US college closes door on ROTC, then welcomes Iranian PM

Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:26 pm
92b16vx;39346 wrote:
I have. What do you want to know?
I have been there as well, and seen what is and was going on...I am where i am now from being over there.. they are useless..
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:56 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39420 wrote:
I have been there as well, and seen what is and was going on...I am where i am now from being over there.. they are useless..

Iraqis? Yea, pretty much. I thought we were talking about who was arming who. In Fallujah we, and I am not exaggerrating, had an Egyptian rocket land 20m from us at an OP. We found AK variants from everywhere, mostly Bulgarian, Yugoslavian, Romanian and Egyptain hack jobs, Russian RPGs, American munitions. Blaming Iran for "arming the insurgents" is a smoke job to try justifing another war.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 08:10 pm
92b16vx;39441 wrote:
Iraqis? Yea, pretty much. I thought we were talking about who was arming who. In Fallujah we, and I am not exaggerrating, had an Egyptian rocket land 20m from us at an OP. We found AK variants from everywhere, mostly Bulgarian, Yugoslavian, Romanian and Egyptain hack jobs, Russian RPGs, American munitions. Blaming Iran for "arming the insurgents" is a smoke job to try justifing another war.
If you have spend anytime over there you would know the arabs are untrustable, there no telling where they are getting the ammo and weapons, but i guess it easy and the thing todo is blame the americans..right.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 08:45 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39447 wrote:
If you have spend anytime over there you would know the arabs are untrustable, there no telling where they are getting the ammo and weapons, but i guess it easy and the thing todo is blame the americans..right.

Just about every major dealer in arms has sold weapons that wound up in Iraq one way or another. But we know for a fact that the American government and private companies sold weapons to Saddam. The fact that US officials are pushing the admitted allegations so hard makes it all very suspect about their motives.
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 11:38 pm
wvpeach;39301 wrote:

You know very well that you are not correctly representing what Exodus 21 says . If you read it it seems to me that the man is fined for causing a miscarriage . It is the mothers health that seems important in this instance not the fetus. People should read Exodus 21 for themselves to find out. And besides campbell the bible also says that all sin is the same to God. And you know that is true. James 2 10-11 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, yet offend in one point, he is quilty of all.

But I just looked at what thread you have put this in.

Its obvious you do not like me and willing to speak of things not even remotely related to the thread whenever you disagree with me.

How about sticking to the topic of a thread?
You quote general Kofi Annan as being upset at something the President said in the past. Do you have a link?

I read the link you gave below for abc news about the weapons . You know the report does not list one person by Name Its all US officials ( no names) and sources say again ( no names) . I could sit down and write that same story and use no names and quote "sources"

[SIZE="4"] No names and sources say is exactly what got us into Iraq in the first place[/SIZE]

If you read the hebrew wording in Exodus 21:22-25 it becomes obvious that the verse in question is speaking of both the woman and her child. (What is required is that if there should be an injury either to the mother OR TO HER CHILDREN, the injury shall be avenged by a like injury to the assailant. If it involves the life (ne-pes') of THE PREMATURE BABY, then the assailant shall pay for it with his life.
Apologetics Press - Abortion and Exodus 21

There is a grave danger lurking ahead for some who profess to be Christians. It is the danger of being deceived into thinking that we will not be held accountable for a CONTINUED LIFESTYLE of sin. Many who claim to be Christians are like those who Jesus spoke of. They worship me with their LIPS yet their hearts are far from HIM.
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulters, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 COR. 6:9-10).
Yes sin is sin, but when you see people claiming to be christians yet praticing sin to this degree you have to ask yourself who are the one's worshiping God only with their lips. God only knows. Yet those who pratice abortion will be counted in this number.

No I don't hate you, I don't think I even have that ability. I once dated a girl 30 years ago and was about to ask her to marry me when I found out she was alread engaged to this 23 year old guy and three months later became his third wife. I wrote her a letter and told her what I thought of her, and then 30 years later God strong armed me and made me send her another letter to apologize to her. That was as close as I ever came to not really likeing someone, and God really got on me for that.

Document: Iran Caught Red-Handed Shipping Arms to Taliban June 06, 2007
Brian Ross and Christopher Isham Report:
NATO officials say they have caught Iran red-handed, shipping heavy arms, C4 explosives and advanced roadside bombs to the Taliban for use against NATO forces, in what the officials say is a dramatic escalation of Iran's proxy war against the United States and Great Britain.
Reported by Richard Clark, an ABC News consultant.
The Blotter: Document: Iran Caught Red-Handed Shipping Arms to Taliban
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 12:16 am
wvpeach;39301 wrote:

You know very well that you are not correctly representing what Exodus 21 says . If you read it it seems to me that the man is fined for causing a miscarriage . It is the mothers health that seems important in this instance not the fetus. People should read Exodus 21 for themselves to find out. And besides campbell the bible also says that all sin is the same to God. And you know that is true. James 2 10-11 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, yet offend in one point, he is quilty of all.

But I just looked at what thread you have put this in.

Its obvious you do not like me and willing to speak of things not even remotely related to the thread whenever you disagree with me.

How about sticking to the topic of a thread?
You quote general Kofi Annan as being upset at something the President said in the past. Do you have a link?

I read the link you gave below for abc news about the weapons . You know the report does not list one person by Name Its all US officials ( no names) and sources say again ( no names) . I could sit down and write that same story and use no names and quote "sources"

[SIZE="4"] No names and sources say is exactly what got us into Iraq in the first place[/SIZE]

Thread of Kofi Annan expressing dismay over Iranian president's urging the destruction of Israel.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 04:32 am
[SIZE="3"] Exactly![/SIZE]

Good post 92B

92b16vx;39452 wrote:
Just about every major dealer in arms has sold weapons that wound up in Iraq one way or another. But we know for a fact that the American government and private companies sold weapons to Saddam. The fact that US officials are pushing the admitted allegations so hard makes it all very suspect about their motives.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 04:50 am
Good posts campbell with good links.

Now its obvious you and I do not see eye to eye on Abortion.

I believe through biblical study that God sends the soul to inhabit the body when the first breath is taken , just as the soul returns to God when the last breath is taken and we die.

You believe something else. Let me ask you then. What do you think about birth control? Isn't it pretty obvious that birth control is stopping humans from being born that would have otherwise been born had not birth control been used? Do you believe people sin. Men when they use condom's and women when they take the pill? Had they not used birth control the world would likely be double the population it is now or close to double. Thats a lot of people that were not born due to birth control. What do you think God thinks of birth control? And what are your personal feelings about birth control? PM me if you don't want to keep highjacking this thread. Or at least lets ask whomever started it if they mind us discussing this here.

The links you gave say a lot of things. Including the fact that Kofi Annam will be going to Iran in a couple of weeks to negotiate.

Good for Kofi Annan. Anything is worth a try.

Let me make a statement and see what you think of it.

I believe the world would be a better place if the United States completely changed its foreign policy . I believe if the United States stop occupying countries and took their troops out of the 100 plus bases they have them in around the world, the entire world would be a better place.

I believe the world would be a better place if all religious zealots followed the tenants of their faiths. Doesn't matter Christians , Muslims, Jews. if all would read their holy books and do as they say the world would be a much better place. Religious Zealots have killed more people down through the centuries that all the righteous wars combined. So I believe the world would be a much better place if we could stop religious zealots. The kind that want to spread their religion at the point of a gun.

What do you think of the above statements campbell?
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 05:54 am
92b16vx;39452 wrote:
Just about every major dealer in arms has sold weapons that wound up in Iraq one way or another. But we know for a fact that the American government and private companies sold weapons to Saddam. The fact that US officials are pushing the admitted allegations so hard makes it all very suspect about their motives.
your right and they are still doing it today,but we can't blame it all on the Americans,think about this"when we go into war, it's to win not break ever or worst..but iran is sending bombs, and men into iraq,and what gets to me, is what will iran do to iraq if America pulls out today,hint kill them, because of the iraq/iran war...
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 06:25 am
AMERICAFIRST;39511 wrote:
your right and they are still doing it today,but we can't blame it all on the Americans

I don't blame Americans, I blame the arms companies, and politicians that allowed it in the first place.

..but iran is sending bombs, and men into iraq,and what gets to me, is what will iran do to iraq if America pulls out today,hint kill them, because of the iraq/iran war...

That is an assumption. Fact is, no one knows what will happen if we leave, maybe Saudi, Kuwait, or even Israel will step up and help them out in their own interest. Politicians are manipulating the "what if"s? To keep the people on their side. They failed miserably at the fact game, so now they are trying to emo trip, "oh the poor Iraqis, they'll be slaughtered if we leave" Bullshit. They are trying to hide from the fact that WE have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths for no reason what so ever. "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here!!" Seriously, does ANYONE believe that they will be over here fighting in the streets if we don't keep them fighting in Iraq? LOL.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 06:34 am
92b16vx;39517 wrote:
I don't blame Americans, I blame the arms companies, and politicians that allowed it in the first place.

That is an assumption. Fact is, no one knows what will happen if we leave, maybe Saudi, Kuwait, or even Israel will step up and help them out in their own interest. Politicians are manipulating the "what if"s? To keep the people on their side. They failed miserably at the fact game, so now they are trying to emo trip, "oh the poor Iraqis, they'll be slaughtered if we leave" Bullshit. They are trying to hide from the fact that WE have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths for no reason what so ever. "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here!!" Seriously, does ANYONE believe that they will be over here fighting in the streets if we don't keep them fighting in Iraq? LOL.
If I live in iraq I wouldn't want to depend on anyone to defend me including the Americans.. and we havn't cause anything, anymore than the rest of the world,and see that what i am talking about, when an american soldier reads crap like this "we have cause thousands of deaths for NO reason"they are thinking "why in the hell do we even bother risking our lifes for people that don't give a rats ass about us"...a soldier only does what his/her country ask them to..
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:03 am
AMERICAFIRST;39526 wrote:
and we havn't cause anything, anymore than the rest of the world,

What exactly are you smoking? WE STARTED A ******* WAR IN THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and see that what i am talking about, when an american soldier reads crap like this "we have cause thousands of deaths for NO reason"they are thinking "why in the hell do we even bother risking our lifes for people that don't give a rats ass about us"...a soldier only does what his/her country ask them to..

An American soldier wrote this "crap". No one I was there with wanted to be there, none I was there with gave two shits about Iraqis. We all wanted to fight our hardest, and get home in one piece, screw Iraq, screw Iraqis, screw politics. Every portashitter in the country has the phrase "If Bush had to serve, this war would be over" written in it.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:41 am
92b16vx;39535 wrote:
What exactly are you smoking? WE STARTED A ******* WAR IN THEIR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An American soldier wrote this "crap". No one I was there with wanted to be there, none I was there with gave two shits about Iraqis. We all wanted to fight our hardest, and get home in one piece, screw Iraq, screw Iraqis, screw politics. Every portashitter in the country has the phrase "If Bush had to serve, this war would be over" written in it.
NO we ******* didn't, iraq start by killing and raping the people of kuwait, and than wouldn't follow the rules of war,..so we AND other counties jump their asses, point blankand while you using a port-a-shittier, I was craping in the iraq sand while watching the woman and childern of kuwait getting rape and killed by the so-call army of iraq...scouts don't sit in the rear with the gear..
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:47 am
AMERICAFIRST;39549 wrote:
NO we ******* didn't, iraq start by killing and raping the people of kuwait, and than wouldn't follow the rules of war,..so we AND other counties jump their asses, point blankand while you using a port-a-shittier, I was craping in the iraq sand while watching the woman and childern of kuwait getting rape and killed by the so-call army of iraq...scouts don't sit in the rear with the gear..

You are deluded. Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, and we would NOT have invaded their country had 9/11 not happened. BushCo™ took the opportunity to invade a sovereign, secular nation that had nothing to do with terror attacks on the US, using the American peoples emotion over the attacks glossed over with LIES to further to military industrial complex's agenda. What Saddam did fifteen years ago was an excuse, not a reason.

And for you ******* information, I was hardly "in the rear with the gear". I could throw a rock and hit one of the most insurgent friendly cities in the country from the from gate of our FOB, and was so far on the front line in Fallujah we got shelled by our own artillery. Don't try to talk macho in the action to me, been there, done that.
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 07:54 am
92b16vx;39553 wrote:
**** were did I say anything about 911, this war had nothing to do with 911, and everything to do with NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES OF WAR..
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 09:06 am
AMERICAFIRST;39555 wrote:
**** were did I say anything about 911, this war had nothing to do with 911, and everything to do with NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES OF WAR..

No, it doesn't, it was sold to the American public under the guise of helping to overthrow a madman that had weapons of mass destruction, and was ready to do the world harm, that, was a lie. We would NOT have invaded Iraq had it not been for our adventures in the Middle East because of 9/11. Bush would NOT have been able to say "Saddam", "terror", "Saddam", "terror", "Saddam", "terror", "weapons of mass destruction", "Saddam", "terror" "Saddam", "threat", "Saddam", "terror" enough times to get approval for the invasion had it not been for 9/11.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 09:55 am
AMERICAFIRST;39549 wrote:
NO we ***ing didn't, iraq start by killing and raping the people of kuwait, and than wouldn't follow the rules of war,..so we AND other counties jump their asses, point blankand while you using a port-a-****tier, I was craping in the iraq sand while watching the woman and childern of kuwait getting rape and killed by the so-call army of iraq...scouts don't sit in the rear with the gear..

That was DESERT STORM. You're losing it.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 11:15 am
Freeman15;39592 wrote:
That was DESERT STORM. You're losing it.

your not f**kin kiddin :eek:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 01:41 pm
wvpeach;39506 wrote:
Good posts campbell with good links.

Now its obvious you and I do not see eye to eye on Abortion.

I believe through biblical study that God sends the soul to inhabit the body when the first breath is taken , just as the soul returns to God when the last breath is taken and we die.

You believe something else. Let me ask you then. What do you think about birth control? Isn't it pretty obvious that birth control is stopping humans from being born that would have otherwise been born had not birth control been used? Do you believe people sin. Men when they use condom's and women when they take the pill? Had they not used birth control the world would likely be double the population it is now or close to double. Thats a lot of people that were not born due to birth control. What do you think God thinks of birth control? And what are your personal feelings about birth control? PM me if you don't want to keep highjacking this thread. Or at least lets ask whomever started it if they mind us discussing this here.

The links you gave say a lot of things. Including the fact that Kofi Annam will be going to Iran in a couple of weeks to negotiate.

Good for Kofi Annan. Anything is worth a try.

Let me make a statement and see what you think of it.

I believe the world would be a better place if the United States completely changed its foreign policy . I believe if the United States stop occupying countries and took their troops out of the 100 plus bases they have them in around the world, the entire world would be a better place.

I believe the world would be a better place if all religious zealots followed the tenants of their faiths. Doesn't matter Christians , Muslims, Jews. if all would read their holy books and do as they say the world would be a much better place. Religious Zealots have killed more people down through the centuries that all the righteous wars combined. So I believe the world would be a much better place if we could stop religious zealots. The kind that want to spread their religion at the point of a gun.

What do you think of the above statements campbell?

If the Democrats were in charge all of this could of happened. Yet because the Democrats so imbraced abortion, that many more Democrats have aborted their children, and many of these children would of been future Democrats. Republicans have more children, and abort less, and chances are their voting tally will always be greater. I believe we will see more republican presidents, and they will take a hard line against the Islamics from this point forward, and more war will come to pass. The Bible tells us what is going to happen to America and in great detail. America is going to be attacked by the enemies of Israel, and you can see the seeds of this even today. According to the Bible, American cities will burn and America will be destroyed in one hours time. I don't like those prophecies, yet I know they are true. I don't see this happening for another 25 or 30 years, yet I do see this coming to pass.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Sep, 2007 01:45 pm
wvpeach;39506 wrote:
Good posts campbell with good links.

Now its obvious you and I do not see eye to eye on Abortion.

I believe through biblical study that God sends the soul to inhabit the body when the first breath is taken , just as the soul returns to God when the last breath is taken and we die.

You believe something else. Let me ask you then. What do you think about birth control? Isn't it pretty obvious that birth control is stopping humans from being born that would have otherwise been born had not birth control been used? Do you believe people sin. Men when they use condom's and women when they take the pill? Had they not used birth control the world would likely be double the population it is now or close to double. Thats a lot of people that were not born due to birth control. What do you think God thinks of birth control? And what are your personal feelings about birth control? PM me if you don't want to keep highjacking this thread. Or at least lets ask whomever started it if they mind us discussing this here.

The links you gave say a lot of things. Including the fact that Kofi Annam will be going to Iran in a couple of weeks to negotiate.

Good for Kofi Annan. Anything is worth a try.

Let me make a statement and see what you think of it.

I believe the world would be a better place if the United States completely changed its foreign policy . I believe if the United States stop occupying countries and took their troops out of the 100 plus bases they have them in around the world, the entire world would be a better place.

I believe the world would be a better place if all religious zealots followed the tenants of their faiths. Doesn't matter Christians , Muslims, Jews. if all would read their holy books and do as they say the world would be a much better place. Religious Zealots have killed more people down through the centuries that all the righteous wars combined. So I believe the world would be a much better place if we could stop religious zealots. The kind that want to spread their religion at the point of a gun.

What do you think of the above statements campbell?

I believe the Bible tells us, that what you just described will never happen. I also believe the Bible names many of the Islamic countries that will invade Israel near the time of the End. And I also believe the Bible gets very detailed and tells us exactly what is going to happen to the United States. Down the road many nations will rise up against America. Most will be Islamic. And according to the Scriptures they will threaten America with war for a period of two years. I believe your vision of a peaceful America will never happen, because the one's who might of taken a back seat to world affairs, the Democratic party, will find it impossible to get elected. So many future Democrats have been aborted that the Democratic party will have a hard time ever getting one of their own back into the White House. This will leave the Republicans in charge and they will not back down and this will proabably make world tensions much worse. After this two year time period where America is being threatened with war, I believe America is going to cut a deal with the Islamics. This deal will have some thinging to do with our support for Israel. When America backs away from our support for Israel, the Islamic nations will attack her. When this happens, God will get involoved and destroy five sixths of their army. This act by God will not be understood by the Islamics at first, and they will believe it was America that did this to them. They without warning will attack America with a full nuclear strike. The Bible tells us that America and all of her cities will burn and be destroyed in one hours time, and no one will ever be able to live in her again because of all the pollution. It clearly states that no one will even be able to return to remove a rock for a foundation because the land will be fully polluted. I don't see this happening yet for at least another 25 years or so.

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