Where do you think the terrorists that we would be leaving behind would hit us next?
the reality is that we are never going to get EVERY single terrorist. we have killed off a lot which is a good thing but the Iraqis dont have the means to get over here.
Where would you rather fight the terrorists? On foreign or American soil?
obviously foreign but the iraqis are only going to hate the us more and more the longer we stay thier. also since 9/11 we have stopped around 5 attacks in America. And no one from Iraq can even get to america without going through like a 1 hour search
If we leave now the government will crumble. Mass murder will ensue. Will you be responcible for the millions who will lose there live's if we leave
The gorvernment their is not going to work. They can not accept a democracy. Fighting still continues with horrible car explosions. I do, however, agree with you on the mass murder part. But car bombs are still happening and people are still dieing. People died when Sadam was in power, people are dieing when he's not and even after we leave people are going to die. I think Iraq is a lost cause.