Op-Ed Obama and the 'They' Sayers

scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:12 pm
i cant believe we still have people,buying into this WMD crap,it has no crediblity.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:14 pm
aaronssongs;28950 wrote:
Uh, last time I had checked, Lincoln had freed the slaves. You might order your office staff around, but there is a way of asking people for what you want...and with your arrogance, and chauvinism, I can understand why you're still single...and gonna be that way for a long time.

has nothing to do with all that

I made a point and backed it up with resources, you tried to debunk it. If you're going to be taken seriously you need to also supply supporting documentation

and I'm not married but I'm far from single thank you
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:30 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28951 wrote:
i cant believe we still have people,buying into this WMD crap,it has no crediblity.

honestly I was off the WMD bandwagon by 2004

then this was declassified in 2006, the fact is we did find them, it's a concencus from all sources government, military, and media

hell even the French admitted it, wouldn't you think they'd be the first to call BS if it was a fabrication?

don't let your hate for this war, or the CIC, overtake your ability to accept relaity. I'm not to hot on the war either, but what is, is...
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 03:54 pm
Silverchild79;28952 wrote:
has nothing to do with all that

I made a point and backed it up with resources, you tried to debunk it. If you're going to be taken seriously you need to also supply supporting documentation

and I'm not married but I'm far from single thank you

It has everything to do with it...who are you, calling the shots? You're the one no one but your posse is taking seriously. You have control issues, as evident on this board...that's one of the reasons you're single...and far from married...unless you get a "yes woman".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 04:51 pm
Silverchild79;28954 wrote:
honestly I was off the WMD bandwagon by 2004

then this was declassified in 2006, the fact is we did find them, it's a concencus from all sources government, military, and media

hell even the French admitted it, wouldn't you think they'd be the first to call BS if it was a fabrication?

don't let your hate for this war, or the CIC, overtake your ability to accept relaity. I'm not to hot on the war either, but what is, is...

Don't let my hate for this war overtake my ability to accept reality......
Me, and tens of millions of other Americans....who is really suffering from delusions, and psychoses...it wouldn't be us. Intensive therapy is indicated...whether it proves to be fruitful, is unseen.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 05:19 pm
Indicated by who, you a doctor now?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 06:05 pm
aaronssongs;28964 wrote:
Don't let my hate for this war overtake my ability to accept reality......
Me, and tens of millions of other Americans....who is really suffering from delusions, and psychoses...it wouldn't be us. Intensive therapy is indicated...whether it proves to be fruitful, is unseen.

on a large scale I wouldn't call it Delusion, more likely lack of education

like I sad even France has come out and admitted we found WMD, and they were the loudest European voice against the war in 2003. How does your "truth" factor that in?
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 06:21 pm
Silverchild79;28929 wrote:
umm no



congrats on buying into the left wing spin machine

there were undeniably WMD in Iraq

Excellent source :beat: I can tell you from putting boots down in the country there were NO wmd. The only things we found were remnants of Saddams past weapons program, there was NONE, zero, zip, zelch evidence that anything had been done in almost a decade. Now manufacture me a source with proof positive, other than someone claiming that no one is jumping on the story except some random french newspaper. Had there been an ongoing WMD program, especially one found in 2003 (Bush almost had an ounce of credibility left at this point) it would have lit up news sources east to west from Califorina to Hawaii.

On topic, I was talking to a guy in a gun store the other day. We were discussing democrats getting elected, and how it would be hard times for the constitution. He said something disturbing, "If Obama gets elected to POTUS, he will indeed be the first black president elected, and the first black president assasinated, and it will probably happen 'n record time". We just nervously chuckled.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 06:25 pm
92b16vx;28978 wrote:
The only things we found were remnants of Saddams past weapons program, there was NONE, zero, zip, zelch evidence that anything had been done in almost a decade. Now manufacture me a source with proof positive, other than someone claiming that no one is jumping on the story except some random french newspaper.

Actually I went on to post 6 more sources but I think you're missing the point at what I'm getting at. Owning any WMD new or old was ground for military action by the UN resolutions. I'm not trying to say that Saddam was caught with 30 nukes in his backyard. What I am saying is that the argument that the war in Iraq was "illegal", and moreover claiming we found no WMD in Iraq if flatly false.

The most radical on the left will tell you that it's all Bush fabricating and the "vast right wing conspiracy" has kept Bush from being impeached. And the fact that no charges have been brought against Bush proves they're right.

it's the "Evil Freemason" conspiracy

paranoid: They're evil and they hide it

normal person: They don't seem evil

paranoid: See that proves it


it's an intersting theory though, and once you accept it you can claim that any source of information, regardless of quality, has been bought of by "Dubya". Who in their minds is somehow both a toothless county yokel, and somehow a criminal mastermind who trumps Kaiser Sosay
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 06:50 pm
Simple fact is that the majority of support for invading was the misinformation that he was still actively engaged in the production of NBC weapons.

Even Bush has said so much, based on findings since the invasion...

In June 2006, the national Ground Intelligence Center, a Department of Defense Entity, released a report detailing the weapons of mass destruction that had been found in Iraq, including pre-1991 sarin gas and mustard agent. The report stated that, "While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal."[6]

The Bush administration commissioned the Iraq Survey Group to determine whether in fact any WMD existed in Iraq. After a year and half of meticulously combing through the country, the administration’s own inspectors reported[7]:

"While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible Indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad’s desire to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered." ”

The review was conducted by Charles Duelfer and the Iraq Survey Group. In October 2004, Bush said of Duelfer’s analysis[8]: "The chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, has now issued a comprehensive report that confirms the earlier conclusion of David Kay that Iraq did not have the weapons that our intelligence believed were there."

Factual questions about the Iraqi declaration still remain. To date the contents have still not been made public for independent scrutiny.[9] When the UK government was asked to state where in the Iraqi government's declaration there were false or inaccurate statements, the reply was that it was a confidential matter and that "huge quantities of documents remain to be translated."[10]

There has not yet been any proof on record that there were inaccuracies in the declaration. The Iraq Survey Group showed that how little there was to declare anyway, and the small fragments that remain cannot be checked against the document to see if they were listed.[citation needed]

Fact is, we were going in whether the reports came back positive or negative.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 06:57 pm
Silverchild79;28979 wrote:
The most radical on the left will tell you that it's all Bush fabricating and the "vast right wing conspiracy" has kept Bush from being impeached. And the fact that no charges have been brought against Bush proves they're right.

I don't know the details in all the going ons of BushCo, but the recent surge in investigations, and him stonewalling with executive privilege is VERY suspicous.

What is it that everyone that favors more intrusion into Americans private lives always say? "If you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?"
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 07:25 pm
92b16vx;28982 wrote:
I don't know the details in all the going ons of BushCo, but the recent surge in investigations, and him stonewalling with executive privilege is VERY suspicous.

What is it that everyone that favors more intrusion into Americans private lives always say? "If you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?"

We all have something to hide. I want G-Men focused on the bad guys. As long as they're chasing down anyone and everyone associated with AQ, 911 and Taliban, I'm cool with it.:jail:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 07:27 pm
92b16vx;28980 wrote:

Factual questions about the Iraqi declaration still remain. To date the contents have still not been made public for independent scrutiny.[9] When the UK government was asked to state where in the Iraqi government's declaration there were false or inaccurate statements, the reply was that it was a confidential matter and that "huge quantities of documents remain to be translated."[10]

There has not yet been any proof on record that there were inaccuracies in the declaration. The Iraq Survey Group showed that how little there was to declare anyway, and the small fragments that remain cannot be checked against the document to see if they were listed.[citation needed]

Fact is, we were going in whether the reports came back positive or negative.

As Hans Blix once so astutely observed, Saddam Hussein acted as though he had WMDs.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 08:00 pm
Silverchild79;28975 wrote:
on a large scale I wouldn't call it Delusion, more likely lack of education

like I sad even France has come out and admitted we found WMD, and they were the loudest European voice against the war in 2003. How does your "truth" factor that in?

Get real...since when has "France" mattered. Wow...France as a gold standard...puh-leeze...
And you're gonna sit there, and call tens of millions of people "wrong", and you're the one that's right.....on everything...infallible. A clear sign that you are mentally impaired, and have illusions of grandeur. And therefore your commentary and your positions are not worth the paper they're printed on. Be gone.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 09:09 pm
Pinochet73;28985 wrote:
As Hans Blix once so astutely observed, Saddam Hussein acted as though he had WMDs.

Kind of like BushCo is acting like they have something to hide?
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 10:35 pm
92b16vx;28978 wrote:
Excellent source :beat: I can tell you from putting boots down in the country there were NO wmd. The only things we found were remnants of Saddams past weapons program, there was NONE, zero, zip, zelch evidence that anything had been done in almost a decade. Now manufacture me a source with proof positive, other than someone claiming that no one is jumping on the story except some random french newspaper. Had there been an ongoing WMD program, especially one found in 2003 (Bush almost had an ounce of credibility left at this point) it would have lit up news sources east to west from Califorina to Hawaii.

On topic, I was talking to a guy in a gun store the other day. We were discussing democrats getting elected, and how it would be hard times for the constitution. He said something disturbing, "If Obama gets elected to POTUS, he will indeed be the first black president elected, and the first black president assasinated, and it will probably happen 'n record time". We just nervously chuckled.

You know, even I'm astute enough to know that "the news", is not the news;
"the government" is not the government; "the president" is not the president (the president is Cheney...shhhhh, don't tell)...but I'm sorry..I'm not drinking that kool aid... "the" WMD, has never been found and won't be found, because it's not there, and probably never was there as we imagined it.
It was never about WMD in the first place...that was only the ruse to get there...now that we're there, we thought we'd rebuild quickly and make way for "our" oil companies to pipe the oil directly through the White House, and to all points beyond. Except we got the wrong playbook...and the other team is not capitulating, as we thought that they would...they are standing up for the ethnic, cultural, and religious ties that bind them, uncomfortably, though it may be, into a Islamic nation, against overt aggression by the US, disguised as a war on terrorism...the emperor has on no clothes...and no amount of pouting, screaming, ranting, raving, insulting, accusing, spinning, subterfuge, fear mongering is going to make us think that "the emperor" is in anything other than his birthday suit....and I know that one went over most of your heads ( emperor? new clothes? birthday suit? ....look up, intellectuals..oh, but that's right, "you're not"....oh, well. LOL) What chu talking 'bout? Ha ha ha...sorry, the smart people got it. Next.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 05:41 am
Pinochet73;28985 wrote:
As Hans Blix once so astutely observed, Saddam Hussein acted as though he had WMDs.

pmsl and you act like RAMBO on here pino,so saddam never had WMD he just acted like he had them,pmsl
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 06:39 am
Silverchild79;28952 wrote:
has nothing to do with all that

I made a point and backed it up with resources, you tried to debunk it. If you're going to be taken seriously you need to also supply supporting documentation

and I'm not married but I'm far from single thank you

:thumbup: Agreed.:thumbup:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 06:42 am
92b16vx;28991 wrote:
Kind of like BushCo is acting like they have something to hide?

No.....just another insightful viewpoint. Have you ever listened to Hans Blix? The guy is brilliant, and no....he's not a GW stooge. Taking out Saddam Hussein was a reasonable, strategic move, given the nature and location of our WOT. Sure, it turned out to be very costly and controversial, but it was a reasonable strategic action. Do you actually believe Saddam Hussein would've refrained from exploiting our problems with AQ and the Taliban? C'mon. :no:
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 06:47 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28997 wrote:
pmsl and you act like RAMBO on here pino,so saddam never had WMD he just acted like he had them,pmsl

Scoob, I admire GW and consider him a great President. Yeah....you heard me, on here, HE IS A GREAT MAN. The American Left will never be the same again. Laughing

Don't you silly kids realize that as long as our WOT in linked to Israel's security, THE US WILL NEVER PULL OUT OF IRAQ? Muslims can't defeat the US-Israel alliance. It's invincible, and unbreakable. Cry if you will. They're wasted tears.:happybirthday: Laughing Laughing Laughing :happybirthday:

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