Blackwater Draws Down On U.S. Soldiers

Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 06:25 am
aaronssongs;41832 wrote:
All the people that have prosecuted this war, ought to be jailed and the key thrown away. We don't have the right to kill people, at will...especially, innocent people, women and children...I don't know who or what you are...but I am a respecter of human life...all human life...We were wrong to invade Iraq...more wrong to kill innocent civilians...and more wrong to make profit from the war, and to divert monies that can be used to help Americans. We are guilty of war crimes, and those in power should be prosecuted by a world court, to the fullest extent of the law...this is not what America stands for....this is not America...this is an ungodly fascist state, run by evil men, intent on destruction of the Constitution of the United States, and the honor we once stood upon...all we have now is shame, and the world's hate and contempt....
what have I done...I have protested this war, as loudly as I can...and if I had the power, anyone for the war would be locked away.
Again toughguy, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" besides run your mouth and hide in the basement..."nothing..we (notpeople like you) have people that are fighting and dying over there, for the freedom of not only this country, but the for the freedom of the whole world,dying do you understand?,while people like you, sit around and piss and bitch,you have never been there, so you have no clue, any punk that can not defend this country shouldn't have the right to live here..now stay in your moms basement and drank your Kool-aid..
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 06:31 am
Brian@764;41824 wrote:
My protection does not come from having weapons of mass destruction. I do not seek this or any country for protection, my protection comes from God, the creator all. If your trust is in your country, then you are like a foolish man who believes he can stand up to a grizzly, which a tooth pick in his hand. Weapons will be useless when its time for you to fall.
After read your post above i must ask,are you an American???
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 08:59 am
AMERICAFIRST;41855 wrote:
Again toughguy, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" besides run your mouth and hide in the basement..."nothing..we (notpeople like you) have people that are fighting and dying over there, for the freedom of not only this country, but the for the freedom of the whole world,dying do you understand?,while people like you, sit around and piss and ***,you have never been there, so you have no clue, any punk that can not defend this country shouldn't have the right to live here..now stay in your moms basement and drank your Kool-aid..

Excuse me...I'm 54 yrs. old....last time I checked the military doesn't accept people over 40. Not that I would go, but I'm just saying. When I was 18, and the Vietnam War was raging, I went 1-A in the draft, and my birthdate wasn't called....so, I don't know what you're talking about, and evidently, neither do you.
Precisely, we have no business being there at all....certainly not killing anyone.
Being there, and killing innocent Iraqi and Afghanis is not defending America...it's murdering people, and lying about it.
The majority of the American people want the war over...and when the Dems get into office, they will restore honor and common sense back to government, and end the godd..n war.
p.s. my mom has gone to glory, thank you...and I live in my own apt., above ground.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:09 am
AMERICAFIRST;41855 wrote:
we (notpeople like you) have people that are fighting and dying over there, for the freedom of not only this country, but the for the freedom of the whole world

Do you mean "freedom" like the ones that American citizen used to have but have now been stripped away by the bush administration?

Do you mean "freedom" as in INVADING a once soverign nation by telling the American people lies about going there in the first place?

Do you mean "freedom" as in destroying Iraq and murdering its people to force feed them America's flavor of freedom and democracy? At gunpoint nonetheless?

That is NOT my idea of freedom junior. :FU1:

AS A PATRIOT I will stand and fight for AMERICA, the country I love, to re-establish it to its former greatness, as we have had prior to the traitorous, un-American president that currently occupies the chair in the oval office.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:16 am
aaronssongs;41865 wrote:
Excuse me...I'm 54 yrs. old....last time I checked the military doesn't accept people over 40. Not that I would go, but I'm just saying. When I was 18, and the Vietnam War was raging, I went 1-A in the draft, and my birthdate wasn't called....so, I don't know what you're talking about, and evidently, neither do you.
Precisely, we have no business being there at all....certainly not killing anyone.
Being there, and killing innocent Iraqi and Afghanis is not defending America...it's murdering people, and lying about it.
The majority of the American people want the war over...and when the Dems get into office, they will restore honor and common sense back to government, and end the godd..n war.
p.s. my mom has gone to glory, thank you...and I live in my own apt., above ground.
Well badboy why you were skiping out on defending this country, I and many others were trainning, and fighting for this country, the military has always put themselfs on the front lines,and fought for what is right, unlike you ,we don't just sit around and bitch ,,and the only thing i can't understand, is why are you here in America? you are not man enought to defend her..the day will come that doom sayiers like you will be brought before the American people and pay the price for being a loudmouth coward..btw the democraps wouldn't know honor if it bit them on the ass...
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:19 am
AS A PATRIOT I will stand and fight for AMERICA, the country I love, to re-establish it to its former greatness, as we have had prior to the traitorous, un-American president that currently occupies the chair in the oval office.

If we don't stand up and be real patriots, not just sheep. Some other country is going to do it for us. Is that what you want Americafirst? Because that is where we are heading with our policy of world domination, eventually we are going to seriously piss off the wrong country, if we haven't already. We are not bringing "democracy" to Iraq. Blackwater is definantly not even interested in a democratic Iraq.

Anyway the point of this thread was about NON MILITARY personel, drawing guns on MILITARY personel. Sorry, to defend that makes YOU a traitor, not those of us who think its wrong. Perhaps the question, Americafirst, is why do you want our military disarmed?
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:23 am
FedUpAmerican;41867 wrote:
Do you mean "freedom" like the ones that American citizen used to have but have now been stripped away by the bush administration?

Do you mean "freedom" as in INVADING a once soverign nation by telling the American people lies about going there in the first place?

Do you mean "freedom" as in destroying Iraq and murdering its people to force feed them America's flavor of freedom and democracy? At gunpoint nonetheless?

That is NOT my idea of freedom junior. :FU1:

AS A PATRIOT I will stand and fight for AMERICA, the country I love, to re-establish it to its former greatness, as we have had prior to the traitorous, un-American president that currently occupies the chair in the oval office.
Lol hell same crap,since you care so much about the terrorist nations, why don't pick up a weapon and defend them???i don't how your are defending country by alway putting her down..:FU1::FU1::FU1:
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:24 am
mommamia;41871 wrote:
If we don't stand up and be real patriots, not just sheep. Some other country is going to do it for us. Is that what you want Americafirst? Because that is where we are heading with our policy of world domination, eventually we are going to seriously piss off the wrong country, if we haven't already. We are not bringing "democracy" to Iraq. Blackwater is definantly not even interested in a democratic Iraq.

Anyway the point of this thread was about NON MILITARY personel, drawing guns on MILITARY personel. Sorry, to defend that makes YOU a traitor, not those of us who think its wrong. Perhaps the question, Americafirst, is why do you want our military disarmed?
are you on drugs
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:30 am
aaronssongs;41865 wrote:
Excuse me...I'm 54 yrs. old....last time I checked the military doesn't accept people over 40. Not that I would go, but I'm just saying. When I was 18, and the Vietnam War was raging, I went 1-A in the draft, and my birthdate wasn't called....so, I don't know what you're talking about, and evidently, neither do you.
Precisely, we have no business being there at all....certainly not killing anyone.
Being there, and killing innocent Iraqi and Afghanis is not defending America...it's murdering people, and lying about it.
The majority of the American people want the war over...and when the Dems get into office, they will restore honor and common sense back to government, and end the godd..n war.
p.s. my mom has gone to glory, thank you...and I live in my own apt., above ground.
Btw you can report all you will bigboy, I will tell you this I will spend the next couple of days find all the crappie things you have and report you on every damn one of them..I have many pms where people have wonder why you havn't been banned...so go ahead a call daddy...:FU1:btw you don't have to be drafted, why were you man enought to join like did...???
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:32 am
That is why WE must support OUR soldiers, while we wait in fear of how OUR duly elected government is going to rape the American people again.
I hope for the day the military understands ....foriegn AND domestic.

ANY organism (or country) that fights itself WILL LOSE!

America has been on BOTH sides of nearly every war it has participated in, with the exception being the revolutionary war.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:37 am
hatukazi;41875 wrote:
That is why WE must support OUR soldiers, while we wait in fear of how OUR duly elected government is going to rape the American people again.
I hope for the day the military understands ....foriegn AND domestic.

ANY organism (or country) that fights itself WILL LOSE!

America has been on BOTH sides of nearly every war it has participated in, with the exception being the revolutionary war.
That why i will defend my country and when,not if i am piss about something i call DC and bitch not get on the net so the whole world will know..
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:39 am
AMERICAFIRST;41870 wrote:
Well badboy why you were skiping out on defending this country, I and many others were trainning, and fighting for this country, the military has always put themselfs on the front lines,and fought for what is right, unlike you ,we don't just sit around and *** ,,and the only thing i can't understand, is why are you here in America? you are not man enought to defend her..the day will come that doom sayiers like you will be brought before the American people and pay the price for being a loudmouth coward..btw the democraps wouldn't know honor if it bit them on the ass...


we ALL have the freedom to stand up for our own beliefs, and if you DO NOT respect your fellow countrymen then it is YOU who is not an American.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:48 am
hatukazi;41878 wrote:

we ALL have the freedom to stand up for our own beliefs, and if you DO NOT respect your fellow countrymen then it is YOU who is not an American.
Lol so that the way you liberals want to play , ok I am a man i can handle it.America is suppose to be a family,and we have problems, I don't about your family but, when someone messes up in my family, we keep it in the family and fit it, we don't get on the net and tv to broadcast it..hell i can handle more than 3 or 4 liberals so if y'all need to get help, than gods speed..:beat:
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:53 am
AMERICAFIRST;41870 wrote:
Well badboy why you were skiping out on defending this country, I and many others were trainning, and fighting for this country, the military has always put themselfs on the front lines,and fought for what is right, unlike you ,we don't just sit around and *** ,,and the only thing i can't understand, is why are you here in America? you are not man enought to defend her..the day will come that doom sayiers like you will be brought before the American people and pay the price for being a loudmouth coward..btw the democraps wouldn't know honor if it bit them on the ass...

Comprehension seems to be a problem for you....I went 1-A, in the draft, that no longer exists...I could have been called up for active duty...I wasn't. Looking back on it now, I am not sure I would have served...I would have been, I'm almost sure, a C.O., as I'm not a "killer", and could never be, unlike "you", apparently.
And on the contrary, I am not sitting on my posterior...I am actively speaking out against the war, against American aggression, against American imperialism, and against this criminal and corrupt administration...a right guaranteed to me by the First Amendment....a document, you're almost certainly unfamiliar with.
Now, you're implying that the troop members serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other theaters in the world, who are Democrats, have no honor...."even if it bit them on the ass".
Wow, you sure you want to stand by that statement? That's a big contradiction. I guess only Republican troop members have "honor".
I'd love to hear what the board has to say about this one.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:53 am
Defending America also doesn't mean being a soldier. People like me... there's no way i'd last 5 minuets in the field. i'm not "designed" for that. Other's are. i'd do what i could from where i am, be it supplies, communications, etc... but there's no way i could be on the front line. To those that are, i commend you, because i know i couldn't do it.

Also, let's please remember to stop attacking people.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:54 am
AMERICAFIRST;41880 wrote:
Lol so that the way you liberals want to play , ok I am a man i can handle it.America is suppose to be a family,and we have problems, I don't about your family but, when someone messes up in my family, we keep it in the family and fit it, we don't get on the net and tv to broadcast it..hell i can handle more than 3 or 4 liberals so if y'all need to get help, than gods speed..:beat:

What's a liberal?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:58 am
aaronssongs;41882 wrote:
I guess only Republican troop members have "honor".

From what i can gather in a quick search, it appears most troops support ron paul....

Military and Veterans for Ron Paul 2008

CollegiateTimes.com - Column: Ron Paul for president campaign attracts following

Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 10:01 am
briansol;41883 wrote:
Defending America also doesn't mean being a soldier. People like me... there's no way i'd last 5 minuets in the field. i'm not "designed" for that. Other's are. i'd do what i could from where i am, be it supplies, communications, etc... but there's no way i could be on the front line. To those that are, i commend you, because i know i couldn't do it.

Also, let's please remember to stop attacking people.
I have nothice the some people call say anything they want and when they get their butts handed back to them they want to report that person..free speech go's both ways,if a person say "America sucks" than I/we should be able to tell them "they suck".I havn't attack anyone that hasn't attack me first..and by god almightly, by being a vet when someone out right lies about this country and slams her then you are attacking me and every person that has risk our life to defend her..
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 10:04 am
AMERICAFIRST;41874 wrote:
Btw you can report all you will bigboy, I will tell you this I will spend the next couple of days find all the crappie things you have and report you on every damn one of them..I have many pms where people have wonder why you havn't been banned...so go ahead a call daddy...:FU1:btw you don't have to be drafted, why were you man enought to join like did...???

America First,
I have received my instructions from the moderators, and I now operate within the rules outlined...so find whatever you like, report whatever you like. You cannot continue to insult people, publicly....you can send your real thoughts in a PM, ok?
There were probably good reasons for you to join, as there were good reasons for me not to join....I wasn't going to go to fight in Vietnam, for a war that I was against...and as history has shown, was a clear mistake, much like our engagement in Iraq.
Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 10:09 am
aaronssongs;41889 wrote:
America First,
I have received my instructions from the moderators, and I now operate within the rules outlined...so find whatever you like, report whatever you like. You cannot continue to insult people, publicly....you can send your real thoughts in a PM, ok?
There were probably good reasons for you to join, as there were good reasons for me not to join....I wasn't going to go to fight in Vietnam, for a war that I was against...and as history has shown, was a clear mistake, much like our engagement in Iraq.
yet you can attack at will...I make you a deal"LET NOT RESPOND TO EACH OTHER AGAIN"...

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