once again the Israeli-palestinian issue

Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 09:42 am
For once, I agree with Pino - Scooby should try living in a Muslim country. How about any of the Persian Gulf (they call it Arabian Gulf) countries? Where there are high-rise cranes everywhere the eyes can see - it's a big deal to see just one in any US city; where governments pay for your higher education ABROAD; where governments build a high rise, and simply give it to you to own and manage - you rent out it's shops and apartments, pay the govertments in easy monthly installments and make off the difference; where utilities and even groceries are subsidized; where basic healthcare is free; where trash pick up is free; where there are no taxes of any kind. Remember, the American revolution was about taxes without representation - no taxes, no representation - not that you need any under the circumstances.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 10:00 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;30822 wrote:
,i dont want to live in a muslim country,but if i did,i would have to live under their laws,whether i like them or not...

The point is, would you stop Europe from BECOMING a muslim country? Not if you lived in Iraq would you follow the law.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 10:07 am
Islamization of the EU serves as a balance of power to the Zionization of the US.

As to laws, for example, in the US, laws are for the subjects, not government.
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scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 11:40 am
92b16vx;30831 wrote:
The point is, would you stop Europe from BECOMING a muslim country? Not if you lived in Iraq would you follow the law.

the UK and europe are not going to become muslim country's,and no they dont want to live under sharia law.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 12:01 pm
RedOct;30826 wrote:
For once, I agree with Pino - Scooby should try living in a Muslim country. How about any of the Persian Gulf (they call it Arabian Gulf) countries? Where there are high-rise cranes everywhere the eyes can see - it's a big deal to see just one in any US city; where governments pay for your higher education ABROAD; where governments build a high rise, and simply give it to you to own and manage - you rent out it's shops and apartments, pay the govertments in easy monthly installments and make off the difference; where utilities and even groceries are subsidized; where basic healthcare is free; where trash pick up is free; where there are no taxes of any kind. Remember, the American revolution was about taxes without representation - no taxes, no representation - not that you need any under the circumstances.

Those bennies only apply to the upper class. Islamic societies are class-structured and impoverished.
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 12:02 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;30853 wrote:
the UK and europe are not going to become muslim country's,and no they dont want to live under sharia law.

But are they strong enough to defend themselves against fanatical Islam, which is pouring in across their borders? :wtf:
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 02:24 am
Pinochet73;30759 wrote:
Religion, more than race. And Jews have been living in that part of the world for thousands of years. Besides, it's too late. Israel is a fact of life. Trying to annihilate it is pure folly and the pursuit of endless warfare, which Muslims will invariably lose. What kind of reaction does the madman Ahmadinijad (sp) of Iran expect from civilized people anywhere, when he states publicly, with his usual, excrement-eating grin, that he plans to blow Israel off the face of the Planet? Give us a break. :thumbdown: :FU1: :FU1: :thumbdown:

And Jews have been living in that part of the world for thousands of years

nonsence, for every jew there is a thousand palestinians living there , for Gods sake its called palestine.

Besides, it's too late. Israel is a fact of life

surely not just because the US say's so

Trying to annihilate it is pure folly and the pursuit of endless warfare

If its folly in your eyes, its something i would do or die trying, plus they started it.

which Muslims will invariably lose

you can not know what the future holds.

What kind of reaction does the madman Ahmadinijad (sp) of Iran expect from civilized people anywhere, when he states publicly, with his usual, excrement-eating grin, that he plans to blow Israel off the face of the Planet?

The same reaction your presidential candidate expected when he announced that Mecca and Medina should be nuked if the US is attacked (boy would i like to see him try do that)
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 02:34 am
92b16vx;30761 wrote:
Even as someone that commonly calls for more equality among men, I am going to say this is complete and utter bullshit. Personally, I am sick of hearing about the muslim world, I am sick of our country catering to the muslim world, and sick of the muslim world asking for more and more. Be happy we didn't turn the middle east into a parking lot.

I am sick of our country catering to the muslim world

Am i missing something? catering? man is your view of the world situation distorted or what!!

and sick of the muslim world asking for more and more

more and more of what? of things that are ours but taken away by force(am refering to Israel ofcourse)

Be happy we didn't turn the middle east into a parking lot

by all means, do it right after you get your self out of the Iraqi mess ( long shot of that happening)
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 02:53 am
Pinochet73;30763 wrote:
Anytime people have to resort to guerrilla warfare, they're susceptible to accusations of committing terrorism. Your typical European, anti-Semitism is showing, Scoob. :frown: :FU1: :FU1: :FU1: :frown:

Anytime people have to resort to guerrilla warfare, they're susceptible to accusations of committing terrorism

sorry Pino its my job to defend the palestinians , oooooh sorry ur talking about the Israeli's OK.

Your typical European, anti-Semitism is showing

European anti-semitisim ! these europeans r clever .
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 03:04 am
Pinochet73;30766 wrote:
There is no 'Muslim world'. There is a huge patchwork of warring, primitive tribes, most of which are crazy and impossible to reason with. That's why any strategy hinging on empathy and reconciliation with the mythic, non-existent 'Muslim world' is erroneous and destined to fail, miserably.

There is a huge patchwork of warring, primitive tribes, most of which are crazy and impossible to reason with

looolz, lawrence of arabia , thats where u get your impressions about us?
well i hate to burst your buble but there has been a few changes since then Razz
That's why any strategy hinging on empathy and reconciliation with the mythic, non-existent 'Muslim world' is erroneous and destined to fail

empathy? mythic, and non-existent, if u r really expressing ur opinions of where the muslim world stands , then my friend u r waaaaaaaaay of target.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 03:08 am
Drnaline;30772 wrote:
How many israeli terrorist accounts can you come up with, and how many muslim terrorist accounts do you think i can come up with?

How many israeli terrorist accounts can you come up with

They come in bundles, 300 or 400 together or so, palestinian villages that were wiped of the face of the earth (does this ring a bell?!)

and how many muslim terrorist accounts do you think i can come up with

iam sure u r well read into the subject, unfortunately we are not discussing 911 or any of the so called muslim terrorist attacks on the west, we are discussing the Israeli-palestinian issue, do not mix up the two together to generate hatred against palestinians for what other people did.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 03:21 am
Drnaline;30778 wrote:
Sounds like you condone terrorism?Yup, imagine. All most ten million jews would be dead. But as it sits today in comparison. All the so called palestinians are alive except the ones that see fit to commit terrorist attacks on innocent civilians. This shows alot of your true colors, very revealing.

Sounds like you condone terrorism

was george washington a terrorist? am just wondering, is every one fighting for independence a terrorist?
All the so called palestinians are alive except the ones that see fit to commit terrorist attacks on innocent civilians

i can ask u to provide proof as u frequently want, but no, if you believe that palestinians are living a good life , then my friend u guys at the US must be in heaven.

except the ones that see fit to commit terrorist attacks on innocent civilians

1- just being a citizen does not mean that u r innocent.
2- anyone, anything that occupeis my land by force is not innocent (thats why i personally view american citizens as innocent but not Israeli citizens and thats why am against WTC attacks but not against suicide bombings on Israeli anything)
to make it clearer i will not condone an attack on an Israeli living in the US , but i will say to blow up the same b*****d if living in palestine.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 05:58 am
Pinochet73;30779 wrote:
It was a case of a civilized people fighting an underground war for independence. My own country gained independence that way, and in distant times past, your ancestors fought the British, the same way, for the same reasons. No.....I won't put Israelis in the same category as Muslim head-cutters and baby-bombers. Muslim society is uncivilized. Sorry. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

It was a case of a civilized people fighting an underground war for independence

who say's they r civilized?
i say a zombie is much more civilized (my opinion)

My own country gained independence that way

good for u, its our turn now

No.....I won't put Israelis in the same category as Muslim head-cutters and baby-bombers. Muslim society is uncivilized

Proof, i want proof, i dont see no proof!! have u got any proof?(how does it taste now Drnaline Very Happy )
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:04 am
Drnaline;30789 wrote:
There are plenty in Israel, there the ones that chose to live in peace with israeli's. It's a free state but not to those that would wish them harm, i think you fall into this catagory as well?

It's a free state but not to those that would wish them harm, i think you fall into this catagory as well

apparently no one can have a dispute or a different opinion with Israel unless he belongs to anti-semitism movements, just like the scholars who say the holocaust never happened, are jailed, amazing isnot it!! freedom of speech they say,baaaaah u dont have any speech forget the freedom.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:16 am
Pinochet73;30794 wrote:
We could give them their land, autonomy, protection, and every resource imaginable to build a viable state overnight. Within a month, they'd be at each other's throats, bombing, cutting off heads, blowing up babies, with their new state in shambles. Nope......this is a matter of culture and collective psychology. Muslims can't handle self-rule without descending into chaos, perpetual warfare and unspeakable brutality, all of their own doing. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

We could give them their land, autonomy, protection, and every resource imaginable to build a viable state overnight

thanks, but i would feel better if u just leave us alone, meaning leave, those resources u talking about, u built them through slavery, colonization of other countries, and supporting dictatorships around the world, i want nothing to do with them bloody resources.

Within a month, they'd be at each other's throats, bombing, cutting off heads, blowing up babies, with their new state in shambles.

stupid remarks and opinions like these mentioned above deserve no response
sorry Pino no pun intended.

Muslims can't handle self-rule without descending into chaos, perpetual warfare and unspeakable brutality, all of their own doing

Britain had the same opinions when they colonized the third world, much torture, rape, murder, and suffering was handed to those colonized from the civilized who were supposed to bring them the light of wisdom, u r no better, in fact u r much much worse than the british, atleast they were working for their own good, u r too blind and stupid(ur government pino , not u) that u dont know what r ur interests in the region for the long run.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:20 am
Drnaline;30805 wrote:
92 got a good point, what do you think about jew displacement?

what displacement? u have to own something in order to be able to be displaced, which they totaly lack, they own nothing.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:34 am
Pinochet73;30807 wrote:
Man, that's negative. I see Israel as a small version of the US, in the Middle East. You and I could travel there, walk the streets, eat the food, enjoy people's company, stay in nice hotels, have a good time. Can you say that about any Muslim country? I'd fear getting kidnapped and beheaded on TV, or cemented into somebody's basement, and left to starve to death. No thanks.

I'd fear getting kidnapped and beheaded on TV, or cemented into somebody's basement, and left to starve to death

keep away from TV for some time, this will cure these diselussions u know, what do u know about the arab and muslim world? please dont tell me that u saw lawrence of arabia and u know all about us (looolz) , if u dont know Egypt is a tourist attraction, most of the gulf countries too, dubai, Bahrain, its just a search click away.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:37 am
Drnaline;30811 wrote:
All's fair in love and war.

All's fair in love and war
include suicide bombings on civilians and planes flown into big buildings too?!!
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:37 am
politically-wrong;31041 wrote:
Am i missing something? catering? man is your view of the world situation distorted or what!!

Yes, catering, foot washing basin paid for by the government, islamic prayer time in school because muslims pray at different times while other religions get snuffed, our childrens food changed to suit little muslim tummies, yes catered to.

more and more of what? of things that are ours but taken away by force(am refering to Israel ofcourse)

I am refering to things like what I mentioned above in our own country. As I have said a million times here, I really don't care about other countries. The is no solution to Israel that is going to make everyone happy, so someone gets to be angry, and the war will rage on because the middle east has no sense of self government.

by all means, do it right after you get your self out of the Iraqi mess ( long shot of that happening)

Our war there was a regime change, not a good ol' WWII style let's kill the bad guys. That's why it is a mess now. We would have saved a lot of grief glassifing it in the first place.
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Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2007 06:46 am
Pinochet73;30813 wrote:
You're a hopeless idealist. You actually think all cultures and people are equal in ability. They're not. You need to travel to the Third World, Scoob, and live there, in the chit, as they say, for a good while. Yeah....you need to actually live in a Muslim country, driving the streets, paying bills for your apartment downtown, coping with the odd universe in which you've submerged yourself. You need to see it, experience, smell it, taste it, and then form an opinion about it. Have you ever travelled outside the Western world? I've lived in Latin America, in the culture, and in Asia, but on a military base, so I don't have a Mid-East-specific perspective, but I can imagine, all too well.

[/I] You need to travel to the Third World, Scoob, and live there, in the chit

actually the chit (or ****) u r referring to is ur own ****, left overs of colonization and the cold war, so pay for it.

You need to see it, experience, smell it, taste it, and then form an opinion about it

u know pino, this forum or discussion would be much better if u did exactly just that!!

so I don't have a Mid-East-specific perspective, but I can imagine, all too well

u know Pino u can not say that u dont have a mid-east specific perspective and then say u can imagine!! from where? from ur biased opinions? or ur dreams? or ur wishes?
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