US college closes door on ROTC, then welcomes Iranian PM

Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:36 am
wvpeach;39113 wrote:
Actually I have a solution to the terrorist problem. One that can be accomplished without putting boots on the ground and risking the lives of American soldiers.

First we pull most of our troops out of the middle east, keeping one base say in a place like Kuwait .

Then we announce to the world that should terrorists strike any US target we do a brief investigation to come up with who did it and what country they came from. After which like in the case of Saudi Arabia, we will at a time and place of our choosing be coming to bomb the snot out of them.We intend to kill slightly more than the terrorists managed to kill Americans , but we will also be damaging infrastructure and oil wells when we bomb to hurt their economy.

Can't tell which country hit us. Throw all the terrorist countries in a hat and pick one, then bomb them. With the idea in mind to kill about the same number of people and hopefully government people , but anybody we can get will have to do.

Do this a time or two and we will have no more problems with terrorists in the US. And its biblical for a nation to do this. Eye for a eye tooth for tooth.
You can't win a war with eye and tooth idea,,we have to take out the whole country,so the rest of the world knows we are not playing around..
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:43 am
Oh I think the eye for a eye tooth for tooth would work especially if we knocked there economy and infrastructure back a decade.

Problem is we'd never do it Bush likes oil wells too much.

AMERICAFIRST;39115 wrote:
You can't win a war with eye and tooth idea,,we have to take out the whole country,so the rest of the world knows we are not playing around..
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:48 am
wvpeach;39117 wrote:
Oh I think the eye for a eye tooth for tooth would work especially if we knocked there economy and infrastructure back a decade.

Problem is we'd never do it Bush likes oil wells too much.
Going with lame oil idea,we have a saying in the military "kill them all and let GOD sort them out",and than we take their land, like in the good old days.
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 10:32 am
AMERICAFIRST;39119 wrote:
Going with lame oil idea,we have a saying in the military "kill them all and let GOD sort them out",and than we take their land, like in the good old days.

Fortunately, this is not the good old days....if you think the Arab world is going to stand by and idly watch the destruction of Iran, in lieu of The West, you must be mad. All of Islam and the Arab World will come together to fight aggression....is that what you want? The end game...a nuclear holocaust.
Nobody wins.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 11:59 am
AMERICAFIRST;39115 wrote:
You can't win a war with eye and tooth idea,,we have to take out the whole country,so the rest of the world knows we are not playing around..

you sound like a bit of a loony to me :eek:
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 12:11 pm
aaronssongs;39172 wrote:
Fortunately, this is not the good old days....if you think the Arab world is going to stand by and idly watch the destruction of Iran, in lieu of The West, you must be mad. All of Islam and the Arab World will come together to fight aggression....is that what you want? The end game...a nuclear holocaust.
Nobody wins.

do i want iran to have nuclear weapons,the answer is no,do i want any country,to have nuclear weapons,the answer is no,i think its hypocrisy for the country's that have nuclear weapons and dont want other country's to have nuclear weapons,we have gone throught this before,with india and pakistan,and then north korea,and we are now going through it with iran.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 12:25 pm
AMERICAFIRST;38944 wrote:
Hell, Bush or the CIA should of shot him while he was here.:FU1:

oh that would've help matters alot!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 02:10 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;39195 wrote:
you sound like a bit of a loony to me :eek:
Thank you I try hard...but I am right..
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 03:37 pm
AMERICAFIRST;39229 wrote:
Thank you I try hard...but I am right..

right-wing yes :thumbdown:
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:47 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;39251 wrote:
right-wing yes :thumbdown:
left wind:FU1:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 09:57 pm
wvpeach;39095 wrote:
Well lets look at facts as facts are really all that matters. I could care less about old wives tales , gossip or propaganda.

The hostages were taken during the Iranian revolution at a time when the US was trying real hard to keep the Shaw Of Iran in power. A US installed puppet and the people of Iran booted the US puppet out and took back their own country. Remember the Iran Contra affair and Ollie North?

Now if say China comes and over throws us , and installs a "president" that they can pull the strings on. I can see US citizens doing the same thing as the Iranians did, can't you? And may I remind you that all the hostages were released unharmed.

I believe I have already stated he did not call for the destruction of Isreal or say he was going to build Nukes in this speech. I said it in a earlier post and will not bore everybody by repeating myself.

Hitler is a mad man who killed millions and tried to rule the world. No I do not like or admire hitler.

Now campbell I am a West Virginian through and through and our state motto one that I believe completely is that
"mountaineers are always free."
And we'd fight for that freedom .

Campbell you know full well that I believe that God sends the soul to inhabit the body at the moment of birth, just as he takes the soul at the moment of death. That is biblical. Other wise we'd have millions of frozen souls in fertility clinics around this world. So abortion is not a voting issue for me at all. I know they are just flesh till the moment they are born and God sends the soul. And you and I have talked about this before so you are being a repetitive bore when you go over and over the same things.

And campbell since you are so worried and want all these babies born , yet are against health care for all , would you care to explain how you reconcile those two positions? I'll give you a example . A baby boy is about to be aborted, and the mother changes her mind due to pro life literature , the boy grows and starts college , he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and has no insurance . He will die because he cannot get surgery or the cancer treatments he needs. How do you justify wanting them born and then not caring if they die afterwards? I would like to hear this?

And could I have a link from ABC news showing where Brand new weapons ( your words) are coming from Iran and showing up in Iraq? Not that I do not believe you, but as I said facts are facts and gossip is gossip, I would like proof of what you say, a link please.

I believe I have already stated he did not call for the destruction of Israel?

CNN.COM U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has expressed "dismay" over the Iranian President's comments urging the destruction of Israel.

God sends the soul to inhabit the Body at the moment of birth. Really

Exodus 21:22-25 states if two men are fighting and one of them strikes a women that is pregnant and she loses her child because of the man hitting her. The Bible tells us that man will be put to death, because it is a life for a life. Anyone who is involved with abortion, from doctor to the mother is reconized by the Bible as a murder.

Iranian Weapons Arm Iraqi Militia
ABC News: EXCLUSIVE: Iranian Weapons Arm Iraqi Militia
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 10:23 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;38979 wrote:
i dont think for one minute he actually thinks iran does not have gay people,its just his strict religous views that do not except it.

Actually he might be right, because under Islamic religious law gays are put to death. So he might be right. Yet he would of been more accurate if he had said, "Well, we really don't have any gay people left alive."
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 01:08 am

You know very well that you are not correctly representing what Exodus 21 says . If you read it it seems to me that the man is fined for causing a miscarriage . It is the mothers health that seems important in this instance not the fetus. People should read Exodus 21 for themselves to find out. And besides campbell the bible also says that all sin is the same to God. And you know that is true. James 2 10-11 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, yet offend in one point, he is quilty of all.

But I just looked at what thread you have put this in.

Its obvious you do not like me and willing to speak of things not even remotely related to the thread whenever you disagree with me.

How about sticking to the topic of a thread?
You quote general Kofi Annan as being upset at something the President said in the past. Do you have a link?

I read the link you gave below for abc news about the weapons . You know the report does not list one person by Name Its all US officials ( no names) and sources say again ( no names) . I could sit down and write that same story and use no names and quote "sources"

[SIZE="4"] No names and sources say is exactly what got us into Iraq in the first place[/SIZE]

Campbell34;39286 wrote:
I believe I have already stated he did not call for the destruction of Israel?

CNN.COM U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has expressed "dismay" over the Iranian President's comments urging the destruction of Israel.

God sends the soul to inhabit the Body at the moment of birth. Really

Exodus 21:22-25 states if two men are fighting and one of them strikes a women that is pregnant and she loses her child because of the man hitting her. The Bible tells us that man will be put to death, because it is a life for a life. Anyone who is involved with abortion, from doctor to the mother is reconized by the Bible as a murder.

Iranian Weapons Arm Iraqi Militia
ABC News: EXCLUSIVE: Iranian Weapons Arm Iraqi Militia
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 01:31 am
Again weapons are traded and sold constantly.

I know many people who collect SKS rifles. SkS were made in Russia and China . Yet they are all over the US in collectors hands. Does this mean that China or Russia is arming people in the US illegally ? No it means that people have bought the weapons and are trading and resaleing them.

Previously Owned Firearms at Four Seasons in Woburn, MA This is a site I just googled for used guns and came up with.

They are featuring a Yugoslavian m48 rifle. And some swiss made rifles.
Does that mean that Yugoslania or the swiss are trying to arm insurgents?

Weapons travel and are traded back and forth . I would have to hear a US top military officer say plainly they have found newly manufactured weapons from Iran in the hands of people in Iraq. Like less than a year old before I believe this crap.

Its kinda like there were WMD's , oh sorry we were wrong. Give me a break , I don't believe anything this administration says anymore and its apparent they can manipulate the media with things like sources say and top US militray officials . What sources? What official? lets hear it from their own mouths !

And shame on people for falling for this crap again. You know I keep hearing US politicians say the people in Iran are pro west and not happy with their own government . Well it is the people of Iran , innocent people who will die if they do the same thing as they did in Iraq.

How many innocent people have to die before we say stop this ?
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 05:57 am
wvpeach;39302 wrote:
Again weapons are traded and sold constantly.

I know many people who collect SKS rifles. SkS were made in Russia and China . Yet they are all over the US in collectors hands. Does this mean that China or Russia is arming people in the US illegally ? No it means that people have bought the weapons and are trading and resaleing them.

Previously Owned Firearms at Four Seasons in Woburn, MA This is a site I just googled for used guns and came up with.

They are featuring a Yugoslavian m48 rifle. And some swiss made rifles.
Does that mean that Yugoslania or the swiss are trying to arm insurgents?

Weapons travel and are traded back and forth . I would have to hear a US top military officer say plainly they have found newly manufactured weapons from Iran in the hands of people in Iraq. Like less than a year old before I believe this crap.

Its kinda like there were WMD's , oh sorry we were wrong. Give me a break , I don't believe anything this administration says anymore and its apparent they can manipulate the media with things like sources say and top US militray officials . What sources? What official? lets hear it from their own mouths !

And shame on people for falling for this crap again. You know I keep hearing US politicians say the people in Iran are pro west and not happy with their own government . Well it is the people of Iran , innocent people who will die if they do the same thing as they did in Iraq.

How many innocent people have to die before we say stop this ?
Have you ever been to the mideast?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 09:29 am
Campbell34;39291 wrote:
Actually he might be right, because under Islamic religious law gays are put to death. So he might be right. Yet he would of been more accurate if he had said, "Well, we really don't have any gay people left alive."

any gay people living in iran aren't going to admit to being gay are they ? so although he said they dont have gay people,i dont think for 1 minute,he actually believes they're are no gay people in a country with a population of over 70 million.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 09:31 am
AMERICAFIRST;39311 wrote:
Have you ever been to the mideast?

does he have to have been to the mid-east ?
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 11:22 am
AMERICAFIRST;39311 wrote:
Have you ever been to the mideast?

I have. What do you want to know?
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:17 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;39195 wrote:
you sound like a bit of a loony to me :eek:
Of course I do ,because I am right...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:24 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;39337 wrote:
does he have to have been to the mid-east ?
Yes, if you orwv going to talk like you know what going on there , you should atleast have been there, or your talking out of your ass..fair enough.
0 Replies

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