Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 07:11 pm
BillRM wrote:

You know god gave you a mind and the ability to used logic not just emotions did he not AM?

We all know your emotions are fine tune so way not try to used your intellect once in a blue moon also?
And aren't you just the finest example of pure logic and no emotion? I use my intellect every time I vote down you and your paedophile troll buddy's posts.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 07:12 pm
@Arella Mae,
There seems to be no end to the amount of cruelty that some people are willing to inflict on their children. I just came across this horrible case of incest, rape, and child abuse. The trial of this 78 year old man is currently going on in New Zealand, for acts he committed between 1963 and 1990 on multiple victims. I don't know any of the background, so I don't know why it took so long for this case to come to trial. The description of the man's actions is so graphic and disturbing I am only posting a link to the story, so those who might be upset by such material do not have to read it.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 07:18 pm
They are worse than animals! No emotion, no compassion and devoid of any humanity. Sounds like two somebodies we know?

Wasn't it last year or so there was a man from Austrailia I think that imprisoned his daughters and got them pregnant?
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 07:48 pm
@Arella Mae,
It was in Austria--the Fitzl case. He imprisoned his daughter for 24 years in a basement bunker and fathered 7 children with her.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 07:50 pm
Yep, that's the one. I often wonder how the daughter is doing. What is she going to tell her children when they are old enough to understand? How is it going to effect them? Another prime example of just how far reaching the crime of rape is.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 08:29 pm
Bill so stupidly wrote:

You and AM surely do get off on finding stories of evil men and rapes and incests the worst the better it would seem.

And you then have the nerve to talk about Hawkeye using a search engine to find out the details of some silly rape video game.

Sick sick women.

Not everyone thinks like you Bill nor like your buddy. Not one single time have either of you showed any compassion for any of the people in those articles. The rest of us? We are learning about what is going on concerning rape, discussing solutions, etc.

The only ones getting off on this thread are you two pedophiles.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 08:48 pm
Since Hawkeye wants to make it legal to view child porn and you are swo far up his butt I feel no angst about calling you both paedophiles.

You detect squat! What you are doing is projecting your sexual excitement onto me and firefly, just like you project the blame on a victim from the rapist.

I'm square with God. Trust me on that.

Almost forgot. Not one of us said having sympathy for someone is going to fix it. Sympathy is a natural emotion, well, for human beings anyway.
Rolling Eyes
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 09:08 pm
The troll is now safely tucked away under the bridge he inhabits.
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Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 09:20 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:

The truth doesn't offend me Hawkeye. You do though. You lack character, integrity or morals. I wouldn't let an animal of mine be around you for fear you'd rape it and try to blame the animal.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Even though it's troll-feeding; it is entertaining to watch demented misogynists getting thrashed over and over again by women.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Oct, 2010 09:22 pm
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Reply Wed 13 Oct, 2010 09:52 am

Arella Mae wrote:

The truth doesn't offend me Hawkeye. You do though. You lack character, integrity or morals. I wouldn't let an animal of mine be around you for fear you'd rape it and try to blame the animal.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Even though it's troll-feeding; it is entertaining to watch demented misogynists getting thrashed over and over again by women.

I can't think of a single woman who would not be capable of thrashing these two idiots. Your use of the word demented is far too kind to those misogynists. Wink
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Reply Wed 13 Oct, 2010 10:21 am
One benefit of having the trolls in this thread is that they have displayed the attitudes often associated with acquaintance rapists...and they certainly have done a lot of belittling of women in this thread.

Who Commits Acquaintance Rape?

Just as with the victim, it is not possible to clearly identify individual men who will be participants in acquaintance rape. As a body of research begins to accumulate, however, there are certain characteristics which increase the risk factors. Acquaintance rape is not typically committed by psychopaths who are deviant from mainstream society. It is often expressed that direct and indirect messages given to boys and young men by our culture about what it means to male (dominant, aggressive, uncompromising) contribute to creating a mindset which is accepting of sexually aggressive behavior. Such messages are constantly sent via television and film when sex is portrayed as a commodity whose attainment is the ultimate male challenge. Notice how such beliefs are found within the vernacular of sex: "I'm going to make it with her," "Tonight's the night I'm going to score," "She's never had anything like this before," "What a piece of meat," "She's afraid to give it up."

Nearly everyone is exposed to this sexually biased current by various media, yet this does not account for individual differences in sexual beliefs and behaviors. Buying into stereotypical attitudes regarding sex roles tends to be associated with justification of intercourse under any circumstances. Other characteristics of the individual seem to facilitate sexual aggression. Research designed to determine traits of sexually aggressive males (Malamuth, in Pirog-Good and Stets, 1989) indicated that high scores on scales measuring dominance as a sexual motive, hostile attitudes towards women, condoning the use of force in sexual relationships, and the amount of prior sexual experience were all significantly related to self-reports of sexually aggressive behavior. Furthermore, the interaction of several of these variables increased the chance that an individual had reported sexually aggressive behavior. The inability to appraise social interactions, as well as prior parental neglect or sexual or physical abuse early in life may also be linked with acquaintance rape (Hall & Hirschman, in Wiehe and Richards, 1995). Finally, taking drugs or alcohol is commonly associated with sexual aggression. Of the men who were identified as having committed acquaintance rape, 75 percent had taken drugs or alcohol just prior to the rape (Koss, 1988)...

Prevention is not just the responsibility of the potential victims, that is, of women. Men may try to use acquaintance rape myths and false stereotypes about "what women really want" to rationalize or excuse sexually aggressive behavior. The most widely used defense is to blame the victim. Education and awareness programs, however, can have a positive effect in encouraging men to take increased responsibility for their behavior. Despite this optimistic statement, there will always be some individuals who won't get the message. Although it may be difficult, if not impossible, to detect someone who will commit acquaintance rape, there are some characteristics which can signal trouble. Emotional intimidation in the form of belittling comments, ignoring, sulking, and dictating friends or style of dress may indicate high levels of hostility. Projecting an overt air of superiority or acting as if one knows another much better than the one actually does may also be associated with coercive tendencies. Body posturing such as blocking a doorway or deriving pleasure from physically startling or scaring are forms of physical intimidation. Harboring negative attitudes toward women in general can be detected in the need to speak derisively of previous girlfriends. Extreme jealousy and an inability to handle sexual or emotional frustration without anger may reflect potentially dangerous volatility. Taking offense at not consenting to activities which could limit resistance, such as drinking or going to a private or isolated place, should serve as a warning...

Many of these characteristics are similar to each other and contain themes of hostility and intimidation. Maintaining an awareness of such a profile may facilitate quicker, clearer, and more resolute decision-making in problematic situations. ..

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 13 Oct, 2010 11:28 am
Since this thread started I have been doing a lot of reading, crying, and thinking. We can try to analyze every case of rape and/or incest and still not understand it. There are so many cases that come to mind and though most have commonalities, there are still some dynamics that are completely different. How much those differences play a part in the rapes and/or incestual rapes I am not sure.

One of the first instances of incest rape I had read about was Ronald Eugene Simmons of Russellville, Arkansas. At the time, he could lay claim to being responsible for the largest family massacre in history. This man murdered sixteen members of his family, which included even infants. A few days later, he went on a shooting spree claiming the lives of others. I remember when this happened just how shocked I was. How and why does anyone get to this point?

Eventually, a book came out regarding the story. I bought it and read it. I was looking for the reason for what had happened. I was desperately seeking the reason for it. Since this happened in such close proximity to where I lived I was frightened and I needed to understand what happened. Little did I know at the time, I still did not understand why my father had done what he had done and that was the real answer I was seeking.

Come to find out what was at the core of Ronald Eugene Simmons’ murderous acts was the fact that he had been raping his daughter for a long time and was obsessed with her. The book attempted to show how someone could get to this point but I don’t believe there is any other answer other than plain evil.

Yes, he had a rough life but he had choices in that life. Like most rapists, he didn’t take responsibility for much of anything that happened to him. It was always someone else’s fault for what he did-a very common thread in rape.

When everything was about to fall apart and his wife was making preparations to leave him he lost control. Or did he? After systematically executing sixteen members of his family, one of the infants being his own daughter/grand-daughter born of the incestuous rape of his daughter, a couple of days later he went on a shooting spree. Is that a loss of control or is it premeditated vengence?

It was not long before they realized that Simmons, a man obsessed with order and keeping schedules, had kept his family captive in that run-down joint, and had been abusing his wife and daughters. He kept tight control over them, allowing the children to go to school, but nothing more. No mail came to the house, no calls, no friends. They had chores to do, but never went on any fun family outings. They lived amid a heap of junked cars and Simmons' unfinished projects.

The reason for that apparently lay in Simmons' flight from the law in New Mexico, where he was wanted on charges of incest (a subject he had thoroughly researched before engaging in it). He had impregnated his 15-year-old daughter, Sheila, and she became the object of his adoration, but before he was arrested, he fled with his family and set up a new home in Arkansas. He apparently believed he could keep his family prisoners in the woods. But his wife, Becky, had rocked the boat by making plans to leave. She could no longer deal with this narcissistic man. There was evidence that she suspected that he was mentally deranged. Given his controlling and paranoid nature, that may well have been what caused him to act out in violence.

Or perhaps it was all due to Sheila's marriage. Marshall and Williams present the tale as if Simmons had been planning just such an event ever since his daughter had "ruined" the family by leaving him. One of the "granddaughters" he had killed was his own daughter, born of that incestuous union. These authors also suggest that Simmons killed everyone in order to be executed himself so that he and his beloved daughter, whom he had violated, could be together in death.

Control was the main force behind his actions. I don’t think that can be disputed. He even “thoroughly researched incest.” But, it still does not answer (for me) how does anyone get that far out there they commit such heinous crimes? How does a man get to the point of raping his own child? What triggers such a thing?

Once it is triggered, is it then a slow process that can culminate in acts like the ones Ronald Eugene Simmons committed? Or does it happen so gradually that it’s hard to see it until it’s all over? His acts of control started many years before his final crimes.

Do these men honestly believe they are doing nothing wrong? Is the human mind so strong that it can convince someone their crimes are not crimes or their victims are the ones to really blame as Simmons did:

He wanted the death penalty. He was sentenced to death. He wanted no appeals to that sentence. He wanted to die. But the thing is, he didn't want to die out of shame or remorse for what he had done. He basically wanted to be able to continue in the relationship with his daughter, which he felt he could do if he was also dead. What a sick and twisted mind!

Simmons told his attorneys everything, laying the blame directly on his daughter, Sheila, although no one yet understood why. He was charged with 16 counts of first-degree murder and four counts of attempted murder. He was taken for a psychiatric examination, while investigators set out to learn more about his background.

These authors also suggest that Simmons killed everyone in order to be executed himself so that he and his beloved daughter, whom he had violated, could be together in death.

After reading the book, I tend to agree with the above quote. His obsession with his daughter, Sheila, permeated every fiber of his being and was his “justification” for nearly everything he did.

Science can try and explain it all away with “personality disorders”, PTSD, traumatic childhood experiences, etc., but is that really what it is? Maybe it is just what it appears to be – nothing more than pure evil invading the lives of human beings.

Reading the book did bring a bit of relief for me and many others who experienced fear because of this man. Once he was executed, a lot of people breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

But since then, how many times has this happened? How many times could this have been avoided somehow? What is the answer?

I think great strides have been made. What was once a taboo subject (rape/incest), because many felt the shame was the victim’s, is now rarely the sentiment that keeps victims from reporting their attackers.……………………..for most people……………………and I thank God for that.
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Reply Wed 13 Oct, 2010 01:15 pm
it will be and has always been the men who take what they want who get everything,

The men who take what they want sexually from women, disregarding what she wants or doesn't want, are legally committing rape, whether you choose to recognize it as rape or not.

Your thinking belittles both men and women who do not conform to your rather dubious standards of behavior and your narrow definition of what it means to be "a man". Other men are not "boys" and women who do not embrace your particular notion of masculinity are not "inferior women".

Only a man can claim her and have her at will ...for only the man knows the woman well enough to know what she really wants, in spite of her claims

No man is entitled to have a woman "at will"--and women are quite capable of knowing what they "really want"--these notions of yours are justifications for rape.

The act of rape...remains as a self interest to encourage women into bloom.

If you think rape "encourages women into bloom" you are a very sick man.

This concludes my participation in this thread.

I sure hope so.

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