Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:31 pm
Oh girlfriend, I was so happy not really knowing (what Bill looked like)!
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:35 pm
It is going to take a very long time, if ever, that family ever truly recovers. What are they to tell the children that were born of the incest? What do those children tell their children? Rape, and especially incest IMO, reaches a lot farther than the time it takes for the criminal act to take place. The wounds caused can be so deep you may not know they are there for years. I will keep this family in my prayers. My heart goes out to them. Thank you, firefly, for the update.
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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 06:58 pm
@Arella Mae,
Another case of incest, and this rapist was alegedly a pastor. The victim is now 14. Her molestation began when she was only 4.
Oct 6, 2010
Guilty verdict in sex trial of Sequim man
By Rob Ollikainen
Peninsula Daily News

PORT ANGELES — A former Sequim pastor was found guilty of six counts of child rape, six counts of child molestation and six counts of incest today.

Steven G. Welty, 59, will be sentenced next month in Clallam County Superior Court.

“I’m very pleased,” said Ann Lundwall, Clallam County deputy prosecuting attorney.

“I was particularly pleased with the judge’s comment on the credibility of the victim in this case and how she handled herself. She is a very strong and courageous woman.”

Judge S. Brooke Taylor decided the verdict after a three-day trial. Welty waived his right to a jury trial.

Welty is accused of sexual intercourse with a relative who was between 4 and 10 at the time of the alleged incidents.

He told investigators that he is the former pastor of the Glory House Church in Sequim, which closed about two years ago, and moved to the area about 14 years ago from Grays Harbor County.

He founded the Sequim Community Help Center in 2001.

Lundwall said the court will issue its sentence after the state Department of Corrections conducts a pre-sentencing investigation.
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 07:18 pm
Doubly devastating. Now that young woman is going to have a hard time with trust. If she could not trust her father and a so called man of God, who can she trust? I am so glad that these cases are going to trial. They were virtually unheard of going to court when it happened to me. Even less when it happened to BBB. Hopefully, these convictions will give the victims a little peace, but honestly, I doubt it.
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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 07:23 pm

History of the Clothesline Project

According to the Men's Rape Prevention Project in Washington DC, 58,000 soldiers died in the Vietnam war. During that same period of time, 51,000 women were killed mostly by men who supposedly loved them. In the summer of 1990, that statistic became the catalyst for a coalition of women's groups on Cape Cod, Massachusetts to consciously develop a program that would educate, break the silence and bear witness to one issue - violence against women.

This small, core group of women, many of whom had experienced some form of personal violence, wanted to find a unique way to take staggering, mind-numbing statistics and turn them into a provocative, "in-your-face" educational and healing tool.

One of the women, visual artist Rachel Carey-Harper, moved by the power of the AIDS quilt, presented the concept of using shirts - hanging on a clothesline - as the vehicle for raising awareness about this issue. The idea of using a clothesline was a natural. Doing the laundry was always considered women's work and in the days of close-knit neighborhoods women often exchanged information over backyard fences while hanging their clothes out to dry.

The concept was simple - let each woman tell her story in her own unique way, using words and/or artwork to decorate her shirt. Once finished, she would then hang her shirt on the clothesline. This very action serves many purposes. It acts as an educational tool for those who come to view the Clothesline; it becomes a healing tool for anyone who make a shirt - by hanging the shirt on the line, sirvivors, friends and family can literally turn their back on some of that pain of their experience and walk away; finally it allows those who are still suffering in silence to understand that they are not alone.

October of 1990 saw the original Clothesline Project with 31 shirts displayed on a village green in Hyannis, Massachusetts as part of an annual "Take Back the Night" March and Rally. Throughout the day, women came forward to create shirts and the line kept growing.

A small blurb appearing in Off Our Backs magazine was picked up by Ms magazine and everything changed for the Clothesline Project. In the following years, the Ryka Rose Foundation and Carol Cone's advertising agency took an interest in our work and helped create a national push with small pieces appearing in USA Weekend magazine, Shape magazine and others. This outreach created an overwhelming national response and brought the Clothesline Project from a single, local, grassroots effort into an intense national campaign.

At the moment we estimate there are 500 projects nationally and internationally with an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 shirts. We know of projects in 41 states and 5 countries. This ever-expanding grassroots network is as far-flung as Tanzania and as close as Orleans, Massachusetts.

Survivor = A woman who has survived intimate personal violence such at rape, battering, incest, child sexual abuse.

Victim = A woman who has died at the hands of her abuser.

The Clothesline Project honors women survivors as well as victims of intimate violence. Any woman who has experienced such violence, at any time in her life, is encouraged to come forward and design a shirt. Victim's families and friends are also invited to participate.

It is the very process of designing a shirt that gives each woman a new voice with which to expose an often horrific and unspeakable experience that has dramatically altered the course of her life. Participating in this project provides a powerful step towards helping a survivor break through the shroud of silence that has surrounded her experience.
White t-shirts represent women who died as a result of violence.

Yellow or beige t-shirts represent assaulted or battered women.

Red, pink and orange t-shirts represent survivors of rape and sexual assault.

Blue and green t-shirts represent survivors of incest and sexual abuse.

Purple or lavender t-shirts represent women attacked because of their sexual orientation.

Black t-shirts represent women attacked for political reasons.

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Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2010 09:52 pm
I have to state that the women who shared their stories are incredibly brave, and even though they will never really forget the violation, they give voice for all the women, children and young boys brutilized by monsters. I have dropped in from time to time, but I have blocked those two idiots, frankly, because if I read any more of their **** I will want to hunt them down. I regret a tad the profanity, but really what else can you call the garbage they are producing. I laud the women who can continue on this thread, but I'm having trouble listening to the Johnny One-Notes who think if they repeat a lie often enough it will become a fact.

I feel badly for the men on the forum who have stepped in to counter the crappola and label it for what it is. To those men, I can only say thank you for being real men. Your parents raised you be better than a base animal, and I need to apologize right away to base animals, because they shouldn't be compared to those "bully bullshit artists". Alas, these two dummies are no longer just idiots to ridicule. Their persistance strikes me as demented and delusional....it's hard for me to be anything but disgusted. But it's late, maybe I'm tired, and are giving these cretins too much power. I have grown sons, and if I ever learned that they were conducting themselves in such an odious manner, there would be hell to pay, neither me or their father would put up with it, needless to say, I would be bitterly disappointed if they behaved in such an outrageous fashion. To me it would be utter failure. I can't imagine what those morons mothers must think.
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Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 12:16 am
this is what I was talking about, two furious posters trying to spin gold from wheat. The two of you are too stupid to breathe, and I doubt if you ever met a strong woman in your family. If you had you would never trumpet such bullshit. I suspect that Bill and Hawk are the same person, take a look at Hawk's profile, with his bullshit subjects such as "superiority of women". This is an angry little boy carping and whinning that the "girls" are making too much of rape. Your ignorance is breathtaking and your inablity to digest what has been posted is stunning. I only hope you or both of you don't breed, the prisons and hospitals are at capacity.

I opened up your silly ass remarks when I noticed so many "user ignore" posts. Actually, that's not true, I knew what you were smoking before I opened them up. And suprise suprise, you were saying the same crap you have been spouting since this thead started. I wish I could fell some compassion for the two of you (or one-whatever) but holy ****, how long to you have to beat your drum of stupidity. I won't be reading anything else you post, so save your creative lying for each other. You ass-holes pump out way too much garbage for normal people to process. I consider the two or the double of you to be a toxic waste dump. Reading anything else you scribble would be a form of self-abuse, and I suspect the two or one of you is deriving a great deal of sick sexual gratification as you continue with your pathetic, limp, attack on women who have been abused.

Holy Christ, don't you have any adult women in your life, or are you such losers that even the desperate don't favor you with the occassional smile.

Try bathing, and deodorant, it might knock the immoral stench that clings to your sorry asses, off for a short time. You do know that there are a number of folks here (male and female) who are on to your pathetic ploy. You are the guys who used to make obscene phone calls before caller ID. You're the guys with the Sears catalogue with the lingerie pages all stuck together. You have been getting off easy with some of the posters, but I can smell a sick bastard, and it smells like you.

In the words of Patton, FU, strong message to follow.

Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2010 12:17 am
THE TROLLS--ain't they cute---Such Pathetic Losers
Our reply to them...
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