Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 09:30 am
BillRM wrote:

No but we do not punish the passenger for the driver driving drunk either.

If you wish to make it a crime to have sex when you are drunk feel free to do so. Razz

Then apply it to both men and women in the same manner.

Building all those new jails should end the economic downsizing at once.

More of your nonsense. It is not a crime to have sex when you are drunk. It is a crime to take advantage of that state. It is called rape.

How do you equate a passenger with a drunk driver with a rapist with a drunk woman?

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 09:59 am
More of your nonsense. It is not a crime to have sex when you are drunk. It is a crime to take advantage of that state. It is called rape.

So it both the man and the woman is drinking and as drunk as the other then we place them both in prison for raping each other?

I can just see some guy going to the police and declaring that he was raped because he would never never had agree to sex with that woman last night if he was not drunk.

Or are you saying only women can be raped? How very non-PC of you!!!

It is not a man or for that matter a woman job to carry around a device to check his or her partner blood alcohol readings before having sex.

If the woman is out with a man and the other way around and get drunk of her or his freewill that is not and should not be the concern of her/his partner as far as sex is concern.

Yes I know we are giving out mixed messages that woman are no real adults and need added protection from their own behaviors.

To do what you suggest is giving a woman a license to decide a day or so after the event that she now regret it and can cry raped.

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:10 am
Too ridiculous for response
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:18 am
Third, the law should be change so we protect the ID of the man charge with this crime in the same manner as the woman or both names should be public from the start.

Four, knowingly filing a false claim of rape should carry the same punishment as the rape charge.

There is no reason to protect the identity of the man charged with rape. The fact that someone is charged with a crime, any crime, is a matter of public record and rape is no different. The charges are brought in the name of the state, not the name of the victim. Furthermore, because rape tends to be an under-reported crime, making the identity of the accused rapist public, gives other possible past victims of this individual more motivation to come forward.

There are many reasons to protect the identity of the woman. A rape victim may experience humiliation and shame, and, even today, many people judge the victim in a negative light ("she asked for it"). Offering the woman some identity protection helps to encourage women to report rapes and follow through with the legal process.

Filing a false police report for rape is the same as filing a false report for any other crime, and there should be a standard punishment for this offense. Filing a false police report and committing rape are not equivalent actions, and they should not receive similar punishments. If the man feels as though he has been damaged by the false accusation, he can sue the woman in civil court, just as he might sue for libel or slander if anyone else had damaged his reputation.

What on earth is "real rape"? If someone has been convicted of rape, any type of rape, it is because a judge or jury has found them guilty. Juries are the finders of fact. If they return a guilty verdict, it is because they, and not the man's accuser, have determined that a rape took place.

If a man has sex with a woman who is so drunk or impaired that she might not know what she is doing, the man should be prepared to be accused of rape. If there is any question of whether the woman is competent, or impaired, or hasn't given free consent, the man should not have sex with this woman. This is the man's choice, and his responsibility. Because a woman gets drunk, does not mean she is actively inviting, or asking, the man to rape her. It is not a crime for a woman to get drunk, it is a crime to commit rape. If the man becomes so intoxicated that he cannot control his impulses, and he commits rape, he is responsible for his crime, just as he would be responsible for an accident he caused while driving drunk.

Rapists target the vulnerable, whether they are children, disabled women, drug or alcohol impaired women, elderly women, or their own intimidated spouses. Rapists are opportunistic. They seek females they can over power. Rape involves force and domination. Responsibility for rape rests with the rapist.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:20 am
I bet you could not response to that posting you silly coward.

A woman is or is not an adult in the same sense as a man is and she is or is not responsible to control her own drinking’s and her own behaviors if she does decide to drink that a man have.

No man could cry raped if he ended up in bed with a male or female partner that but for one too many drinks he would not had done so.

I see no reason to have another standard concerning women.

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:26 am
BillRM wrote:

I bet you could not response to that posting you silly coward.

A woman is or is not an adult in the same sense as a man is and she is or is not responsible to control her own drinking’s and her own behaviors if she does decide to drink that a man have.

No man could cry raped if he ended up in bed with a male or female partner that but for one too many drinks he would not had done so.

I see no reason to have another standard concerning women.

It would be nice if you could put words together to form sentences and paragraphs that had some semblance of understanding.

Calling someone a silly coward does not make you right. Funny that you should call others a coward when you admit that you cower when your wife yells at you. Rolling Eyes

Women are not adult in the same way as a man???? You have serious problems there, Billy.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:38 am
Of course trying your very best to place a man in prison for 20 years to life for a crime you know he did not do is not as serious a crime as rape.

Rape is must more of a serous crime then trying to take a man life away from him.

I can see we all should agree that it should only be a minor matter at the most.

Second yes my friend there is no reason not to assume that a man charge with rape is indeed a rapist and mainly on the word of the woman alone.

See the hundreds of men who had been released from prison due to new DNA testing to see how we do place one hell of a lot of men in prison on the words of women let alone just charging them.

Any woman in the world should be allow to drag any man name in the mud and still have her name protected.

One wonder if it was your brother or your husband or your son who was falsely charge with rape if you would consider so charging should be a minor matter that does no warrant any real level of punishment for so doing.

When you husband had been lock up for a year or so waiting trial and your whole family had burn through life savings and your children college funds, and all your neighbors and friends had turn their back on you, you would smile when the woman who cause this problem is given 30 days for filings a false police report.

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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:43 am
If a man has sex with a woman who is so drunk or impaired that she might not know what she is doing, the man should be prepared to be accused of rape. If there is any question of whether the woman is competent, or impaired, or hasn't given free consent, the man should not have sex with this woman. This is the man's choice, and his responsibility. Because a woman gets drunk, does not mean she is actively inviting, or asking, the man to rape her. It is not a crime for a woman to get drunk, it is a crime to commit rape. If the man becomes so intoxicated that he cannot control his impulses, and he commits rape, he is responsible for his crime, just as he would be responsible for an accident he caused while driving drunk.

Women are children by your logic and if so why are we allowing them to vote or sign contracts or act in any other manner as adults?

When they are young they should be under the protection and the control of their fathers and then their husbands.

They surely should not be allow to drink in public as they had no duty to control their impulses to agree to sex when they are drinking as you claimed a man had a duty to control his impulses.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:53 am
No man could cry raped if he ended up in bed with a male or female partner that but for one too many drinks he would not had done so.

Most rape laws are not gender specific. A man can be legally raped if he has been forced to have sex against his will. Most often this will be male on male rape. A female could rape a man if he is incapacitated but still able to maintain an erection. Not only is this an unlikely scenario, for many reasons, but it would be very difficult to legally prove that the sex took place, let alone the fact that it was rape. A woman could, however, anally rape a man by inserting an object into his anus against his consent. In that case, there would be evidence of trauma, and the woman could be charged. Similarly, a man can rape a woman by inserting objects other than his penis into her vagina or anus without her consent.

There are not different standards for men and women. However, the facts are clear--most rapists are male, and most victims are female. And sexual molesters are also overwhelmingly male.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:55 am
The difference is that firefly is using logic. You, unfortunately, are using raw emotion enhanced by your power struggle to keep women under your thumb. Given your attitude, I take it that you are not part of the western culture.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:09 am
People are locked up for all sorts of charges, and not just rape, and later the charges may be dropped or they are exonerated at trial. That is how our justice system operates, and it really works just fine. Everyone has their day in court.

People are convicted by juries, or judges, and not by their accusers.

We have civil courts to help protect against unjustified damages to a person's reputation.

You seem not to understand the definition of rape or the notion of consent. If you worry about being charged, or falsely accused of rape, do not have sexual contact with anyone.

You might be better off posting only when you are sober. Your thinking might be more coherent and logical, and more worthy of response.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:10 am
Question to Bill:

What is your motivation for objecting to sex law being preferential to women?

Mine is that I have seen women who are abusive to men up close, and I have little faith in DA's to get it right even when they have discretion to not prosecute (which increasingly they do not), so I know that a lot of good men are going to get distroyed by these laws. We have already begun to see it, it will keep getting worse until people take notice, but given their bias it will take a long time for the truth to come out. People desperately dont want what is true to be true, men and women alike have a deep need to perpetuate the belief that women are victims,are unable to accept the current reality that women now give at at least as good as they get.My effort in this thread and else where is an attempt to raise awareness.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:21 am
No I consider woman adults and if they willingly consume alcohol and then agree to having sex when they might not have done so if they had not consume alcohol that is their concern and is not the crime of rape.

They had the same duty you are calling for men to have to be able to either control their behaviors under the influence of alcohol or not drink in the first place.

You are the one who wish to grant special protections to women and I was just following your logical path that then they can not be full adults with full adults rights and responsibility for their own behaviors and actions.

So are women fully adults with the same duty to control their behaviors as men or are they children as you cannot logically have it both ways.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:24 am
No I consider woman adults and if they willingly consume alcohol and then agree to having sex when they might not have done so if they had not consume alcohol that is their concern and is not the crime of rape.

They had the same duty you are calling for men to have to be able to either control their behaviors under the influence of alcohol or not drink in the first place.
The funny thing is that not so long ago women strongly (and I thought rightfully) objected to being treated like children. My, how times change. this move to infantilize women again was pushed by the feminists, as they claimed to be speaking for all women.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:34 am
Let get this very straight knowingly filing a false charge again a man that could result in him dying in prison for a crime he did not do is not anywhere as serous as the crime of rape in your opinion.

Because hopefully he will not be found guilty of a crime and if he is found guilty it not the primary responsibility of the woman who file the false charges but the legal system instead who she lied to? That your logic?

Sorry my moral code is not the same as you’re and such females monsters would be on equal footing with male rapists as far as punishment go at least.

I do not support double standards between woman and men as in the long run it is more hurtful to the very women you are claiming to be trying to protect.

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:50 am
People desperately dont want what is true to be true, men and women alike have a deep need to perpetuate the belief that women are victims, are unable to accept the current reality that women now give at at least as good as they get

You are among those who do not want to believe what is true if you fail to acknowledge that, when it comes to sexual assaults and sexual molestations, the overwhelming majority of victims are females (of all ages), and the overwhelming majority of perpetrators are male. Women do not "give at least as good as they get" when it comes to sexual crimes and sexual assaults.

My effort in this thread and else is an attempt to raise awareness.

Not really. What are you saying that is genuinely informative? That men can be the victims of crimes too? That's hardly news.

In fact, what you decry, is that public awareness of the inadequacy of rape laws, and child molestation laws, to fully protect the victims involved, and society at large, has increased over the past few decades, and has resulted in modifications of those laws and stiffer sentences. You want a return to the days when it was easier to violate such laws and receive more lenient punishments. You decry the whole notion of "victimization", as if to deny there are are victims of sexual crimes who are being seriously harmed. You blame changes in how sex crimes are viewed on "feminists" (of course, blame the women Rolling Eyes), rather than accepting that it is the lawmakers (who are mainly male) who have tightened these laws, and punishments, to provide stronger deterrents and sentences which more adequately reflect contemporary society's non-acceptance of such behaviors. And, you have further said you see these legal changes as being "anti-sex". No, they are not "anti-sex". They are anti-sexual assault. And that's a very big difference.

Don't give yourself credit for being on a laudable mission. You want to turn back the clock to a time when females were even more easily victimized.

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:50 am
What is your motivation for objecting to sex law being preferential to women?

Because it will result in harm to everyone, concern.

The women are not help if their male relations are lock up for reasons that under commonsense would not be crimes in order to grant other women protections that should only be apply to children.

Women should have a right to picked their sexual partners but not the right to change their minds afterward and declare a rape that was no such thing.

At 21, we grant the right to drink and with that right come the responsibility to be able to control your behavior under the influence of alcohol or not drink at all.

The duty concerning alcohol are the same for men and women and it is clearly not the duty of a male sexual partner to protect a woman again her own bad judgments and behaviors as if she was an underage child.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:55 am
It appears that you do not trust the criminal justice system to make convictions based on evidence.

Um, how many men have died in prison while being incarcerated for rape?
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 11:59 am
Because it will result in harm to everyone, concern.
you are right of course. This is going to be like women saying that they want men soft and whiny, and then when men do that women cant stand them. Men need to wise the **** up, this is embarrassing.
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Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 12:03 pm
when,it comes to sexual assaults and sexual molestations, the overwhelming majority of victims are females (of all ages), and the overwhelming majority of perpetrators are male. Women do not "give at least as good as they get" when it comes to sexual crimes and sexual assaults.

And, how does that effect anything we been talking about here?

No one had stated that real rapes should not be punish and punish greatly, as a matter of fact.

It does not help anyone or stop one real rape however to allow women who would knowing file false charges to only get a very minor punishment for so doing.

It does not stop one real rape to placed a young man in prison because he did not get out of a woman rapidly enough when she withdraw her permission for the intercourse.

It does not stop one real rape to allow a window of time where after the fact a woman can change a consensual relationship into rape because in the hard light of day she regret having sex the night before.

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