Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 10:32 pm
Playing on male shame for what we are told other men do, to include our ancestors, almost fully accounts for the success of the feminists in oppressing men. If men were not willing to put the shackles on, if we demanded justice to include proof of our alleged crimes, none of this would happen.

The very worst thing that is happening today is not done by the feminists, it is done by fathers, who teach their sons to accept abuse from females, these fathers who teach their sons to not fight off an assault (usually emotional) from a female.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 10:49 pm
The very worst thing that is happening today is not done by the feminists, it is done by fathers, who teach their sons to accept abuse from females, these fathers who teach their sons to not fight off an assault (usually emotional) from a female.

Very, very true. It's called gynocentric culture. Men that shame other men are no better than feminists.

People can learn to love their chains, and males are taught that they are disposable objects for women's wims and goals. Gee, I wonder why this "red pill" analogy is catching on...
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 11:05 pm
Very, very true. It's called gynocentric culture.
it is no different than when in the show Mad Men circa 1963 when all of the women give Helen Bishop **** for working, divorcing, and being fine with being by herself. This was NOT OK, and all women made sure that she knew it, in hopes that she would conform to standards.

There is tons of peer pressure on men now to:

1) not talk negatively about women

2) dont fight back against women

3)dont deny the claim that women are routinely victimized by men, and dont deny the claim that victimization does not work the other way around (see rule #1)

in this thread we see Firefly besides herself that the normal rules do not apply here on A2K because like Helen Bishop there are men here who dont give a **** about the rules for men, and there is no way in virtual land to make us care. We see Firefly 4 years into this thread still trying to enforce the cultural rules so that she can get rid of this criticism of mine and others of the feminists/government cooperatives sex law and all around oppression of men. Clearly she cant defend the feminists/government cooperative on the facts, so silencing conversation is her only option. When women start to question the feminist/state cooperative she and her merry band of men and boy abusers are going to be completely fucked because they will have no response at all.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 11:33 pm
it is no different than when in the show Mad Men circa 1963 when all of the women give Helen Bishop **** for working, divorcing, and being fine with being by herself. This was NOT OK, and all women made sure that she knew it, in hopes that she would conform to standards.

There is tons of peer pressure on men now to:

1) not talk negatively about women

2) dont fight back against women

3)dont deny the claim that women are routinely victimized by men, and dont deny the claim that victimization does not work the other way around (see rule #1)

I feel I need to watch Madmen, never seen it, but I hear it's great.

These 3 points are great hawkeye. And they're all true. Sometimes I become very depressed by how toxic feminism has overtaken mainstream culture. I will have days and even weeks where I am depressed because I feel like the world will never rebound from all this toxic bullshit. But then I remember how level headed, patient, and caring people like my father are. Then I remember all the good hearted men I see every day in society. Then I remember that there are also good hearted, level headed women who care enough about men to speak out publicly on behalf of men's issues.

I think it's going to take a long time yet, but history has proven time and again that vicious ideologies will fail. People simply won't put up with them forever. Right now feminism is it's own worst enemy because women in wealthy countries are the most privileged people in all of society, but even that's not enough for them. They want to marginalize men to the point where men are eventually just going to collectively say "**** this!" and then women will no longer have enough men to do all the grunt work for them and kiss their asses and treat them like princesses anymore. That day is coming, and it's going to be a very hard pill to swallow for feminists.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 11:50 pm
Bills hope was that we would see feminists themselves in numbers publicly repent as they watched their own sons be oppressed. that was clearly wishful thinking.

I believe in people, I am not worried. The balance leaning towards oppressing women only lasted about 40 years, from the onset of the depression till the late 60's, and it was corrected with large numbers of men in agreement. The civil rights movement on the 60's played on white guilt and increasingly whites join me in being fed up with the blacks victim story, about 50 years later. The oppression of men really took off in the 90', so sometime between 2030-2050 I would expect a correction. I may not live to see it, but it will happen.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 11:55 pm
laying on male shame for what we are told other men do, to include our ancestors, almost fully accounts for the success of the feminists in oppressing men. If men were not willing to put the shackles on, if we demanded justice to include proof of our alleged crimes, none of this would happen.

Again hawkeye, a very astute observation. Men are just as much to blame for their own oppression as feminists are. Men DO put their own shackles on. It needs to stop, and the number one way that's going to happen is for men AND women to say "No, I will not be silenced." "I will speak up for men."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 12:08 am
I believe in people, I am not worried. The balance leaning towards oppressing women only lasted about 40 years, from the onset of the depression till the late 60's, and it was corrected with large numbers of men in agreement.

You bring up a very good point because women were at one point in time disadvantaged. They aren't any longer.

The oppression of men really took off in the 90', so sometime between 2030-2050 I would expect a correction. I may not live to see it, but it will happen.

I agree that the 90's were the beginning of the march towards the apex of male hatred, which I fully believe we're living in right now. I certainly hope it doesn't take until 2030-2050 to be corrected. And certainly hope that if you're not alive to see it corrected, that you live a full and happy life in spite of it, knowing that you are not a monster or subhuman simply because you were born male. Don't give in sir, even when everyone else is telling you to.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 02:00 am
But it does not happen very often. Elderly rape is rare, is rape rape, is wrong, and is a diversion from what is actually going on in sex law.

Elderly rape is not all that rare, unfortunately, and, like the situation on college campuses, it often involves acquaintance rape, by someone, often a young male, who claims the sex was "consensual". A 22 year old raped the 92 year old woman. A 17 year old raped the 80 year old.

And, like the rapes on campuses, the crime is covered by the same state sexual laws you insist are designed to hammer young guys. What you can't see, or refuse to see, is that the same kind of sexual predator who rapes an old woman in her nursing home bed is no different than the college guy who rapes a female incapacitated by alcohol in a frat house bed. It's the exact same sort of crime. And a predator is a predator--they prey on the vulnerable and available.

What's going on in dealing with sexual assault, whether in the community, the military, or on college campuses, is a refusal to continue to accept an inadequate system that does little to curtail or eliminate sexual assaults, that offers little justice to assault victims, and which allows sexual predators to most often escape punishments. And the intolerance for maintaining the status quo is hardly coming from "feminists" or even women, it's a rather across the board push to get this sort of criminal activity under much better control.

Suggesting that young guys are "getting hammered" for sexual assaults, as you contend, flies in the face of the reality that the overwhelming majority of men have no difficulty at all abiding by such sexual assault laws, nor have they ever been accused of violating such laws. And, most men are fully aware that, if consent is at all "iffy", the most prudent thing to do is simply stop the sexual activity. So, truth be told, the most likely individuals to get "hammered" by the state, are those who have actually violated the state sexual assault laws, no matter how much you try to obscure that fact with contentions of false allegations, or after-the-fact regrets about consensual sex, on the part of women.

Just as some people are really guilty of possession of child pornography, something else you have been known to vociferously deny, there are sexual predators on college campuses who knowingly violate state sexual assault/rape laws, generally on a serial basis, and who count on not having these assaults reported, or not having their victims believed.

Unless you think men are incredibly stupid, rape is not a "misadventure" or "misunderstanding", it is an intentional, and often premeditated crime, with alcohol being the most widely used date rape drug. Someone who doesn't know whether a partner is consenting, or is legally capable of consenting, shouldn't be engaging in any sort of sexual activity, it's just that simple.

You rather paradoxically try to promote men as the new victim group, at the same time you decry victim culture. You have a generally low view of men, except for yourself of course, and trying to spread the message that "men suck"--as you continuously do--makes as little sense as most of your pronouncements. Your constant whimpering and whining about the alleged oppression of men might make more sense if men were not still firmly in control of all three branches of government, and most of the economic power and wealth in the country. Women have only just begun to move into significant positions of power and influence, and, not only is that not likely to change, it's going to increase, as well it should--we are 51% of the population, yet we've only had the vote for less than 100 years. The political/economic/social rise of women has just begun, better get used to it.

You cling to rather quaint outmoded notions of gender roles and gender conflicts, despite the fact that the roles have become increasingly amorphous, and the conflicts have been largely replaced with shared goals and cooperative endeavors. Master/slave scenarios may be the stuff of your particular sexual fantasies, but it's not the reality of where our culture is headed in terms of gender issues. Gender is likely to become a less and less salient social issue--just as it is already becoming a less salient issue in even defining marriage partners.

There will always be innate gender differences, but the entire needless baggage of conformity to socially defined gender roles will likely go by the wayside except for those determined to adhere to religious orthodoxy. Women have already been fairly successful in shedding previously constricting notions of "femininity", but, judging by you, some men are having a far more difficult time coming to terms with what comprises "masculinity" these days. Maybe if you stopped whimpering about being oppressed by women, and stopped being so fearful of women, you might be able to figure it out.

I'm still waiting for you to name at least 5 feminists you see as currently influencing sexual assault laws, with citations from their writings to support that. Surely, in this vast feminist/government conspiracy, you allege exists, you can come up with at least 5 names of the feminist ringleaders. The way you throw around the murky term "feminists" now, you might as well be talking about Martians conspiring with the government. And, if you can't come up with those 5 names, I'll consider you just as crazy and delusional and paranoid as if you were talking about Martians.

Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 02:26 am
I'm still waiting for you to name at least 5 feminists...

Society in large is of course currently being HEAVILY coerced by toxic feminism whether you want to admit it or not.

Just a few names off the top of my head who get their vile messages about how men suck out on a daily basis:

1) Oprah Winfrey
2) Kathleen Hanna
3) Dr. Phil
4) Arianna Huffington
5) The cast of "The View", "The Talk", and all similar programs
6) Lena Dunham
7) Mary Barra
8) Debbie Sterling
9) Sheryl Sandberg
10) Beyonce

...just to name a few!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 02:42 am
Another one of those allegedly "rare" sexual assaults of the elderly, that isn't at all rare..
Employee at Marrero nursing home booked with aggravated rape of 78-year-old resident
By Michelle Hunter, NOLA.com
The Times-Picayune
June 27, 2014

Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office investigators arrested an employee of a Marrero nursing home accused of raping a 78-year-old resident early Friday morning. Kenneth Whidden, 50, of Westwego, was booked with aggravated rape and sexual battery of the infirmed, said Col. John Fortunato, spokesman for the department.

A nurse performing rounds at Wynhoven Healthcare Center, 1050 Medical Center Blvd., Marrero, around 2:30 a.m. discovered Whidden, a certified nurse's assistant, with his pants down and lying in bed with the 78-year-old woman, Fortunato said. Suspecting some sort of sexual activity, staffers contacted the Sheriff's Office.

The woman was not injured, Fortunato said. When Lt. Martin Dunn, a detective with the department's personal violence division, questioned Whidden, he admitted to engaging in sexual activity with the woman, according to Fortunato.

"He said he was pleasuring himself, but couldn't explain why," Fortunato said.

Whidden was booked at the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center in Gretna. No bond information was available Friday afternoon. Investigators have no indication of Whidden's involvement in similar incidents, Fortunato said.

Whidden was fired Friday, according Sarah McDonald, spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, which runs Wynhoven. He had been with the center since May 2013.

In a written statement, the Archdiocese said the center is fully cooperating with the investigation. Wynhoven staffers contacted the victim's family and intend to inform the relatives of all of the center's residents about the incident. Relatives with concerns were invited to contact the facility's director.

"The care and safety of our residents is our first priority," the statement went on to say. "This action is unacceptable and we will not tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone."
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 02:46 am
...apparently this post where I tore you to shreds isn't worthy of an acknowledgment/response that you're not always right eh firefly?

and their newest protégé, nononono

Don't condescend. I'm my own autonomous person.

First of all, I'd be willing to bet that when you include the rapes that occur in prison, males are victims of rape in larger numbers than females are. And let's not forget all the women who abuse young children too. But the whole point here seems to be to gloss over male victims of sexual assault completely right? Because I mean hey, men don't feel pain right? Men are just expected to be society's punching bags.

Second, no one here as far as I can tell is saying that rape is OK. That anyone is implying that is a flat out distortion. And that's why feminism is toxic. It creates an environment whereby if anyone dares voice an opposing, or even merely an alternative viewpoint, that person then is viewed as advocating rape is OK because

this predatory behavior not only perfectly acceptable, but also see "taking advantage of a woman" as some hallowed tradition of "manhood".
WOW! distort people's words much???

You do understand that you're manipulating my words right? Or are you that self brainwashed that you don't see anything other than your warped world view where men are eternally predators, and women are eternally victims?

One big clue that your ideas are warped is how frequently you use shaming tactics and shaming language to attack anyone who disagrees with you. Of course I'm a "yoyo" for having a differing viewpoint.

these throw-backs feel even more vestiges of alleged male privilege crumbling beneath their already weak knees.

^Shaming tactic

That most men reject these anti-female attitudes

^Shaming tactic, and also blatantly false to imply that I'm "anti-female". What would you say to all the FEMALE men's rights activists out there? Would you tell them that they're "anti-female"? Because there is a convention this weekend in Detroit to address men's issues and there are SEVERAL female speakers scheduled including a sitting BLACK, FEMALE Canadian senator. I would also like to point out that this conference has been the target of death threats for all involved by feminists (an act that a lot of people would consider terrorism) yet the mainstream media has in large failed to report on it. And that's because feminism (which is unquestioned by society) is a platform for misandrists, and legitimizes hatred of men as some sort of progressive ideology. (Please do take a look at all the quote unquote "anti-female" speakers listed in the link below.)


But let's get back to you firefly. In addition to using shaming tactics and shaming language against anyone who disagrees with you, you also make straw man arguments. You misrepresent your opponents arguments, and especially for those who haven't read entire threads worth of comments you use some readers ignorance to get away with this. For instance in this thread you have and continue to imply that myself, hawkeye, and Bill are saying that rape is A OK, and that we condone it. I must have missed the part in any of these comments where any of us stated that rape is OK.

The fact is that feminism is true victim blaming because it excuses women of any and all moral agency for their own actions and the situations they put themselves in; effectively reducing women to the equivalent of children who can't defend or fend for themselves. Feminism tells women that they are objects because subjects (men) are acting upon objects (women). Feminism is TRUE misogyny. Feminism also victim blames male victims of sexual assault, because it adds to a cultural atmosphere where rape and sexual assault are viewed as ONLY things that men do to women. Through feminist language it implies that any and all male sexuality is ALWAYS dangerous, hostile, or sleazy.

You know, and ultimately firefly if you really cared about ALL victims of sexual assault and sexual violence, you wouldn't have tailored this thread to exclusively focus on only female rape victims while ignoring male victims. You wouldn't demonize any and everyone who has a countering or alternative viewpoint, and you would have put more focus on the alarming amount of false sexual assault claims and how they destroy lives. But instead you reinforce toxic feminists claim that we live in a "rape culture" (Something even RAINN the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network has denounced) and you further demonize men.

I'll end with a quote from Valerie Solanas (The feminist responsible for the S.C.U.M. Manifesto, otherwise known as the Society for Cutting Up Men) that I believe neatly summarizes your opinion and attitude towards men and male sexulality.

"The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt -- and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't."
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 03:07 am
...apparently this post where I tore you to shreds isn't worthy of an acknowledgment/response that you're not always right eh firefly?

The post wasn't worthy of a response the first time you posted it, and re-posting it doesn't make it any better.

If you think you tore me to shreds, I feel sorry for you. Laughing

Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 03:20 am
As though rape victims didn't already have enough of an ordeal having to testify in court...
Man convicted of bribing rape victim gets 10 to 30 years of prison
By Aimee Green | [email protected]
June 27, 2014

A 49-year-old man who was convicted of bribing a witness -- by offering a rape victim $5,000 in an effort to stop her from testifying against her attacker -- was sentenced to a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 30 years in prison Friday.

Given Leonard Lloyd Reinke's criminal history and psychological profile, he was determined to be a “dangerous offender” and sentenced in 2009 to about 23 years in prison. But the Oregon Court of Appeals sent his case back to Multnomah County Circuit Court, saying the law requires that he be sentenced to a range of prison terms.

According to the prosecution: Reinke’s latest run-in with the law began after a friend, Byron O'Neal Willenberg, raped and sodomized a woman in 2008. Reinke had nothing to do with the sexual assault. But shortly after Willenberg's arrest, Reinke told Willenberg’s brother that if the brother gave Reinke $10,000, he’d make sure the victim didn’t testify before a grand jury.

The brother went to police. Police told the victim of Reinke’s plan.

A few days later, Reinke showed up at the victim's home armed with a .22-caliber revolver and offered her $5,000 if she didn’t testify, according to a court documents written by prosecutor Kirsten Snowden. When the victim told Reinke she was going to testify, they argued.

“Ultimately, the defendant told (the victim) “get in the van” and, out of fear for her safety, she complied,” Snowden wrote.

The victim asked to be let out, but Reinke refused. Reinke led police on a high-speed chase. Eventually, police were able to stop him and the victim made her way to grand jury the next day.

Willenberg, the rapist, was ultimately convicted of rape and sodomy, and sentenced to about 16 years in prison. And Reinke was convicted of four felonies: bribing a witness, tampering with a witness, second-degree kidnapping and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Reinke, who said Friday that he entered prison in 2009 thinking he could end up serving as little as 5 years and 10 months, expressed upset at his new prison sentence. He'll have to serve more than nine years -- if he gets time off for good behavior -- before he’s eligible for release by the Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision.

Reinke's criminal history stretches back more than 30 years, and includes robbing an elderly man at knifepoint, assaulting a jail officer, eluding police, identity theft, burglarizing several churches and robbing a church custodian of her car.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 03:39 am
...of course. Because logic, common sense, ACCOUNTABILITY, equality, and fairness are foreign concepts to feminists.

Don't hurt yourself polishing that halo of yours! Rolling Eyes

This thread isn't about looking for solutions to sexual assault, it's about self pity and deep seated hatred for the male gender.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 04:45 am
For people who value critical thinking, ask yourselves "What is there that's constructive to be gained from a thread such as this?"

Well, what's the answer?

I've tried to be constructive and point out that women can be aware of their surroundings and environment; and do everything they possibly can to lower their probability of sexual assault.

But this thread doesn't seem to be about looking for solutions to the sexual assault problem at all (and doesn't even acknowledge that it affects men also.) Instead it appears to be solely about pointing the finger of blame squarely at men. Because of course men are awful, duh. This thread is nothing more than a pity party.

If I'm mistaken, please someone, anyone explain to me what the point of this thread is then? What exactly is going on here that's constructive in the interest of reducing or preventing sexual assault???
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 07:26 am
"What is there that's constructive to be gained from a thread such as this?"

The thread highlights the situation of a society in denial of the most basic of human rights, Nono; that being, the right to individuality and respect of that individuality. We've also broached the topic of sexual assault on men, both by women, and other men. You've clearly entered the thread late, as have I, but I've taken the time to read the former comments. I'd advise you to take that initiative before making claims about anything.

We live in a society that pretends to be a lot of things that it simply isn't. The thin veneer of civilization, that is supposedly our birthright to claim superiority over the animal kingdom, is surprisingly transparent, when put under the magnifying glass of introspection.

Some amongst us are driven by needs that clearly don't exist in the rest of us. Kinky is using a feather; depraved is using the whole chicken, in other words. People who feel that it is their right to act out their fantasies, at the expense of the psyche of their targetted victims, are at pains to protect their rights, whichever way they can. Be that to join cults, like religious orgs, or hidden groups, their actions are designed to further their own agendas, without a thought for the effects their actions will have.

The largest and most profitable organisation on the planet is actively covering up for sexual criminals amongst their kith and kin, while pointing a judgemental finger at people outside of their org for doing much the same things on a different level. Verily, their leader just proclaimed that the only way to achieve enlightenment, and eternal life, is by following their doctrine. Instead of declaring that doctrine to be attracting criminals into their midst, they are proclaiming sanctity, and sneering at those outside of their ranks.

This thread, while occasionally heading off in a tangential fashion, is a prerequisite to awareness that we don't live in a utopia. For many (roughly half of the populace) this place, and our accepted value system, is a living hell. The pretence that everything is moving along as it should, and we, as a whole, are heading in the right direction, must be the biggest let-down for the survivors of sexual predation.

They get told to get over it, or that they're lucky to be survivors. The true survivors that I've spoken with actually envy those who were killed by their attackers. Such is the burden they carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Our own gov't (Australian) admitted that they have no idea what to do with the huge issue of ongoing trauma that adult survivors of childhood sexual assault experience throughout their lives, but they do know of the impact their demographic has in a financial sense, such as hours lost at work, and the cost of providing sporadic psyche health care. Such is the heartless nature of the consumer-driven capitalist society. Pornography is the largest market on the planet. Sex sells.

Meanwhile, those simpletons who become fixated on sexual fantasy, acting out their depravity on family, friends, or strangers rarely get reported, and our Westminster system, itself spawned by a paedophile-infested judiciary and parliament, makes it harder and harder for victims and survivors to seek or gain justice.

And you think this thread is pointless?

If just one person reconsiders abusing or assaulting or raping another human being, then isn't that worth the effort of sharing information and case histories?

Or are you as heartless and inhumane as rapists themselves?

Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 07:41 am
The thread highlights the situation of a society in denial of the most basic of human rights, Nono; that being, the right to individuality and respect of that individuality

Basic human rights such as basic legal protections as the right to face your accuser or have a lawyer or the right to have any misdeed proven by at the very least the preponderance of the evidence not just more likely then not, that is being denial to young men in colleges hearings mandated by the federal government?

Right now the most basic human rights of US college men are not being respected to the point that real courts are taking notice and stepping in.

Can not prove any misdeed had been done in real courts where basic human rights are protected so the Federal government in backing it war on young men by forcing Universities to set up kangaroo "courts".
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:07 am
Can not prove any misdeed had been done in real courts where basic human rights are protected so the Federal government in backing it war on young men by forcing Universities to set up kangaroo "courts".

You'd need to quote something tangible here, William. Which colleges, and when?
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:30 am
You'd need to quote something tangible here, William. Which colleges, and when?

LOL you have not been reading this thread as such examples had indeed been posted here many many times?

But if you wish one fast example out of many Duke University with it already proven history of letting it male students hang out to dry have done it once more and a court had issue an injunction to block a male student from being kicked out due to the findings of Duke's Kangaroo court.

Oh take note they are "just" following the Federal government requirement to set up such courts under pain of being cut off from Federal funding.

It you wish more examples try reading the last few weeks of posting on this thread or google the subject yourself.

The one I like best that can be found either on this thread or by fast googling is of a young man who accuser was charge by the local police with filing a false police report and went on the run from the law over her charges and yet his college kangaroo court found him guilty and kicked him out of college!!!!

It took over a year for the public pressure to reached the point where they needed to reverse themselves.

There is a war on young men back by the current federal government mandates concerning the need to set up such Kangaroo courts.



Superior Court Judge W. Osmond Smith III ruled that a former Duke University soccer player accused of sexual assault shouldn’t have been expelled.
However, the judge stopped short of demanding that the university grant Lewis McLeod the degree that the native Australian needs. A job offer with a Wall Street firm in July is contingent on him receiving a degree, and he can’t stay in the United States without the job.
In the preliminary injunction, filed Thursday with the court clerk, the judge wrote: “The plaintiff is likely to suffer irreparable harm if he is expelled from Duke University pending a final determination on the merits of this action.”
Smith noted in his ruling that it seemed likely McLeod could prevail in showing a court that Duke had “breached, violated, or otherwise deprived the plaintiff of material rights related to the misconduct allegations against him and the resulting disciplinary process addressing such allegations.”
Nevertheless, Smith wrote that he wasn’t ruling on whether McLeod deserved to get the psychology degree that he was banned from accepting at graduation earlier this month. That’s liable to be settled only through further litigation.
University police and the Durham Police Department investigated allegations last fall that McLeod had sexually assaulted a female student. He told authorities that the sex was consensual. No charges were filed.
The Office of Student Conduct took up the case and found McLeod guilty before expelling him from the university. McLeod has alleged that he wasn’t allowed to give his side of the story.
Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations at Duke, on Thursday said the university appreciated at least part of the ruling.
“We are pleased the court recognized the need to preserve the integrity of Duke’s decision not to issue a degree at this point in the lawsuit,” Schoenfeld said. “Duke follows federal legal requirements for complaints of student sexual misconduct and works very hard to make sure the process is fair and just in every case.”
Rachel Hitch, McLeod’s Raleigh-based attorney, could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Follow on Twitter at @HS_WesPlatt. Connect on Facebook at facebook.com/wesplattheraldsun.

Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:44 am
LOL you have not been reading this thread as such examples had indeed been posted here many many times?

You've posted misinformation articles, and hearsay, William. I'm seeking evidence, and there's no shortage of that, pointing to many colleges and other places of learning joining the clergy's habit of covering up for sexual assaults, and acts of depravity.

Cases such as Stubenville and Pennsylvania, or the now infamous Penn state.

Or do you consider Sandusky to be the victim of a smear campaign?

Face it, William; your society, and mine, is actively covering up for depraved and deranged sexual predators, while waving flags and thinking that our system is the best it could be, right?

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