AMERICAFIRST;39118 wrote:I could careless about what other people think about my country,if they don't like than they should stop taking our aid and kiss our ass..God bless America.. if we can't stand up for America, than we have no right to be here..
I don't have a problem standing up for America. What I have a problem with is government that forgets what America stands for. It isn't America do or die.
It's people holding government and officials accountable. We did it with Spiro Agnew...we did it with Nixon and his cronies. We did it with Oliver North.
We did it with Bill Clinton..we did it with Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.
When government stops listening to the people that elected them into position of power over them, its' time to impeach.
We went to war with a bad bill of goods...we were lied to.
Lie to me..all bets are off. Present a plausible argument, and perhaps, I can be persuaded over to your point of view...but lie to me, and I want your head on a silver platter.
Stand up for what is right...not when America acts like an aggressor, or a bully, or a murderer. Abu Gharib is a stain on the American military, and by extension, the American people. I won't stand up for that. I won't stand up for Gitmo....not after we performed so honorably at the Nuremberg Trials.
We have lost our honor, and we have little to be proud of.