Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Tue 7 Sep, 2010 10:24 pm
keep drinking...eventually you'll just pass out.

Can not do that my wife might rape me then Sad
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Sep, 2010 10:41 pm
Hawkeye do you not now get the feelings that poor Firefly knows that she is far outguns and can only resort to cute pictures with insults added?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Sep, 2010 10:44 pm
Do you know what perseveration is?

A term that is often used in the field of psychology, perseveration describes the uncontrollable repetition of a word, phrase, or gesture due to an organic mental illness ...In any of the cases, the individual enters or continues a train of thought that is narrowly focused; in a sense, having tunnel vision.

That's you. Perseverating your false accusation mantra, regardless of what else is posted, Persistence of a single thought, or train of thought, that's perseveration. It is a symptom of organic brain damage.


The brain injured person is unable to change his process of thinking because of difficulties in abstract reasoning.
Dealing with perseveration is like watching a dog with his bone. He only has one thought in his mind and very little will remove his focus from that bone. And if you try to remove that bone from the dog, you had better be prepared to accept the consequences of such an action.

Perseveration is the repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder. If an issue has been fully explored and discussed to a point of resolution, it is not uncommon for something to trigger the re-investigation of the matter. This can happen at any time during a conversation.

And you do keep perseverating that false accusation mantra over and over and over...In fact, you respond to little that is actually said, except to bring up false accusations over and over and over. That is perseveration.

And perseveration is particularly indicative of damage to the frontal cortex--the same area of the brain affected by excessive drinking. Fancy that.

Drunk keep drinking...eventually you'll just pass out. You'll never notice a few more dead brain cells.

Reply Tue 7 Sep, 2010 10:55 pm
So maybe we both should share the same mental health therapist to deal with your rape issues and my false rape charges issues?

I would suggest we could even share the same couch but we would need video cameras on at all times as I would not trust you not to yell rape.Cool
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 12:04 am
I have no "rape issues", BillRM.

Like every other woman I know, I am concerned about the problem and crime of rape. It is something that can happen to any female, of any age, at any time. And that is the reason for this thread--to discuss the crime of rape and its impact on rape victims.

Had you any real understanding of this topic, you would not attempt to trivialize my concern, or the concern of every other woman who has posted in this thread, by referring to our "rape issues".

Your mindless perseveration of "false allegations" has been mainly a perverse attempt to continually derail this topic, since it is clearly designed to deflect discussion away from the topic of actual rapes. You clearly have "issues" about women--you dislike and mistrust them, all of them. Since that prevents you from having any genuine empathy for rape victims, your presence in this thread, along with the insulting remarks you have made to all females posting in this thread, have been most unwelcome.


Myths That Make It Hard To Stop Campus Rape
by Joseph Shapiro
March 4, 2010

There's a common assumption about men who commit sexual assault on a college campus: That they made a one-time, bad decision. But psychologist David Lisak says this assumption is wrong —-and dangerously so.

Lisak started with a simple observation. Most of what we know about men who commit rape comes from studying the ones who are in prison. But most rapes are never reported or prosecuted. So Lisak, at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, set out to find and interview men he calls "undetected rapists." Those are men who've committed sexual assault, but have never been charged or convicted.

He found them by, over a 20-year period, asking some 2,000 men in college questions like this: "Have you ever had sexual intercourse with someone, even though they did not want to, because they were too intoxicated [on alcohol or drugs] to resist your sexual advances?"

Or: "Have you ever had sexual intercourse with an adult when they didn't want to because you used physical force [twisting their arm, holding them down, etc.] if they didn't cooperate?"

About 1 in 16 men answered "yes" to these or similar questions.

It might seem like it would be hard for a researcher to get these men to admit to something that fits the definition of rape. But Lisak says it's not. "They are very forthcoming," he says. "In fact, they are eager to talk about their experiences. They're quite narcissistic as a group — the offenders — and they view this as an opportunity, essentially, to brag."

What Lisak found was that students who commit rape on a college campus are pretty much like those rapists in prison. In both groups, many are serial rapists. On college campuses, repeat predators account for 9 out of every 10 rapes.

And these offenders on campuses — just like men in prison for rape — look for the most vulnerable women. Lisak says that on a college campus, the women most likely to be sexually assaulted are freshmen.

"It's quite well-known amongst college administrators that first-year students, freshman women, are particularly at risk for sexual assault," Lisak says. "The predators on campus know that women who are new to campus, they are younger, they're less experienced. They probably have less experience with alcohol, they want to be accepted. They will probably take more risks because they want to be accepted. So for all these reasons, the predators will look particularly for those women."

Still, Lisak says these men don't think of themselves as rapists. Usually they know the other student. And they don't use guns or knives.

"The basic weapon is alcohol," the psychologist says. "If you can get a victim intoxicated to the point where she's coming in and out of consciousness, or she's unconscious — and that is a very, very common scenario — then why would you need a weapon? Why would you need a knife or a gun?"/...

Lisak, the psychologist, says schools put too much faith in teachable moments, when they ought to treat sexual assault as a criminal matter. "These are clearly not individuals who are simply in need of a little extra education about proper communication with the opposite sex," he says. "These are predators."

A Jury Decides

At Texas A&M, Elton Yarbrough was a promising student. Then he was linked to five rapes.

The first woman went to the student health center. She says that as staffers did a rape examination, one asked, "Well, were you drunk?" The woman felt she was being blamed. Because of that — and because she'd considered herself a friend of Yarbrough's — she didn't report the assault to campus police. A year later, when the fourth woman called, the student health center was closed for a holiday. The answering machine said to call 911 in an emergency. She did, and got city police.

"And College Station police were there within a few minutes," says Jennifer Peebles, a journalist who reported the case for the Center for Public Integrity. "They seemed to have absolutely taken the case very seriously and investigated it."

On a recent morning, Peebles — who works for Texas Watchdog, an online investigative newspaper in Houston — went to visit Yarbrough at a Texas prison. He spoke freely about the women. He recounted the sex and how, he claims, they'd come on to him.

"He feels strongly that he didn't do anything against the law," Peebles says. "He says he feels like he made a bad decision and that the young woman made, or the young women, made a bad decision with him to have sex with him."

In the one rape case that went to trial, a Texas jury ruled this was the bad decision of a predator. Yarbrough was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

You can read more about Yarbrough's case and Jennifer Peebles investigation, "‘Undetected Rapists’ on Campus: A Troubling Plague of Repeat Offenders" at this link.
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 04:57 am
It is something that can happen to any female, of any age,

Given the two ten years old children in the UK false rape charges can happen at any age also. I also love that even those the eight years old girl in open court withdraw her statements the brain dead jury went ahead to convinced them of attempted rape for playing doctor with the little girl,

When their lawyer pointed out to the higher courts that there was zero evidence that rape or attempted rape had occur the courts stated it was not their job to review the facts in the case only the law.

About 1 in 16 men answered "yes" to these or similar questions.

The devil is always always in the details such as the similar question comment you can play games and word a questionnaire to get any results you might wish for.

"The basic weapon is alcohol," the psychologist says. "If you can get a victim intoxicated to the point where she's coming in and out of consciousness, or she's unconscious — and that is a very, very common scenario — then why would you need a weapon? Why would you need a knife or a gun?"/...

My my the devil is here looking at me! All you need to ask of college students is did you have sex when you and your date was drunk and they reply yes and we have a rape it would seem.

By that same logic if you had ask the women did you have sex when you and your partners was under the influence then we would have a lot of women who had raped men.

The survey might be useful in pointing out the problem of binge drinking on college campuses but it had little to do with rape.

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 05:56 am
BillRM wrote:

I'd say you are making the tens of thousands a year up because I know you can't provide any proof of it. You would be hard pressed to just find falsely accusing of rape on any crime statistical report.

Sorry dear heart I had already posted the studies that anywhere from 25 percents to 50 percents of all non-strangers rapes are non-events and that would total up to many many thousands a year every damn year.
You have not posted one single thing that proves women pull that ***t ten thousands of times a year. Good grief.
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 06:03 am
BillRM wrote:

So maybe we both should share the same mental health therapist to deal with your rape issues and my false rape charges issues?

I would suggest we could even share the same couch but we would need video cameras on at all times as I would not trust you not to yell rape.Cool

Your constantly making light of this issue does nothing but devalue your already valueless claims.

You have done your fair share of making derogatory comments about firefly so you have no place to be making comments about her posting those pics and making comments.

Again, this is a thread about RAPES THAT HAPPEN, not ones that don't and men get accused of.
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:00 am
@Arella Mae,
You have not posted one single thing that proves women pull that ***t ten thousands of times a year. Good grief.

You do the math plug in twenty-five percents from the Airforce study in regards to all non-stranger rapes to the total such rapes reported yearly, then try plugging in the 41 percents from the ten years study of a mid-western city or the five years 50 percent from the five year study of five mid-western universities.

The numbers of false reporting on a yearly base is huge even given the 25 percents figure less alone the 50 percents figure.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:01 am
BillRM wrote:

It is something that can happen to any female, of any age,

Given the two ten years old children in the UK false rape charges can happen at any age also. I also love that even those the eight years old girl in open court withdraw her statements the brain dead jury went ahead to convinced them of attempted rape for playing doctor with the little girl,

When their lawyer pointed out to the higher courts that there was zero evidence that rape or attempted rape had occur the courts stated it was not their job to review the facts in the case only the law.

About 1 in 16 men answered "yes" to these or similar questions.

The devil is always always in the details such as the similar question comment you can play games and word a questionnaire to get any results you might wish for.

"The basic weapon is alcohol," the psychologist says. "If you can get a victim intoxicated to the point where she's coming in and out of consciousness, or she's unconscious — and that is a very, very common scenario — then why would you need a weapon? Why would you need a knife or a gun?"/...

My my the devil is here looking at me! All you need to ask of college students is did you have sex when you and your date was drunk and they reply yes and we have a rape it would seem.

By that same logic if you had ask the women did you have sex when you and your partners was under the influence then we would have a lot of women who had raped men.

The survey might be useful in pointing out the problem of binge drinking on college campuses but it had little to do with rape.

If you are so bloody concerned about the issue of false rape accusations I'd think you'd start your own thread on it. It seems to me, since I can only speak for myself, your intent is to distract, derail, and make light of this issue on this thread.

You got zero credibility. If possible, you'd have -zero credibility.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:02 am
@Arella Mae,
Again, this is a thread about RAPES THAT HAPPEN, not ones that don't and men get accused of.

That would had been a short thread rape is really really bad end of thread.

Oh and men as a group are evil and are all rapists in their true hearts just waiting to act out we can not forget that and then end of thread.
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:16 am
BillRM wrote:

Again, this is a thread about RAPES THAT HAPPEN, not ones that don't and men get accused of.

That would had been a short thread rape is really really bad end of thread.

Oh and men as a group are evil and are all rapists in their true hearts just waiting to act out we can not forget that and then end of thread.
You really take the cake. We probably would have posted a lot more articles, information, etc., if we hadn't been trying to get through to you and Hawkeye. Why any of us keep trying is beyond me. I'm guessing it's that the rest of us can't beleive there is one man in this world that believes the way you do, much less two.

Not one of us on this thread has ever said anything close to men as a group are evil, etc. Thank God I know that isn't true no matter how much you try to act like it is.

You must live a sad existence that the most attention you get is because people think you are such a jerk.

So much of a jerk that you will AVOID any real discussion going on about the horrors of rape and only want to talk about your issue. Your issue isn't even included in the major crime statistic charts! DUH!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:27 am

Oh and men as a group are evil and are all rapists in their true hearts just waiting to act out we can not forget that and then end of thread.

That is your view, since no one posting in this thread has implied that. Can't you distinguish between men who rape and those who don't? Do you really believe that all men want to rape? So, if all men want to rape, and most women will lie about being raped, you really don't think much of men or women, do you? You're just a miserable, angry old man without much regard for anyone.

You are still perseverating your false accusations. You should consider seeing a neurologist about that obvious sign of brain damage. That frontal cortex is atrophying and shrinking ( Drunk ).

We are discussing rapes which actually occur. You are so dumb you still haven't caught on to the topic.


Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:37 am
This is a welcome move. All reports of rape must be fully investigated.


U.S. Senate committee to hold hearing on rape investigations
Hearing spurred in part by Sun reporting on cases in city
September 07, 2010|
By Justin Fenton, The Baltimore Sun

Concerned that police departments nationwide fail to fully investigate rapes, a congressional committee will examine the issue next week at a hearing spurred partly by a Baltimore Sun examination of the systemic underreporting of sex crimes.

The Senate Crime and Drugs subcommittee has asked representatives of the Office of Violence Against Women to appear in Washington to discuss the problem, as well as a Pennsylvania woman jailed by police who erroneously accused her of making a false rape report.

The Sun reported in July that Baltimore for years led the nation in the percentage of rape cases in which police concluded that the victim was lying, with more than 3 in 10 cases determined to be "unfounded." Other cities have seen disturbingly high percentages of uninvestigated or dropped race cases in years past, and a women's advocate in Philadelphia pushed for the congressional hearing after the Sun's investigation reignited concerns.

The newspaper's report "made me believe that all of the issues [in other cities] were not just idiosyncratic problems, but that there is likely a chronic and systemic failure in police departments," said Carol E. Tracy, head of the Women's Law Project in Philadelphia. "I think it's important to expose it, and to encourage the federal government, which has very little jurisdiction around this, to nevertheless exercise greater accountability on the data that it does receive."

Tracy's group reviews rape reports marked as unfounded by Philadelphia police. The hearing was authorized by Sen. Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Democrat and former prosecutor who heads the Judiciary Committee.

The Sun analysis showed that four out of 10 calls to 911 over a five-year period had not generated a police report, having been dismissed by officers at the scene. Victims have reported being interrogated by detectives about their motives and truthfulness, while others said patrol officers ignored their allegations.

Since the problem surfaced, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered the police department to conduct an audit of rape cases, and a task force of police, prosecutors and victim's advocates last week launched an effort to track down about 100 victims of cases that were labeled "unfounded" since early 2009.

Police have sent officers to training, and changed policies to prohibit patrol officers from not writing reports.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 08:38 am
That is your view, since no one posting in this thread has implied that. Can't you distinguish between men who rape and those who don't

Sorry dear you are the one who had stated because men are the ones who rape more it is men responsibility to deal with the problem. That sound like blaming all men at least indirectly to me.
Side note as it is women who lied about being rape far more then men when are you going to address that issue instead of running away from it? By your logic above this is your concern to try to stop as a female.

Add that to your desire to insults men by placing anti-rape posters showing handcuffs around college campuses and your position seem more then clear.

So, if all men want to rape, and most women will lie about being raped, you really don't think much of men or women, do you? You're just a miserable, angry old man without much regard for anyone.

Pretending that we do not have a problem with false rapes reports is not helpful to any one and that is you clear desire.

Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 09:04 am
You ladies do know that you are talking to the wall, right? There is nothing going to change the minds of the 2 mysogonists on this thread. They are enjoying the back and forth banter that you are giving them, not to mention the banter is what helps them to keep the tread derailed. They are 2 old farts with nothing better to do than sit at their computers all day long. Looking at billy boy's last post last night and his first post this morning, tells me that he was offline just long enough to sleep and get right back on here. I must say, though, reading this thread is good for a laugh because you both do a good job of putting both sickos in their place and making them look like the pansy-asshole trash that they are. Not that they don't do a good job of that all by themselves.

I do think that Billy seriously needs to take that gun he keeps talking about away from his wife. I can not even imagine how many times she has thought about putting it to her head.

Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 09:10 am
Add that to your desire to insults men by placing anti-rape posters showing handcuffs around college campuses and your position seem more then clear.

It does not insult anyone to remind them that rape is a crime. It encourages young men on campuses to familiarize themselves with the rape laws in that state and to control their behavior accordingly. Far too many rapes occur because rapists know there is a low probability they will be arrested and charged. It is important to remind young men that their reckless sexual behaviors can have severe consequences for them. This places responsibility for the rape where it belongs--on the rapist.

You don't think that men have a responsibility to deal with the societal problem of rape? You think that rape is only a "woman's problem"?

Given your sexist mentality, I shouldn't be surprised about that. Your anti-female views are an excellent lesson in the type of thinking that supports a climate in which rape can thrive and go unpunished. A perfect example is your relentless perseveration on the issue of false accusations. You choose to belabor the issue that women who report rape should not be believed, and then ignore the fact (that by statistics you yourself have posted), at least 75% of rape reports are reports of actual crimes. And all reports of rape must be thoroughly investigated.

No one has pretended that there is not a problem with false reports. But, on the other hand, you are acting as though there is no problem with the fact that women are being raped. The magnitude of the global rape problem is far greater than the issue of false reports of rape and false reports for all other crimes combined. And it is the problem of rapes--actual rapes--we are discussing in this thread. If you can't understand that, you are terminally dumb.

You are teaching everyone that they should...

Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 09:12 am
I do think that Billy seriously needs to take that gun he keeps talking about away from his wife. I can not even imagine how many times she has thought about putting it to her head.

LOL and more LOL for a second I was thinking you was going to claim that my wife might used said gun on myself!!!!!!

I was then going to tell you that when I purchased the gun as a Christmas present I made her promised never to use it on me but instead if need be to used a gun I never purchase for her.

They are 2 old farts with nothing better to do than sit at their computers all day long. Looking at billy boy's last post last night and his first post this morning

It call being retired.
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 09:21 am
It call being retired.

That's an excuse for not having a life? Rolling Eyes

If the best you can do is needle women on a thread about rape, just to get a few crumbs of attention, mainly in the form of insults and derision, you are one sorry mess.

Obviously, your wife doesn't want to bother with you either. Laughing


Hope that made your day--someone noticed you.Very Happy
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2010 09:28 am
Less see no rape is not just a woman problem but until we address all aspects of it, no improvement is likely including the large percents of false reports.

A nice program dealing with the problems of binge drinking by our young people both males and females at colleges would likely to do far more not only for the health and safety of the students but in reducing rapes reports both real and false then all the anti-rape posters in the world just to start with.

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