A Question To American citizens Only (from a Muslim u would call a moderate)

Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 08:34 am
politically-wrong;29802 wrote:
whats ur source? where did u get information meaning this from?

PW, if they say it...you're suppose to take it as gospel....it's propaganda. It's their narrow view of the world. It's, obviously, not "the truth"....so, I say, just consider the source (their prejudiced minds), and move the hell on.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 08:37 am
Volunteer;29700 wrote:
Tip: You shouldn't spit into the wind.

This (the good old US of A) is my country of origin. Where is yours?

Illusions of grandeur...You're not "the wind".
I was born in Houston, Texas....you figure it out.
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 08:45 am
Originally stated by Crito View Post
Jihad is just their word for crusade, which the US media is avoiding like the plague. Perhaps that's because compared to atrocities like the Inquisition, cutting off a few heads doesn't seem so radical. At least they aren't trying to torture the devil out of them first.

The propaganda machine also doesn't want Americans to know the source of radical Islam was the Ottoman Empire, the remnants of which is modern day Turkey, a US ally. So I'm afraid the outrage seems somewhat two-faced to me, as our government is clearly playing both sides of the fence.

Being "two-faced" is what we do so well. We're allies with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt....don't you think that they are playing both sides of the fence...it's in their best interest....but stupid America only sees the immediate benefits of such "tenuous" relationships...and doesn't see the contempt all these "allies" have for America, the real great Satan. When the American people decide to take back the government from the evil, self-serving hierarchy, who would sell them out, and does, routinely...and sends them into a battle which, like Vietnam, cannot be won, while telling its' people that it is making progress, only then will America be great again.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 08:47 am
Drnaline;29808 wrote:
I can say it in one sentence. They way to end the confrontation is to end the Muslim Extremists, they are not reasonable people.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about "you"...you are not reasonable, therefore, you should be ended as well. Any volunteers? (no pun intended)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 09:22 am
Yup, any volunteers out there? Lord knows Aaron ain't got it in him, or does he?(pun intended)

Aaron would like some one to do his dirty work for him, any takers?
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:37 am
The reason they attack America is we are the ones who try to tell them what to do all the time. Stop doing this, don't do that, do not fight with your neighbor anymore after more than 1,000 years. Come on man! You really think its just about America, we haven't even seen that much terrorism from Muslims yet in our country. All Christians are supposed to either be converted or be killed, thats what the Koran says. That is the truth, nothing more nothing less. To serve Alaah and be a good Muslim, you must convert or kill the Christians.
Germany in the 70's was constantly under threat from several terrorists groups. They know what it feels like to be on the bus or train and wonder if the person next to you has a suitcase bomb or a bomb attached to their chest. Only some of these terrorist could look like the boy or girl next door.
That is a scary thought.
America has yet to see much deliberate distruction by terrorism, sh-t the wheather will get us before the terrorist will. The terrorist are everywhere, America has not done enough to stop the Muslims living next door to you worshiping in their make shift Maask(spell)church whatever... in the rented basement. America is to big and there are to many places and private lands to see what the good American Muslim is really up to. Alaah first all the way, they don't care about anything else.
My opinion of course, I am sure to get heat for this one.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:57 am
What happened hundreds of years or even generations ago is irrelevant today. Sixty plus years ago cocaine was hailed as a wonder drug....
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 11:09 am
socalgolfguy;29835 wrote:
What happened hundreds of years or even generations ago is irrelevant today. Sixty plus years ago cocaine was hailed as a wonder drug....

Well, we all know what happened about that....in Hollywood, it's as prevalent as Gin, and the drug of choice. In white enclaves, such as The Woodlands, in North Houston, rich little white kids indulge, get caught, and get slaps on the wrist(i.e. the charge for being in possession of powered coke, the preferred form for the rich, is far less than for rock cocaine, which is the form for the poor and minorities), and mummy and daddy bail them out and usher them into some tony rehab....while minorities languish in jails due to their inability to adequate legal representation, and/or monies or connections to get them off.
Justice of the rich vs. justice for the poor. Two Americas, remember?
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 11:16 am
aaronssongs;29837 wrote:
Well, we all know what happened about that....in Hollywood, it's as prevalent as Gin, and the drug of choice. In white enclaves, such as The Woodlands, in North Houston, rich little white kids indulge, get caught, and get slaps on the wrist(i.e. the charge for being in possession of powered coke, the preferred form for the rich, is far less than for rock cocaine, which is the form for the poor and minorities), and mummy and daddy bail them out and usher them into some tony rehab....while minorities languish in jails due to their inability to adequate legal representation, and/or monies or connections to get them off.
Justice of the rich vs. justice for the poor. Two Americas, remember?

What about rich minorities and poor Whites? Does your formula apply to them, as articulated?
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 11:26 am
Rich minorities are much like rich whites as they can afford to procure drugs clandestine, however because of racism, they, too are judged according to race as opposed to privilege.
Poor whites are in the same boat as poor blacks and hispanics...however they may get off, with a lesser charge because of race...
The justice system is not broken...it was flawed from the very beginning, and needs to be overhauled.
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 11:53 am
aaronssongs;29845 wrote:
Rich minorities are much like rich whites as they can afford to procure drugs clandestine, however because of racism, they, too are judged according to race as opposed to privilege.
Poor whites are in the same boat as poor blacks and hispanics...however they may get off, with a lesser charge because of race...
The justice system is not broken...it was flawed from the very beginning, and needs to be overhauled.

Utter nonsense.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 04:13 pm
tvsej;29828 wrote:
The reason they attack America is we are the ones who try to tell them what to do all the time. Stop doing this, don't do that, do not fight with your neighbor anymore after more than 1,000 years. Come on man! You really think its just about America, we haven't even seen that much terrorism from Muslims yet in our country. All Christians are supposed to either be converted or be killed, thats what the Koran says. That is the truth, nothing more nothing less. To serve Alaah and be a good Muslim, you must convert or kill the Christians.
Germany in the 70's was constantly under threat from several terrorists groups. They know what it feels like to be on the bus or train and wonder if the person next to you has a suitcase bomb or a bomb attached to their chest. Only some of these terrorist could look like the boy or girl next door.
That is a scary thought.
America has yet to see much deliberate distruction by terrorism, sh-t the wheather will get us before the terrorist will. The terrorist are everywhere, America has not done enough to stop the Muslims living next door to you worshiping in their make shift Maask(spell)church whatever... in the rented basement. America is to big and there are to many places and private lands to see what the good American Muslim is really up to. Alaah first all the way, they don't care about anything else.
My opinion of course, I am sure to get heat for this one.

The attack because they hate Civilization. We could die, dry up and blow away tomorrow, and they'd still need someone to attack, blow up, decapitate, suck blood from, cannibalize and torture. They even prey on each other. They're barbarians by a thin, thin margin -- any thinner, and they'd disqualify themselves as barbarians, and descend into savagery.
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 09:10 pm
Pinochet73;29905 wrote:
The attack because they hate Civilization. We could die, dry up and blow away tomorrow, and they'd still need someone to attack, blow up, decapitate, suck blood from, cannibalize and torture. They even prey on each other. They're barbarians by a thin, thin margin -- any thinner, and they'd disqualify themselves as barbarians, and descend into savagery.

I would consider you a barbarian...stop spreading lies and propaganda.
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 09:40 pm
aaronssongs;28381 wrote:
I think it's "payback", for all of the misdeeds and missteps the US has committed against the Islamic World, and it's blind support of Israel and its' "Zionism".
America has played "funny-bunny" with regimes (and regime change) from Chile to Vietnam to the Balkans to Iraq....and they, the government "lies" to its' own people that these manipulations and covert and clandestine operations are in our own "best interest"...when the truth of the matter is it's really plays for resources, profits, land, kickbacks, investments, strategic location, information, and the like.
From supporting the Shah, in Iran, to undermining the North Vietnam government while playing "chess" with Russia and China...our hands are not clean, ok...anyone thinking that they are, is naive or complicit.
My ex-bandmate was a Palestinian Christian (Catholic) born in Kuwait, raised in the US...and one of the most spiritual and godly persons I ever met...he told me the horror story of the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis, firsthand....one need only to open ones' eyes to see the truth...I have. It's the reason I'm pro-Palestinian. I have Jewish friends, as well...so it's not bias, or prejudice...it's holding people accountable...and expecting, if not believing they will do the right thing. Unfortunately, It rarely happens.

Well the Bible tells us that God is allowing the Jews to return so that the Islamic countries near the end of time will attack them. The Bible speaks of America in no less that three full chapters and it states that America will be destroyed in a war brought on by nations to our north. It states that all of our cities will burn and our end will come in one hours time. It also states that the Islamic nations with the aid of Russia will band together to attack and capture Israel. Yet the Bible tells us when these nations move in force against the Jews the God of the Bible will destroy their armies. The Jews themselves will be saved but with sadness learn that the one the nailed to the Cross was the one that saved Israel. The rest of the world will find this out at the same time. Yet a new leader coming out of Europe will rise up at this time and demand that all the people of earth worship him as God or die.
This is the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:04 pm
aaronssongs;29837 wrote:
Justice of the rich vs. justice for the poor. Two Americas, remember?

Absolutely, the Kennedy family became wealthy importing alcohol during prohibition with help from the mob. Yet for some reason they get to keep everything and send their kids to Harvard.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:19 pm
Very few "monied" families got their wealth, on the "up and up"...if the whole truth were told...I'm sure we'd all be very surprised at the level of corruption.
I'm absolutely not surprised by the Bushes nor the Cheneys.
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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 10:04 am
aaronssongs;29946 wrote:
I would consider you a barbarian...stop spreading lies and propaganda.

Pino the barbarian, that's a laugh. At least he is 100% consistent with opinions as the result of years of experience - now here is a man with command of the language.
Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 10:21 am
socalgolfguy;30002 wrote:
Pino the barbarian, that's a laugh. At least he is 100% consistent with opinions as the result of years of experience - now here is a man with command of the language.

Thanks, SoCal. I'm a weird, cultural, mixed-breed: half Colorado Mountain Hippy and half Great Plains Redneck. :headbang:
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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 10:27 am
aaronssongs;29946 wrote:
I would consider you a barbarian...stop spreading lies and propaganda.

A-Ron, I consider you a deeply emotionally wounded Black gay. No offense......but I really do. To me, that explains your bitterly anti-social disposition. You've spent your entire life fighting on two fronts -- the minority front, and the gay front. Your psyche and self-image have been moulded by constant conflict and condemnation. I can relate. As a Person Who Stutters, I've experienced much the same, but for different reasons. One thing you can do for yourself right now, is to deliberately make yourself feel loved and accepted, wherever you go. Sure....you might not be, each and every time, but you should try to reframe your thinking about others, until they actually prove to you they're scumbags. Even then, you should feel good about yourself. Again, I'm going this myself, at the intriguing age of FITTY. A-Ron, I want to like you. Help me out here. :thumbup:
Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 03:02 pm
Pinochet73;30006 wrote:
A-Ron, I consider you a deeply emotionally wounded Black gay. No offense......but I really do. To me, that explains your bitterly anti-social disposition. You've spent your entire life fighting on two fronts -- the minority front, and the gay front. Your psyche and self-image have been moulded by constant conflict and condemnation. I can relate. As a Person Who Stutters, I've experienced much the same, but for different reasons. One thing you can do for yourself right now, is to deliberately make yourself feel loved and accepted, wherever you go. Sure....you might not be, each and every time, but you should try to reframe your thinking about others, until they actually prove to you they're scumbags. Even then, you should feel good about yourself. Again, I'm going this myself, at the intriguing age of FITTY. A-Ron, I want to like you. Help me out here. :thumbup:

You say you don't insult, and its' all me...my name is Aaron....not A-Ron...but, in typical fashion, you don't adhere to rules of etiquette...I really don't care what you consider me...because as I have said before...you don't know me...and you don't care to know me...you have gone out of your way to make me feel unwelcome...and that's alright...that's your privilege...it's probably very reflective of how you are as a person...critical, mean, and full of hate.
I don't hate people....I hate ideology, especially, that which demeans or diminishes people...you said I hate white people...and last night I was one of two black poets, in a roomful of white female writers, numbering 20. I read my little gay black man poetry, and was applauded by the entire room. Afterwards, several of the women came up to me, and told me how moving my pieces were.....so, so much for your skewed and unflattering comments about my writing, my persona, and my racism.

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