Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 12:22 pm
b]So, I ask you, what do you think men can do, or should be doing, to help counter the negative social stigma, and rape apologist attitudes, that do affect the victims of rape, particularly non stranger rape? I think male input into this problem is very important. I'm inclined to think men may be able to do more than women in affecting and changing public attitudes, including the attitudes of law enforcement and juries. When men really start speaking out, I think people will take the issue very seriously.

So, what should men be doing? How can they help combat the rape apologist attitudes and stigmas that are prevalent in the culture?

Sorry if not just men who should be dealing with this problem as this in both men and women problem as citizens

When you have unfair and insane laws that result often-in insane outcomes you promote contempt for those laws and those who try to use them.

Made the rape/sexual assault laws more in line with fairness and commonsense and do not try to demonize men in general.

When a woman is found out to had knowingly falsely charge a male or males with rape it does great harm for the next women who level such charges. Flyfire for that reason you should, if you care about other women, be even more outrageous then any male over it. You would support very harsh punishment aim at such women.

Every time it is found out that some gentleman had spend decades of his life behind bars for a rape he had nothing to do with it hurt all future rape victims. Once more it would be in the best interest of anti-rape supporters to help reduce the likelihood that innocent men will end up in prisons and help get other innocent men out of prison.

Your cute posters should also deal with women need to used better judgment in who they drop their guard with and that they do have a duty not to drink with someone they do not have complete trust in to the point it cloudy their judgments.
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 12:52 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

May/June 1999 Issue
A surprising fact has turned up in the grimly familiar world of domestic violence: Women report using violence in their relationships more often than men. This is not a crack by some antifeminist cad; the information will soon be published by the Justice Department in a report summarizing the results of in-depth, face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 860 men and women whom researchers have been following since birth. Conducted in New Zealand by Terrie Moffitt, a University of Wisconsin psychology professor, the study supports data published in 1980 indicating that wives hit their husbands at least as often as husbands hit their wives.
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When the 1980 study was released, it was so controversial that some of the researchers received death threats. Advocates for battered women were outraged because the data seemed to suggest that the risk of injury from domestic violence is as high for men as it is for women, which isn't true. Whether or not women are violent themselves, they are much more likely to be severely injured or killed by domestic violence, so activists dismissed the findings as meaningless.
When you highlight the appropriate portion, the truth of the situation becomes clear.

hawkeye10 wrote:
30 years later and we are still fighting to get scientific resources to study the problem, so that we can get at the truth....THIRTY ******* YEARS we have waited, and still women or at least groups claiming to speak for women fight the discovery process often with anger and denial and the belittling of men, and largely do so successfully.

It is an outrage. I am outraged.
That's poutrage. Your own cherry-picked excerpt demonstrates your idiocy. While Female on Male violence is a problem; Male on Female violence is an epidemic. According to the DOJ in 1998, for instance, intimate partner homicides comprised about 33% of the murders of women but about 4% of the murders of men. Only a demented misogynistic piece of **** could absorb these fact while whimpering about Female on Male violence. Who gets hurt? (As if this isn't already clear to all but the terminally demented).
That's 471,110 injured women compared to 47,000 injured men. 10 to 1 and this sick bastard is "outraged." My sincere hope is that Shorteyes is added to the male victim statistics.
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:07 pm
That's 471,110 injured women compared to 47,000 injured men. 10 to 1 and this sick bastard is "outraged." My sincere hope is that Shorteyes is added to the male victim statistics.
so is your argument then that domestic violence only matters to the degree that someone gets physically injured? What about emotional injury? What about caring about how the cycle of aggression works so that we can give both men and women ideas for how they could mitigate it?

Women take the majority of physical abuse, but it looks like they are equal players on the cycle of aggression. To get to the bottom of what has gone wrong women are going to have to own up to the part they play in domestic violence, they should never have been given a pass because they get the worst of the physical side.

Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:27 pm
You really do not want to discuss the topic.

Your response indicated you do not understand that certain crimes are very under-reported, or not taken seriously by law enforcement, simply because of the gender of the victim. That is true when men are the victims of domestic abuse, and when women are the victims of rape, particularly date rape.

You obviously have nothing useful to add to a discussion of how societal attitudes toward these rape victims could be altered.

And, your attitude reveals you to actually be part of the problem

Your cute posters should also deal with women need to used better judgment in who they drop their guard with and that they do have a duty not to drink with someone they do not have complete trust in to the point it cloudy their judgments

That does not excuse the rape, or the rapist. You are being a rape apologist.
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:37 pm
You are being a rape apologist.
No doubt in your world pinning a label that is consider by many to be nasty ends the question, but around here you are going to be required to actually defend your position. You are not going to get your opposition to quit, it has been tried repeatedly and has not worked. Lets move along shall we?

"you're idiot" and "you just dont understand" are also not going to work to avoid the debate. If you cant defend your position how about at least admitting it, so that you can retain some dignity?
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:40 pm

Women take the majority of physical abuse, but it looks like they are equal players on the cycle of aggression. To get to the bottom of what has gone wrong women are going to have to own up to the part they play in domestic violence, they should never have been given a pass because they get the worst of the physical side.

They are not equal players. They do not display similar types of aggression. Women tend to slap, push or throw something like a dish. Men beat, punch, etc. delivering much more serious injuries that require medical treatment or actually kill the woman.

Why can't you discuss the topic of rape from the perspective of the rape victim?

Why do you have to turn every discussion into a male pity party?

Other men here recognize this is a problem for both men and women. They have mothers, daughters, and sisters and they don't want to see them raped by someone, and they wouldn't want to see a rapist get away with the crime. They seem to understand the problems a rape victim faces, particularly with date rape. They understand the effects that rape apologist attitudes have on the victim and the criminal justice system, and understand that such attitudes actually foster the crime of rape.

Isn't it possible to find any meeting of the minds with you on this issue?
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:47 pm
If you cant defend your position how about at least admitting it, so that you can retain some dignity?

My position, that rape is a crime which must be taken seriously by law enforcement, and effectively prosecuted, does not need defense from me. That is the opinion of most people.

At this point it is fruitless to try to discuss the topic with you.

You don't even think rapists belong in jail.

Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:52 pm

answer YES or NO can a woman have commiteed this crime?? include insane and include lesbians if you want, answer is no way jose so shuddup already
...strangled, half-naked corpse, covered in bruises, bite marks, and cuts, .... Her bra and shirt were pushed up to her neck, and her skirt was around her waist..... there were numerous bruises on her neck, both from the strangulation and from her own fingernails as she clawed at her killer's hands. e. The investigators had found Levin's panties some 50 yards (46 m) away
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 01:58 pm
not goog enought for you???
read the whole link there's this that her family had to read
"Sex Play Got Rough"

0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:02 pm
firefly wrote:

If you cant defend your position how about at least admitting it, so that you can retain some dignity?

My position, that rape is a crime which must be taken seriously by law enforcement,

good lusck to you sister you're atalking to a sicko therelike the "sex got rought' excuse for murder
sickening is awhat i call it
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:03 pm
Isn't it possible to find any meeting of the minds with you on this issue?
I don't know, the main fault line is not between men and women, it is between those who want to control the erotic lives and relationship structures of others and those like me who want to encourage people to have satisfying consensual relationships but generally feel that people have to be allowed to live their own lives no matter what our opinion is of the choices they make for themselves. I have no interest in trying to separate good sex from bad sex, I think that what ever a person wants or needs that they can get consensually is none of my business. If we see a woman getting slapped around by her man the correct response is not "OMG, you poor thing, we have to get him into a jail" ....it is " is this what you want? You don't have to stay here if you don't want to".

Right now the separation between the two sides seems too great to get to compromise.
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:04 pm
Right now the separation between the two sides seems too great to get to compromise.

WHAT is there to compromise ON???????
ive seen o5hers like you
get lost
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:08 pm
Rape is a non consensual situation. That's what makes it a rape.

When a woman says, "No", and trys to push the man away from her, and he ignores her and inserts his penis into her vagina, he is raping her.

Can you even understand that?
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:12 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Isn't it possible to find any meeting of the minds with you on this issue?
I don't know, the main fault line is not between men and women,

uou blind or stupid
Confronted with this explanation, the examining Assistant District Attorney Saracco said: "I've been in this business for a while, and you're the first man I've seen raped in Central Park." The rape scenario was considered to be highly unlikely, in light of the fact that Chambers was more than a foot taller than the 5'4" Levin, and at 220 lb (100 kg), he was almost double her weight.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:16 pm
No, he cannot understand that, firefly.
Blinded hawkeye is looking for a loophole to have rape legally dismissed.
Fortunately, the law is not as blind as him, and it is clearly defined what rape is
and what is not.

He can color his own world anyway he wants to, reality always will surpass
him. Should he act on his thoughts, I hope he'll rot in prison.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:18 pm
firefly wrote:

I'm not comparing abuse and rape. I'm trying to get back to the topic of rape.

sorry maam it's a continuum abuse rape torture murder cant help that catch em young and kill em ir fix em befgore they hurt anythign boigger than a insect and even there its wrong t hurt a living creature wo3

kill 43em erly is your ansewr sorry can't tyope but can read
hawkey is mad
women bewayre
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:33 pm
I don't know, the main fault line is not between men and women, it is between those who want to control the erotic lives and relationship structures of others and those like me who want to encourage people to have satisfying consensual relationships but generally feel that people have to be allowed to live their own lives no matter what our opinion is of the choices they make for themselves. I have no interest in trying to separate good sex from bad sex, I think that what ever a person wants or needs that they can get consensually is none of my business. If we see a woman getting slapped around by her man the correct response is not "OMG, you poor thing, we have to get him into a jail" ....it is " is this what you want? You don't have to stay here if you don't want to".

What does this have to do with rape? If a woman and a man are involved in consensual sex - however rough- that's not the same thing as rape.

No one is talking about mandating appropriate sex for all - are they? And how would that be enforced? Do the authorities ever break down someone's door to charge a man with rape despite the fact that his partner is participating and doesn't call the authorities to charge the guy with rape?

I've never heard of that happening.

Or are you talking about underage girls and adult men?
Because that's a different story.

I think the problem you have with accepting rape as rape is that you don't trust women. Maybe you trust your wife, in fact it sounds as if you do from what you say about your relationship with her on this forum.
But the message I keep getting from you and Bill is that you think women in general are just making things up in an effort to entrap men.

And maybe some women do make stuff up - but those are mentally ill and unstable women. Are you trying to tell me that you believe they represent a large percentage of the 600 women a day who are raped in the US?
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day

Maybe someone should do a study on the percentage of women who are mentally ill and delusional and compare it to the figure of 20% or 1 in 5 women who will be raped/physically abused at the hands of a male in their lifetime.

And I'm interested to know how you think women play into or cause their own rapes? Because that's what it sounds like you think is true.

All I can tell you is what I tell my own son. If you choose to hit a woman - even after she hits you - you WILL bear the brunt of the aftermath.
I have taught him that since he was a small child and had a baby sister. He is and always will be bigger and stronger than her. At this point - if he punched her, he could kill her with one blow - he's 6'3 and 210 pounds and she's 5'5 and 110 pounds.
Is it fair? Maybe not. But would he be insane to take a chance and hit a woman - even if she hits him first? Yes!
Doesn't every sane man already KNOW that?

It's a matter of protecting yourself, for goodness sake. Even if you don't like women and you think they deserve to get hit - do you want to end up being the one to sit in prison because you struck back?

What male rights are you advocating for? I can't figure it out.
As far as I'm concerned - you can do whatever you want with another consenting adult. I don't know of any laws that limit what you and your consenting partner do in your own bedroom - as long as s/he's of age.

What else is it that you want?

Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:35 pm
When a woman says, "No", and trys to push the man away from her, and he ignores her and inserts his penis into her vagina, he is raping her.

Can you even understand that?
rape is a whole lot of different actions, taken under consent arrangements that vary a great deal and are often difficult to determine after the fact.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:46 pm
As far as I'm concerned - you can do whatever you want with another consenting adult. I don't know of any laws that limit what you and your consenting partner do in your own bedroom - as long as s/he's of age.
when this began to stop being true is the point at which I began to be seriously interested in this subject. There is now constant pressure, from the law and else where, to conform to what is considered to be acceptable sexuality and relationship structure. The penalties for refusing are steadily increasing.
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:47 pm
Can you be more specific? I seriously am not aware of any limitations placed on what I choose to do sexually with another consenting adult.

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