Why? Because they treat their women horribly? Because they aren't tolerant of other people's views? Because they value their God over anyone else's? By the way I don't believe that all muslims are like this, so please forgive me if anyone who reads this is offended, if you practice any of these things than I could care less, I agree that our perception of Islamic culture is horrible, but are they really like that? I read books coming from the middle-east, but most of what I can find is simply the oposite view of what I read here, these scholars speak about the american empire and it's methods of conquest, they admit that their culture has flaws, but what are both sides doing to change our stalemate, because that is where we find ourselves in the middle of a war between fundamentalisms, both believe they are right, so where do we go from here? Can either side make a consescion? Would either side want to? One can't simplt ignore the other, globalization has removed any option for isolation, so what do we do? Do we take Pinochet73's advice and attempt to totally destroy Islam, and how much of this war is real and how much is on our heads? Yes there are soldiers dieing on both sides, but who is fighting who? Is it the US against terrorists? or maybe Christianity against Islam? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? That is the problem with reality, good and bad are opinions, and we seem to agree that everyone is entitled to their own, so what is there to do, are we doomed from the get go because we can't agree to what rules we will decide to play the game of life? How long do we have until this system implodes? So what can we agree on? Let us first guarentee the only thing there is no doubt about. Our bodies, we need minimal care to remain alive, we need food, water, and who knows maybe even healthcare. I bet more people die of hunger every year than in the Iraq war. So why don't we all go down the street, find that beggar who we normally ignore and sit next to him, pay him a meals and ask him how he is doing, and what happened to him that he lives on the street. We sympathize for people who are thousands of miles away, hoping to perhaps help them with our words, but those close to us who we could easily help we ignore. Then we judge those who do the same. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Let us give ourselves one, we need it more than those who are bankrupt. How many kids are in foster care? How many people have no access to an education worthy of their wounderful minds that are given to them by whoever you think created man, we are miracles, not balls of fire or magic cures. Take interest, because a person you so kindly sponser will not become these people you so blindly hate, that alone is more than enough reason to help out. We are all so intelligent, so creative, imagine what we could do together, one race above all other diferences, maybe not from the same mother, but from the same origin. We can prepare for an eventual afterlife, but only if we live this one.