92b16vx;28978 wrote:Excellent source :beat: I can tell you from putting boots down in the country there were NO wmd. The only things we found were remnants of Saddams past weapons program, there was NONE, zero, zip, zelch evidence that anything had been done in almost a decade. Now manufacture me a source with proof positive, other than someone claiming that no one is jumping on the story except some random french newspaper. Had there been an ongoing WMD program, especially one found in 2003 (Bush almost had an ounce of credibility left at this point) it would have lit up news sources east to west from Califorina to Hawaii.
On topic, I was talking to a guy in a gun store the other day. We were discussing democrats getting elected, and how it would be hard times for the constitution. He said something disturbing, "If Obama gets elected to POTUS, he will indeed be the first black president elected, and the first black president assasinated, and it will probably happen 'n record time". We just nervously chuckled.
You know, even I'm astute enough to know that "the news", is not the news;
"the government" is not the government; "the president" is not the president (the president is Cheney...shhhhh, don't tell)...but I'm sorry..I'm not drinking that kool aid... "the" WMD, has never been found and won't be found, because it's not there, and probably never was there as we imagined it.
It was never about WMD in the first place...that was only the ruse to get there...now that we're there, we thought we'd rebuild quickly and make way for "our" oil companies to pipe the oil directly through the White House, and to all points beyond. Except we got the wrong playbook...and the other team is not capitulating, as we thought that they would...they are standing up for the ethnic, cultural, and religious ties that bind them, uncomfortably, though it may be, into a Islamic nation, against overt aggression by the US, disguised as a war on terrorism...the emperor has on no clothes...and no amount of pouting, screaming, ranting, raving, insulting, accusing, spinning, subterfuge, fear mongering is going to make us think that "the emperor" is in anything other than his birthday suit....and I know that one went over most of your heads ( emperor? new clothes? birthday suit? ....look up, intellectuals..oh, but that's right, "you're not"....oh, well. LOL) What chu talking 'bout? Ha ha ha...sorry, the smart people got it. Next.