I can see it already.....
A schoolchild is returning home from school wearing his swastika-like branded uniform, and he will turn and see a police vehicle screaming out pro-Barack propaganda over the megaphone. The boy hurries home before the 7 o clock curfew begins, punishment being imprisonment if found wandering after it begins.
He gets home, and hugs his parents, and greets his brothers and sisters. The boys family consists of the two parents, one brother, himself, and two sisters, the maximum allowed by the government. They all are watching one of the many government controlled TV stations, all pushing one agenda and one idea. One of these stations being CNN, officially re-branded as the Communist News Network.
The family locks all the doors and windows before retreating into the basement together. The children clear away a mound of socialist reading material, some of the only books not censored or banned, to reveal a makeshift chapel with a chipped statue of The Virgin Mary, and a very old Bible with a broken binding. The basement of their own house is the only place they are able to practice their faith without openly professing it. Obama has banned all religions except Islam, mainly because of his own atheist beliefs and his families background with Islam. After a half hour of prayers, the family returns to watching the television.
This is just a start, I dont have time to finish it but this is pretty much what life will be like if many generations of Barack's and far left nutjobs win.