Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sun 22 Jun, 2014 01:15 pm
“I figured nothing bad could happen to me,” Claire says.


Idiots make good victims. We should discourage the practice of idiocy.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 05:51 am
Yeah. Try to wrap your brain around that ****. The answer to violent crime isn’t to do things to protect yourself from the criminal, but to WISH for the criminal not to exist at all… Good luck with that.

Article here;

A note on “victim blaming” that I got from author Mike Williamson. If I teach my kids to look both ways before crossing the street so they don’t get hit by cars, am I victim blaming?
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Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 05:58 am
Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

You know what a woman can do? She can do everything in her power to reduce her chances of being raped.

We live in a culture where feminists like to say "Don't tell me how to dress, tell men not to rape!"

First of all, who the hell is telling men that it's OK to rape? Like, where in society does the message get sent out that men SHOULD rape women??? What media outlets or organizations or whatever are telling men to go rape???


Second, why is it that people put locks on their doors? Could it have anything at all to do with people not wanting their homes broken into and their stuff stolen??? Why don't people just put up signs that say "Don't tell me to put a lock on my door, tell thieves not to steal!"

Thieves steal. Rapists rape. That's just what they do. Telling a criminal to not commit criminal activity is a meaningless gesture.

People, men and women both need to be responsible in ANY situation they're in. If you're camping in the deep woods, you bring mosquito spray. If you're going to the beach, you bring sunblock. If you're welding, you put on welding gear. If you don't want to be raped, you don't act an idiot, or a skank, or a victim. You show respect for yourself. Others see you respecting yourself and realize that at the very least if they try to rape you, you're going to put up a fight.

Because what ALL criminals are looking for is VICTIMS. People who give off verbal and non-verbal cues that let them know that they're vulnerable. For instance if I was in a bad part of a city that's known for criminal activity, I PROBABLY wouldn't walk around with lots of $50 bills hanging out of my pockets. And the reason I wouldn't do this is because I'm a responsible person making a conscious effort to reduce the chance of myself becoming a victim. Now I may still be robbed anyway, but at least I've lowered the probability of that happening just by using some common sense.

There is also body language that people give off that tells others that they are vulnerable. For instance walking or approaching others with your head and shoulders slumped conveys weakness, whereas walking with your shoulders and head held high conveys authority. Getting sloppy drunk and flashing your tits at the bar PROBABLY doesn't convey authority. Just a thought.

And YES the way you dress conveys non-verbal information to others too! That's why professional people wear suits/ties/ect. They're conveying to others that they're professionals and wish to be taken seriously. How many managers, CEOs, bosses, whatever do you know that wear flip flops and a tank top to work.

But what's REALLY ridiculous is this idea that if you're a female, you're entitled to get as sloppy drunk as you wish and have ZERO accountability for your actions in regards to sex. In fact if you have consensual sex when you're drunk and then regret it the next day, IT'S SOMEHOW THE OTHER PERSON'S FAULT!

What if people tried to use that excuse when they drove drunk? Like, I really regret getting sloppy drunk and crashing my car killing those two people, but I'm not accountable! Don't tell me to be responsible, tell those other idiots not to drive on this road! It's their fault!

In life there is only ONE person anyone has complete control over and that's them self. You're also accountable for yourself and your own actions. Gender, intoxication, ect, ect should NOT be a factor/excuse in using or not using common sense to protect yourself; nor should any of it be used as an excuse to act irresponsibly or to endanger other people.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:01 am
LOL, and in that scenario the slutwalks are like organized marches with the message "we dont lock our doors and we are proud of it, now dont you dare steal from us!"

In victim culture the one who wears the victim tag is absolved of all responsibly for what goes wrong. To as much as lay in a question on whether the victim made mistakes is to "victim blame", which is of course as close as we get to a sin in the post Christianity victim culture. Who would not want to be a victim under those conditions? George Will is right.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 11:58 am
In victim culture the one who wears the victim tag is absolved of all responsibly for what goes wrong. To as much as lay in a question on whether the victim made mistakes is to "victim blame", which is of course as close as we get to a sin in the post Christianity victim culture. Who would not want to be a victim under those conditions? George Will is right.

It is a wonderful world for some women as they can now have a few beers and by doing so have the right to cry rape if the relationships does not work out either sexually or otherwise and they have a desire to get back at the SOBs and grain the victims label.

So once more under the new definition of rape/sexual assaults a woman with the help of a few beers can indeed ask to be rape.

I foresee Mormon women becoming into big demand for the young men who do not care to placed their futures in the hands of the good will of the women they are dating.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 01:53 pm
Or she gets herself **** faced on alcohol, goes home with an also drunk 21 year old young man whoshe knows wants her sexually because he has told her so many times and she likes that he wants her, they crawl into bed together with few clothes on and have sex. Next morning she is hung over, regrets how the night before ended, decides that it is the guys fault because she has been hearing since birth how much MEN SUCK! and she has learned from experience that anytime something goes wrong blaming any of the guys around works to take the attention off her, so she files a rape complaint which is accepted as true. Our young man then gets thrown out of school for the crime of ******* a piece if ass who got drunk with him, came home with him, crawled into bed with him and spread her legs for him and seemed to be enjoying the whole continuum.

Full disclosure: the plan had been hatched the week before when the young woman in question was talking to the young man in questions former girlfriend. Ex girlfriend had just been dumped and was beside herself with anger and grief. A plan was put together to get back on the man who ha caused the pain, to make him pay.
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Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 09:35 pm
Can you think of ANY situation in life where men are not only excused of any and ALL responsibility for acting recklessly but also ENCOURAGED to blame others for their own reckless behavior simply because of their gender???

Or let's be gender neutral and ask, can you imagine if someone smeared honey and beef jerky all over themselves and then purposely went in to an area in the woods where grizzly bears are known to live? And then when that person gets attacked they start claiming that it was "That goddamn bear that was harassing me!"

Women are allowed to be exempt from taking responsibility for their own actions by society. The view that women are without agency is in fact the equivalent of objectifying them, because it's effectively saying that women are the same as children because they can't defend themselves or fend for themselves. That's why it's FEMINISM that objectifies women by telling them that they're not responsible for anything. That it's society or "rape culture" or some other code word for men that's REALLY at fault; saying that men are people with agency and should be held accountable but women should not. It's feminism that's telling women that all they are is OBJECTS because subjects (men) are acting upon objects (women). And those objects have ZERO control over their own actions or the circumstances they put themselves in. Do you understand how deeply self pitying, hypocritical, and self hatingly sexist that is????

And the point that firefly seems to be trying to make in this entire thread is that rape isn't taken seriously by society. I find that laughable as well. In fact, rape is taken even more seriously than murder. Find TV shows or movies that laugh or makes jokes about rape, and then find TV shows or movies that laugh and make jokes about murder. I'm sure both exist, but which is more common? There's an entire genre of films that take murder lightly; they're called 'Black Comedies". Filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino, ect. owe their entire careers to how laughable murder apparently is!

Graphic rape scenes in films almost always result in the film being given harsher media criticism or even an NC 17 rating (which insures it a much more limited availability to the public), whereas ANY child can turn on network TV and see dozens, maybe even hundreds of people graphically killed on any given night of the week.

Society takes rape VERY seriously. This idea that rape is somehow condoned or encouraged by society is LUDICROUS!
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Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2014 11:08 pm
Firefly, I admire your patience. Personally, I don't how you deal with such breathtakingly stupid people. A few men and women have shared harrowing episodes only to be ridiculed by testasterone deprived male wanna be's with ridiculous examples of covering yourself with honey and then blaming bears (animals) for not leaving you alone.

I'm going to stick my neck out and suggest that Hawkeye, BillRM and their protege Nononono (who cares), were all abused as children. They can't admit it, because they don't want to feel unmanly. As if in some universe 6 year old boys can fight off a rapist who outweighs them by 100 lbs.

It's either that, or they don't know if their sisters, Aunts or Mother or daughters were ever abused. It's wonderful living in Disney World, too bad its not like that for women getting into their cars, or using their key to enter their own homes, standing at a bus stop, or simply sleeping in their own house after locking up for they night. When I was 28 I lived in a small townhouse with my 4 year old son. The phone rang around 2:30AM, it was my next door neighbor waking me up to see if I knew who was calling out for me on the street. I didn't recognize the man, but fortunately, my neighbor was a policeman. The man was taken into custody, I had no idea who he was, and since he wasn't carrying a weapon, and since I didn't have a clue who he was, they released him.

But I still had to get dressed, wrap up my 4 year old and drive to the HQ, so I could assure the officers I didn't know him. I never found out who he was or why he came to my house calling for me. But, maybe (as no to the 5th suggested) I covered myself in a pile of sticky ass honey, and should have realized some sick son of a bitch would catch my scent and be compelled to seek me out because I tantalized him.

Some of these no balls assholes believe women dangle too much temptation in front of boys who are too cheap to hire a pro. It's pitiful, how many women see passed out drunks and decide to ravish them against their will. Don't know? I do, women aren't turned on by passed out drunks, unless they want to rob them. Drunk passed out women, and women in comas can be penetrated by a cretin who gets hard by the simple fact these women cannot consent or refuse.

The fact that women and men notice each other is normal. The fact that men or women might even get a little light-headed when they see someone is also normal. What's not normal, is filling out an application for a grocery store chain to receive lower prices, is not an invitation to every randy asshole in the store to assume you want them.
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2014 06:20 am
I'm going to stick my neck out and suggest that Hawkeye, BillRM and their protege Nononono (who cares), were all abused as children. They can't admit it, because they don't want to feel unmanly. As if in some universe 6 year old boys can fight off a rapist who outweighs them by 100 lbs.


It's either that, or they don't know if their sisters, Aunts or Mother or daughters were ever abused.

An the vast repeat the vast majority of women had never been abused no matter how many phony surveys are taken to try to prove otherwise. Hell we are now in a many decades low as far as reported rapes is concern and the numbers had been trending down since the 1980s.

Sexual assault is not when your partner pressure you into having sex when you are not in the mood and domestic violence is not when your partner in the middle of a fight curse at you.
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 01:52 am
Firefly, I admire your patience. Personally, I don't how you deal with such breathtakingly stupid people. A few men and women have shared harrowing episodes only to be ridiculed by testasterone deprived male wanna be's with ridiculous examples of covering yourself with honey and then blaming bears (animals) for not leaving you alone.

LOL, This is Glitterbag kissing Firefly's ass version 8.4. THis tune is getting tired, cant you come up with anything fresh?

Drunk passed out women, and women in comas can be penetrated by a cretin who gets hard by the simple fact these women cannot consent or refuse.
And how often does that happen? We dont know because the way the feminsts do the numbers any woman who claims after the fact that she had taken drugs or alcohol and that this contributed to the misadventure is considered an incapacitated victim

The best evidence that this ambiguity exists is that many of the women classified by researchers as having experienced rape or sexual assault do not consider this to have been their experience. The NIJ study found that more than 60 percent of women who were victims of incapacitated rape did not think they had been raped, which reflects the difficulty of determining what constitutes consent in drunken sex, even for the people involved. Such studies consistently find this discrepancy between women’s self-reported attitudes and how researchers classify their responses.


Not raped no doubt because they know that they were awake, aware, and able to object but did not.

I am sure that somewhere sometime guys have raped passed out drunk and stoned women. What I dont know is that this happens often enough to justify the feminist storyline that the idiot glitter parrots " MEN SUCK!"
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 08:44 am
Not raped no doubt because they know that they were awake, aware, and able to object but did not.

That how the surveys are able to come up with such crazy numbers as they define rape/sexual assaults in a manner that no one else does including the so call victims.

Your boyfriend rape you!

No he did not!!!!!!!!!

By our standards he did so we are now going to added you to the victim list so we can get even more federal funds to fight this rape crisis.
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 01:54 pm
Firefly, I admire your patience. Personally, I don't how you deal with such breathtakingly stupid people.

GB, we need Hawkeye, BillRM, and their newest protégé, nononono, in this thread, because they illustrate what a rape culture is all about. They personify the victim blaming, the denial, and the attitudes that make all sorts of sexual assaults and sexual harassment a continuing problem in society--on a global level--so, all we have to do is let them keep talking.

These yoyos may think they are somehow defending men, but they are actually doing quite the opposite. Their defensive stance stems from a basic hostility, mistrust, and envy of women, and, for them, it's more about promoting an anti-female message than it is about dealing with the reality of sexual assaults, or who commits these assaults, or how sexual assaults can be diminished and eliminated.

And now that women have achieved some degree of political power to demand that the entire issue of sexual assault be addressed, in the general population as well as in the military and on college campuses, these throw-backs feel even more vestiges of alleged male privilege crumbling beneath their already weak knees. Of course they have to claim that the problem is being exaggerated, or that women really invite sexual assaults, or that vague sexual assault laws "confuse" poor hapless males, or this is all a feminist conspiracy to control men, because, if they didn't do that, they'd have to deal with the reality of sexual assault as criminal activity that infringes on the basic human and civil rights of others--mainly female victims--and they don't want to see these victims empowered by the force of law if that involves holding male perpetrators fully responsible for their criminal actions.

Their alleged defense of men boils down mainly to their support for those who commit sexual assaults, including rapes, by their rather illogical assertions that both parties are equally responsible for a rape, or denials such as rape is generally after-the-fact regret rather than actual sexual assault, or by grossly exaggerating the extent of false allegations, or by trying to deny that anything other than the most forcible completed rapes constitute valid sexual assaults, despite the fact that all state laws have said otherwise for quite some time. All of this, of course, is designed to obscure the fact that some men do commit rapes, particularly acquaintance rapes, and some other men, apparently like these three, consider this predatory behavior not only perfectly acceptable, but also see "taking advantage of a woman" as some hallowed tradition of "manhood".

That most men reject these anti-female attitudes--and the underlying hostility and mistrust and envy that gives rise to them-- has been apparent throughout the almost four years this thread has been active. It's other male posters who have most rigorously attacked them, making it clear they do not speak for most men. Most men are not afraid to acknowledge or confront this sort of misogyny and they haven't hesitated to do so in this thread. Most men are as concerned about the problem of sexual assault as women are, because they care about the females--mothers, daughters, sisters--in their lives, and they don't want to see them harmed, and they want to see sexual predators held accountable. Most men don't make excuses or apologies for rapists, and they don't blame victims, and they have little regard for those who do. And they've made their feelings quite clear in this thread.

So, other than their utility in illustrating what a rape culture is all about, I'm not particularly concerned about anything these three say. In fact, the longer they talk the better, they make a rape culture hard to deny.

It doesn't matter the age of the female, it doesn't matter the situation in which the rape occurred, it simply matters that she was vulnerable and available to a sexual predator. This acquaintance rape would be essentially the same crime had the victim been 21 and incapacitated by alcohol in the presence of a college sexual predator...and in neither case should the victim be blamed for the act of the sexual predator.
June 24, 2014
22-Year-Old Nurse’s Aide Convicted Of Raping 92-Year-Old Patient

A 22-year-old nurse’s aide was convicted of raping a 92-year-old woman in Cincinnati, Ohio. Authorities said the victim was a resident of the Amber Park Nursing Home, where the defendant was employed.

In the early morning hours of November 24, 2013, Samuel Onyenweaku locked himself inside the elderly woman’s room and took advantage of her weakened state.

According to reports, a supervisor became suspicious when Onyenweaku vanished into the room. When she attempted to open the door she discovered it was locked.

Although each door is outfitted with a lock, they are rarely used. The supervisor knocked on the door numerous times. However, she did not get a response. As she was terribly concerned, she immediately unlocked the door and entered the room. She was horrified by what she found inside.

The elderly woman’s panties had been removed and her nightgown was pushed up around her waist. The supervisor also found a pile of men’s clothing on the floor. She eventually located Onyenweaku hiding inside the resident’s private bathroom — naked from the waist down.

As reported by Fox 19, Onyenweaku was immediately terminated and escorted from the building. Two days later, the nurse’s aide was arrested and charged with raping the 92-year-old woman.

Authorities said the crime was specifically heinous, as the woman was confined to her bed and unable to defend herself. In addition to her weakened state, the defendant could not communicate. It is unknown whether she was assaulted on previous occasions.

As reported by Cincinnati.com, Onyenweaku was charged with felonious assault, patient abuse, and rape. Although he pleaded not guilty, the defendant waived his right to a jury. On Monday, he was found guilty of all three charges by Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Melba Marsh.

The nursing aide is facing 20 years in prison for raping the 92-year-old woman. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 28.

Sadly, the elderly woman passed away in February. However, Assistant Prosecutor Anita Vizedom said her death was unrelated to the assault.

Prosecutor Vizedom said the unidentified victim “was a widow with no children.” Vizedom said the woman will be remembered as a good person who had a “normal, good, decent life.” Prior to her retirement, the victim worked as a schoolteacher.

The prosecutor said the nurse’s aide raped the 92-year-old woman “because she was not going to be able to communicate” what had happened. Following the assault, the victim was taken to the hospital for observation. She was later transferred to a Hospice facility, where she remained until she passed away.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 03:31 pm
by their rather illogical assertions that both parties are equally responsible for a rape,

No more illogical than any two people doing any transaction with out the legally required contracts/proof of agreements...this is what happened when we redefined rape from forced sex to sex without sex the "proper" (read government recognized ) consent. Under old definition rape the woman was never at fault, under new definition rape she could very likely carry large amounts of responsibility for the rape.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 05:36 pm
...this is what happened when we redefined rape from forced sex to sex without sex the "proper" (read government recognized ) consent. Under old definition rape the woman was never at fault, under new definition rape she could very likely carry large amounts of responsibility for the rape

You must live in an alternate universe.

Under all definitions of rape, it is a criminal act performed without the consent of the victim and that has always been the case. Therefore, it is always an unwanted, or legally impermissible, act forced on an individual. By definition, the victim has no responsibility for the criminal act performed by the other party.

The law has always recognized certain circumstances when consent is not legally present--individuals are expected to be knowledgeable regarding these circumstances, and to abide by them. Violating these prohibitions constitutes sexual assault/rape.

You're the one trying to re-define rape, since you disregard how state laws actually define it.

You'd probably deny that the 92 year old was raped in her nursing home bed because no substantial force was required and she did not resist. A judge found otherwise and considered it unequivocally rape. That same situation holds true whenever the victim is incapacitated for any reason. Would you have preferred that the 92 year old was beaten and bloodied to show that the act was non-consensual?

Try actually reading the sexual assault laws of your state, and tell me exactly how that 92 year old would "carry large amounts of responsibility" for her own acquaintance rape if it had taken place in the state of Washington.

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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 05:52 pm
All that's needed for a rape is a vulnerable victim and a sexual predator in the vicinity. Rape is very often an opportunistic crime.
Police charge teenager over rape of elderly Mackay woman
APN Newsdesk
27th Jun 2014

POLICE have charged a 17-year-old following a sexual assault on an 80-year-old woman in Mackay last month.

Around 7pm on May 12, the elderly woman was approached in the front yard of a property on Finch Street and police will allege she was then sexually assaulted.

The Slade Point woman was taken to hospital for treatment.

At the time, Detective Inspector Karyn Murphy said it was very rare for such a sex assault to occur.

It happened in the woman's yard as she returned from a walk with her dog.

Luckily the woman was able to escape from her attacker and get help.

She suffered bruising in the attack.

Police have charged a 17-year-old Slade Point man with one count of rape and he is due to appear in the Mackay Magistrates Court today.

Was she "asking to be raped" by simply being elderly and taking her dog for a walk?
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 06:19 pm
Jesus, what it with you and all of these old bags being raped? Rape is a crime of the young mostly, elderly rape is rare. Aso, almost all cases of elderly rape are rape-rape, which everyone here agrees is wrong and should be punished in the criminal system, unlike most rape.

What is the story firefly? were you raped?
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 06:31 pm
She's to blame. Probably was wearing immodest apparel. (sarcastic tone) Rolling Eyes
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Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 08:04 pm
Jesus, what it with you and all of these old bags being raped? Rape is a crime of the young mostly, elderly rape is rare. Aso, almost all cases of elderly rape are rape-rape, which everyone here agrees is wrong and should be punished in the criminal system, unlike most rape.

What's the matter, Hawkeye, rapes of the very elderly don't fit in with the "sexual transaction" agenda you are trying to peddle?

While less frequent than the rapes of younger women, the rapes of the elderly are no less important, and they highlight the fact that a rape victim is targeted by a sexual predator based on her vulnerability and availability and little else. There is little difference between that 92 year old in her nursing home bed, and a college student incapacitated by alcohol in a frat house bedroom, in terms of vulnerability and availability to a sexual predator in the vicinity--and intercourse with either is equally considered rape, and both are protected under the same rape/sexual assault laws--and the sexual predator is generally known to the victim in both of those cases.
One of the most disturbing forms of abuse that affects thousands of nursing home patients every year is sexual abuse. One in three nursing homes are cited for abuse violations every year. A study from the Medicaid Fraud Reports indicates that about nine percent of abuse violations in nursing homes involve some form of sexual abuse every year. The sexual abuse of nursing home patient is particularly disturbing, because it typically impacts those who are most vulnerable and unable to do anything about it. Individuals in nursing homes, whether they are other residents or nursing home employees, tend to target those who are disabled, unable to speak and unable to physically defend themselves from the abuse. Both men and women can be the victims of sexual abuse in the nursing home context.

And often, nursing home patients don't report their sexual assaults for the same reason college women don't report them--they fear the repercussions to themselves if they do report, or they are afraid they won't be believed.

Quick Thinking Senior Captures Evidence Of Sexual Assault In Nursing Home
By Pearl Griffin
March 22nd, 2013

Most instances of involving sexual assault of the elderly in nursing homes are tragic events that we’ll likely never hear a word about. It’s not that these horrors don’t take place with some frequency behind the closed doors of a senior care facility– it’s that many of the victims are particularly vulnerable and there is a tremendous amount of fear over the possible repercussion from both the perpetrator and the facility itself. Yet in other situations, the victim may be unable to communicate due to physical or cognitive difficulties.

As an attorney who has been called upon by families to assist in the investigation and prosecution of civil claims arising from sexual assaults in skilled nursing facilities, I am frequently frustrated by the inherent unfairness in these situations as too frequently facilities and perpetrators alike use their uneven bargaining position to their advantage and either attempt to bully or discredit the allegations made against them.

A female patient at a Texas nursing home who was sexually assaulted by a CNA at the facility could have easily become part of the group of the ignored, but thanks to her quick thinking the perpetrator will likely never have an opportunity to victimize other patients. The Brownwood Bulletin reported recently that police arrested the 45-year-old, male CNA after DNA evidence confirmed allegations originally suggested by and elderly patient at the facility. Anticipating that people would simply not believe her allegations, the woman— secretly preserved the man’s DNA sample on a napkin– during one of his escapades.

After originally denying the allegations, the CNA eventually agreed to provide a DNA sample to authorities– disturbingly the samples were a match.

While I commend the victim for having the courage and foresight to confront this abusive situation head-on, I am particularly saddened by the fact that this woman felt so uncomfortable bringing these allegations to the administrators at the facility that she literally needed to fend for herself.

Legal issues aside, this facility needs to evaluate their system for patients to come forward with issues and concerns without feeling further threatened or discredited by the facility. Hopefully, in the wake of this truly heinous act, this nursing home will recognize that residents need an open line of communication to supervisors to voice concerns in a nonjudgmental way.

All rape is "rape-rape"--the laws, not you, define rape--and all rape is a criminal act which should be punished within the criminal justice system.

What is the story firefly? were you raped?

No, as I've said throughout this thread, I've never been sexually assaulted or raped, although I certainly put myself in enough risky situations where that might have happened had I been with a sexual predator. Based on my own experience, I know that most men do respect a woman's wishes and they are well aware of when she's consenting, and when she isn't, or when she's not in any condition to consent. So my experiences have been quite positive, but I fully appreciate the fact that has not been the case for many other women, through no fault of their own.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 08:16 pm
While less frequent than the rapes of younger women, the rapes of the elderly are no less important, and they highlight the fact that a rape victim is targeted by a sexual predator based on her vulnerability and availability and little else

your argument is on par with arguing that drunk driving BAC needs to be .05 by bringing up every case you can find of .2+ drunk drivers killing people. .2+ drivers who kill people need to be in jail, nobody but nobody is going to argue otherwise. But it does not happen very often. Elderly rape is rare, is rape rape, is wrong, and is a diversion from what is actually going on in sex law. Your continually driving this thread here goes to prove that you are desperate to avoid talking about all of these young guys who get hammered for sexual assault on very iffy arguments from the state/feminsts cooperative.
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 09:42 pm
and their newest protégé, nononono

Don't condescend. I'm my own autonomous person.

First of all, I'd be willing to bet that when you include the rapes that occur in prison, males are victims of rape in larger numbers than females are. And let's not forget all the women who abuse young children too. But the whole point here seems to be to gloss over male victims of sexual assault completely right? Because I mean hey, men don't feel pain right? Men are just expected to be society's punching bags.

Second, no one here as far as I can tell is saying that rape is OK. That anyone is implying that is a flat out distortion. And that's why feminism is toxic. It creates an environment whereby if anyone dares voice an opposing, or even merely an alternative viewpoint, that person then is viewed as advocating rape is OK because
this predatory behavior not only perfectly acceptable, but also see "taking advantage of a woman" as some hallowed tradition of "manhood".
WOW! distort people's words much???

You do understand that you're manipulating my words right? Or are you that self brainwashed that you don't see anything other than your warped world view where men are eternally predators, and women are eternally victims?

One big clue that your ideas are warped is how frequently you use shaming tactics and shaming language to attack anyone who disagrees with you. Of course I'm a "yoyo" for having a differing viewpoint.

these throw-backs feel even more vestiges of alleged male privilege crumbling beneath their already weak knees.

^Shaming tactic

That most men reject these anti-female attitudes

^Shaming tactic, and also blatantly false to imply that I'm "anti-female". What would you say to all the FEMALE men's rights activists out there? Would you tell them that they're "anti-female"? Because there is a convention this weekend in Detroit to address men's issues and there are SEVERAL female speakers scheduled including a sitting BLACK, FEMALE Canadian senator. I would also like to point out that this conference has been the target of death threats for all involved by feminists (an act that a lot of people would consider terrorism) yet the mainstream media has in large failed to report on it. And that's because feminism (which is unquestioned by society) is a platform for misandrists, and legitimizes hatred of men as some sort of progressive ideology. (Please do take a look at all the quote unquote "anti-female" speakers listed in the link below.)


But let's get back to you firefly. In addition to using shaming tactics and shaming language against anyone who disagrees with you, you also make straw man arguments. You misrepresent your opponents arguments, and especially for those who haven't read entire threads worth of comments you use some readers ignorance to get away with this. For instance in this thread you have and continue to imply that myself, hawkeye, and Bill are saying that rape is A OK, and that we condone it. I must have missed the part in any of these comments where any of us stated that rape is OK.

The fact is that feminism is true victim blaming because it excuses women of any and all moral agency for their own actions and the situations they put themselves in; effectively reducing women to the equivalent of children who can't defend or fend for themselves. Feminism tells women that they are objects because subjects (men) are acting upon objects (women). Feminism is TRUE misogyny. Feminism also victim blames male victims of sexual assault, because it adds to a cultural atmosphere where rape and sexual assault are viewed as ONLY things that men do to women. Through feminist language it implies that any and all male sexuality is ALWAYS dangerous, hostile, or sleazy.

You know, and ultimately firefly if you really cared about ALL victims of sexual assault and sexual violence, you wouldn't have tailored this thread to exclusively focus on only female rape victims while ignoring male victims. You wouldn't demonize any and everyone who has a countering or alternative viewpoint, and you would have put more focus on the alarming amount of false sexual assault claims and how they destroy lives. But instead you reinforce toxic feminists claim that we live in a "rape culture" (Something even RAINN the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network has denounced) and you further demonize men.

I'll end with a quote from Valerie Solanas (The feminist responsible for the S.C.U.M. Manifesto, otherwise known as the Society for Cutting Up Men) that I believe neatly summarizes your opinion and attitude towards men and male sexulality.

"The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt -- and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't."

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