@Arella Mae,
Well, if people don't like reading about rape news reports, they shouldn't be hanging around this thread. Rape is an ugly crime, and hiding from that reality isn't going to make it go away. Pretending that rape is something that rarely happens, as the trolls do, doesn't change the fact that anyone, particularly a female, might become a rape victim at any point in her life--even in her 80's and 90's. Reading about these things doesn't unnecessarily scare women--it helps them to be more alert and cautious and self protective.
These three deny the definition of rape. It is non consensual sex--period. It doesn't have to be violent, the woman doesn't have to be beaten, she doesn't have to put up a fight to show resistance. If she hasn't consented--freely, willingly, knowingly, consented--the sex act is rape
according to law. Normal people have no difficulty understanding that. Normal people have no difficulty accepting that.
That's why there is no loud public outcry demanding the rape laws be changed. Most men are not worried about being charged with rape because most men don't violate the laws. Most men don't want to hurt or harm women. Most men don't want to see other men hurt or harm women.
So, it really makes you wonder about the sort of men who get their jollies bashing women in a thread about rape. Or who talk about women enjoying "the thrill of dominance" or women who enjoy being "ravished", as though the actual crime of rape was some erotic fantasy out of a romance novel, rather than an unwanted assault and violation with long-lasting, often profound, negative emotional and psychological effects. These men are getting off on their fantasies about raping women. They find this stuff titillating. No wonder they get upset that real life women can say, "No" and charge them with rape if they don't take "No" for an answer. No wonder they don't like the rape laws. No wonder they quibble about how drunk she has to be before she can't consent--they don't regard consent as that important. If they can manage to do it, and get away with it, that's enough--who needs "consent"?
These guys have turned off and angered every female posting in this thread and most of the men as well. It's not that their so-called "opinions" are unpopular, these trolls are vulgar, insulting, insensitive creeps, with no redeeming intellectual gifts or insights. They create a stench, and not much else. And, when people try to move away, to escape the odor, they claim people don't want to hear the "truth". Well, the truth is, maybe people just can't stomach their stench...
Fortunately, this topic is serious enough, and unambiguous enough, to survive troll attacks and sexist and misogynist attitudes. This is not a topic that is just a "woman's issue" and it certainly isn't just a "feminist" issue. Rapes occur--far too often. They happen to females and males. They happen to the very young and to the very elderly. Anyone can be a potential rape victim. Rapes occur in a wide variety of situations. They are often unreported. They are often unpunished. And rapists tend to repeat their crimes. Rape is never excusable, it is never acceptable, and it should never be tolerated.
I also admire the woman who have the courage to report their rapes, Arella Mae. And in all of those news stories about rape convictions there is a woman who had the courage to do that and to go through with a very difficult legal ordeal, sometimes a process that takes years. That takes real strength.
We're not going to keep quiet about these matters. Those who don't like our attitude, Arella Mae, are free to take a hike.