@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;53701 wrote:Oh so you admit that you promote fascism?
Hard, mean, Christian nationalism. No more self-destructive liberalism exploited by scumbags, especially those imbedded in waves of immigrant populations. I say fight to keep America
EUROPEAN.My nation is the Greater Christian West. My ancestors and heroes of old are the hard-fighting knights of Christendom, they who kept Europe from becoming pagan during the Dark Ages. Theirs were consecrated campaigns against The Heathen, who counted Mongols and Muslims among their rank and file. While I love America's Founders and their brilliant Lockean, Enlightenment thought realized, the American System today has surrendered to the interests of barbarians, many of whom fully intend to destroy my country when they're finally, totally in charge. The others will assist that demolition, through their invincible ignorance, sloth and moral corruption. I won't fall for their propaganda. I won't surrender.
I will fight to the death. :AR15firing::AR15firing::AR15firing: