Ge, thanks for the ridiculous photo of Bush bestowing mercy on the turkey (doesn't really look like a turkey...could it be a fake?)
And you wrote:
Quote:Sistani wants what America used to have .... free and fair elections .... one man one vote.
The more I read about this guy, the more I think we should pay attention to him. I have read a number of quotes over the past two weeks, and he sounds like the voice of sanity.
The NYTimes yesterday had a long piece on the disagreements among the players in the government-to-be. I did not get the feeling that the Council is trying to hold on to power but that they feared a too-sudden transition that might create a power vacuum. (Maybe I am not reading "sinister" when I should?)
[I've not read or posted for a week. Now, I must back up and peruse this new thread in its entirety.]