Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 07:47 pm

Sexual abuse
Thursday, Aug 26, 2010 17:18 ET
Report: 90,000 inmates sexually victimized
A new study says abuse of prisoners by both staff members and inmates is more widespread than had been thought
By PETE YOST, Associated Press

The government reported Thursday that 4.4 percent of inmates in prison and 3.1 percent of inmates in jail report being victimized sexually by another inmate or staff member in the past year.

Those percentages translate to the sexual victimization of 88,500 inmates behind bars nationwide from October 2008 to December 2009, according to a study by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics.

The study found that:

--Female inmates were more than twice as likely as male inmates to report experiencing sexual victimization by another inmate.

--Among inmates who reported victimization by another inmate, 13 percent of male prison inmates and 19 percent of male jail inmates said they were victimized within the first 24 hours after being admitted to a corrections facility. In contrast, the figure for women was 4 percent for prison and jail.

Tens of thousands of rapes are occurring in America's prisons each year and the new study "finds the problem is even worse than we thought," Pat Nolan, vice president of Prison Fellowship, said in a statement.

In a letter earlier this month to Attorney General Eric Holder, a coalition of groups including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Southern Baptist Convention urged that he approve standards designed to eradicate sexual assault in prison. The standards were proposed by the bipartisan Prison Rape Elimination Commission, which was set up by 2003 law designed to end prison rape.

"We are working diligently to implement these standards as soon as possible" and expect to send the proposed rule to the White House Office of Management Budget in the fall, said Justice Department spokeswoman Hannah August.

Justice prison report: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/svpjri0809.pdf

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Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 07:52 pm

College women at higher risk for rape
Robbie Hargett -
Friday, August 27, 2010 issue

As the new academic year approaches full swing, it is important that students keep in mind the potential danger of domestic violence and sexual victimization on campus.

“The National Institute of Justice, in an exhaustive study of sexual assault on college campuses, determined that college women are at higher risk for sexual assault than their non-college-bound peers,” Joseph Jarret, Knox County law director and adjunct lecturer for UT’s Department of Political Science, said.

According to the report, “the national-level survey of 4,446 college women suggests that many students will encounter sexist and harassing comments, will likely receive an obscene phone call, and will have a good chance of being stalked or of enduring some form of coerced sexual contact.”

The report, “The Sexual Victimization of College Women,” suggests that over the course of their college careers as many as one-fourth of female students will experience sexual assault.

The study measured verbal, visual and physical types of sexual victimization ranging from sexist statements to completed rape, as well as stalking, “a form of victimization often ignored by college officials,” but which is, in fact, relatively prevalent, according to the report.

The report also states that some college women are more susceptible to sexual victimization than others. Common factors that contribute to this increase include “living on campus, being unmarried, getting drunk frequently and experiencing prior sexual victimization.”

Most sexual victimizations occur when college women are alone with a man they know, at night and in the privacy of a residence.

For completed rapes on campus, nearly 60 percent occurred in the victim’s residence, 31 percent occurred in other living quarters and 10 percent occurred at a fraternity.

“There exist federal mandates, such as the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Campus Sexual Assault Victims’ Bill of Rights of 1992, relative to the reporting of such crimes,” Jarret said.

Jarret notes, however, that there is much discrepancy in the effectiveness of college policies concerning incidents of sexual victimization, as well as “availability and effectiveness of confidential, social and mental health counseling services available to victims of sexual assault.”

Following the incidents, these women often did not report sexual victimization to the police, the cause stemming initially from the fact that nearly 90 percent of completed or attempted rape victims knew the offender personally — a classmate, friend, current or former boyfriend or girlfriend.

In an article by the Mayo Clinic, experts suggest that “the only way to break the cycle of domestic violence is to take action — and the sooner the better.”

“One step in the right direction is the use of protocols for coordinating the responses of local law enforcement agencies when investigating incidents of sexual assault,” Jarret said.

Jarret also suggests that colleges should distribute easily comprehensible and accessible sexual assault policies, which clearly define the various types of sexual victimization, while addressing the common situations in which sexual victimization and domestic violence occur.

“Cleary, the aforementioned is by no means an exhaustive list,” Jarret said.

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 08:04 pm
@Arella Mae,

Outrageous Rapes in Congo, Outrageous Neglect by the UN
Sohaila Abdulali.Director of Communications, AIDS-Free World
Posted: August 25, 2010 03:50 PM

In the latest installment of the hellish nightmare that Congolese women face, the AP reports that last month, Rwandan and Congolese rebels gang-raped nearly 200 women during four days in Luvungi, DRC. This took place 10 miles from a UN peacekeeping camp. It is in the area Hillary Clinton visited last year, where she promised $17 million to help stop sexual violence in the Congo.

Some women are still hiding. Some are only now coming out of the forest, naked and terrified.

The DRC continues to be known as the rape capital of the world. Eastern Congo has huge mineral reserves that help support the rebel groups in the area. The UN peacekeeping force has been asked to leave by the government, which points out that it has not protected civilians.

A recent study, "Now, the world is without me," by Oxfam and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative shows that while the majority of rape victims surveyed were gang-raped by armed men, there was a 17-fold increase in rapes perpetrated by civilians between 2004 and 2008. The rapes, tortures, beatings, and maimings carried out by armed soldiers have created a culture of rape within a formerly peaceful society.

Nobody knows how many women have been raped in the DRC. Over 5,000 people were raped in South Kivu only in 2009, according to the UN. The International Rescue Committee stated in The Lancet in 2008 that it had assisted over 40,000 Congolese rape survivors since 2003 in the province of South Kivu alone. The UN reported 27,000 sexual assaults for the year 2006. Most women do not come forward in time to receive HIV treatment, other medical treatment, or legal protection, which is in short supply in any case.

The media has filled reams of newsprint with details of guns and sticks in vaginas, mutilated bodies, sexual slavery and more. This is important to report. But why is there so little written about who is responsible for letting these atrocities go on and on and on?

When an individual rape occurs, there is a clear villain--the rapist. This is true for these mass rapes as well, of course--the ultimate culprits are the men who rape and nobody should deny that. But when there is a unified campaign of rape and hundreds of women are attacked in one vicious swoop as their supposed protectors sit helplessly by a few miles away, then it is much too simplistic to talk about rape solely in terms of individual men and women.

A recent documentary film features Congolese rapists talking about what they did. One repentant soldier approaches his victim and offers her a pig as proof of his remorse. The UN has not offered even a pig; on the contrary, it remained stonily silent for the last month, and has now decided to send two envoys to investigate. There has not been a word from the Secretary-General's office.

Perhaps UN Women, the new UN women's agency, will ensure that such inertia and ineptitude will be things of the past. In the meantime, writing this column seems as futile an act as anything else that is or isn't being done. Women are living in terror and pain. Cruelty and barbarism reign in Congo, and nobody is doing a thing to stop it.

Sohaila Abdulali is Director of Communications at AIDS-Free World, an international advocacy organization that works to promote more urgent and effective global responses to HIV/AIDS.

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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 07:53 am
And people are trying to convince me the crime rate is at an all time low! Such horror stories out there. I appreciate you posting them because it's important to be informed and aware.

Those poor women!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 06:58 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:

Please show me statistics from the 1950's where 3 to 5 children were killed by their parents every single day in the US. I am telling you, 3 to 5 everyday didn't happen. I would be more than willing to look at any proof you can offer to show me I am wrong.

There is nothing new under the sun. Of course, these crimes happened back then. They have been happening since the dawn of time. But in the 1950's there is no way 3 to 5 children a day were killed by their parents. That is not something that could have been kept quiet.
You don't have any prove for you claim, nor do I ..leaving us in a stall. I belive the numbers as of such doesn't matter, what matters is that it happend, so it happend.
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 09:09 am
It would be good if more communities reacted with this sort of outrage when rapes occur.


Volunteers help nab suspects in rape of 90-year-old
The Detroit News
August 28, 2010

Detroit -- Outraged volunteers who patrolled a west side neighborhood after a 90-year-old woman was raped were instrumental in helping police nab suspects, investigators said.

Police are questioning four men in connection with the Aug. 12 sexual assault.

The attack angered residents, who began patrols with bullhorns, imploring residents who knew anything about the attacks to share information.

"The assistance of the community definitely contributed to us apprehending the suspects," Detroit Police Sgt. Eren Stephens said. "There are four people we're questioning who are possibly connected to the case."

The incident on Leslie Street was the last of three break-ins involving elderly women that occurred on consecutive days.

Two men reportedly entered the 90-year-old woman's home by bending security bars and crawling through a basement window.

Community activist Raphael B. Johnson, who led the patrols, said the group persuaded residents to come forward last week.

"There were two people we talked to who were able to lead the police to (the suspects)," Johnson said.

"We were putting the pressure on for people to tell us what they knew, and they told us what they probably wouldn't have told the police."

Stephens said investigators are not yet releasing details about the arrests because the case is still open.

Nimrod Sherman, the victim's grandson, said he was grateful for the help.

"I can't thank them enough," said Sherman. "My grandma is doing better; she's still healing. So many people sent prayers, and came out and searched with us. It was great to see."

Unfortunately, when very elderly women are raped, it makes it very clear that rape is an act of dominance and power over a vulnerable victim. It is not an act of sexual passion. And that is true whether the rape is done by a stranger or whether it is done by a relative, acquaintance, spouse, or date--the dynamics of rape are the same.
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 09:13 am
I have at least tried to post links that back up my claim. Surely you can do the same? Are you telling me this is merely your opinion?
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 09:15 am
It would be so wonderful if more people actually got involved. It seems it is something most don't want to do anymore. If it wasn't for the community, Richard Ramierez, the Night Stalker, might have gotten away. The whole neighborhood chased him down. He was probably luck the police got there as fast as they did. The men chasing him looked like they were ready to beat the daylights out of him (at the very least.).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 10:48 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:

I have at least tried to post links that back up my claim. Surely you can do the same? Are you telling me this is merely your opinion?

HexHammer wrote:

Arella Mae wrote:

3 to 5 children a day are killed by their parents in the US. This didn't happen in the 50's! How many women raped everyday in the US? It didn't happen in the 50's!
Rubbish, it did happen back then, just that the media didn't focus attention on such things.
I think we have different focus, I speficly focused on this:

"It didn't happen in the 50's!"

I belive that no one can agree with this, and that's what I can't agree with, see?
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 12:45 pm
I still can't find any kind of statistics regarding this issue. But I don't see how you would think it's only because we didn't hear about it. There were serial killers and we heard about them. Lots of bad crimes and we heard about them. I am curious as to why you think we would not have heard about parents killing their children? There are specific cases of this that were broadcast.
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 02:43 pm
Britons 'trapped in false rape sting by blonde Swede on Greek island’
A Swedish woman has falsely accused several British tourists of raping her as part of an insurance scam, a Greek lawyer claims.

By Nick Britten, Paul Anast in Athens, Alastair Jamieson
Published: 6:15AM BST 09 Aug 2010

Greek police said there appear to be an increasing number of false rape claims at Greek holiday resorts Photo: ALAMY
Men have been warned to be on their guard after the 26-year-old woman claimed a total of €800,000 (£666,315) in insurance after lodging allegations of rape on the island of Kos.

It is believed that her victims include at least four Britons, according to a lawyer representing one of the falsely accused.

'Unseen' fraud fuelling record rise in car insurance, AA warnsAn international hunt involving Greek and Swedish police and Interpol has failed to find the woman, described as an attractive blonde.

Ross Mitchell, a teacher from Nottinghamshire, met his accuser in Kos in June 2008. He was jailed and forced to pay £2,000 bail before the case collapsed because the woman fled the country. He is still waiting for the money to be returned.

He met her in Kardamena, a busy resort popular with young Britons.

It is believed Mr Mitchell was working in a bar when they met. She claimed he tried to rape her in her hotel room.

Mr Mitchell, who denied all allegations, was arrested, charged and held in custody while police investigated.

In her initial complaint, she said she could identify him only from the smell of his sweat and his hairstyle.

She then fled to her native Sweden and failed to attend a subsequent magistrates’ court hearing. It is believed that she denies the allegation of making false claims.

According to the Greek media, she was involved in “organised fraud” and was “fabricating charges of being raped so that she could draw large amounts of insurance as compensation”.

Mr Mitchell was freed on bail before the case was formally dropped. His lawyer, Alcybiades Hajantonis, said Swedish authorities disclosed that she had pulled the scam on at least three other occasions, claiming €200,000 (£166,500) each time.

Mr Mitchell said yesterday he was “stunned” to be told that the woman was a serial con artist. He said: “I had no idea there were allegations she had done this to other men.”

His father, Les, said the case had been a “nightmare” for his son.

“Being a teacher he doesn’t really want all this publicised,” he said. “Even a false accusation can ruin a career. It’s certainly affected him.

“The whole thing was a load of rubbish from start to finish, but the police took it seriously and he ended up in jail. Then they let her slip through their fingers and disappear and as far as I’m aware haven’t been able to catch her since.”

Mr Hajantonis, who is based on Kos, said: “We have been trying to find the accuser so she can sign acceptance of the court decision so Mr Mitchell can get back his bail money.

“In the process, I contacted Interpol and Swedish police to find her, only to be informed that she has made three similar rape claims and earned an additional €600,000 in compensation. Swedish authorities cannot find her and we still can’t get back the bail money. She obviously does this on a systematic basis”.

Greek police said there appeared to be an increasing number of false rape claims at Greek holiday resorts.

Mr Hajantonis said: “What has surprised me is that insurance companies seem to pay up the money, without waiting for a verdict.”

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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 04:50 pm
Bill, I don't even read what you post anymore. You think men being falsely accused of rape is worse than something like 200 women and children being raped. I make that statement because you don't even comment on the horror of what has occurred. Instead you post how some man was falsely accused of rape. You just don't get that they do not equate do you?
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 05:36 pm
@Arella Mae,
Often we lived more far apart and couldn't visit eachother so often thus not keeping check of babies born and see ife they lived or died a prematurely death.
Sanitarian conditions were much poor and morallity rartes was natually higher thus also there a few more could be killed and no one would supsect anything.
Doctors were often drunk and unable diagnose correct, thus not intercept bad parrenting contrary today.

..it's very simple.
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 05:38 pm
We are talking the 1950's here. NOT the 1850's.

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Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 06:06 pm
@Arella Mae,
No one here had suggested that rape is a minor crime or should not be punish harshly.

However you and others had never express one bit of concern about men who had been charge with this crime falsely and who names are drag in the mud let alone the men who had service decades behind bars only to be found to be innocent.

Being falsely accuse of rape is not a minor misdeed either and can prove to be just as harmful to a man and his family as being rape is to a woman and her family.

Second, a large percent of the non-strangers rape charges level on men had been shown to be false. Some of the studies that had already been posted here indicate that up to 50 percents of such charges are false. As must as you would like to wave your hands in the air to dismiss this as a rare problem it is not rare at all!

I would have little problem with you if you and firefly would had supported coming down on women who file false rapes charges to the same degree as on rapists as both crimes are equally evil in my mind if not your.

Third, the men names who are charges should have the same protections as the "victim" until and if they are convicted.

For example, why the hell should David Copperfield need to go through the rest of his life with people associating his name with a rape charge because some woman wished to extort money from him?

Most men can not see themselves raping a woman but they sure the hell can picture one of the unstable women they had known over a lifetime charging them with such a crime. This is even more likely as doing so is consider a minor crime and such a woman is now likely to be given a free pass for so doing.

There are just as many evil women in the world as evil men my friend and we need to deal with both on the same footing of justice.

Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 06:13 pm
It seems that you edited your post as I was replying
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 06:18 pm
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 07:28 pm
Now you are flat out lying! I read the first two sentences and then quit. Everyone else on here has said that a woman that falsely accuses a man of rape should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! What more do you want?
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 09:05 pm
@Arella Mae,
How would you feel my dishonest friend if the full extend of the law for rape would be a minor misdemeanor and even then most of the times the police do not bother to press any charges?

Right now, the law is that it is a minor minor minor crime not even a low level felony for a woman to falsely level a rape charge. Full extend of the law indeed<lol>.

To placed innocent men and their families through that kind of hell and try to placed them in prison for decades should be punish at the same level as we now punish male rapists.

The crime is no less evil then rape is.

Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 09:12 pm
to answer the original question, yes of course she can ask. Thatdoesn't mean it's a good idea.
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