once again the Israeli-palestinian issue

Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:51 am
Pinochet73;30874 wrote:
Those bennies only apply to the upper class. Islamic societies are class-structured and impoverished.

you are so ignorant in this subject (Islamic world) it shows in each and every i repeat each and every post u made, all ur arguments are based on assumptions that couldnot be further from the truth.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 09:02 am
He as well as you are entitled to your opinion, no matter who is write or wrong.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 09:05 am
Pinochet73;30877 wrote:
But are they strong enough to defend themselves against fanatical Islam, which is pouring in across their borders? :wtf:

pino you seem more worried about it than the europeans,radical islam,is not going to take over europe.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 08:21 pm
politically-wrong;31056 wrote:
you are so ignorant in this subject (Islamic world) it shows in each and every i repeat each and every post u made, all ur arguments are based on assumptions that couldnot be further from the truth.

Nonsense. History and current events show the Muslim world is an utter wreck, from every conceivable socio-economic and political viewpoint. Give me a break. You live in a country that harbored OBL, from which he orechestrated attacks against the West. Are you seriously going to argue the Muslim world has its act together? C'mon......get real. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 08:26 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;31067 wrote:
pino you seem more worried about it than the europeans,radical islam,is not going to take over europe.

You dang skippy I am. I'm of European descent and a Catholic, both of which I'm proud of. I'm a history fan, and love the story of Western Civilization and the Church. You guys are selling us out. You're caving in, running away, trashing the second greatest story ever told. You're disgraceful, yet you think you're so cool with your new-age liberalism and stubborn Communism. You're wrong, selfish, weak and doomed. AND.....you're going to get your heads chopped off by your radical, Islamic cohorts. You in deep chit, Homes.:no:
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 01:57 am
Pinochet73;31226 wrote:
Nonsense. History and current events show the Muslim world is an utter wreck, from every conceivable socio-economic and political viewpoint. Give me a break. You live in a country that harbored OBL, from which he orechestrated attacks against the West. Are you seriously going to argue the Muslim world has its act together? C'mon......get real. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

from every conceivable socio-economic and political viewpoint

not mine any way Very Happy

You live in a country that harbored OBL, from which he orechestrated attacks against the West

true he did live in Sudan for some time, but then it was before 911, and no body knew he was upto something like that!! not even the CIA so how can a country that is utter wreck as you say discover that. in the end we did kick him out .

Are you seriously going to argue the Muslim world has its act together?

no way man, all am saying is that we r not as bad as u actually believe, we r far from having our act together, but we surelly r not living in the 7th century as some say and actually believe it too.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 08:52 am
politically-wrong;31240 wrote:
not mine any way Very Happy

true he did live in Sudan for some time, but then it was before 911, and no body knew he was upto something like that!! not even the CIA so how can a country that is utter wreck as you say discover that. in the end we did kick him out .

no way man, all am saying is that we r not as bad as u actually believe, we r far from having our act together, but we surelly r not living in the 7th century as some say and actually believe it too.

With every beheading, limb amputation, public beating by Mullahs for infractions of Islamic law, prohibitions against women as an inferior class, execution by stoning, etc., etc., you confine yourselves to the Seventh Century. That kind of behavior simply cannot be justified or tolerated by any civilized people. It's barbarism, plain and simple, and it's no one's fault but yours.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 09:09 am
Pinochet73;31267 wrote:
With every beheading, limb amputation, public beating by Mullahs for infractions of Islamic law, prohibitions against women as an inferior class, execution by stoning, etc., etc., you confine yourselves to the Seventh Century. That kind of behavior simply cannot be justified or tolerated by any civilized people. It's barbarism, plain and simple, and it's no one's fault but yours.

no one was forced to become a muslim, every one chooses the religion he wants to live with, beheadings stoning and amputations are the main reason we have never seen the rate of crimes u guys suffer from in the west generally, public beatings are not allowed in Islam if some stupid regimes practice it its not Islam's fault that they happen to be muslims, women arenot considered inferior, and by the way not for one time did i ask or order my sister to wear the viel worn by saudi women she wore pakistani clothing which is also Islamic , every society chooses its Islamic version of the proper clothing for women, my same sister now wears the viel because she resides in KSA its a matter of settling into the society u r living in thats all.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 10:04 am
Pinochet73;31228 wrote:
You dang skippy I am. I'm of European descent and a Catholic, both of which I'm proud of. I'm a history fan, and love the story of Western Civilization and the Church. You guys are selling us out. You're caving in, running away, trashing the second greatest story ever told. You're disgraceful, yet you think you're so cool with your new-age liberalism and stubborn Communism. You're wrong, selfish, weak and doomed. AND.....you're going to get your heads chopped off by your radical, Islamic cohorts. You in deep chit, Homes.:no:

you keep going on about COMMUNISM ,there is no communist goverments in EUROPE ! as for getting my hands chopped off by MY radical,islamic cohorts ! im an athiest and my family are catholic,i certainlu dont want to live under sharia law,but i know its not going to happen !
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 04:47 pm
politically-wrong;31272 wrote:
no one was forced to become a muslim, every one chooses the religion he wants to live with, beheadings stoning and amputations are the main reason we have never seen the rate of crimes u guys suffer from in the west generally, public beatings are not allowed in Islam if some stupid regimes practice it its not Islam's fault that they happen to be muslims, women arenot considered inferior, and by the way not for one time did i ask or order my sister to wear the viel worn by saudi women she wore pakistani clothing which is also Islamic , every society chooses its Islamic version of the proper clothing for women, my same sister now wears the viel because she resides in KSA its a matter of settling into the society u r living in thats all.

Justifications of and prevarications about Islamic Law. Unconvincing. Sorry. I CHOOSE TO NOT BE MUSLIM, AND I CHOOSE TO FIGHT THE S:headbang: PREAD OF ISLAM IN MY COUNTRY.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 05:07 pm
politically-wrong;31056 wrote:
you are so ignorant in this subject (Islamic world) it shows in each and every i repeat each and every post u made, all ur arguments are based on assumptions that couldnot be further from the truth.

Prove his assertion wrong?

From my vast reading of Islam including the Koran I believe Islamic Countries are repressive, backward and subjugate women in the most barbaric way. Wahabbi Islam is not a religion but a violent "MAN MADE" cult. For Islam to move forward it has to stop living in the seven century. For Muslimsto prosper in the West they must shed the literate translation of the Koran. Free societies will not tolerate, sexual mutilation of our children, subjugation of women, women and children have equal status and it shall remain that way. You cannot own slaves in the West, and yes Islam and it's followers practice slavory just ask the Africians in the horn of Africa what's it's like to live under Barbaric Wahhabi Islam enforce upon them by another country. The Sudan.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 05:14 pm
politically-wrong;31272 wrote:
no one was forced to become a muslim, every one chooses the religion he wants to live with, beheadings stoning and amputations are the main reason we have never seen the rate of crimes u guys suffer from in the west generally, public beatings are not allowed in Islam if some stupid regimes practice it its not Islam's fault that they happen to be muslims, women arenot considered inferior, and by the way not for one time did i ask or order my sister to wear the viel worn by saudi women she wore pakistani clothing which is also Islamic , every society chooses its Islamic version of the proper clothing for women, my same sister now wears the viel because she resides in KSA its a matter of settling into the society u r living in thats all.

How about private beatings? Or Dhimmitude?

Dhimmi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Dhimmis were allowed to "practice their religion, subject to certain conditions, and to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy" and guaranteed their personal safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute and acknowledging Muslim supremacy.[9]

Taxation from the perspective of dhimmis who came under the Muslim rule, was "a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes"[10] (but now lower under the Muslim rule[11][12][13]) and from the point of view of the Muslim conqueror was a material proof of the dhimmi's subjection.[10]

Various restrictions were placed on Dhimmis, such as prohibitions against giving testimony in courts in cases involving Muslims.[14] Technically, this made dhimmis vulnerable to the whims of rulers and the violence of mobs[15].[16] However, persecution in the form of violent and active repression was rare and atypical.[17]. Another such restriction prohibited dhimmis from bearing arms. [18] Most of these restrictions had a social and symbolic rather than a tangible and practical character.[19]

While recognizing that the status of dhimmis under Islamic rule was inferior to that of their Muslim peers, Bernard Lewis states that their position "was very much easier than that of non-Christians or even of heretical Christians in medieval Europe."[20] For example, dhimmis rarely faced martyrdom or exile, or forced compulsion to change their religion, and with certain exceptions they were free in their choice of residence and profession.[21] And in general, the Muslim attitude toward dhimmis was one of contempt instead of hate, fear, or envy, and was rarely expressed in ethnic or racial terms."
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2007 08:36 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;31295 wrote:
you keep going on about COMMUNISM ,there is no communist goverments in EUROPE ! as for getting my hands chopped off by MY radical,islamic cohorts ! im an athiest and my family are catholic,i certainlu dont want to live under sharia law,but i know its not going to happen !

I don't distinguish Socialists from Marxists. To me, they're the same.:thumbdown:

If I go to Hell, I will hunt down Karl Marx and kill him with a claw-hammer.
Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 02:37 am
@Red cv,
Red;31453 wrote:
Prove his assertion wrong?

From my vast reading of Islam including the Koran I believe Islamic Countries are repressive, backward and subjugate women in the most barbaric way. Wahabbi Islam is not a religion but a violent "MAN MADE" cult. For Islam to move forward it has to stop living in the seven century. For Muslimsto prosper in the West they must shed the literate translation of the Koran. Free societies will not tolerate, sexual mutilation of our children, subjugation of women, women and children have equal status and it shall remain that way. You cannot own slaves in the West, and yes Islam and it's followers practice slavory just ask the Africians in the horn of Africa what's it's like to live under Barbaric Wahhabi Islam enforce upon them by another country. The Sudan.

I believe Islamic Countries are repressive

u have to be more specific if u want me to answer, what should i say now? no we are not? this is not usefull isnot it!!

backward and subjugate women in the most barbaric way

how do we subjugate women?

Wahabbi Islam is not a religion but a violent "MAN MADE" cult

iam not wahhabi, never will become a follower of that school, i also dont recognise it as 100% islamic too, neither does anyone who lives outside KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

For Muslimsto prosper in the West they must shed the literate translation of the Koran

if they do that they r no longer muslims.

sexual mutilation of our children, subjugation of women

again please be a bit more specific on which parts of islam do this

and yes Islam and it's followers practice slavory just ask the Africians in the horn of Africa what's it's like to live under Barbaric Wahhabi Islam enforce upon them by another country. The Sudan

well i can name right now 5 somalians who r my friends, non of them thinks so

secondly Sudan enforcing Wahhabi IslamIslam!!!!?????:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

pardon me but where the hell did you get such an idea????????
this is like saying the former USSR was a strong ally of the US during the cold war !!
this is the most absurd thing i ever heard today, Sudan Supporting Wahhabi Islam looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolz, try to check your sources the next time, man thats funny.

and about slavery i wish any of you would tell me where do you people get such ideas from, if there were any slaves why arenot they sold here in khartoum? by the way KSA has declared decades ago (i can not remember but its before 40's) that Islamic law forbids slavery, it was allowed till then, but its no longer is from that time.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 03:32 am
Volunteer;31457 wrote:
How about private beatings? Or Dhimmitude?

Dhimmi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Dhimmis were allowed to "practice their religion, subject to certain conditions, and to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy" and guaranteed their personal safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute and acknowledging Muslim supremacy.[9]

Taxation from the perspective of dhimmis who came under the Muslim rule, was "a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes"[10] (but now lower under the Muslim rule[11][12][13]) and from the point of view of the Muslim conqueror was a material proof of the dhimmi's subjection.[10]

Various restrictions were placed on Dhimmis, such as prohibitions against giving testimony in courts in cases involving Muslims.[14] Technically, this made dhimmis vulnerable to the whims of rulers and the violence of mobs[15].[16] However, persecution in the form of violent and active repression was rare and atypical.[17]. Another such restriction prohibited dhimmis from bearing arms. [18] Most of these restrictions had a social and symbolic rather than a tangible and practical character.[19]

While recognizing that the status of dhimmis under Islamic rule was inferior to that of their Muslim peers, Bernard Lewis states that their position "was very much easier than that of non-Christians or even of heretical Christians in medieval Europe."[20] For example, dhimmis rarely faced martyrdom or exile, or forced compulsion to change their religion, and with certain exceptions they were free in their choice of residence and profession.[21] And in general, the Muslim attitude toward dhimmis was one of contempt instead of hate, fear, or envy, and was rarely expressed in ethnic or racial terms."

you are talking about what we call (Jizya) i suppose, yes it was there, looooong ago , but extinct by the end of the ottoman empire, actually muslims pay more than the other citizens, because both (muslim and non-muslims) pay taxes equally, but muslims pay zakah (willingly) after tax deductions which non-muslims do not do.

one last note, there is a huge difference between what u hear about Islam and what happens in reality, this is one case, there is no such thing as Jizya now, on one TV interview Elsadig Elmahadi the head of the biggest most popular party and the prime minister of Sudan twice during democratic governments said in answer to a question whether his government is going to inforce Islamic law 100% he said: well you shouldnot expect to declare to all my neighbouring countries either pay Jizya or get ready for war(laughing), Islam teaches that we should adapt to whats better for all muslims, i see that whats best for us is to gradually work towards 100% Islamization step by step.
Elsadig Elmahadi is head of the biggest Islamic party in Sudan, and is widely known and respected in western circles interested in Sudans history, and is a graduate of Oxford university.
Jizya WAS there , but no longer is.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 08:32 am
Pinochet73;31488 wrote:
I don't distinguish Socialists from Marxists. To me, they're the same.:thumbdown:

If I go to Hell, I will hunt down Karl Marx and kill him with a claw-hammer.

please read again ! and this time give a sensible answer :thumbup:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Aug, 2007 09:48 am
Okay. Socialism sucks.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 08:32 am
Pinochet73;31730 wrote:
Okay. Socialism sucks.

lol what do you mean by socialism pino ? anything left of centre,do you think the dems are socialists lol remember what you said about the socialist government ELECTED in chile pino !
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 08:38 am
Pinochet73;31488 wrote:
I don't distinguish Socialists from Marxists. To me, they're the same.:thumbdown:

If I go to Hell, I will hunt down Karl Marx and kill him with a claw-hammer.

"i dont distinguish Socialists from Marxists.To me they are the same" i refer you to your post about the ELECTED SOCIALIST GOVERMENT IN CHILE pino ! you need to make your mind up :thumbup:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 04:53 pm
No, I don't. Bush did it. Case closed.

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