Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 09:15 pm
A date rape type of situation. Sex with very intoxicated women can get you convicted of rape--as this father-son duo just found out. The son claimed the sex was consensual but the jury didn't buy that.

Too bad I was not on that jury. Drunk
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 09:20 pm
firefly wrote:

HIV positive man to stand trial on rape charge
By Andria Simmons
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Friday, November 12, 2010

An HIV-positive Lawrenceville man is scheduled to go on trial in Gwinnett County on Monday for allegedly raping a sleeping female patient at a psychiatric hospital.

Wesley Randall Hatfield, 28, is charged with rape and reckless conduct in the Sept. 2, 2007 incident at SummitRidge Center for Psychiatry & Addiction Medicine in Lawrenceville. Police said he snuck into the room of a female patient and raped her while she was asleep and on sedatives. Hatfield also was a patient at the hospital at the time.

A nurse found Hatfield in bed with a female patient who appeared to be sleeping. After the nurse walked into the room, the victim reportedly awoke and discovered that her underwear had been removed. A subsequent medical examination indicated she had been sexually assaulted.

Hatfield is being prosecuted under a rarely used section of Georgia law that makes it a felony for anyone who is aware that they are infected with HIV or hepatitis to knowingly engage in sexual intercourse with another person without disclosing their condition. The crime is punishable by anywhere from five to 20 years in prison.

It ought to be considered attempted murder when this happens!
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 09:28 pm
At least the father owned up to what he did. Has to make you wonder what kind of a parent he was in the first place that his son would even think of doing such a thing and doing it in front of or with his father there.

I think it's pretty cavallier (sp) how some are about rape judging by the posts of certain individuals on this thread. They want to insult and bash us for posting these situations and discussing them saying we are getting off on it while the whole time they are sitting there trying to discredit almost every case of rape that has been posted, including the ones where the men plead guilty.

As long as there is "that" attitude about rape, there will always be rape. They find nothing wrong with it so why should they change? If a person thinks it is okay to view child porn then, of course, rape would seem rather harmless.
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 09:43 pm
@Arella Mae,
HIV positive man to stand trial on rape charge...
...Wesley Randall Hatfield, 28, is charged with rape and reckless conduct

Attempted murder for committing both these crimes at once?

Yes, this does seem to be one of those times when the whole crime is a lot worse than the sum of its parts.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 09:48 pm
Two charges: rape and attempted murder, both heinous crimes.
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 09:57 pm
@Arella Mae,
As long as there is "that" attitude about rape, there will always be rape
So if anyone is in favour of distinguishing between consentual sex and violent rape they are "turning" men into rapists ? Really ? So all we have to do is to stop disagreeing with you about what are the facts and rape will be a thing of the past.....are you sure ?

They want to insult and bash us
Poor poor poor pitiful women. You want a display of strength dont you.... like a female cat fighting with a male before mating...you have to make sure the male is strong and healthy....no point mating with a weaky...too much invested.

If a woman enjoys the thrill of dominance and the relief of having decision taken away what does that say about "that" attitude ? What about the women who enjoy talking about rape as a way of putting down or scaring other women....what does that say about "that" attitude ?

Why would someone of sound mind enjoy dragging out every horror they can find on rape ? One of the Nazi wifes used to get a thrill by going down to the wire to taunt prisoners about their fate. This was also done by rich women bribing their way into the arena to taunt the condemned in Roman times. Today they post on the internet.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 10:02 pm
I guess some people think that we should just keep quiet about such matters. That attitude is a big reason why so many women do not report rapes. They don't because as if the rape was not bad enough they have to face those with attitudes that make the victim the criminal.

I say kudos to any woman that has the strength and courage, and believe me, it takes real courage, to report their rape and do what they can to see to it that the rapist pays for their crime.
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 10:20 pm
@Arella Mae,
They don't because as if the rape was not bad enough they have to face those with attitudes that make the victim the criminal.
Would you rather any woman anywhere had the power of life and death over men by her mere word ? I bet that wet a few lips just thinking about it. Dominant women....didnt that just send a shiver all the way down to you know where....
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Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 10:33 pm
@Arella Mae,
Two charges: rape and attempted murder, both heinous crimes.

Agreed! Neutral It's just that...

...whenever I hear about something extraordinary like this happening I try and picture what sort of psychotic monster could be capable of it. It seems like we're talking about a single horrible action, here. Deciding on a fitting punishment should involve more than just simple addition.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 10:37 pm
I am not so convinced that the rapist in some of these cases even consider the fact that the crime they are commiting can actually bring upon the death, albeit years later, of their victim. I honestly cannot say what must go through the mind of such a person.

Then there are the cases where the person, knowing they had AIDS or were HIV positive, actually set out to have sex with as many women as possible to pass along the disease. I cannot comprehend that sort of thinking.
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 12:08 am
@Arella Mae,
Well, if people don't like reading about rape news reports, they shouldn't be hanging around this thread. Rape is an ugly crime, and hiding from that reality isn't going to make it go away. Pretending that rape is something that rarely happens, as the trolls do, doesn't change the fact that anyone, particularly a female, might become a rape victim at any point in her life--even in her 80's and 90's. Reading about these things doesn't unnecessarily scare women--it helps them to be more alert and cautious and self protective.

These three deny the definition of rape. It is non consensual sex--period. It doesn't have to be violent, the woman doesn't have to be beaten, she doesn't have to put up a fight to show resistance. If she hasn't consented--freely, willingly, knowingly, consented--the sex act is rape according to law. Normal people have no difficulty understanding that. Normal people have no difficulty accepting that.
That's why there is no loud public outcry demanding the rape laws be changed. Most men are not worried about being charged with rape because most men don't violate the laws. Most men don't want to hurt or harm women. Most men don't want to see other men hurt or harm women.

So, it really makes you wonder about the sort of men who get their jollies bashing women in a thread about rape. Or who talk about women enjoying "the thrill of dominance" or women who enjoy being "ravished", as though the actual crime of rape was some erotic fantasy out of a romance novel, rather than an unwanted assault and violation with long-lasting, often profound, negative emotional and psychological effects. These men are getting off on their fantasies about raping women. They find this stuff titillating. No wonder they get upset that real life women can say, "No" and charge them with rape if they don't take "No" for an answer. No wonder they don't like the rape laws. No wonder they quibble about how drunk she has to be before she can't consent--they don't regard consent as that important. If they can manage to do it, and get away with it, that's enough--who needs "consent"?

These guys have turned off and angered every female posting in this thread and most of the men as well. It's not that their so-called "opinions" are unpopular, these trolls are vulgar, insulting, insensitive creeps, with no redeeming intellectual gifts or insights. They create a stench, and not much else. And, when people try to move away, to escape the odor, they claim people don't want to hear the "truth". Well, the truth is, maybe people just can't stomach their stench...

Fortunately, this topic is serious enough, and unambiguous enough, to survive troll attacks and sexist and misogynist attitudes. This is not a topic that is just a "woman's issue" and it certainly isn't just a "feminist" issue. Rapes occur--far too often. They happen to females and males. They happen to the very young and to the very elderly. Anyone can be a potential rape victim. Rapes occur in a wide variety of situations. They are often unreported. They are often unpunished. And rapists tend to repeat their crimes. Rape is never excusable, it is never acceptable, and it should never be tolerated.

I also admire the woman who have the courage to report their rapes, Arella Mae. And in all of those news stories about rape convictions there is a woman who had the courage to do that and to go through with a very difficult legal ordeal, sometimes a process that takes years. That takes real strength.

We're not going to keep quiet about these matters. Those who don't like our attitude, Arella Mae, are free to take a hike. Smile

Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 12:56 am
doesn't change the fact that anyone, particularly a female, might become a rape victim at any point in her life--even in her 80's and 90's. Reading about these things doesn't unnecessarily scare women--it helps them to be more alert and cautious and self protective.

and I might die in my sleep,or get hit by a bus tomorrow, but obsessing on the slight possibility is not productive or helpful in any way. A hundred rape cases a day amongst a population of over 250 million is statistically insignificant, and yet here you are parading a few cases a day presumably to try to claim that rape is common, but you do no such thing. Only the bird brained amongst us are are going to be so easily manipulated. You must have a very low opinion of a2k members.

it helps them to be more alert and cautious and self protective.

undue alertness and cautiousness is a negative...ask anyone who has PTSD. You really dont know what the **** you are talking about yet here you are constantly running your fingers, pretending that you do.
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 01:35 am
A hundred rape cases a day amongst a population of over 250 million is statistically insignificant

What about those 100 women? It's an old one but a good one: what if one of those 100 women happens to be your girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter, etc.?
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 01:44 am
One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. (apologies to Stalin)
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 02:10 am
what if one of those 100 women happens to be your girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter, etc.?
it has already been my wife and one of my daughters, and the other daughter was molested, so that ship has already sailed.

I am arguing for sound public policy, which has been tutored by my personal experience of loving females who have been sexually trespassed upon. Though firefly refuses to admit it we both have some of the same goals in mind, but we have very different ideas on how best to get there. She wants the state to carry a club and to beat upon anyone who is found to be doing wrong to women (and she lets the women decide what is wrong because in her mind men's opinions do not count) and I want to use a more holistic approach, one which respects everyone's rights and where individuals are free from unwarranted intrusion into their sexual lives by the state and where individuals can get their erotic needs met by way of consensual relationships.

100 raped women matter, so do the other 310,695,384 Americans.
We are supposed to be looking after all the needs of all the people, not just those who are raped or those who fear that they will be one day.
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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 02:21 am
and I might die in my sleep,or get hit by a bus tomorrow, but obsessing on the slight possibility is not productive or helpful in any way. A hundred rape cases a day amongst a population of over 250 million is statistically insignificant, and yet here you are parading a few cases a day presumably to try to claim that rape is common, but you do no such thing. Only the bird brained amongst us are are going to be so easily manipulated. You must have a very low opinion of a2k members.

The statement of yours that I have underlined and put in bold has two problems with it:

(1)As I understand it, "statistical significance" is a precisely defined term used in statistical inference. Now, firefly was dealing in descriptive statistics, where your concept of statistical significance is irrelevant. You are misusing the word.

(2) To mention that are only 100 rapes per day is misleading (even if your figure is correct). This 100 per day translates to (about) 2 million rapes over 60 years. I would guess (as a first-order approximation) that the average woman had to worry about rape between the ages of 10 and 70, so the 2 million figure is more relevant to her life than your 100 per year.

Note to women: Don't freak out! The odds of rape are still less than 1% by my calculation. Very low probability.
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 02:40 am
You keep claiming that rape is insignificant, you deny that what the law regards as rape is even "real rape" in your view, and you promote the notions that "conquest" is the best part of sex, females are "prey" who secretly long to be "ravished", and rape is a normal part of "male/female intimate relationships".

The question is, what the hell are you even doing in this thread?

I don't need to convince people that rape is a significant crime that occurs all too frequently. Most people already know that. They know someone who has been the victim of a sexual assault or rape. In this thread alone, at least three people have talked about the fact that they were raped. Others have mentioned a friend or relative who was raped. You've even mentioned that your own wife and children have been sexually assaulted. So, who the hell are you trying to fool with your bullshit attacks on me? Rape and sexual assault isn't that uncommon, and you damn well know it.

We're not obsessing about the possibility of being raped--certainly not the way you obsess about the rape laws and the "feminists", or BillRW obsesses about "false accusations"-- the two of you are like broken records. But the possibility of being raped is a concern for women, a realistic concern, that does affect how women behave, and where they go, and how they act--women do think about their safety, they are taught to think about their safety. And they do need to be appropriately alert and cautious and self protective. And that has absolutely nothing to do with PTSD, so spare me your psychobabble. As much as possible, women need to be proactive because surprise is an element of rape that throws women off guard. No matter what a person does to try to protect herself, she might still be raped, but information about how to be less vulnerable is still empowering and useful. Even reading news stories that describe situations in which rapes occur is useful. None of this is obsessing about being raped, any more than avoiding known carcinogens is obsessing about getting cancer.

The point of this thread has been to discuss rape and the attitudes that contribute to rape being a crime which can be committed with impunity because rapists so often escape punishment.

Your main contribution to this thread has been to display those rape denial and rape apologist attitudes. You have done nothing but attack the topic and attack and demean everything's that posted. You essentially want rape de-criminalized, except in the most violent and extreme circumstances, which would amount to giving people an open license to rape in all other situations.
You just don't like the idea of needing "consent" to enter a woman's body. It interferes with your "sexual freedom". Tough. It's her body, and it's her call.

We are not talking about the erotic in this thread. We are not talking about consensual sex in this thread. We are talking about the crime of rape, as that crime is defined in current laws--state laws, as well as federal. Rape is non consensual sex. It means accepting "No" and not arguing that,"She said no, but really meant yes" or making sure she's saying a big, enthusiastic, "Yes!" and knows what she's doing and is an active participant. It means not having sex if you're unsure of consent. It means communicating with the other person about what they do and do not want, rather than deciding for them. It means that if consent is not present, alert, knowing, freely willing consent, then we are talking about rape. And rape is the topic of this thread.

And to say that we should seek ways to help rapists find satisfaction in consensual relationships, rather than punish the crime of rape, is absurd. Many rapists rape precisely because the non consensual nature of the situation is arrousing for them--they want to dominate and control, or they want to inflict pain and humiliation, or they need a vulnerable victim. Many rapists have consensual sexual relationships--and they rape anyway. Let the rapists get paychotherapy--all the therapy they need--in prison.

Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 03:00 am
Actually, I find the sexual assault/rape laws in KY to be pretty good...


The laws actually give someone accused a chance to defend themselves, and be found not guilty, even if they did have sex with another person.

In addition to forcible compulsion, lack of consent by the victim to the sexual act can also result from an incapacity to consent to the act. A person is deemed incapable of consent when he is: less than sixteen years old, mentally retarded or suffers from a mental illness, is mentally incapacitated, or is physically helpless. KRS 510.020:

So far, this law makes sense.

But it goes on...

H "mentally incapacitated" is defined as a person "rendered temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling his conduct as a result of the influence of a controlled or intoxicating substance administered to him without his consent or as a result of any other act committed upon him without his consent." KRS 510.010(5). Note that this definition specifically requires an additional element of nonconsent on the part of the victim: that the victim did not consent to receiving the intoxicating substance.

So this is saying that if you CHOOSE to get drunk, or do drugs, then it will be very hard for you to prove an assault occurred, because the intoxicating substance was taken by you willingly.

Of course whats interesting is a rapist CANNOT use the excuse that he was drunk at the time so he (or she) isnt responsible.
But by the same token the victim CANNOT use that excuse either as a reason to claim rape, if the victim took the drugs or alcohol WILLINGLY.
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 03:17 am
The odds of rape are still less than 1% by my calculation. Very low probability.
Compare that with the odds of a woman dying in a car crash. 1% over the same time span. We wont bring in figures for spinal and other severe injuries. Why all the hysteria and hype about rape ? Because it is SOOOooooo exciting ! Would you rather do something to prevent rape and being alive or to prevent car crashs and being dead ? Car crash deaths are increasing. I bet you jump into a car without any fore thought.
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 03:19 am

Why all the hysteria and hype about rape ? Because it is SOOOooooo exciting !
Who do you think rape is exciting to?

And if someone said to me, 'You have the choice of getting in a car crash or being raped today,' I'd take my chances and choose the car crash.

Rape and the thought of being raped is not at all exciting to me.

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