to people and call it journalism. You think your masochism makes you sophisticated and earns you the moral high ground but it makes you nothing but a slimy, pathetic deceiver. You don’t have the foggiest ******* notion of what is in men’s best interests and you would undoubtedly sacrifice every male on the planet if it afforded you more meaningless approval from your feminist masters. You know, the ones holding the other end of your leash as you go through your day lecturing men on what louts they are and how toxic and destructive natural masculinity is. Men like you brainwash young boys into thinking they are innately prone to rape and violence. You would rather drug them into submission than let boys be boys. Sex sells, retard and there is nothing evil, objectifying, or unhealthy about men being physically attracted to women or visa versa. Pretty much everybody likes seeing a smoking hot woman, so quit being such a prude!

We MRAs are indeed backward-looking. Not so much to lament, but to gain a better understanding of where we came from so that we can better predict where we’re going. You seem content to write off all of history as some oppressive straight white male imposed “patriarchy” or “good old days” which, to your credit, admit never really existed.

Speaking of looking back – Churchill, Norman Borlaug, George Washington, Patton, …just a few stellar examples of some of the greatest men from history. All straight white males by the way that did not require lectures like “she fears you” or poster campaigns to teach them not to rape. Each of them would surely have nothing but contempt for a snake like you.

Are there some problems with specific instances of unequal treatment? Yes. Is there some anti-male sentiment out there? Yeah, that happens too. But turning these issues into a movement is laughable. It is a like a multi-millionaire who whines that a tax loophole was closed and he’s losing 0.5% of his annual income.

Men, especially white men, aren’t marginalized, we aren’t under attack, and we not in danger of losing the overwhelming privileges society bestows upon us for having pale skin and a penis. However, MRAs have been described as whining children by the women they call “feminist bitches.”

So to any man who feels like he’s getting caught up in such a movement because they feel emasculated or are just having trouble relating to women and perhaps sympathizing with Elliot Rodger, I will tell you this: Life isn’t fair. Life is NOT fair.

Women will judge you. Some will judge you based on your appearance, your height, your width, you genitalia, your wealth, your car, your clothes, your acne. In other words, they will judge you the exact same way you judge them.

What’s laughable is how a man could be this proud to be utterly pussy whipped. Comparing the modern male to a multi-millionaire is as outrageous as comparing your hit piece here to the journalism of Walter Cronkite, (yikes, another straight white male!!). What privilages does society bestow on men?! Is this the same society that handed down a decree to all federally funded colleges that they would judge sexual assault cases involving male perpetrators with a preponderance of the evidence standard (essentially guilty until proven innocent). Is this the same society that booed those young men on a TV talk show who were falsely accused of rape in the Duke Lacross fiasco, AFTER they were proven innocent? The same one in which Sharon Osbourne and her co-hosts of the view openly mocked an elderly man on daytime TV who was drugged, tortured and sexually mutilated?
Men are roughly 80% of the homeless, 90% of workplace deaths, and 99% of war fatalities. Men have absolutely zero reproductive rights, pay the lions share of taxes and receive the smallest amount of social benefits. In EVERY province of Canada, women have a life expectancy of AT LEAST 4 years longer than men. You call this privilege? Nobody is making the case that men are oppressed, you dolt, we’re making the case that it’s time society started to care about the myriad of issues facing men and stop listening to morons like this guy who have nothing but contempt for his country and his fellow man.
Life’s not fair Mr. Fell? Would he ever say that to those poor single mothers he pointed to earlier? Like hell he would, that white knight moron. He has a standard for men and a separate but special standard for women. I feel especially sorry for any poor bastard who stumbles on to this guy’s fitness website and is stupid enough to buy the snake oil he’s trying to sell over there. If any men feel emasculated in this culture, it’s because of spineless worms like James S. Fell whose message to men is one of shame and submission. Our message to men and women is to be independent, free thinking and proud of who you are. Don’t let anybody manipulate you with shaming language or sensor your speech with political correctness. Look these control freaks right in the eye and tell them to **** OFF! It’s your life, don’t let anybody tell you how to live it. Especially not activist “journalists” like James Fell.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 03:42 pm
Re: The Toxic Appeal of the Men’s Rights Movement

So it appears that any half-wit moron can write on Time magazine nowadays. Especially ones that don’t do any research on the group they so vehemently puke all over. This article from Time magazine, written by a James Fell, is either satire, or just a vehement attack. For some reason, I can’t tell which one it is. The writer writes so childishly that it is hard to tell the difference.

“A growing movement driven by misogyny and resentment is pulling in frustrated men struggling with changing definitions of masculinity.

Imagine a kid who got a cone with three scoops of ice cream in it. Good flavors, too. Like peanut-butter chocolate, plus a scoop of cookie dough. In a waffle cone. And then this child whines about the lack of chocolate sprinkles on top.

Welcome to the men’s rights movement.”

Now as I have mentioned in several other posts, I am not part of the MRM, but I can tell you one thing, they are not misogynist. The MRM is only fighting to prevent the 5 times higher suicide rates of men, allow men the right to have custody of their children and property, and to be able to say no to being forced into paying for a child the woman chose to have. They also fight against automatic circumcision of infants, the allowance for male contraception and birth control to be covered by insurance like female is, and to lower the false rape accusations sent against men. As well as dispel myths of male superiority, as well as the myth that males get more money in jobs due to sexism. But I guess proper research isn’t needed by journalists nowadays.

But of course, Ad Hominem is a favorite of the opposites to the movement, as they really don’t have any arguments to really dispel the facts I have listed above.

“This world of resentment and hate speech has been brought to light in recent days as we learned about the vitriolic forum posts and videos left behind by Elliot Rodger, the 22 year-old accused of killing six people in Santa Barbara last week. But it’s hard to comprehend from Roger’s delusional rants how potent the movement’s message can be for ordinary men.”

ELLIOT RODGER WAS NOT A MRA!!! Elliot Rodger HATED men as much as he detested women. He wanted all men dead, and killed 4 in his murder rampage. He was part of an Anti-PUA (Pick-up Artist) group and hated men who were able to get women. Elliot Rodger was not an MRA, he was anti-MRA, and wanted to #Killallmen. So basically, I can say he was a feminist in this regard.

“MRAs believe the traditionally oppressed groups have somehow seized control and taken away their white male privilege. They tap into fear and insecurity and turn it into blame and rage.”

MRA’s are people who know that their privilege doesn’t exist when they are forced to take care of kids they don’t want, forced to be drafted into wars, and do jobs no female would ever do, like Sewage worker, and construction. Besides, I have seen none of the 65% of the homeless that are single men talk about their “male privilege.” Women are so oppressed that they have to /try/ to be homeless in order to be. Oh no, sounds like a patriarchy to me!

“They quote all sorts of statistics about child custody and unfair alimony payments, because in their minds, the single mother who has to choose between feeding the kids or paying the rent is a myth. They believe passionately in their own victimhood and their creed goes something like this: Women are trying to keep us down, usurp all our power, taking away what it means to be a man.“

Next time, quote a lead MRA that actually says something like that. Besides, most of the lead MRA’s are women, so yeah. A single mother who chose to have her kid should have no right to force the man she chose to have sex with knowing the effects of sex to pay for her child. I am sorry, that is not how it should work. And if the tables were turned…

“There are Reddit threads and other Internet forums dedicated to men’s rights, and the language and vitriol towards women and especially towards feminism is appalling. Any messages of nonviolence seem lost in the hate mongering. These groups spew logically faulty statistics”


“especially with near-pornographic ad campaigns promoting women as objects of sexual conquest.”

Oh yeah. because sexual objectification never happens to guys

“It is backward-looking and pining for good old days that never were.”

Old days? Like what, the Vietnam War? Men are speaking up for their issues and you got nothing to say but the same vitriol you claim they spew.

” It is a like a multi-millionaire who whines that a tax loophole was closed and he’s losing 0.5% of his annual income.”

5 times rate of suicide and losing custody of his children for having a penis is the same as “a millionaire who loses 0.5% of his annual income?” I am starting to believe not only are you vehemently attacking men’s rights for no real reason, but you are victimizing women like me when I am not a victim! You are not making men out to be lords in this article, you are by definition subjugating women into roles of pathetic and worthless. Women are not and have never been second class citizens. Get your head out of your ass and realize that.

“Men, especially white men, aren’t marginalized, we aren’t under attack, and we not in danger of losing the overwhelming privileges society bestows upon us for having pale skin and a penis.”

Please, inform me of some of these “privileges” men have over women. Name one I cannot refute right off the bat. I dare you. Tell me what rights I as a woman am lacking. Tell me what I don’t have.

“Women will judge you. Some will judge you based on your appearance, your height, your width, you genitalia, your wealth, your car, your clothes, your acne. In other words, they will judge you the exact same way you judge them.”

Wait, I thought it was the feminists who were screaming Thin Privilege, Tall Privilege, Language Privilege… oh well, I guess facts fail this one.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 03:44 pm
...no point in me refuting this piece of **** article since it's already been done before.

By the way, stay on topic of this thread!
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 04:14 pm
The SPLC has been making noise about those sites for the past two years, considering them hate groups..

The Southern Poverty Law Center
Intelligence Report, Spring 2012, Issue Number: 145

Misogyny: The Sites

The so-called “manosphere” is peopled with hundreds of websites, blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general. Although some of the sites make an attempt at civility and try to back their arguments with facts, they are almost all thick with misogynistic attacks that can be astounding for the guttural hatred they express. What follows are brief descriptions of a dozen of these sites. Another resource is the Man Boobz website (manboobz.com), a humorous pro-feminist blog (its tagline is “Misogyny: I Mock It”) that keeps a close eye on these and many other woman-hating sites.

Alcuin is a blog that promotes the “Intellectual Renaissance of the Western Tradition.” “Just as the Nazis had to create a Jewish conspiracy as a way to justify mass slaughter,” one post declares, “so feminists have to create patriarchy as a way to justify mass slaughter of innocent unborn, and the destruction of men and masculinity. Rape is now a political crime, not a crime of sex or violence. A man doesn’t have to rape in order to be a rapist. A man is a rapist until he somehow proves himself innocent.” Another post, titled “Having their cake,” asserts that “Western women … act, dress, and look like hairy fat pigs, but get angry when they can’t find a man … act like bitches, but expect men to respect them … don’t know what the hell they want, but seek power over men and over everything.”

Boycott American Women
This site’s mission statement describes American women as “generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting.” Plus, they supposedly pose a higher risk of divorce than women from such countries as Russia, Thailand and the Philippines, where the blog suggests men find their mates. The site is rife with posts from outsiders, like the recent one that said: “I think we should export all american [sic] bitches to other countries and take in women from other places. … Have you noticed how fat these sluts get AT AN EARLY AGE… . f you were allowed to beat your wife we wouldn’t be dealing with this crap.”

The Counter Feminist
Its tagline probably won’t be set to music any time soon, but it does capture the flavor of the site: “The female-supremacist hate movement called ‘feminism’ must be opened to the disinfecting sunlight of the world’s gaze and held to a stern accounting for its grievous transgressions.” Recent headlines, like December’s “More Proof That Feminism is a Social Cancer,” reflect the same sensibility. “Fidelbogen,” the otherwise unidentified Washington state man who operates the blog, also runs the False Rape Task Force and Women Doing Lousy Things blogs and is heavily involved in the Counter-Feminist YouTube Channel.

The False Rape Society
The False Rape Society is an Internet news aggregator, subtitled “Community of the Falsely Accused,” that features stories about allegedly false rape accusations and “feminist”-crafted “anti-male” legislation. While the site focuses heavily on news stories about false rape allegations, it frequently veers into such posts as the New Year’s Day item attacking a female supporter of then-presidential aspirant Michelle Bachmann for telling a reporter, “It takes a woman to get things done.”

In Mala Fide
This blog, whose name translates from the Latin as “In Bad Faith,” describes itself in its mission statement as “[a]n online magazine dedicated to publishing heretical and unpopular ideas. Ideas that polite society considers ‘racist,’ ‘misogynistic,’ ‘homophobic,’ ‘bigoted’ or other slurs used to shut down critical thinking and maintain the web of delusions that keep our world broken and dying.” The unifying idea is this: “Feminism is a hate movement designed to disenfranchise and dehumanize men.” The site carries ads for such offerings as the HardKnight “male enhancement system,” PolishLasses (“Over 5,000 … candid photos”), and the racist 1922 classic The Revolt Against Civilization by Lothrop Stoddard.

MarkyMark’s Thoughts
Run by a New Jersey Tea Partier with a financially underwater house and a chronic medical condition, Marky Mark’s blog is filled with edifying thoughts like “Even Nice Girls are Sluts.” His blog is not without pathos, however; to say the least, his is not a happy existence. “Do I go through life and all its trials and tribulations alone? Do I go through them with a nagging, selfish bitch who won’t help me anyway? … Or, do I go through them alone, divorced, and poor?” But mostly, this blog is just plain nasty. “Boys,” a January posting urges Marky Mark’s readers, “don’t get involved in American women; they’re sluts, skanks, and disease ridden whores.”

This website tracks news and information about men’s issues from around the world, with a focus on activism — and outrage. Par for the course are lurid headlines like this one: “Pakistani wife kills, cooks husband for lusting over daughter.” The site also runs stories like the one it headlined “Australia: Girl, 13, charged after taxi knife attack” that involve no abuse accusations, but are merely meant to undermine what the site claims is “the myth that women are less violent than men.”

Reddit: Mens Rights
A “subreddit” of the user-generated news site Reddit, this forum describes itself as a “place for people who feel that men are currently being disadvantaged by society.” While it presents itself as a home for men seeking equality, it is notable for the anger it shows toward any program designed to help women. It also trafficks in various conspiracy theories. “Kloo2yoo,” identified as a site moderator, writes that there is “undeniable proof” of an international feminist conspiracy involving the United Nations, the Obama Administration and others, aimed at demonizing men.

Roosh Vörek is a Maryland-raised PUA (“pick up artist”) whose specialty is sex with foreign women; his blog is a sales vehicle for his books like Bang: The Pick Up Bible and Bang Iceland: How to Sleep With Icelandic Women in Iceland, which one Icelandic feminist group described as a “rape guide.” Vörek likes to talk about his many “notches” (seductions) and such things as “American cunts who I want to hate ****.” He adds: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to **** them and never call again.”

SAVE Services
The acronym in SAVE Services stands for Stop Abusive and Violent Environments; “Protecting Victims, Stopping False Allegations, Ending Abuse” is its tagline. In practice, that means lobbying to roll back services for victims of domestic abuse and penalties for their tormentors, while working to return the focus to the “true victims of abuse” — the falsely accused. The site trumpets as a “key fact” that “[f]emale initiation of partner violence is the leading reason for the woman becoming a victim of subsequent violence,” even though a study shows that approximately twice as many women as men are injured during incidents of domestic violence.

The Spearhead
The Spearhead is an online magazine that features a range of “voices in defense of ourselves, our families and our fellow men.” One post calls the recently released American version of the movie thriller “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” “hate porn for feminists” and describes its strong female lead as “like a kind of dyke junkie.” Another post includes this fairly typical summation: “I have said it before, and I will say it again; I don’t hate women. I just hate what they do to men.”

A Voice for Men
A Voice for Men is essentially a mouthpiece for its editor, Paul Elam, who proposes to “expose misandry [hatred of men] on all levels in our culture.” Elam tosses down the gauntlet in his mission statement: “AVfM regards feminists, manginas [a derisive term for weak men], white knights [a similar derisive term, for males who identify as feminists] and other agents of misandry as a social malignancy. We do not consider them well intentioned or honest agents for their purported goals and extend to them no more courtesy or consideration than we would clansmen [sic], skinheads, neo Nazis or other purveyors of hate.” Register-Her.com, an affiliated website that vilifies women by name who have made supposedly false rape allegations (among other crimes against masculinity), is one of Elam’s signature “anti-hate” efforts. “Why are these women not in prison?” the site asks.


And, as recently as a week ago, the SPLC was still keeping a Hatewatch on these groups...
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 04:28 pm
The SPLC isn't credible on this subject, as has already been mentioned in the Elliot Roger thread by another member (Seems kinda like you're conveniently forgetting that we already discussed the SPLC's rhetoric in regards to MRA's.)

And go take a look at something like A Voice For Men yourself (as I don't read the others.)

Point out the supposed "misogyny" to me.

Because again, you're full of **** firefly. Speaking out on behalf of men's issues does not equal "hate". Do you ever listen to yourself?

You are a bigot firefly.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 04:36 pm
By the way, stay on topic of this thread!

You're the one who doesn't want to discuss the real issue of sexual assault/rape--of either men or women--the 92%--98% of the rape reports that aren't based on false allegations. The kind that occur on a daily basis. . That's the topic of this thread.

Ever wonder why they so often involve a school's athletes?

Here's one of the latest--the arrests took place today.
Two University of Miami athletes arrested on sexual battery
by Brian Miller
July 8, 2014

Football is the last thing on the minds of the University of Miami Athletic Department this morning as two members of the Miami Hurricanes football team have been arrested for alleged sexual battery.

Miguel Fernandez of CBS 4 in Miami is reporting that two members of the University of Miami Hurricane football team have been arrested and police reports state that the two athletes are being held on charges they raped a 17 year old female in their dorm.

Jawand Blue and Alexander Figueroa, both 20 years old, were arrested on the schools campus Tuesday. The allegations stem from an incident that occurred on July 5th at the dorms at Pearson Hall. Campus police were notified by the victim and Coral Gables police were called in to investigate.

In addition to the sexual battery charges, both men will also face charges of giving alcohol to a minor. The statement says that Blue and Figueroa bought alcohol and giving it to the girl then taking her back to their room.

According to NBC Miami the two men have admitted to performing sex acts without her permission.

“The victim was physically helpless to resist,” the reports said.

Blue and Figueroa played linebacker for the team and were both sophomore’s. Both have been permanently removed from the UM football team by Athletic Director Blake James.

“Earlier today, I permanently dismissed Jawand Blue and Alexander Figueroa from the UM football team. The University has also suspended the students from school and barred them from all campus facilities while the University conducts an internal investigation and continues to cooperate with local law enforcement,” James said. “Any allegation of a sexual assault is extremely serious, and the University will not tolerate conduct that threatens the sanctity and safety of our students and our campus. We hold all of our students – especially student athletes – to the highest standards of moral conduct. The University is committed to maintaining a safe campus environment for all.”

It’s a chilling story and police are still getting to the bottom of just what happened and where to move forward with the investigation and the charges for the two players from here.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 04:43 pm
The SPLC has been making noise about those sites for the past two years, considering them hate groups..

The SPLC had been going to the dark side for years now with charges that they are misusing their power to label groups as hate groups.



March 5, 2014|7:50 am
The Southern Poverty Law Center's "Hatewatch" fails to use objective criteria in determining which organizations should be labeled a "hate group," George Yancey, professor of sociology at the University of North Texas, finds in a new study, "Watching the Watchers: The Neglect of Academic Analysis of Progressive Groups," published in the January issue of the journal Academic Questions.

SPLC's list dubiously lists Family Research Council as a hate group while ignoring anti-Christian groups that use similar rhetoric, which demonstrates that the list is more about mobilizing liberals than providing an objective source for hate groups, Yancey argues. SPLC has escaped critical analysis of its work in academia because of a liberal bias among academicians, the study additionally claims.

SPLC's Hatewatch has become the definitive guide among some scholars, authors and media organizations to what is, or is not, a "hate group." Conservatives have long criticized the list for labeling social conservative organizations, such as Family Research Council, as hate groups.

FRC's appearance on the list gained national attention in 2012 when a gunman, Floyd Corkins, entered FRC headquarters with the intent of killing everyone there. FRC's building manager, Leo Johnson, subdued Corkins and was shot in the process. Corkins targeted FRC after finding the group on Hatewatch. SPLC has continued to label FRC a hate group even after the shooting.

All the groups listed on Hatewatch, with the exception of black separatists, Yancey notes, are either political or religious conservatives. Yancey believes this is because SPLC is a liberal organization and it is using subjective criteria to choose which groups belong on the list.

"The subjective nature of the criteria for determining a hate group provides a conceptual structure more vulnerable to social bias than an objective criteria applying to groups across a wide political, cultural, and religious spectrum," he wrote.

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According to SPLC, a hate group has "beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics."

Using this standard, Yancey says, there should be some liberal and anti-Christian groups on the list as well. To illustrate, Yancey compares the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to FRC.

According to SPLC, Yancey explains, FRC is a hate group because it intentionally makes hateful and untrue statements about the LGBT community, which can lead to violence even though FRC does not engage in violent actions. (Yancey noted the irony that while SPLC does not cite any examples of FRC-inspired violence, SPLC's Hatewatch actually did incite violence in the case of Floyd Corkins.) To support this contention, SPLC notes that FRC reports on studies showing that the child molestation rate is higher among gays and same-sex parenting harms children, and quotes FRC President Tony Perkins saying that LGBT activists seek to "persuade kids that homosexuality is okay and actually to recruit them into that lifestyle."

If this is the standard for labeling an organization a hate group, Yancey says, then the anti-Christian MRFF should also be on the list.

In a Huffington Post blog, Michael Weinstein, founder of MRFF, claimed that Christians will be responsible for ushering in "a blood-drenched, draconian era of persecutions, naturalistic militarism and superstitious theocracy." And Weinstein has written books claiming that Christians are willing to use mass murder to bring about their goals.

"In these few comments Weinstein has violated some of the same norms SPLC used to designate FRC as a hate group. Weinstein is promoting a myth of Christian violence not substantiated by previous research and has attributed motives to conservative Christians that he cannot document," Yancey contends.

Yancey does not argue that MRFF should be on Hatewatch, or that FRC should be off Hatewatch. Rather, he argues that if Hatewatch is to be an objective source for labeling hate groups, both groups should either be on the list or off the list.

One possible explanation for why SPLC does not include anti-Christian groups on Hatewatch, Yancey speculates, is that Hatewatch is a tool for mobilizing liberals, rather than an objective source of hate groups.

"As our society became more politically partisan, SPLC cemented its position as speaking for those with progressive political and social attitudes. Rather than developing into an objective clearinghouse for the identification of hatred – no matter where the source of that hatred may develop – SPLC has become a useful organization for progressives to legitimate their battle against conservatives. Since conservative Christians are categorized as opponents there is little, if any, incentive for SPLC to recognize hateful expressions against Christians, because doing so actually works against the social vested interest of the group," he wrote.

Yancey's analysis of SPLC, though, is in service of a larger point. There is not enough critical analysis of liberal groups in academia, he argues, because too many in academia share the viewpoint of liberal groups.

"This is a critique of the social biases within academia that preclude critical analysis of progressive social groups," Yancey wrote. "Such neglect serves academics with progressive, secular perspectives by allowing progressive, secular social groups to make claims of truth and objectivity. Such claims enhance the social power of these progressives. But this neglect damages any real scientific attempt to assess social and political factors in our society. Scrutiny directed at conservative and religious groups – and they should be scrutinized – while progressive organizations are given a pass creates a distorted understanding of reality. In doing this, social science scholars replace an objective examination of our society with a biased approach serving progressive social and political interests."

Contact: [email protected], @NappNazworth (Twitter)

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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2014 09:28 pm
My my two votes down over my post daring to bring forth the issue that the SPLC can no longer can be counted on to be an unbiased organization with no political axes to grind.

Strange as we all are losers when an organization that have a history of doing outstanding goods have gone off the rails, however that is no reason to shot at the messenger.

Frankly they seems to had gone so far off track that I been surprises for some time that no one had sued then for libel when it come to those hate groups awards they hand out.

Right now the Federal government itself is being sue for the FBI classifying the members of a very large and somewhat strange music fan club as a criminal gang and by doing so causing great harm to members who for the most part have no criminal record and are not "gang" members.

Kind of similar to calling everyone who is a motorcycle rider a motorcycle gang member.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 01:32 am
The three high school athletes arrested for the sexual assault/sexual battery of a fellow student at a post prom party have been formally charged and indicted. Others at the party knew what was happening but did nothing. The alleged incident prompted students and the general public to post under a #standforHER hashtag in support of the teenage girl who suffered substantial injuries as a result of the sexual assault.
July 7, 2014
3 ex-Calhoun High students indicted in sexual battery case
By Steve Visser
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Gilmer County grand jury indicted three former Calhoun High School students Monday on charges of aggravated sexual battery of a fellow student at an after-prom party.

A girl said she was raped by multiple young men, whom she could not identify, early May 11 at a Coosawattee River Resort cabin in Gilmer County, according to a Gilmer County Sheriff’s Office report. The cabin was rented for a party after the prom, which was held the previous night.

Deputies later arrested Fields Chapman, Avery Johnson and Andrew Haynes, all of whom turned themselves in 18 days after the alleged assault, according to Gilmer Sheriff Stacey Nicholson.

Chapman and Haynes were also indicted on sodomy charges, and Chapman has a separate 28-count indictment involving sexual exploitation of a minor, said Glenda Sue Johnson, clerk of the Gilmer County Superior Court.

Haynes and Chapman both had been arrested months before on underage drinking charges, according to incident reports obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution from Calhoun police. All three suspects played sports for Calhoun High School.

Chapman was on probation at the time of the alleged assault, sheriff’s officials told The AJC. Calhoun City School officials banned all three seniors from graduation ceremonies.

Detectives were very careful with the investigation, interviewing more than 50 witnesses, Nicholson said.

“This has been a very emotional case, certainly for the City of Calhoun and Calhoun High School,” Nicholson said at a May news conference.

The girl told deputies that she couldn’t remember who assaulted her and passed out at the cabin around 2 a.m., according to the sheriff’s report.

“Her injuries were substantial,” Nicholson said.

District Attorney Alison Sosebee noted that aggravated sexual battery is punishable with a sentence of up to 25 years.

The sexual exploitation of a minor charges against Chapman involve a separate person, Sosebee said. They involve digital images or videos that Chapman allegedly possessed on his phone of a minor engaged in “sexually explicitly conduct,” Sosebee said.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 02:08 am
I'm still waiting for you to point out specific examples of "misogyny" on A Voice For Men.com...

If you can't, there's no other conclusion to draw other than that what you're doing is labeling any and EVERY place online devoted to raising awareness to men's issues such as, but not limited to:

1) Child custody issues
2) The sentencing gap in criminal courts that result in women serving on average 40% less jail time for the EXACT sames crimes as men do.
3) Male genital mutilation being accepted by society
4) The majority of the homeless population being males
5) The majority of the prison population being males
6) The majority of suicides being males
7) The majority of victims of violence of ANY SORT being males
8) EVERY war in history being fought in vast majority by males

ect, ect, just to name a few, as "misogynistic"!!!

And that firefly is UNDENIABLY sexist and bigoted!

You know firefly, part of being AN ADULT is admitting when you're wrong or make a mistake. Sometimes people even refer to that as "Being a man" or "Manning up".

I started a thread recently, and the subject matter was you! Another member pointed out (using logic) that the thread was in bad form. After considering what she had to say, I conceded that I had indeed made a mistake and that the thread was indeed in bad form. You see I was "Being a man" and admitting that I had made a mistake...

So you either need to provide concrete examples and evidence of how any and every men's rights group is "misogynistic", or else you need to ADMIT that you were wrong to classify EVERY men's rights group as hateful.

If you can't do one of those two things, then it proves that you are a sexist, bigoted, crusty, hateful, old bitch.

The ball is in your court...
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 01:01 pm
I'm really not interested in derailing this thread because you think I have something to prove to you, and I have no intention of doing that.

You seem considerably more invested in attacking me than you are in promoting awareness of, or discussing, any of those men's issues that you've listed. Rather than starting nonsensical threads about me, why don't you start threads to discuss those men's issues you allegedly find so important?

Sexual assault is most definitely an issue that affects men, in more ways than one, and, in this thread, I've done considerably more to raise awareness of that than probably anyone else at A2K--the issue has been repeatedly addressed throughout the almost 4 years the thread has been active. The effects of being sexually assaulted are equally as devastating for men and boys as they are for women and girls. Sexual assault is not a gender issue, it's a societal issue and a criminal issue, and it destroys lives.

I recently came across a news story that could not have more dramatically illustrated the far-reaching tragic consequences of sexual assault, or its devastating impact, not just on the survivor of childhood sexual assault, but on his wife, and on his entire family, including his children, all of whom he finally killed before committing suicide. The irreparable harm done to this man, by the sexual abuse he suffered as a boy festered within him, likely contributing to his drug abuse, and later leading him to sexually abuse his own wife, by drugging and raping her, and to eventually destroy and end 5 lives, including his own.

A Utah police officer who murdered his family and killed himself in January had repeatedly drugged and raped his wife, who threatened to take their kids away, authorities revealed in a 145-page investigative report. Joshua Boren allegedly videotaped the sexual assaults, which were reported to police by his therapist. His wife learned of the attacks in 2013 but didn't turn report him, according to the Deseret News, which obtained the police documents. But the night before she was killed, Kelly Boren did confront her husband about the depravity.

"I hate my life because (of) you," she texted. "You killed a part of me." She also texted the word "rape" over and over and said she was leaving her husband, who had been sexually assaulted by his mother's boyfriend as a child. Hours later, Joshua Boren used his service revolver to shoot Kelly, 32, their 7-year-old boy and 5-year-old girl, and his 55-year-old mother-in-law before killing himself at the family home in Spanish Fork, police say.

Investigation into officer's quadruple murder-suicide completed
By Pat Reavy
July 7th, 2014

Editor's note: The following account describes disturbing images in the shooting deaths of a Spanish Fork family killed in January.

SPANISH FORK — At work, Joshua Boren was a well- respected law enforcement officer, often referred to as a big "teddy bear."

But in the months since he shot and killed his wife, two children, mother-in-law and himself in January, investigators have unraveled a disturbing dark side and behavior that he apparently had been battling since childhood.

"Josh was a very troubled individual that felt like he was about to lose his wife and children," the Spanish Fork Police Department wrote in its report into the tragic deaths.

On Monday, the department completed its seven-month investigation into the Lindon police officer accused in the January killing spree. The Deseret News received a copy of the 145-page report through a Government Records Access and Management Act request, and it provides insight into what motivated the man to kill his family and take his own life.

The bodies of Kelly Boren, 32; Joshua “Jaden” Boren, 7; Haley Boren, 5; Marie King, 55; and Joshua Boren, 34, were found inside their Spanish Fork house on Jan. 16. Police believe Joshua Boren, who had previously worked for the Utah County Sheriff's Office, shot and killed his family in the upstairs area of their house before turning the gun on himself.

Alarming new details were revealed in the report that allege abuse by Joshua Boren against his wife, lingering anger against his mother, and drug, sex and pornography addictions that contributed to a troubled life and the collapse of his marriage.

The report confirms that Joshua Boren used his police- issued handgun to shoot and kill his wife, two children, and mother-in-law in January. Joshua Boren then placed the bodies of his wife and children on his bed, lying side-by- side, lay down next to them and took his own life. The body of Marie King was found in another room.

A troubled life

The report states that Joshua Boren was sexually abused as a child and had a drug addiction. It also describes an addiction to pornography that lasted into adulthood and says he had a deep hatred for his biological mother.

Several friends of both Joshua and Kelly Boren, including the officer's therapist whom he had been seeing since the fall of 2013 to try to deal with his failing marriage, reported to investigators that Joshua Boren had drugged his wife with Ambien, causing her to pass out, and raped her while videotaping the event. He did this four or five times over the past two years, several people told police.

Spanish Fork police said Monday no videotapes were ever found in connection with the investigation. Detectives investigating the murders reviewed some of Boren's own writings after his death describing personal encounters.

"He had been abused physically, sexually and emotionally as a child, and was still upset with his mother for not protecting him from the abuse. Josh had writings that indicated he struggled with inappropriate sexual activity as a minor and into his adulthood. They also indicate Josh has a history of drug abuse. The writings seem to corroborate the allegation that he had drugged and raped Kelly," the report states.

The night before the murders, Kelly and Joshua Boren got into a heated argument through text messages. Both of them seemed to agree at that point that their eight-year marriage was finally over.

"You (expletive) drugged and raped me," Kelly Boren texted, followed by four more texts with only the word "raped," according to the report.

"I hate my life because (of) you," she texted. "You killed a part of me."

"I don't want to live in fear and hate and anger," she wrote in another text.

The next morning — the day of the murders — the texting argument continued. Kelly Boren was upset that Joshua Boren allegedly called her a bad mother, the report states. She responded by threatening to take the children.

"Don't involve the kids, they are innocent," Joshua Boren texted back.

Day of the shootings

By the end of the conversation, the two seemed to have smoothed things out, and Joshua Boren agreed to pick up the children later and drop them off at her house.

About 45 minutes before Boren was about to end his shift for the police department, he Googled the terms "America's most brutal serial killers" and "narcissism," the report states.

Just before 6 p.m. on Jan. 16, Joshua Boren sent his last text message. It was to his mother, and it read: "I hope you are having a good day. Have a long and healthy life."

Several people, including Boren's sister, told investigators that he had a "deep hatred" of his mother. After Boren's father committed suicide when he was 5, his mother started using drugs and seeing several men, the report states. One of those men allegedly sexually abused Boren. But he felt his mother never properly addressed the issue, his sister told police.

As her brother struggled with being abused, the sister said he got involved with drugs during his teenage years and became addicted to sex and pornography, the report states. His family claimed he had been clean of drugs since 2000.

Later, after he was married, Boren called his sister "and told (her) that he had drugged Kelly and raped her while videotaping it," the report states.

The latest incident was in late 2013, according to the allegations.

Several people interviewed by Spanish Fork police also mentioned Boren's temper. His sister said he "usually kept things bottled in but when he snapped, he really lost control" while another mentioned, "When Josh snaps, he is uncontrollable," the report states.

Boren's struggles with being abused as a child made him increasingly unstable in the months leading up to the four murders. In December at a family gathering, there was a confrontation between Boren and his mother, according to the report.

"Josh's eyes just looked evil," the mother said of her son that day.

During the ensuing rage, witnesses told police that he exclaimed, "I'm just like you, Mom, I sweep everything under the rug."

Seeking therapy

Boren's therapist said when the man was seeing her for sex addiction and marital problems, he spent a significant amount of time trying to get over his hatred of his mother.

The therapist called Boren a "3-year-old boy stuck in a big man's body."

His wife told the therapist, according to the report, that she didn't want to report the drugging and rape allegations to police because she didn't want to ruin her estranged husband's law enforcement career.

However, detectives noted in the conclusion of their report: "Word was starting to get out about Josh drugging and raping Kelly, and he may have felt like he was about to be reported, which would have resulted in loss of his job and incarceration."

As part of his therapy, Boren was told to write things in a journal. Police found several of Boren's notebooks after the killings. In one of them, dated in December of 2013, Boren seems to list his secrets:

"I have a sex addiction," "I fantasize regularly about people I see," "I've always hated sex offenders and their behaviors," and "I fantasize about drugging and having sex with Kelly and other women regularly," he wrote.

Boren and his wife were body builders and frequently worked out at the gym. Kelly Boren's friends said she was involved with another man at the gym at the time of the killings. The man she was having an affair with told police that the two exchanged more than 13,000 text messages in the days leading up to the murders.

Several have questioned whether "roid rage" may have been a factor in Joshua Boren's actions. But the investigation appears to dispel that notion of steroid use at the time.

"Toxicology tests reveal the absence of any drugs or alcohol in the bodies of the victims or Joshua Boren. Investigators received information from interviews that there were marital issues in the past, none of which had been reported to authorities," according to a statement from the police department.

Investigators also noted in the report that "vials of prescription testosterone" were found under the dresser in Boren's house.

History known to department

Neither Lindon Police Chief Cody Cullimore nor Utah County Sheriff's Sgt. Spencer Cannon said Monday that they had read the final report, though both said they were aware of some of the allegations being raised.

Potential new officers are given mental health screenings at each department before they are hired and background checks are also conducted. But both said after an officer is hired, there are no regular checkups. Officers have counselors made available to them after traumatic incidents, such as officer-involved shootings, but there are no regular mental health screenings.

As for the hiring of officers, Cannon said just because someone may have committed criminal acts in the past doesn't necessarily mean they won't be hired as a deputy. He said all of that is handled on a case-by-case basis.

Boren disclosed to the department that his juvenile years were filled with drug use, the report states.

"Josh has had a very heavy drug use in the past and has admitted to using acid, cocaine, cross tops, marijuana, meth and mushrooms," according to information Spanish Fork police received during their investigation.

Boren also disclosed he had hired a prostitute at 18 at a Nevada brothel.

The report states that a fellow officer whom Boren had been confiding in encouraged him to get screened for possible mental illness.

"Josh told him there was someone else that lived inside of him," the report states.

That whole story is a monumental tragedy, illustrating the devastating effects of early sexual abuse, and of not having it properly addressed or stopped, and how it can translate into the later sexual abuse of others, as well as a host of other mental health problems.

Sexual assault is an issue that most definitely affects men's lives. And it is often even more difficult for males to report such abuse than it is for females to do so. Like female victims, males are often shamed and blamed, and their credibility is questioned, but, unlike females, males may also struggle with issues regarding their masculinity as a result of their assaults, while females generally do not have similar issues regarding their femininity.

Unlike Hawkeye and BillRM, I applaud the changes in sexual assault laws that have made them more gender neutral and gender inclusive, and that now offer better protection for male victims of these crimes. And the new federal definition of rape, which is now more gender neutral and gender inclusive, will allow for the better reporting of, and tracking of, such crimes against men on a national level. That will allow for the better allocation of resources to assist male survivors of such crimes.

That you choose not to recognize sexual assault as a problem that affects men's lives, as well as women's lives, is your problem and not mine. I'm not interested, at all, in your childish rants against me, and I'm not about to let it distract from the far more important issue of sexual assault and what we can do to reduce the prevalence of such crimes and hold perpetrators better accountable for such crimes.

Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 01:37 pm
If you can't do one of those two things, then it proves that you are a sexist, bigoted, crusty, hateful, old bitch.

I hate the using of the word bitch as an insult as why compare female dogs who as a class are loving and loyal companions to someone like Firefly?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 05:34 pm
Unfortunately, the rape allegations against the two U. Of Miami football players are all too typical of the types of alcohol facilitated sexual assaults most often reported on campuses. The kind that rape deniers try to dismiss as "regrets" by victims, rather than actual rapes, and that they try to trivialize by saying they aren't "real rape" or "rape-rape", and when there are national efforts to deal with this type of sexual assault, they attribute it to a feminist/government conspiracy to destroy the lives of innocent young men.

Well, this particular case is going to make it difficult for them to perpetuate those myths, and the victim blame that goes along with them, because these two men have admitted to knowingly committing rape/sexual assault--sexual contact without consent, involving a person too incapacitated to resist--and the charges they face are quite real and serious. As other rapists have admitted in research studies, acquaintance rape is most often an intentional act, particularly when it is alcohol facilitated, and it does not result from "confused consent" or any "misunderstanding"--it is sexual contact knowingly done without consent.

And, unlike most of these cases, particularly involving a school's athletes, there was an immediate response from the University, and an immediate outpouring of support for the victim rather than for the athlete(s) involved. That's a heartening trend in the wake of cases, like the one in Steubenville, and at Florida State University, and it suggests that safety and student crime, and the welfare of sexual assault victims, are finally being regarded as more important than athletic prowess or having a winning team, as well as an increasing recognition that these sexual assaults are all too real and not the product of an intoxicated victim's imagination or hazy memory. Just because someone was drunk doesn't mean they weren't sexually assaulted.

Apart from the impact on the victim, one really has to wonder why these athletes, as well as the 3 involved in the current high school post prom sexual battery case in Georgia, would seek to destroy their own lives in this manner, just for some momentary sexual or power gratification. These are people choosing to commit acts which can destroy their own lives, with no help whatsoever from any alleged feminist/government conspiracy.

Unfortunately, the rape deniers don't want to address that issue either, or to see the need for impressing on young men, particularly those on athletic teams, the need to consider the consequences, both to potential victims and themselves, of these sexual assaults, in an effort to try to deter such behavior before it occurs. But, if you're trying to deny the existence of something, you really can't address it very well, can you. And trying to trivialize or deny the reality of sexual assaults really indicates a true lack of concern for the young men, like these two football players, who will destroy their own lives if they commit such crimes--as it seems they may have already done.
July 9, 2014
Miami Hurricanes’ Linebackers Dismissed: Sexual Assault Not Tolerated

The Miami Hurricanes have permanently dismissed its linebackers, Alex Figueroa and JaWand Blue, while the University and local law enforcement investigate the pair’s sexual assault of an underaged female student.

The attack happened in the early hours of Saturday, July 5, in a dorm room on Ponce De Leon Boulevard. The female student reported the rape to the university police and the linebackers were arrested on Tuesday morning.

Figueroa and Blue confessed, when arrested, to buying several alcoholic drinks for the young woman, and then taking her back to a dorm room. The reports claim that Figueroa and Blue admitted to raping their physically helpless victim.

The linebackers, both 20, were charged with sexual battery on Tuesday. Alex Figueroa also faces a charge of possessing a forged or stolen driver’s licence. Bond was set at $10,000 for Blue and $15,000 for Figueroa. Neither man has a listed attorney at this time.

According to NBC Miami, the University of Miami has barred the linebackers from campus facilities, suspending them from school while an internal investigation is conducted. The school is cooperating with Coral Gables law authorities, according to UM President, Donna Shalala.

The Director of Atheletics, Blake James, issued a statement when the sophomore linebackers were dismissed from the team.

“Any allegation of a sexual assault is extremely serious, and the University will not tolerate conduct that threatenes the sanctity and safety of our students and our campus. We hold all of our students–especially student atheletes–to the highest standards of moral conduct.”

A starting linebacker for the UM team, Alexander Figueroa started twice last season and was considered to be a source of encouragement for his team mates; the sophomore was a recruit from Fork Union Military Academy in Virginia who played in nine UM games last season, finishing the season with 17 tackles.

From Brooke Pointe, Virginia, linebacker Figueroa came to attention in 2012 when he signed to the UM football team amid excitement from the coaches, who recognized his dedication to the sport.

From Florida, JaWand Blue was the backup linebacker for the Hurricanes and had yet to prove himself, being scarcely used during the 2013-14 season.

The loss of these two players puts a hardship on the university team. The Hurricanes’ coach, Al Golden, has few players who can pick up the position and carry it for the 2014-15 season.

The backlash has already started but, as of yet, it’s tame and sympathetic to the university. Figueroa’s player’s page at Hurricane Sports has been left blank. University of Miami fans, disgusted and disappointed at the two linebackers’ behavior, have reached out on social media sites such as Twitter, to express their feelings.

Fan response ranges from horror at the actions of student athletes to sympathy and prayers for the victim. And some commenters have even pointed out that Virginia Tech, who was once interested in JaWand Blue, might have dodged a bullet with the linebacker’s enrollment at the University of Miami.

The general consensus seems to be, however, that the University of Miami has handled this in a quick and appropriate manner. With sexual assaults becoming an epidemic issue for universities across the United States, this comes as a relief and, for UM’s reputation, a smart move where the fans are concerned.

Both student athletes, previously slated for respectable futures in college football, have ruined their futures in the sport with a reprehensible act that could destroy not only their lives but the life of their teenaged victim. But with the removal of the linebackers from university classes and the playing field, the Miami Hurricanes can now buckle down to the approaching season.

Minus their starting linebackers.


Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 06:48 pm
the rape allegations against the two U. Of Miami football players are all too typical of the types of alcohol facilitated sexual assaults most often reported on campuses.

because drugs/alcohol + hormones + lack of experience =confused consent way too often. The feminist story is " These men get women drunk so that they can rape them!", which it total bullshit in almost every case.

As other rapists have admitted in research studies, acquaintance rape is most often an intentional act,
Says who?

Unfortunately, the rape deniers don't want to address that issue either, or to see the need for impressing on young men, particularly those on athletic teams, the need to consider the consequences, both to potential victims and themselves, of these sexual assaults
equally important is to point out to men that once they are visible and desired men on campus they become targets for women to attempt to ruin their lives if the women are not happy. Potential targets such as this need to exercise caution when picking their friends and partners.
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 07:16 pm
How much money do you want to bet that if I were to start a thread addressing the issue of false sexual assault claims, that it would get tagged "Let's legalize rape" or some such nonsense? And that's because there is prejudice against anyone speaking up for men's issues. Not only that but rape is in FACT taken more seriously than any other crime in society, even more seriously than murder! That's why you're not being brave at all by speaking out against rape firefly. It's ALREADY despised by society. No one including myself thinks that rape is acceptable. But I'm sure you'll keep patting yourself on the back because your so full of yourself and how you're so morally angelic. Rolling Eyes

I've done considerably more to raise awareness of that than probably anyone else at A2K

Wow, I find it hard to believe that I could be the first person to point out that you're conceited...

firefly, you brought up men's rights activism in this thread not me.

And then when I call you out on labeling all all men's rights activism as hateful/harmful, you tell me that I'm derailing this thread?

Do you understand the hypocrisy there? So let me get this straight, you have some God given right to bring up non-related issues in a thread but NO ONE else can comment on them? Sounds suspiciously similar to how feminists believe that they are the only ones entitled to freedom of speech or to organize conventions to speak.

Ok, I won't talk about the MRM in this thread anymore, but firefly please realize that you have officially given up any and all credibility in regards to ANYTHING you say from here on out about the MRM.

You have labeled the men's rights movement as a whole as hateful and misogynistic without providing any examples of ACTUAL men's rights activists who speak hate and "misogyny." You have given no credence AT ALL to the possibility that the movement could be doing any good at all for men's issues.

You've also spewed lies about Eliot Rogers being connected to the MRM without providing any proof of him even visiting a men's rights website once.

So no firefly, I won't mention the MRM in this thread anymore, but I sincerely hope you realize that you have zero credibility on the subject. So from now on whenever you bring it up, everyone is going to know that you're full of ****. I also hope you realize that you've proven that you are indeed a sexist and a bigot.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 07:38 pm
The feminist story is " These men get women drunk so that they can rape them!", which it total bullshit in almost every case.

Unfortunately, in the case of these 2 University of Miami men, that appears to be what happened, based on their own admissions to the police. So that alleged feminist story, may have a great deal of truth to it.

These men, very likely, have just destroyed their own lives, and their own futures, by committing sexual assaults on an incapacitated person.

Why do you think they would have chosen to do that?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2014 07:48 pm
Colleges lax over campus sexual assault cases, senator finds
By Renee Schoof
McClatchy Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- An in-depth survey of American colleges and universities on sexual violence on campus found that many schools fall short in how they investigate and resolve such claims, Sen. Claire McCaskill, who commissioned the survey, said Wednesday.

“There are some schools that are working hard to protect their students, but this shows there are way too many schools that are failing,” the Missouri Democrat said at a news conference.

McCaskill said that perhaps the most disturbing finding in the survey _ which is here was that 41 percent of schools in a national sample of 350 schools said they hadn’t conducted a single investigation on sexual assaults in the past five years. By law, every case must be investigated, she said.

“When we know the prevalence of this problem, it is obviously a serious indictment that you have that many schools that have not investigated a single case,” McCaskill said.

A former sex crime prosecutor who in recent months has also taken on the issue of sexual assault in the military, McCaskill said the confidential survey was the largest, most comprehensive of its kind ever conducted. The Senate Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight, which she chairs, did the survey.

Some of the issues that emerged from the survey, which involved dozens of questions, included not taking steps that would encourage students to report sexual violence, such as letting the reports be kept confidential; lack of sexual assault training for students and faculty and staff; and lack of training for campus police in how to respond to reports of sexual violence.

The survey found that many schools did not take steps that would encourage students to report sexual violence, such as keeping the reports confidential. Schools also failed to provide training for students, faculty and staff on how to respond to reports of sexual assault.

Among other findings:

_ 43 percent of the nation’s largest public universities allow students to help adjudicate rape claims, which McCaskill said was a bad practice. In a criminal court, members of a jury can’t know the defendant, which she said was not the case in campus sex crimes adjudications.

_ 30 percent of campus law enforcement officials in a national sample of 350 schools received no training on how to respond to reports of sexual violence.

_ 22 percent of schools in the sample allow athletic departments to oversee sexual violence cases involving student athletes. “You cannot expect the athletic department, which is in charge of giving scholarships, or depends on the athletic prowess of young men or women, that they will be fair, or at least have the appearance of being fair,” McCaskill said.

_ 51 percent of institutions had a hotline for students who have been raped and 44 percent provided the option of reporting sexual assaults online. About 8 percent of institutions do not allow confidential reporting.

The national sample was made up of 350 schools that represented large and small, public and private, and for-profit and nonprofit institutions. McCaskill’s staff received responses from 236 of these schools. She said the survey was statistically valid.

Additionally, her staff also surveyed the 50 largest public four-year institutions and the 40 largest private nonprofit four-year schools.

The survey report said that campus sexual assaults are under-reported, citing a Department of Justice report that said fewer than 5 percent of college rape victims report the attack to law enforcement.

One of the best ways to get a reading on sexual assault issues on a campus is to take confidential student surveys, McCaskill said, but only 16 percent of schools did so, according to the survey.

“If we’re going to get a portrait of whether students feel safe,” she said, “wouldn’t it be a good idea if we asked them?”

Scott Berkowitz, president and founder of RAINN _ the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network _ said the survey “will be very valuable as we work with Congress and colleges to reduce the number of assaults, bring more rapists to justice, and provide victims with the help they deserve.”

McCaskill said the survey and discussions with students, school administrators, law enforcement officials and advocates would inform legislation that she and a bipartisan group of senators plan to introduce just after the August recess that would simplify existing legislation. Among other changes it would ensure that adjudication practices are consistent nationwide and require campus surveys on sexual assault.

Know Your IX, a group working to help students know their rights under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits all forms of sex discrimination in education, is urging the senators to revise the law so that schools can be fined for violations regarding sexual assaults.

The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights now can only punish a school by removing all its federal funding. With only such an extreme option available, it has never sanctioned any school.

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Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2014 05:42 pm
I see that this thread is still going on. Only difference seems to be that Hawkeye and Billy have a new ally.
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2014 05:54 pm
Hi, Intrepid, it's great to see you! I've really missed you. I hope you'll be staying around A2K for a while.

As you can see, nothing ever changes in here. Laughing
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