US college closes door on ROTC, then welcomes Iranian PM

Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 09:52 am
Here we have another non thinking American folks.

The kind that believes every word coming out of this lying presidents mouth.

What a shame! Read a book for the love of all! Quit watching Fox news .

Try some mind exercises to get your brain working again.

Really , can people be this brainwashed ? or are they just evil?

AMERICAFIRST;38944 wrote:
Hell, Bush or the CIA should of shot him while he was here.:FU1:
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 10:29 am
wvpeach;38950 wrote:
Here we have another non thinking American folks.

The kind that believes every word coming out of this lying presidents mouth.

What a shame! Read a book for the love of all! Quit watching Fox news .

Try some mind exercises to get your brain working again.

Really , can people be this brainwashed ? or are they just evil?
So we can go with the insults now, so you will know, I don't like Bush nor anyone in DC, plus I don't believe anything I hear on the news..unlike you I don't tend to speak for other, but in my case it pure f**king evil, wannna have a beer?
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 11:28 am
If I understand your post you are saying that you are evil?

Naw I don't need a beer or anything else from evil.

AMERICAFIRST;38951 wrote:
So we can go with the insults now, so you will know, I don't like Bush nor anyone in DC, plus I don't believe anything I hear on the news..unlike you I don't tend to speak for other, but in my case it pure f**king evil, wannna have a beer?
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 11:33 am
AMERICAFIRST;38944 wrote:
Hell, Bush or the CIA should of shot him while he was here.:FU1:

what a stupid post :headbang:
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 12:10 pm
i was thinking about it.

i was like, damn, now would be a good time for a school shooting. lol

the guy is a joke. i can't believe he honestly thinks there's not a single gay iranian. lol
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 12:27 pm
briansol;38978 wrote:
i was thinking about it.

i was like, damn, now would be a good time for a school shooting. lol

the guy is a joke. i can't believe he honestly thinks there's not a single gay iranian. lol

i dont think for one minute he actually thinks iran does not have gay people,its just his strict religous views that do not except it.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 12:30 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
I was not sure if he was joking or not. He was smiling when he said this about no gays in Iran.

Doesn't really matter it seems there are no people who will admit they are gay in Iran. Due to the strict religious beliefs held by their supreme leader.

scooby-doo;38979 wrote:
i dont think for one minute he actually thinks iran does not have gay people,its just his strict religous views that do not except it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 10:14 pm
wvpeach;38942 wrote:
Now come on people. How many places around this world could you find a weapon after a battle that was made in the USA or Russia? How many times after a battle has been fought have the victors went around and collected Russian and US rifles off the dead? ...... Answer too many times to count!

Russia, and the US are the biggest suppliers of weapons to the world. Finding a weapon made in Iran on a insurgent in Iraq is not proof that Iran is supporting the insurgency. No proof at all for any thinking human being. First of all Iran and Iraq are neighbors and even though relations under Saddam Husein and Iran was obviously strained , the two countries much like mexico and the US have plenty of under ground trade going on . So Iranian weapons are not proof of the Iranian governments involvement in the insurgency except to blind followers of their man made God they have set up in Bush.

My next door neighbors and I have certainly traded things before. As do people who live in neighboring countries.

So for those of you who are swallowing the lies of Bush and his kill everybody who does not agree with us administration you need to use some common sense.

Are factions in iran supplying the insurgents? ......Probably.

Does the US do the same thing in countries where we do not like the government? ........ Answer is yes.

You cannot tell other countries to do as I say , not as I do like some try to do with their own children.

We have to lead by example. And we havn't been.

The president of Iran held out a olive branch to Christians, Jews , the world, and the US.

I can only hope and pray that the majority of people in the US are smart and moral enough to have seen this. The national media is certainly not going to help as they are flat out lying about what he said , in fear of being seen by the wacko war mongers as soft I suspect.

Well we better learn to be soft sometimes where war is concerned. Because Nations will be judged too, and right now our nation has the blood of many innocents on its hands. Blood that will never wash off, but we can repent that we spilled that blood to begin with.

Not picking on campbell here, but his response is typical of the people who believe this lying fake christian of a president we have.

Wow, this is the same punk that took Americans hostage during the Carter administartion, he is also working overtime to aquire nuke weapons, and he has call for the destruction of Israel. And dreams of a day when America will be no more. I bet you would of loved Hitler. I'm sure if this was back during the revolutionary war you would of been wearing a red coat. And I bet you would support a president who fully supports abortion and vote against one who stopped all late term abortions here in America. That fake Christian you talk about did more to save the life of the unborn then any president this country ever elected. Abortion has killed more children in America than all the wars we have fought. 60 million and counting. Wheres your outrage on that?

And its one thing when American weapons fall into the hands of terrorist yet according to ABC News, brand new weapons fresh from Iranian factories have been seized with manufacturing dates of 2006. This suggests that the material is going directly from Iranian factories to Shia militias, rather than taking a roundabout path through the black market. "There is no way this could be done without Iranian government approval," says a senior official.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 10:26 pm
Silverchild79;38828 wrote:
none yet

however his foreign policy does include genocide against Israel

I will also remind you yet again that you seem to convieniently forget that military action against Iraq in 2003 was in fact a repercussion for non compliance as per United Nations resolutions. I know the truth is a bear when you're trying to present that argument, unfortunatly for you reality does not bow to ignorant spin...

The U.N. is the most corrupt political body on Earth and should be dissolved, or at the very least completely reformed. I find it ridiculous that people claiming to be patriots cling to resolutions made by an unelected body of corrupt world politicians as a good reason to invade a sovereign, secular country that had nothing to do with terrorist attacks on the U.S.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2007 10:32 pm
Freeman15;38833 wrote:

Iran supports terrorists? Saudi Arabia at one point paid $25k to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. Saudi Arabia is not democratic. Saudi Arabia was home to 15/19 hijackers on 9/11. Saudi Arabia is home to Wahhabist Islam, which preaches the creation of a global Islamic caliphate. But hey, we can be friends with them, as long as we don't associate with those nasty Persians.

Saudi has funneled millions, if not billions to terrorist organization for decades, and this is Bushs idea of "fighting them no matter where they hide"...




Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:42 am
Well lets look at facts as facts are really all that matters. I could care less about old wives tales , gossip or propaganda.

The hostages were taken during the Iranian revolution at a time when the US was trying real hard to keep the Shaw Of Iran in power. A US installed puppet and the people of Iran booted the US puppet out and took back their own country. Remember the Iran Contra affair and Ollie North?

Now if say China comes and over throws us , and installs a "president" that they can pull the strings on. I can see US citizens doing the same thing as the Iranians did, can't you? And may I remind you that all the hostages were released unharmed.

I believe I have already stated he did not call for the destruction of Isreal or say he was going to build Nukes in this speech. I said it in a earlier post and will not bore everybody by repeating myself.

Hitler is a mad man who killed millions and tried to rule the world. No I do not like or admire hitler.

Now campbell I am a West Virginian through and through and our state motto one that I believe completely is that
"mountaineers are always free."
And we'd fight for that freedom .

Campbell you know full well that I believe that God sends the soul to inhabit the body at the moment of birth, just as he takes the soul at the moment of death. That is biblical. Other wise we'd have millions of frozen souls in fertility clinics around this world. So abortion is not a voting issue for me at all. I know they are just flesh till the moment they are born and God sends the soul. And you and I have talked about this before so you are being a repetitive bore when you go over and over the same things.

And campbell since you are so worried and want all these babies born , yet are against health care for all , would you care to explain how you reconcile those two positions? I'll give you a example . A baby boy is about to be aborted, and the mother changes her mind due to pro life literature , the boy grows and starts college , he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and has no insurance . He will die because he cannot get surgery or the cancer treatments he needs. How do you justify wanting them born and then not caring if they die afterwards? I would like to hear this?

And could I have a link from ABC news showing where Brand new weapons ( your words) are coming from Iran and showing up in Iraq? Not that I do not believe you, but as I said facts are facts and gossip is gossip, I would like proof of what you say, a link please.

Campbell34;39052 wrote:
Wow, this is the same punk that took Americans hostage during the Carter administartion, he is also working overtime to aquire nuke weapons, and he has call for the destruction of Israel. And dreams of a day when America will be no more. I bet you would of loved Hitler. I'm sure if this was back during the revolutionary war you would of been wearing a red coat. And I bet you would support a president who fully supports abortion and vote against one who stopped all late term abortions here in America. That fake Christian you talk about did more to save the life of the unborn then any president this country ever elected. Abortion has killed more children in America than all the wars we have fought. 60 million and counting. Wheres your outrage on that?

And its one thing when American weapons fall into the hands of terrorist yet according to ABC News, brand new weapons fresh from Iranian factories have been seized with manufacturing dates of 2006. This suggests that the material is going directly from Iranian factories to Shia militias, rather than taking a roundabout path through the black market. "There is no way this could be done without Iranian government approval," says a senior official.
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:47 am
92B '

Thank you so much for all these pictures. I had one on my computer and now I have them all.

And by the way lots of evidence exists that the saudis fund terrorism and have being doing so for years. After all 19 of the high jackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.

92b16vx;39055 wrote:
Saudi has funneled millions, if not billions to terrorist organization for decades, and this is Bushs idea of "fighting them no matter where they hide"...




Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:52 am
briansol;38978 wrote:
i was thinking about it.

i was like, damn, now would be a good time for a school shooting. lol

the guy is a joke. i can't believe he honestly thinks there's not a single gay iranian. lol
thank god atleast someone got the point.:patriot:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:53 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;38973 wrote:
what a stupid post :headbang:
back at you:FU1:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:54 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;38979 wrote:
i dont think for one minute he actually thinks iran does not have gay people,its just his strict religous views that do not except it.
Or it could be that they hang gay people over there.
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 04:58 am
92b16vx;39054 wrote:
The U.N. is the most corrupt political body on Earth and should be dissolved, or at the very least completely reformed. I find it ridiculous that people claiming to be patriots cling to resolutions made by an unelected body of corrupt world politicians as a good reason to invade a sovereign, secular country that had nothing to do with terrorist attacks on the U.S.
UN= Useless Nation!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:03 am
wvpeach;39098 wrote:
92B '

Thank you so much for all these pictures. I had one on my computer and now I have them all.

And by the way lots of evidence exists that the saudis fund terrorism and have being doing so for years. After all 19 of the high jackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.
So we sould kick some saudi ass,great i am right there with you:thumbup:
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:28 am
AMERICAFIRST;39104 wrote:
Or it could be that they hang gay people over there.

Google Mathew Shepherd or Michael Sandy....they gay bash people over here. How is one worse than the other?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:30 am
92b16vx;39055 wrote:
Saudi has funneled millions, if not billions to terrorist organization for decades, and this is Bushs idea of "fighting them no matter where they hide"...





Hypocrites and Whores
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2007 05:33 am
Actually I have a solution to the terrorist problem. One that can be accomplished without putting boots on the ground and risking the lives of American soldiers.

First we pull most of our troops out of the middle east, keeping one base say in a place like Kuwait .

Then we announce to the world that should terrorists strike any US target we do a brief investigation to come up with who did it and what country they came from. After which like in the case of Saudi Arabia, we will at a time and place of our choosing be coming to bomb the snot out of them.We intend to kill slightly more than the terrorists managed to kill Americans , but we will also be damaging infrastructure and oil wells when we bomb to hurt their economy.

Can't tell which country hit us. Throw all the terrorist countries in a hat and pick one, then bomb them. With the idea in mind to kill about the same number of people and hopefully government people , but anybody we can get will have to do.

Do this a time or two and we will have no more problems with terrorists in the US. And its biblical for a nation to do this. Eye for a eye tooth for tooth.

AMERICAFIRST;39106 wrote:
So we sould kick some saudi ass,great i am right there with you:thumbup:

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