Op-Ed Obama and the 'They' Sayers

Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 09:29 am
Yeah....I would. I remember him as a general, more than a politician. I lived by his axioms while in command, under a commander I hated, and who hated me. Powell's genius helped get me through it.

P.S.: Case-in-point: General Wes Clark. I like him, a lot, and he's a big-time Democrat. As a military man, he's da bomb, aaeeet?
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 09:33 am
Drnaline;28881 wrote:
Your so full of it your eyes are brown. You expose it? Why? Who appointed you racism judge, talk about hypocritical. I haven't seen any one here say anything remotely like "Masse" or "....(can't let the darkie score any points on us whiteys)" That all comes from you the none racist right? You don't have a racist bone in your body except for the hard on you have for whitey? Woow is me, woow is me.

D-Man, you couldn't issue all this wisdom without being the great 'writer' you've become lately. Damn. You is tight, Airborne. I mean tight.:headbang:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 10:14 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28915 wrote:
you wouldnt be saying that if he was a democrat.

And you know that's the god's honest truth.
Powell had the most credibility, bar none...he almost ran for the presidency, against Bush...and would have won, hands down. Are you kidding? It would have been shades of Eisenhower, all over again. When he was picked to be Bush's Secretary of State, he brought instant prestige to the administration.
Now we find out that, in the rush to war, his gentle pleas for caution, and prudence were thrown out and bowled over by the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz cartel, who were hellbent to go to war with Iraq...
Powell, in the ultimate betrayal, was, essentially, forced to present lies and deceit, and trumped up documents before the UN, making a case for war.
And now that we see, the main excuse for going to war, Saddam having WMD, was a sham...a falsehood...then the premise for war changed to instituting a democracy, on a people who have been used to at least a partial theocracy for centuries.
Powell became a casualty of the conspiracy....an honest man, made the fool, by desperately trying to be a team player for a team willing to cheat, to lie, to win.
Powell lost any prestige he had....he has become a broken, bitter man...with a story, that one day, may be told, in its' entirety, in an effort to clear his name and his conscience, to the administration's chagrin, and horror.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:11 am
aaronssongs;28928 wrote:
, Saddam having WMD, was a sham...a falsehood....

umm no



congrats on buying into the left wing spin machine

there were undeniably WMD in Iraq
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:23 am
Silverchild79;28929 wrote:
umm no



congrats on buying into the left wing spin machine

there were undeniably WMD in Iraq

do you still believe that rubbish,the bush administration has continually tried and failed to link iraq,with AQ and 9/11.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:28 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28932 wrote:
do you still believe that rubbish,the bush administration has continually tried and failed to link iraq,with AQ and 9/11.

No Iraq had no operational ties with Bin Laden in 2003. But the idea that Bush engineered information is spin.

I was getting intel briefs during the Clinton Administration that implicated a Bin Ladden/ Saddam tie. We had it wrong, but it wasn't a "Bush installed" plot. It was wrong for years.

That's why I get mad at Ron Paul for claiming 9/11 was in response to us bombing Iraq for 10 years, the two aren't connected in any fashion.

What was true was that Saddam was in continual violation of UN resolutions which brokered piece after Gulf War 91. Those resolutions were mandatory on pain of military action, something the UN wanted to forget about in 2003. And there were over 500 WMD found in Iraq in the last 4 years. It's accepted fact by all major media outlets left, right, and in the middle. They just don't like to report on it, the same way they don't like to talk about the genocide that will ensue within 30 days of a full US withdrawal from the region.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:36 am
Silverchild79;28929 wrote:
umm no



congrats on buying into the left wing spin machine

there were undeniably WMD in Iraq

Cam, really! I expect, at the very least, from you, if not common sense, conventional wisdom. Guess I was in the clouds, again.
If that were the case, and if the "alledged" left slanting media, that routinely serves up "soft balls" to Bush & Cheney and Co., about anything, especially, the secret workings and back room deals in the White House, weren't in the pockets of the administration, then the conventional wisdom would be in their favor....however, Bush's poll numbers are competing with Truman's as the worst poll numbers ever listed, for a sitting President.
The case for war, or the lack of it, would be a moot point...but, since the opposite is true, and the majority (did you get that?)...the majority....let me say it again....the majority of the American people believe that the war with Iraq was a blunder...a mistake....ill-conceived...a stretch...a fiasco....built on lies...no end game in sight....too expensive...no accountability...poorly executed...a stain on our image....adding fuel to the raging fire of hate and contempt for us as a nation....all of the above...it doesn't matter that some relics of WMD, which date prior to the time of the UN inspectors, were found, doesn't add up to the cache believed to exist...so, Mr. Spinmeister...sorry, no cigar. You're a chorus of one or two...perhaps a million (and that's being generous) vs. tens of millions....but guess what? You're entitled to live in a fantasy, and believe that the moon is made of cheese (Fontina), that Santa pulls a sleigh, and that the tooth fairy really leaves money under your pillow.
You're entitled! You need positions and belief systems, and judgements and opinions for what is untrue...the truth doesn't need for you to believe it, to be "true"...I know that's deep...but if you think about it, for an hour or two...something might come to you (the poet in me! lol), like "enlightenment"...wishful thinking on my part...Aaron, back away from the kool aid.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:37 am
Silverchild79;28935 wrote:
No Iraq had no operational ties with Bin Laden in 2003. But the idea that Bush engineered information is spin.

I was getting intel briefs during the Clinton Administration that implicated a Bin Ladden/ Saddam tie. We had it wrong, but it wasn't a "Bush installed" plot. It was wrong for years.

That's why I get mad at Ron Paul for claiming 9/11 was in response to us bombing Iraq for 10 years, the two aren't connected in any fashion.

What was true was that Saddam was in continual violation of UN resolutions which brokered piece after Gulf War 91. Those resolutions were mandatory on pain of military action, something the UN wanted to forget about in 2003. And there were over 500 WMD found in Iraq in the last 4 years. It's accepted fact by all major media outlets left, right, and in the middle. They just don't like to report on it, the same way they don't like to talk about the genocide that will ensue within 30 days of a full US withdrawal from the region.

israel and turkey have been in violation of UN resolutions for decades,as for the WMD,you still believe that :eek: and as for the genocide,the US backed saddam when they knew he was commiting genocide in the 80s,but turned a blind eye,and continued to arm him.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:41 am
and just to clear the WMD thing up for the 500th time

World Net Daily

WorldNetDaily: Saddam's WMD have been found


Document Details WMD Recovered In Iraq, Santorum Says -- 06/21/2006

Fox News

FOXNews.com - Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate


DefenseLink News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Washington Post

Lawmakers Cite Weapons Found in Iraq - washingtonpost.com



NBC Picks Up WMD in Iraq, Olbermann Likens Santorum to McCarthy --6/23/2006-- Media Research Center

enough for ya?

We can debate what's debateable, but to say there were no WMD in Iraq with what information is available is frankly a lie. The information is there, it's known.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:45 am
Silverchild79;28935 wrote:
No Iraq had no operational ties with Bin Laden in 2003. But the idea that Bush engineered information is spin.

I was getting intel briefs during the Clinton Administration that implicated a Bin Ladden/ Saddam tie. We had it wrong, but it wasn't a "Bush installed" plot. It was wrong for years.

That's why I get mad at Ron Paul for claiming 9/11 was in response to us bombing Iraq for 10 years, the two aren't connected in any fashion.

What was true was that Saddam was in continual violation of UN resolutions which brokered piece after Gulf War 91. Those resolutions were mandatory on pain of military action, something the UN wanted to forget about in 2003. And there were over 500 WMD found in Iraq in the last 4 years. It's accepted fact by all major media outlets left, right, and in the middle. They just don't like to report on it, the same way they don't like to talk about the genocide that will ensue within 30 days of a full US withdrawal from the region.

Genocide? What do you think is going on right now? A birthday party?
You people slay me, again and again. What could possibly be worse than now, with our troops out of harms'way, except that Americans wouldn't be dying ? And you , an ex soldier at that....head in the clouds, or the sand, or both..(now there's a picture!)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:48 am
Silverchild79;28939 wrote:
and just to clear the WMD thing up for the 500th time

World Net Daily

WorldNetDaily: Saddam's WMD have been found


Document Details WMD Recovered In Iraq, Santorum Says -- 06/21/2006

Fox News

FOXNews.com - Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate


DefenseLink News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says

Washington Post

Lawmakers Cite Weapons Found in Iraq - washingtonpost.com



NBC Picks Up WMD in Iraq, Olbermann Likens Santorum to McCarthy --6/23/2006-- Media Research Center

enough for ya?

We can debate what's debateable, but to say there were no WMD in Iraq with what information is available is frankly a lie. The information is there, it's known.

Oh, please...and you had the cojones to actually list Fox Noise as a "news source"...you got me rolling on the floor with that one!
Then why all the hoopla, if we done found WMD? Because we ain't found WMD...that's why. And we're there for absolutely the wrong reasons...and men, women, and children have all died in vain...and I'll believe that till the end of days.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:52 am
wow dude you're hopeless

what about the 6 other sources I listed, so NBC and the Washington Post are on the take for W then?

This is exactly why you have no credibility on here. When confronted with documented information you still plug your ears and make the same ignorant rhetorical comments, calling everyone else a liar if it doesn't fit with your obviously uneducated opinion.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:54 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;28937 wrote:
israel and turkey have been in violation of UN resolutions for decades,as for the WMD,you still believe that :eek: and as for the genocide,the US backed saddam when they knew he was commiting genocide in the 80s,but turned a blind eye,and continued to arm him.

Hell, if we listed who's been in violation of UN resolutions, America would rank right up there with North Korea and Iraq...Get real.
This is all BS...trying to rationalize the biggest blunder in military history...going to war, for the wrong reasons, without proper troop strength to get the job done, and no provision for the after effects, or extrication...and the needless loss of life..on both sides...This ranks up there close to the Holocaust, as a tragedy of biblical proportions...which didn't have to be.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:54 am
aaronssongs;28941 wrote:
Because we ain't found WMD...

nice grammar, really helps support your position
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:56 am
aaronssongs;28943 wrote:
This (Iraq War) ranks up there close to the Holocaust, as a tragedy of biblical proportions

another great comment which is mathematically and plainly inaccurate
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 11:56 am
Silverchild79;28944 wrote:
nice grammar, really helps support your position

Oh, but you know, I can use the King's or the Queen's English at a moments' notice...nice try, but you didn't score any points. It was on purpose, to illustrate a point...zoom, over your head. Clever, you're not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:00 pm
Silverchild79;28942 wrote:
wow dude you're hopeless

what about the 6 other sources I listed, so NBC and the Washington Post are on the take for W then?

This is exactly why you have no credibility on here. When confronted with documented information you still plug your ears and make the same ignorant rhetorical comments, calling everyone else a liar if it doesn't fit with your obviously uneducated opinion.

Just because you have access to a computer, and the net, and you can find sources to support your argument...doesn't make it the truth...sorry. I can't help you.
And dude? Dude? I ain't no dude? Why you gotta use "whitespeak" on me.
my name is aaron...and my screen name is aaronssongs, CAM
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:01 pm
Silverchild79;28945 wrote:
another great comment which is mathematically and plainly inaccurate

Why? Because you said so? Uh, you're not the gospel. Or an authority...so, yours is opinion...and you know what they say about opinions....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:04 pm
aaronssongs;28947 wrote:
Just because... you can find sources to support your argument...doesn't make it the truth



show me some sources that debunk mine, show me actual reporting, not some opinion column, that details why the declassified intel on WMD is false. You're so sure of yourself that I would assume you must have done your homework, so let's check your "facts"

I'm waiting
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 12:09 pm
Silverchild79;28949 wrote:


show me some sources that debunk mine, show me actual reporting, not some opinion column, that details why the declassified intel on WMD is false. You're so sure of yourself that I would assume you must have done your homework, so let's check your "facts"

I'm waiting

Uh, last time I had checked, Lincoln had freed the slaves. You might order your office staff around, but there is a way of asking people for what you want...and with your arrogance, and chauvinism, I can understand why you're still single...and gonna be that way for a long time.

You'll be waiting...I'm not going to waste my time, when it's clear you would debunk anything I bring, as if it would change your mind...your mind is made up...my mind is made up...and I'm content that the twain shall never meet.

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