Quote:I don't know, the main fault line is not between men and women, it is between those who want to control the erotic lives and relationship structures of others and those like me who want to encourage people to have satisfying consensual relationships but generally feel that people have to be allowed to live their own lives no matter what our opinion is of the choices they make for themselves. I have no interest in trying to separate good sex from bad sex, I think that what ever a person wants or needs that they can get consensually is none of my business. If we see a woman getting slapped around by her man the correct response is not "OMG, you poor thing, we have to get him into a jail" ....it is " is this what you want? You don't have to stay here if you don't want to".
What does this have to do with rape? If a woman and a man are involved in consensual sex - however rough- that's not the same thing as rape.
No one is talking about mandating appropriate sex for all - are they? And how would that be enforced? Do the authorities ever break down someone's door to charge a man with rape despite the fact that his partner is participating and doesn't call the authorities to charge the guy with rape?
I've never heard of that happening.
Or are you talking about underage girls and adult men?
Because that's a different story.
I think the problem you have with accepting rape as rape is that you don't trust women. Maybe you trust your wife, in fact it sounds as if you do from what you say about your relationship with her on this forum.
But the message I keep getting from you and Bill is that you think women in general are just making things up in an effort to entrap men.
And maybe some women do make stuff up - but those are mentally ill and unstable women. Are you trying to tell me that you believe they represent a large percentage of the 600 women a day who are raped in the US?
Quote:According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day
Maybe someone should do a study on the percentage of women who are mentally ill and delusional and compare it to the figure of 20% or 1 in 5 women who will be raped/physically abused at the hands of a male in their lifetime.
And I'm interested to know how you think women play into or cause their own rapes? Because that's what it sounds like you think is true.
All I can tell you is what I tell my own son. If you choose to hit a woman - even after she hits you - you WILL bear the brunt of the aftermath.
I have taught him that since he was a small child and had a baby sister. He is and always will be bigger and stronger than her. At this point - if he punched her, he could kill her with one blow - he's 6'3 and 210 pounds and she's 5'5 and 110 pounds.
Is it fair? Maybe not. But would he be insane to take a chance and hit a woman - even if she hits him first? Yes!
Doesn't every sane man already KNOW that?
It's a matter of protecting yourself, for goodness sake. Even if you don't like women and you think they deserve to get hit - do you want to end up being the one to sit in prison because you struck back?
What male rights are you advocating for? I can't figure it out.
As far as I'm concerned - you can do whatever you want with another consenting adult. I don't know of any laws that limit what you and your consenting partner do in your own bedroom - as long as s/he's of age.
What else is it that you want?