This is video of Marines killing an Iraqi and then cheering and relishing it.
Not for the squeamish. Click the link and scroll down a little for the embedded Realplayer (works best with broadband, of course):
Take No Prisoners
I don't know the circumstances behind this. If this soon-to-be-dead man shot at (or killed) some of ours, I suppose I can appreciate their "team spirit" at getting the guy.
...but then again, we invaded their country for (what turns out to be) no good reason.
Are we going to wound, then murder, then laugh at every thug -- known or alleged -- on the planet with a gun?
Quote:"Are you okay?"
My wife asked the question after we learned that Robert Stewart Flores, who killed three professors at the University of Arizona before shooting himself, was a Gulf War veteran.
She asked me the same thing last week, when we learned John Allen Muhammed, better known as the Washington D.C. sniper, is also a Gulf War veteran. Not to mention British Gulf War vet Paul Delaney, who stabbed his ex-girlfriend and mother of two 30 or 40 times. Or Staff Sergeant Frank Ronghi, a Gulf War vet who murdered and sodomized an 11-year old girl in Kosovo. Or Jeffrey Glenn Hutchinson, also a Gulf vet, who murdered his girlfriend and her three children on Sept. 11, 1998. Or Joseph Ludlam, who murdered his former manager in November 2000. And then there's the most famous Gulf War veteran of all, Timothy McVeigh, who killed hundreds of people in a homegrown terrorist attack in Oklahoma City.
* * *
Remember, when you go to the gas pump to buy your Middle Eastern oil, secured by the blood of American soldiers, this too is part of the price you pay. Not just being party to killings halfway around the world, which our society seems to tolerate with a glib "Let's change the channel" attitude, but also the lives torn apart back home.
You may decide it's okay -- your chances of being murdered by a combat veteran are still less than the risk of being killed in a highway accident. But as we send another few hundred thousand young men and women off to war, the odds are about to get worse.
Another unintended consequence, I fear.