Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2010 07:25 pm
Oh Bill, you poor lovesick puppy. How can I possibly overturn years of misinformation and faulty logic by speaking to you? I slogged thru 60 pages, (I'm a little pissed by the way, especially since every damn page is dominated with your whiney ass excuses) and all I can find is you you you you you stating the same thing all the time. The intent of this thread, if you managed to see anything other than the word rape, is are there occassions when it is permissible, maybe even socially acceptable, to commit a violent crime called rape.

Some poster have also decried the vile nature of false accusations, but nooooooooo, that's not good enough for you. You want some affirmation from the posters you think are women, to agree to some sort of eye for an eye payback. It's not even clear exactly what you want the women to agree with. Lets not even make our heads hurt over the idea that although a rape was committed, despite what the judge or jury thinks, they are still required to apply the law to that particular event. He could be guilty as sin, but the prosecuter didn't present a compelling case, and the jury had no choice but to deliver a not guilty. Now...... everyone including the victim and the rapist know what really happened, the rapist was not declared innocent, but rather like O.J. Simpson, not guilty.

I don't have a clue what Bill World looks like and I don't want to know. I don't know how you throw the dice in your effort to understand things, maybe even your dice are loaded. So as far as honesty goes, it's hardly an insult that you think I'm dishonest, you have never looked up dishonest in a dictionary. Frankly, since this seems to be the "its all about Bill" thread and you seem intent on some sort of demented quest, I think this whole business is a huge waste of my time. It was amusing at first, and I tried to give you a big "out" in my first post on this thread..really pal, I gave you a way out, but that's not what you wanted. It came to me a little while ago, when I was trying to explain to my son your point of view with a straight face, that I'm viewing you as a Slinky....not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see it tumble down the stairs.

I don't like how I react to your musings, so I'm going to forget about the Slinky, but I can't keep the straight face.
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2010 07:42 pm
I haven't seen one single case you have posted where a man was incarcerated for decades for rape, based only on a deliberately false allegation made by a woman--and no rape ever took place.

And your insistence that a woman should receive a stiff jail sentence for filing a deliberately false police report of rape is based on ignorance of the law, rather than any concern for the welfare of men on your part. Filing a false report is an offense against law enforcement--it takes up police time and resources, and it interferes with the justice process. It is punished accordingly, generally with some jail time and a fine. If an arrest is made on the basis of that false report, it is possible that the man's reputation might be damaged. In that instance, the recourse is for the man to sue for monetary damages in civil court (exactly as is done with slander and libel), the man can sue his false accuser, as well as the police department, if they charged him without doing a sufficient investigation of the "victim's" claims. I have posted at least one case where the man was awarded a $1 million judgment against his false accuser in just such an instance. Damages to a person's character and reputation are dealt with in civil court--that is how our legal system works--offenders are punished by monetary judgments, and not by jail time.

Only when the deliberately false accusation of rape results in a conviction and imprisonment of the man does the woman face more harsh jail time, and that is because she has committed perjury in her court testimony. Perjury is a serious crime. In those instances, the women are punished according--generally several years in prison--and I have posted those cases. Generally, the woman has been imprisoned for at least as long as the man was imprisoned on the rape conviction. And the man still has the recourse of suing for monetary damages in civil court.

So, your harping on this entire issue of women not being adequately punished for false allegations is a bogus argument, based partly on your ignorance of the legal system and the distinctions between criminal and civil offenses. The entire legal system is not going to change to suit your prejudicial (and uninformed) attitudes about what you consider "proper punishment" or what you think should be regarded as criminal vs civil matters. Where did you receive your law degree?

I am sick of listening to this nonsense. You are the one pumping up statistics about false allegations and making exaggerated claims to suggest that women's reports of rape should not be believed. And you have grossly distorted the amounts of jail time served by men who were convicted for rape based solely on the false allegations of a woman--you have repeatedly claimed that men have been imprisoned for decades based on deliberate lies by a woman. I want you to now put up or shut up.

I want you to post one case of a man incarcerated for decades solely on the basis of a deliberate false allegation by a woman--where no rape took place. That cannot include cases where conviction was due to poor police work, misidentification of the alleged rapist, or to any other factor, other than a deliberate lie told by the accuser.

Can you even find one such case? The Innocence Project has never reported such a case. Come on, big shot, you have been boasting of these men imprisoned for "decades", based only on the deliberate lie of their accuser--with no other evidence, no bad police work, no coerced confessions, no misidentification, etc.., and where no rape presumably took place. Post a case to back that up.

Come on, post your case. Back up your ridiculous claim. Put up or shut up.


Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2010 08:15 pm
Now it appears it might be unsafe to innocently open a door to accept a floral delivery. This young women did just that, only to find a rapist with flowers and a knife, and not a legitimate delivery from a florist.
Rapist's sick taunt to victim's family
Aja Styles
September 21, 2010

A man who violently raped a 19-year-old German au pair in a luxurious Perth home rang her family shortly afterwards from the victim's mobile phone.

Police confirmed the mobile phone was stolen from the nanny, who was forced to the bedroom of the home in the upmarket suburb of Mosman Park and bound to the bed with tape while she was repeatedly sexually assaulted.

Her ward, a two-year-old boy, slept in a room only metres away. It took some time for the woman to free herself after the assault.

Detective Sergeant Frank Glynn, of the sex assault squad, said her screams went unheard because no-one was in the area at the time the attack occurred, about midday last Friday.

"Certainly she's traumatised by the incident, as you'd expect. She is bearing up reasonably well under the circumstances," Detective Glynn said.

The woman had answered the front door of the Manning Street home to a man holding a bunch of flowers after she had returned home from a walk with the boy. The boy's parents were overseas at the time but have since rushed back to Perth.

Although the man's face was partially concealed when he forced his way inside, police yesterday released a composite image pieced together by the victim and witnesses.

The woman is currently being cared for by friends but may return overseas to her family.

"True stranger attacks that result in sexual offences are unusual. They do happen but they are not common. They're the exception rather than the rule," Detective Glynn said.

"I think women in general need to be aware of their surroundings at all times but I expect people to go about their business as per normal. I don't expect people to change their habits just because of this offence."

The man was described as being Caucasian, fair complexion, aged between 50 to 55 years, 180cm tall, with auburn-brown hair and a balding head.

He was wearing jeans, a polo shirt and possibly a cap.

Police confirmed that the man was spotted near Manning Street on Friday morning and sometime after the attack.

"There was nothing out of the usual about him other than the fact that they have seen in the area and they have seen him with the flowers," Detective Glynn said.

Detectives are speaking to local florists and investigating whether the man was a known sex offender.

Police are urging anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/rapists-sick-taunt-to-victims-family-20100921-15kid.html

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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2010 08:30 pm
This case could have been solved much sooner. The 16 year old girl was raped in 1993. Her rape kit was not analyzed until 2002. Not only should the NYS DNA database be expanded to include DNA collection from all those convicted of felonies and misdemeanors, the same should be done in all other states. At least they nailed this man--better late than never. But, who knows whether he has raped other women in the interim since 1993?

Prosecutors use DNA to nail rapist in 17-year-old cold case
September 20, 2010

Prosecutors used DNA evidence to charge a Virginia drug dealer for allegedly raping a Lower East Side girl nearly 17 years ago, authorities said today.

A defense lawyer and judge entered a not guilty plead for Albert Barriera, 46, after he refused to speak to Manhattan authorities upon his arrival from Virginia.

"This case is now older than the victim at the time," said Assistant DA Martha Bashford.

The 16-year-old victim was returning to her Lower East Side home when she was attacked entering her building on Dec. 18, 1993.

``The assailant took money and jewelry from her, choked and sexually assaulted her, ‘’ Bashford said.

A grand jury indicted Barriera for rape, robbery and burglary. He faces up to 25 years behind bars if convicted of all charges.

The girl’s then-unknown rapist was indicted, based only on his DNA profile, in 2003.

Barriera’s DNA matched a database of open sex cases last year, following his convictions for drug possession and transport in Virginia.

The victim’s DNA was not analyzed and profiled until 2002 because of an unacceptably long backlog of cases, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance said.

Barriera had felony gun conviction in 1986 in New York and misdemeanor convictions in 1999 and 2004. DNA collection of felons didn’t begin in New York until 2006.

"It is impossible to overstate the importance of expanding the New York State DNA databank to include DNA collection upon conviction for all penal law crimes — felonies and misdemeanors, as this case starkly shows," said Vance.

"DNA testing and forensic advancements are crucial in identifying suspects and solving cold cases, especially unsolved homicides and sexual assaults. DNA from all penal law convictions would keep predators off our streets, prevent violent crime, and bring justice for victims.”

Barriera’s DNA profile was entered into a national data base on Feb. 26, prosecutors said, and a match was found on March 16. He was extradited from Virginia on Sept. 15.

His projected release from Virginia isn’t until 2014. The alleged rapist could be tried here before his Virginia release, then possibly returned to New York to serve a potential sentence after 2014.
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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 09:35 am
glitterbag wrote:
It came to me a little while ago, when I was trying to explain to my son your point of view with a straight face, that I'm viewing you as a Slinky....not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see it tumble down the stairs.
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 10:44 am
Okay, you have now exposed yourself as a complete liar on the only subject you have been harping about throughout this thread.

You have been making things up, for the purpose of vilifying women, and derailing the focus of the thread from victims of rape, and you cannot supply a single case of even one man who has served 10 years on a rape conviction that was obtained solely on the basis of a deliberate false accusation by a woman.

You claim you know of a case where a man served 7 years, and his conviction was based only on a deliberately false accusation by a woman--no bad police work, no coerced confession, no misidentification, no other evidence to support rape, just her false accusation--and you further claim that the woman received no punishment for her crime of perjury. Put up or shut up. Post that case to back up your claim that such things occur. If you can't do that, you continue to expose yourself as a liar who is simplying fabricating things in order to perpetuate a myth that women often lie about being raped, and that innocent men are jailed for years and years and years because of those lies. Post that case, about the man incarcerated for 7 years, soley on the basis of a deliberate false accusation, or shut up about the topic of false allegations once and for all.

No, the Duke University lacrosse players were not as harmed "as most rape victims". To even make such a comparison clearly shows you do not understand the physical, emotional, and psychological impact of rape on the victim. They suffered damage to their reputations, and considerable stress while they were being investigated for rape charges, but those things were temporary because they were exonerated--which means their names were cleared and that was made widely public, so no stigma hangs over their heads. The damage to the rape victim is not temporary, it lasts a lifetime--as you have heard directly from the women posting in this thread who have been the victims of rape.

In addition, the real damage to the Duke players was not done by the woman who accused them, it was done by the police department and an unethical D.A. who deliberately withheld evidence that would have exonerated them. The D.A. was disbarred for his actions. The woman made a claim of rape, but there was apparently a repeated mis-identification from a photo lineup--she did not deliberately name particular men. So, stop blaming the woman for everything that happened to these young men--they were really victimized by the actions of other men in the law enforcement and justice systems. Which is why they brought civil lawsuits against the police department and the county--but not against the woman who accused them. In fact, the three men charged, Evans , Finnerty and Seligmann asked that she not be pursued criminally because, "We felt sorry for her, and we felt to some degree, she had been victimized by the process."(http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/3421612/)

Let's also look at the sexist (and possibly racist) attitudes that existed among athletes at Duke, including members of that lacrosse team, as well as a history of criminal activities by some members of the team.

U.S. .DURHAM, N.C., April 6, 2006
E-Mail Shocker In Duke Lacrosse Case
Now-Suspended Player Allegedly Wrote Of Wanting To Kill Strippers

A lacrosse player's e-mail rant about killing strippers and cutting their skin off in his Duke University dorm room has started a chain reaction resulting in his coach's resignation, the season's cancellation and an internal probe into the university's response to alleged violence by athletes.

Wednesday's cascade of events was the latest fallout from allegations that three players on the lacrosse team raped an exotic dancer at an off-campus party on March 13. The players were white and the stripper was a black student at a nearby state college. ..

Professor Houston Baker, who teaches English at the university, called for changes at the very top of the school administration.

"There's a kind of macho, cock-of-the-walk, boys culture that is characterizing this administration now and I hope there will be purges in the administration as there have been voluntarily, we're told, in the sports dept with the resignation of the lacrosse coach," he told Regan...

No charges have been filed in the case, but sophomore Ryan McFadyen, 19, of Mendham, N.J., the player who wrote the e-mail, has been suspended. The school’s president has called the e-mail "sickening" and "repulsive."..

On Wednesday, authorities unsealed documents from a search warrant for McFadyen's residence, stating that less than two hours after the alleged rape, McFadyen sent an e-mail saying he was planning an encore to "tonights (sic) show." The message, addressed "To whom it may concern," said, "however there will be no nudity."

"I plan on killing the bitches as soon as the(y) walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off," wrote McFadyen, a 6-foot-6, 225-pound Atlantic Coast Conference honor roll player who was one of five Duke players from the exclusive Delbarton School in Morristown, N.J., adding in vulgar terms that he would find the act sexually satisfying. The e-mail was signed with McFadyen's jersey number, 41.

However, McFadyen's name does not match the three names the woman gave to police as those of her attackers...

N.C. Central Chancellor James Ammons called the e-mail "very disturbing" and encouraged students to remain calm...

Brodhead said McFadyen is the only player suspended so far, and that he was removed from campus...

The (Raleigh) News & Observer reports that during the past three years, 15 players had criminal charges brought against them, and that most of those charges were resolved in deals with prosecutors that allowed the players to escape criminal convictions...

We are not talking about a group of innocent choir boys. These men were part of a macho sexist culture at Duke with very disturbing attitudes toward women, and a strong sense of entitlement based on their athletic accomplishments. That is a perfect atmosphere for actual rape to occur. And other actual, unreported rapes may well have occured on that campus. They might or might not have raped that woman, but how do you think they treated her? Then again, that woman had ingested drugs and alcohol that night, and her degree of impairment might have met the legal standard for rape--but that aspect of the case is never mentioned. This woman had a long history of psychological problems and had been treated for bi-polar disorder with anti-psychotic medications. She may well have been sexually abused that night--she was certainly the victim of racial slurs at that party. And, she has not admitted to lying about the fact that she was sexually assaulted, so there is no evidence that this was ever a case of a deliberate, false allegation of rape. Because there was not enough credible evidence to bring this particular case, against those three men, to trial, does not mean that this woman was not raped that night, possibly by other men.
l Mangum, who appeared publicly Thursday for the first time since making the allegations more than two years ago, says in her forthcoming book she is not “looking forward to opening old wounds” but that she had to defend herself.

“Even as I try to move on with my life, I still find it necessary to take one more stand and fight,” she writes in the book, “The Last Dance for Grace: The Crystal Mangum Story.”

“I want to assert, without equivocation, that I was assaulted. Make of that what you will. You will decide what that means to you because the state of North Carolina saw fit not to look at all that happened the night I became infamous.”

Mangum told police that she was attacked at a March 2006 lacrosse team party where she was hired to perform as a stripper. After a disastrous local prosecution that eventually led to downfall of the district attorney, the
state attorney general’s office concluded there was no credible evidence an attack ever occurred.http://newsone.com/nation/associated-press/duke-lacrosse-accuser-maintains-she-was-assaulted/


The New York Times
March 25, 2007
Sports of The Times
Closing a Case Will Not Mean Closure at Duke

"What happens if all the charges are dismissed? There is a tendency to conflate the alleged crime at the Duke lacrosse team kegger on March 13, 2006, with the irrefutable culture of misogyny, racial animus and athlete entitlement that went unrestrained that night.

"Porn-style photos of two exotic dancers -- one of whom was the accuser -- emerged from cellphone camera downloads. Heated exchanges between players and dancers occurred. Racial slurs were heard. And in an 'American Psycho' reference, a repulsive e-mail message depicting the skinning of strippers was sent by a player, Ryan McFadyen, who, to his credit, has since apologized."...

Some readers argue no one would have known about the lacrosse team’s misogyny bash last year if not for the initial rape charges by the hired dancer. True, but that’s how we often discover what goes on behind the curtains: by a botched break-in, through a door left ajar...

So, it was never proven that the woman in the Duke case deliberately lied--about anything. Her story was inconsistent, she repeatedly misidentified people in a photo lineup, all of which might be due to the fact she had consumed prescription drugs and alcohol before that party, but it does not mean she was not sexually assaulted that night. It does mean she was a poor informant to base a rape case on, and the police and D.A. should have considered that before they made a hasty decision to charge three young men this woman had never specifically and consistently named as her attackers.

You have milked this Duke case repeatedly. It's time you took a good look at all the facts in this case, and not just the few issues you have selected, and distorted, in order to make your case about deliberate false accusations. These three young men were victimized by law enforcement and a crooked D.A., and not by this women. They did not want her punished--they saw her as a victim in this saga. If they didn't want her punished, why the hell have you been harping about it?

So, don't bother bringing up the Duke case again. It supports no points you are trying to make. This woman did not deliberately make a false rape charge--she believes she was sexaully assaulted that night.

And put up or shut up. Post the case of that man who served 7 years on a rape conviction, where the woman eventually recanted her testimony, admitted she lied about being raped, yet escaped any punishment for her crime of perjury. Post that case to back up your claim that such things occur. If you can't do that, you continue to expose yourself as a liar who is simplying fabricating things in order to perpetuate a myth that women often lie about being raped, and that innocent men are jailed for years and years and years because of those lies. Post that case, about the man incarcerated for 7 years, soley on the basis of a deliberate false accusation, or shut up about the topic of false allegations once and for all.

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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 11:40 am
Very informative posts! So ole Billy has been lying? Who would have thought!

I still haven't been able to find much more about that Willard High School rape. I really wonder what happened there.

If the alledged rapists say leave the victim alone and they believe she's a victim, who are any of us to say any differently? I think it does say a little something to their character. They might be jerk jocks but looks like they have some humanity.
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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 12:32 pm
Re: firefly (Post 4358909)
Put up or shut up. Post that case to back up your claim that such things occur. If you can't do that, you continue to expose yourself as a liar who is simply fabricating things in order to perpetuate a myth that women often lie about being raped, and that innocent men are jailed for years and years and years because of those lies.

BillRM Quote:
ASSHOLE it on this thread not all that far back find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't recall reading such a case posted by you. If you're not lying, find that case and re-post it. If you can't, or don't want to, you are confirming the fact you are a liar and have been lying about the whole issue of innocent men being jailed for years and years solely on the basis of women's deliberate lies about having been raped by them, when no rape took place, and the "fact" that women go unpunished for such perjury. You do realize that the woman would have to admit she lied in order for her testimony to be considered a deliberate false allegation, don't you? And you are claiming that courts do not punish such perjury when it has resulted in conviction and imprisonment? Either post that case, that backs up such claims, or shut up about the issue of false allegations.

The fact of the matter is that such cases are as scarce as hen's teeth. I can recall only one case of that type being posted, and I posted it myself in this thread. In that case, the man served 4 years in prison before the woman recanted her testimony and admitted she had lied and that the sex had been consensual. The man was released, and the woman was convicted of perjury and sentenced to 4 or 5 years in prison. I posted that case. And the woman was, indeed, punished for her crime, with a sentence at least equal to the time the man had served.

You are a pathetic juvenile for a man in his 60's. I called your bluff about the lies and distortions, and false allegations, you have lodged against women repeatedly throughout this thread. Having been exposed for what you are, you react like a schoolboy by calling me names--"asshole". We all know who the real asshole in this thread has been--you. And it is way past time for you to pack up your own personal grievances toward women and leave this thread

I think we have now put the whole issue of "false allegations" in its proper perspective. The real issue in this thread has always been the fact that girls and women of all ages are being raped, on a daily basis, in virtually every part of the globe. We accept no rape myths or rape apologies to excuse the behavior of rapists. The only ones responsible for rapes are the rapists themselves, and we want those criminals apprehended and punished. We want all reports of rape to be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. We want DNA databases expanded, and rape kits analyzed in a timely manner, so that guilty parties can be charged and innocent men exonerated. We no longer want rape to be a crime that can be committed with impunity because rapists can so easily evade punishment for their crime.
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 12:33 pm
Thanks for the smilies OCCOM, I figured some kindred spirit would enjoy the slinky thing.
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 12:41 pm
I don't care who you are; that's funny!
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 12:46 pm
I don't recall reading such a case posted by you. If you're not lying

Not my job dear but for your enjoyment I will add another such if this time the poor man was only in prison for three years.

Try to remember reading this one please as there is not a good search function on this website and google have problems and is incomplete in searchs also on this site.



Woman recants false rape charge, freeing man after 3 years in prison
Story from CBS News. (H/T Lex Communis)


A construction worker imprisoned for nearly three years was cleared by an apologetic judge on Thursday after his accuser admitted she lied about being gang raped to make her friends feel sorry for her.

William McCaffrey hugged his lawyer when state Supreme Court Justice Richard Carruthers – who’d also presided over William McCaffrey’s rape and kidnapping trial – threw out the conviction and dismissed the initial charges. DNA tests also had called the conviction into doubt.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” the soft-spoken McCaffrey said outside court. “I’m just glad it’s over.”

Biurny Peguero, then 22, originally said three men, led by McCaffrey, raped her at knifepoint after tricking her into getting into their car after a night out in 2005.

She testified at his trial and said at his 2006 sentencing that the “tragedy changed my life forever.” He got a 20-year prison term.

Defense lawyer Glenn A. Garber later persuaded prosecutors to use new technology to retest DNA samples from an apparent bite mark on Peguero’s arm.

The initial tests were inconclusive. The new ones showed the genetic material not only wasn’t McCaffrey’s but came from at least two women, apparently friends of Peguero’s who fought with her.

Peguero confessed her lie to a priest and then to authorities this year. She claimed she was raped because she wanted her friends “to feel badly” for her, and then was afraid to back down from her story as the case continued, prosecutors said in court filings this fall.


Arella Mae
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 01:09 pm
You tell 'em sistah!!!!!!!!!!!
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 01:09 pm
She does have a delightful sense of humor!
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Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 01:37 pm
That is the case which I also posted, quite some time before you posted it. That woman was charged with, and convicted of, perjury, and she did, indeed, receive a prison sentence. And that sentence was within the guidelines asked for by the prosecution. So, you have been dishonest about this one too. You just can't stop lying, can you?

Biurny Peguero, Fake Rape Victim, Gets Up To 3 Years For Sending Innocent Man To Prison
02/23/10 09:18 PM |

NEW YORK — A woman who fabricated a gang rape accusation was sentenced Tuesday to up to three years behind bars herself, saying she was riven with remorse for sending an innocent man to prison.

Biurny Peguero, 27, pleaded guilty in December to perjury, admitting she made up the September 2005 incident that unjustly put construction worker William McCaffrey in jail and prison for nearly four years. A judge overturned his rape conviction in December, with new DNA evidence also playing a role.

"I question myself every day as to how I could have done this," Peguero told a Manhattan state court judge....

Peguero came to believe her lie because she had been too drunk to remember much of the night in question, according to a report from a psychiatrist who examined Peguero at her lawyer's request....

Defense lawyer Paul F. Callan noted that Peguero came forward to clear McCaffrey, approaching a priest and then authorities this year to recant. Meanwhile, new DNA tests had shown that a wound on Peguero's arm came from at least two women – apparently friends she was fighting with – and not McCaffrey.

Peguero, who has an infant and a 7-year-old, admitted her lie knowing it could mean prison time for her, he said. He pushed for her to get probation instead.

Peguero, of Union City, N.J., got a sentence of one to three years in prison.

Still, after she handcuffed to await transportation to jail, "she told me that she was at peace with herself," Callan said later Tuesday. "She knew that she was going to be punished, but she knew that she had done the right thing."

For his part, McCaffrey's lawyer sent Peguero's judge a letter noting she had made a bold move to right the wrong she had committed.

"Although we are upset about her lies that caused, in part, his conviction, we do applaud her courage in coming forward," the lawyer, Glenn A. Garber, said in an interview.

There is no poor search function on Google Laughing--these cases are extremely rare, that's why you can't find them. This is probably the only case you can find like that.

So much for your "myths" about all those innocent men sitting in jails for years and years only because some woman deliberately lied about being raped by them. And then one day, the woman confesses to her lie, but she goes unpunished. Bull... even in this case, the woman did not go unpunished. And she did show courage by finally coming forward with the truth.

Your entire issue of "false allegations" should now be considered closed so that we can get back to the real topic of this thread--the crime of rape and its impact on its victims. Unless the accuser some day admits she deliberately lied about the rape, you cannot assume that those men incarcerated for rape have been put in prison solely on the basis of a woman's deliberate lies. And there is no point discussing the issue of "false accusations" any further--it has been thoroughly covered.
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 01:53 pm
Sorry dear not the case one I was at first referring to with the seven years in prison not three as in this case. so eat **** with your claims I am being dishonest about anything that is your playing field not mine.

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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 01:59 pm
I thought he said someone spent decades in prison on a false rape accusation? Rolling Eyes He can't make up his mind about which lie to stick with.

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