Quote:But it does not happen very often. Elderly rape is rare, is rape rape, is wrong, and is a diversion from what is actually going on in sex law.
Elderly rape is not all that rare, unfortunately, and, like the situation on college campuses, it often involves acquaintance rape, by someone, often a young male, who claims the sex was "consensual". A 22 year old raped the 92 year old woman. A 17 year old raped the 80 year old.
And, like the rapes on campuses, the crime is covered by the same state sexual laws you insist are designed to hammer young guys. What you can't see, or refuse to see, is that the same kind of sexual predator who rapes an old woman in her nursing home bed is no different than the college guy who rapes a female incapacitated by alcohol in a frat house bed. It's the exact same sort of crime. And a predator is a predator--they prey on the vulnerable and available.
What's going on in dealing with sexual assault, whether in the community, the military, or on college campuses, is a refusal to continue to accept an inadequate system that does little to curtail or eliminate sexual assaults, that offers little justice to assault victims, and which allows sexual predators to most often escape punishments. And the intolerance for maintaining the status quo is hardly coming from "feminists" or even women, it's a rather across the board push to get this sort of criminal activity under much better control.
Suggesting that young guys are "getting hammered" for sexual assaults, as you contend, flies in the face of the reality that the overwhelming majority of men have no difficulty at all abiding by such sexual assault laws, nor have they ever been accused of violating such laws. And, most men are fully aware that, if consent is at all "iffy", the most prudent thing to do is simply stop the sexual activity. So, truth be told, the most likely individuals to get "hammered" by the state, are those who have actually violated the state sexual assault laws, no matter how much you try to obscure that fact with contentions of false allegations, or after-the-fact regrets about consensual sex, on the part of women.
Just as some people are really guilty of possession of child pornography, something else you have been known to vociferously deny, there are sexual predators on college campuses who knowingly violate state sexual assault/rape laws, generally on a serial basis, and who count on not having these assaults reported, or not having their victims believed.
Unless you think men are incredibly stupid, rape is not a "misadventure" or "misunderstanding", it is an intentional, and often premeditated crime, with alcohol being the most widely used date rape drug. Someone who doesn't know whether a partner is consenting, or is legally capable of consenting, shouldn't be engaging in any sort of sexual activity, it's just that simple.
You rather paradoxically try to promote men as the new victim group, at the same time you decry victim culture. You have a generally low view of men, except for yourself of course, and trying to spread the message that "men suck"--as you continuously do--makes as little sense as most of your pronouncements. Your constant whimpering and whining about the alleged oppression of men might make more sense if men were not still firmly in control of all three branches of government, and most of the economic power and wealth in the country. Women have only just begun to move into significant positions of power and influence, and, not only is that not likely to change, it's going to increase, as well it should--we are 51% of the population, yet we've only had the vote for less than 100 years. The political/economic/social rise of women has just begun, better get used to it.
You cling to rather quaint outmoded notions of gender roles and gender conflicts, despite the fact that the roles have become increasingly amorphous, and the conflicts have been largely replaced with shared goals and cooperative endeavors. Master/slave scenarios may be the stuff of your particular sexual fantasies, but it's not the reality of where our culture is headed in terms of gender issues. Gender is likely to become a less and less salient social issue--just as it is already becoming a less salient issue in even defining marriage partners.
There will always be innate gender differences, but the entire needless baggage of conformity to socially defined gender roles will likely go by the wayside except for those determined to adhere to religious orthodoxy. Women have already been fairly successful in shedding previously constricting notions of "femininity", but, judging by you, some men are having a far more difficult time coming to terms with what comprises "masculinity" these days. Maybe if you stopped whimpering about being oppressed by women, and stopped being so fearful of women, you might be able to figure it out.
I'm still waiting for you to name at least 5 feminists you see as currently influencing sexual assault laws, with citations from their writings to support that. Surely, in this vast feminist/government conspiracy, you allege exists, you can come up with at least 5 names of the feminist ringleaders. The way you throw around the murky term "feminists" now, you might as well be talking about Martians conspiring with the government. And, if you can't come up with those 5 names, I'll consider you just as crazy and delusional and paranoid as if you were talking about Martians.